Jen I'm here but as you know my opinions are unpopular so I keep my mouth shut now. My stance has never changed. But to defend what I believe only causes anger among the posters. But I'll be here like Nuzz hovering and waiting. If you need me I will respond.
Oh Vangie, please...I never insulted you so badly, and guess you forget the first reply I ever gave you and the support and concern I had for your situation 2 years ago. You only remember what I might have said to disagree with you and question what you were trying to say, and yes for spreading gossip here, but I wasn't the only one. Please don't use me as an excuse, I never called you a troll or said a single hateful thing to you. And to be fair, have you ever agreed with my positive comments on Rob or entered into any discussion the gals here have about Rob on a regular basis? Please don't single me out, and use me as your scapegoat, because I called your comment into question a long time ago.
Here you have it Vangie, it was NOT me who ran you off the blog as you insinuated, but comments like this, to quote twilightisnumberone, "tabloid trash speculation" and bringing the BS gossip here. Your opinion about Kristen has been all over the place for some time, and then you're all about believing in forgiveness...a lot of people read that, and now it seems you're once again contradicting yourself. Hope this doesn't make you cry, but you need to own your words and opinion. People do read them and's not instant Twitter where you seem to feel more comfortable.
I don't apologize for disagreeing with your comment/opinion, but do apologize for not using the words "virtual" or "verbal" in slapping you. I would never, ever lift a hand to harm anyone unless in self-defense, or to protect a loved one, child or animal from abuse. I meant no real threat and will choose my words better in the future.
I am NOT going anywhere. Damn it. I love this Blog and some of the posters here and I'll be darn if some of the AH's drives me off. I am here to support Mr. Pattinson and Miss Stewart when a picture is post of them together... we as fans are way too entitled to think that we are allowed to asked question of what he's doing in his private life... whatever glimpse I get of his PL... I'll look at pics and enjoy seeing him his downtime and enjoy his movies and interview like I always do. SCREW anyone else. I am all about Robert Pattinson. My appreciation to all the Mods for their tireless work in keeping this Blog, It's a shame that cause if it's gone we'd miss it.
I am with you. Nobody will run off this Numero Uno Rob fan. I am and will always be his fan. The haters can say whatever they want. It won't change my admiration for Rob. This site is just too good to leave. Thanks Robsessed girls.
I remember Lallie, sometimes I think it's like it's two different people writing her posts. I believe that a couple months ago... she feels that K. would get pregnant...^.^
Mizzz is not supporting an opinion, she wants everybody to stay polite no matter what opinion and no matter who writes it. And she's not alone in this :)
this is hardly an interview setting... there is no reason why anyone, ANYONE should be expected to answer any questions from these people... would you?
"I don't buy any of those mags." But, you do see their pics here, there and everywhere else you look... that pays them, the more hits to the sites, the more their sponsors , the more money the pappz make... the paper mags are going out of business left and right,,, people look here... HERE ONLINE... that is what pays them.
:-) I don't want to leave this blog bb. but it's getting too much for me. Women I should respect, who are actually on my side cuz they are here for Rob, because they love him and want to support him, the joy of this blog with them, that is taken slowly, because I loose my respect for them. I never wanted to talk to trolls. trolls are egomanic, they only come here because of their NEED to be heard. that's that's why they are ugly. and everyone who answers them make them happy ( though I don't think "Guest" above was overstepping any rule here. Not that i agree with her opinion but writing a hate comment sounds different. she does not deserve insults. If I When you read the words asshole, "one day you will be judged by god for your behaviour", STFU,...and that often coming from the "good" people here. I should leave this thread but then the shit happens anyway.
Hi, Honestly I feel really bad for Rob and Kristen they try so hard to be out of the spotlight and the paps are all over the place hunting them down and right in there face..... they deserve to be happy and have a somewhat normal life.... After being at the premier and seeing both Rob and Kristen, you can just see that they are amazing people and that is the word they are people just like us..... They are human being and deserve to be treated as such.... I hope the law passes and the papparazi gets put in there place..... It seems like it gets worse all the time.... Let these 2 have some peace. :)
Dear Mizzz, you know that I think the same way you do. When i see how Rob and Kristen face the insults of the paps and ignore them, I think we all can learn something from them because the strategy is the same: the paps want a reaction so don't give them that satisfaction. Trolls want the same. Question is the definition of "trolls" and here comes each personal interpretation: for some a troll is someone who stirrs the pot while using offensive terms, for others a troll is someone who just doesn't have the same opinion. it is in fact interesting to step back a bit and watch how this community tries to get along with all the different nationalities, cultures and social abilities. We are all the sum of our capacities, good and less good and that makes it easier for me to look at the entire personality of someone. Posters here can make me laugh out loud, can make me a bit jealous because they can be so humorous and funny and joyful and sometimes some of these posters show the same temper in defending what they find necessary to defend. We are not black or white, we are all like fifty shades of grey (in fact the most and even only interesting quote I've read in the Christian Grey trilogy). I think what's most important is that we should be able to say stuff that make people think, without this stuff or the person who said it being judged or condamned or ignored. We can learn so much from each other but personal attacks on the one hand and interpreting things too personally on the other hand aren't the good way to become a solid respectful community. Posters I respect so much, not only for their persona here on the blog but also because of how they live their personal life outside the bubble for the little I know of them, don't lose my respect for them because of opinions they have or stuff they write. I admit that at times I had to swallow and restrain for commenting too emotionally but again, different opinions give stuff to think and rethink. For this blog to be a happy place we all need each other: the funny ones, the more serious ones, the philosophers, the droolers, the defenders, the moderators, but all in respect and acceptation of each others' characteristics. To reach that, we need to have the courage to say things in the knowledge that we won't be judged. You are very needed here Mizzz, because of your moderating capacities and the broad vision you have, so I hope you won't let me down. You know: Rob for all, all for Rob!! LOL
You know you almost made me cry with your comment. So so true. So (i know often said here) wise! and i would wish everyone reads your comment. sadly this thread is dead. you should copy it. ;-) And I do feel everything you said. I know I said things friends of mine might not like, like i do not like what they say, but i love them non the less. and we need them all. except the people who only come here to make trouble though. Thanks bb, I knew it was clever to post my comment in reply to you. I needed your answer. i felt terrible the last day. now it's better :-) P.S.: "in fact the most and even only interesting quote I've read in the Christian Grey trilogy" i did not finish MotU but i agree anyway. lol
As an American citizen and a Nana of eight. I am embarrassed and appalled at the questions shouted at these two young people, Robert & Kristen, as they traveled through our LA airport.
Have we no decency left in the media or so-called journalism????? This was just down right blatant bullyism, for lack of a better description. The Paparazzi Pigs, exploit and bait this young couple. The Pap-Pigs are lo-life, scum-sucking bottom feeders, beyond explanation, as there is no excuse for this.
You will have to forgive me for my "Irish" flaring, but I just can't handle mean people.
I tried to comment the other day, but was unable to with discus. I thought I would calm down with a day of "cooling off period" But I am more furious than before. I have never seen such excepted behavior. Why do we allow this???
Would it hurt us that much to quit buying the magazine's who pay so much for any picture they can get????
I don't watch much tv, so I don't know if any of what we saw from LAX was actually covered on any entertainment channel. But I agree it is a downright shame the way they shouted hateful and rage inciting comments at Rob and Kristen. If ever there was a time when I wish they'd both had their earbuds in and tuning out the world, it was Monday leaving that airport. It looked like Rob was seriously close to his boiling point and I for one cannot blame him. My husband is an easygoing guy, very calm, we never fight and I've never seen him very angry and I've been told that I do not want to. Even MY husband would have decked a few guys for what they said. The brashness shown toward Rob and Kristen was actually scary. Where is the line? Is there even a line anymore? Just how far can these guys go without having to worry about paying a price? I fear they have no stopping point because our government has become so slack on criminals in this country. They hardly deal with murderers and rapists. These guys know that they don't have to worry about getting in trouble. I've signed the petition that is going around the internet against the papparazzi but what good will come of that I do not know. Speaking of of the tweeters who is constantly tweeting about hating the pappz and who was pushing for the petition was the first one to retweet that Rob and Kristen were seen out walking the dogs today. Her retweet went out to her 1000+ followers and so forth and THIS is exactly how the pappz find them in the first place! I refused to retweet her, I sent her a scathing tongue lashing about her actions, and then I unfollowed her. The odds are stacked against them for any privacy as long as they're in LA or NYC or probably anywhere with a population over 500,000 people! I completely agree with you about calming down. Because even now, I find myself enraged at how Kristen and Rob were treated by those pappz. I do not buy any magazines such as those and I won't visit their sites because of what occurred Monday. I feel a tad better. How about you dear? :)
I was a bit worried afterwards that I hadn't expressed myself in a clear enough way but I underestimated your wisdom and intelligence which is unforgivable :)) It was because the thread was as good as dead that I wrote this reply, I'm not looking forward to cause a lot of discussion and misinterpreting and the tone was already emotionally loaded with the pap thing. And yes, not that much posters are not worth the attention, They pop up, do their thing and disappear and that's it. A lot of our friends here are very vocal, that's true, Rob would be in very good hands with them on his side LOL
Oh the good old SD tea! Always so helpful ;) I think I´ll have a cup myself... "Whatever get´s you through the night.... it´s alright, it´s alright :)"
Nah... I don't want to watch it. I've seen how bad they are. I don't hunt the internet. I don't buy trash rags. I don't click on gossip sites. I visit two message boards -- one for comics and Robsessed. I'll let them do the self-editing on what videos/photos they use. I trust these ladies.
I know a couple people who have to deal with paps and it's no fun, but even they acknowledge that their problems are nothing compared to Rob and Kristen. Of course, to be fair, neither are their incomes!
It's pretty common. I remember one time that Pamela Shriver said to a papparazzi that he really ought to try to get a better job. She's right - these guys are working in a scummy industry and I'd love to see it eliminated.
Yeah, and there's even a truth in the statement that this is the price for being in big-budget movies. But despite that.... as a fan, it's still difficult to see Rob suffer through it.
I have to assume that it will die down a little now that Twilight has ended. And chances are they'll break up (no, I'm not saying I want them to, but it's rare that a Hollywood couple stays together these days), and if/when that happens, it will definitely die down. So I have to hope it will get better one way or the other.
Yeah, I don't get it either. Rob has said before that he is "cheap." Maybe he thinks it's worth it to go through 2 minutes of hell to save a few thousand dollars. Actually.... now that I think of it, I would go through that if it made me a few thousand dollars.
Apparently that seems to be the case...I guess if you have tinted windows its a no-now which is sad no respect for the people who are trying to protect their privacy...maybe they should hire someone to take pictures of the papparazi and their familes 24/7 and see how it feels to be harrassed and hounded constantly splash their whole lives all over the web and lie about them. Hmm...I'm just being mean and wish this was possible.
Sorry for late reply but i'm trying to catch up here and there. Try to consider this trmbln...: if everybody would go back into lurkdom, this site would die. Before Robsessed i've been on other fansites with bloggers reporting as much as possible without ever getting feed back or recognition. I think it's not encouraging to see that there are hits but not somebody who actually talks about your work. That's why Robsessed is so popular: It has become a community and therefore it is known by Josh and Rob and others. If we are really appreciative of the work the blog ladies here do, I think we have to stay here through thick and thin, maybe taking a step back for a pause but come back again. I have always regretted regulars who have become like friends on this blog and then leave to continue their friendship by email or twitter or other possibilities. One can do it, but I'd like them not to forget where they got to know each other in the first place. Just saying that I like you and many others to stay here :))
Jen, I so agree with you. I'm gonna copy my reply to trumbl.. 'cause I think and hope you're gonna share my opinion :)
Sorry for late reply but i'm trying to catch up here and there. Try to consider this trmbln...: if everybody would go back into lurkdom, this site would die. Before Robsessed i've been on other fansites with bloggers reporting as much as possible without ever getting feed back or recognition. I think it's not encouraging to see that there are hits but not somebody who actually talks about your work. That's why Robsessed is so popular: It has become a community and therefore it is known by Josh and Rob and others. If we are really appreciative of the work the blog ladies here do, I think we have to stay here through thick and thin, maybe taking a step back for a pause but come back again. I have always regretted regulars who have become like friends on this blog and then leave to continue their friendship by email or twitter or other possibilities. One can do it, but I'd like them not to forget where they got to know each other in the first place. Just saying that I like you and many others to stay here :))
Monique, if I'm gonna stay on this site for another couple of years, I'm gonna be an expert of abbreviations!! It took me a while before I understood what AH's was standing for but I got it. I'm a good student, I'll learn LOL
Dear Bwen, it isn't the first time I read about you're 'unpopular comments' and so. I don't understand this quite well. We here are a bunch of ladies, intelligent as I might say, with a strong personality and strong opinions. These capacities most of us have make this site outstanding and noticed by important people outside like Rob himself, Josh and others. I think I don't exaggerate when I state that most of us agree for 80-90 % of the time. The joyful banters between f.e. you and Jen and the German/Austrian/Danish/Uk ladies and so many more prove my point. The other 10-20% there might be disagreement. Each of us has her own temper, her own vision and while some let it go, others will stand on the barricades to defend their opinions. Sometimes, things get carried away with the support of some and the disagreement of others. I think it is good that people can vent their opinion when they don't feel comfortable with whatever they don't feel comfortable with. When it is done in a respectful way it can deliver stuff to think about, maybe to reconsider one's own opinion. I know a lot of comments, also made by you, made me rethink and question my ideas. More than once i had to admit that the POV's of others were more valuable than mine. Especially when emotions get heated a bit, it's good that there are also other opinions that have a counterbalancing effect. We all make the comment boards what they are: most of times pretty, sometimes not pleasant but all of us, commenters, play our part in it, not the blog ladies. We just need to take care that we all respect different opinions, rh
To finish my sentence: that we are sure of each other that different opinions doesn't mean less appreciation of each other. Thats what, in fact, i'm trying to say (using too much words *sigh*). Disagreement or different opinions may not play a part at all in the way we look at a person. I respect you so much, I admire you for the way you handle your personal situation (the little I know of). That I might disagree at times, doesn't change one bit and never will. On the contrary, it makes me put my own thoughts into perspective and therefore I'm grateful to those who disagree with me. I think a pause at times can be useful but commenters like you and others are needed here. it's the best "thank you" we can give to Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde. The few who come here to stirr the pot may not get what they want. Big hug!
I am such a clums! I had put the wrong butten before I had finished my comment and than I have replied to myself to continue. I hope you can find some coherence in what I've written! :))
To finish my sentence: that we are sure of each other that different opinions doesn't mean less appreciation of each other. Thats what, in fact, i'm trying to say (using too much words *sigh*). Disagreement or different opinions may not play a part at all in the way we look at a person. I respect you so much, I admire you for the way you handle your personal situation (the little I know of). That I might disagree at times, doesn't change one bit and never will. On the contrary, it makes me put my own thoughts into perspective and therefore I'm grateful to those who disagree with me. I think a pause at times can be useful but commenters like you and others are needed here. it's the best "thank you" we can give to Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde. The few who come here to stirr the pot may not get what they want. Big hug!
BB, just wanted to tell you how much I like what you wrote in your recent comments! You are so right, it's the same way I see it, I wouldn't want to loose all the precious friendships here.... WE are the blog, so let's not chicken out and shape it as a Robsessed-Community with all the different individual opinions :-)
BB, just wanted to tell you how much I like what you wrote in your recent comments! You are so right, it's the same way I see it, I wouldn't want to loose all the precious friendships here.... WE are the blog, so let's not chicken out and shape it as a Robsessed-Community with all the different individual opinions :-)
BB thank you for expressing this so perfectly, I think the same way :) The exchanges and friendships are what is important for me too and I really appreciate (most of)the inspiring threads the mods provide for us ( I personally need not see pap vids or pictures e.g....). I too think that the well meaning, respectful commenters are the majority here. It is sad when a thread gets out of hand though. It is almost predictabel from the topic the thread is about... As you probably noticed I rarely go there because for one my RL already provides enough challege and I come here for positive feelings ;) second I hardly ever saw a positive outcome of an arguing there. The commenters in question are looking for a platform - and unfortunately they get it.... I admire the courage and eloquence how some are swinging their sword here to defend the blog´s friendly atmosphere, but unfortunately I could not see any success in it. It only leads to a ping pong match of verbal attacs and leaves behind hurted feelings in the end. So I really hope that the lovely, funny, inspiring.... conversations/friendships with so many here on the blog will continue - I get much joy out of it and for that I´m very thankful.
I'm quite fine, thanks, hope you are too. It's very cold here, and since thursday we have snow again and again, but it doesn't stay until now, the Baltic sea is still too warm, but it's really GlĂĽhweinwetter, you know, so if I manage I'm going to our Weihnachtsmarkt tomorrow ... and after that BD2 again :-))) Yes, we are very busy at the mo... many X-Mas-parties at the house...
hmmm... ;-) I enjoy Francisco and could see having him as a life-long friend, but I was a Galt girl. ANd I felt Dagney's personality needed to bond with his, rather than with Francisco's. But I appreciate your answer and your perspective. :-)
I'm not going anywhere bb. I'm a die hard part of Rob's One Percent...I'm completely and thoroughly ROBsessed. I'll be right here when Jesus comes back. Even then I'll probably ask him if I can finish what I'm typing. lol jk...I mean no offense. that was just an attempt at humor by someone with a pounding chillax ;D
Glad to read that, Jennifer. Me too, I belong to the One Percent Club! I might not comment as often as a lot of you, but when someone is not around for a while I most of time notice and start worrying :). Now that we here are recognized by the Man himself as his biggest international community, it is our responsibility to maintain the free spirit of the site. Tough, I know but we will overcome LOL
Thanks, whence. I like your "swinging their sword" because that's a nice image. Unfortunately, while I understand and appreciate the attempts, it often is an exhausting fight with no end in sight. I also like what Olive wrote to me: WE are the blog and that is very true. In fact WE decide wether the comments will be mostly nice or not. It's a learning process and each of us will have to chose what to do best: participate on a thread that risks to degenerate or, like you do, let it be and move on to another thread. It's easier too to understand that not all of the convo's can be funny and nice. Often, when I read comments, I don't agree but who am I to say they're wrong as long as they're not insulting? So I let it be. In a way I can also see why this site shows pap pics as long as they're not intrusive. I have the idea that the blogladies were a bit more reserved a few years back and you know what happened? Posters, also regulars, were talking about pics they saw on other sites (often Robstenation) and in fact advising people to visit other sites to watch what Robsessed didn't show. I remember Gozde stating once her disapproval and she was right.
But, I read a very funny, saucy convo here on another thread, so everything's well in the bubble.:))
Hi bb! Absolutely YES to : we are the blog!!! So true.... I think that the different opinions in fact are kind of the spice of conversations and also a mirror or RL. We can learn so much from each other and adjust our own pov. I can understand your argument with the pap´s vids and pictures on other sites but I personally am feeling more and more uncomfortable... maybe a verbal report about what happened and maybe a link would suffice? And I read yesterdays convo too ;)
Another reason why Robsessed post the pics is to avoid that many are gonna visit the pap site and give them hits and by that way feed the "hunger" for more pics. I'm not naive, though many complain, I'm quite sure that a lot would go and see the vids or pics, we're only human and humans are curious :) But yes, it feels uncomfortable. On the other hand I really have trust in Rob and Kristen that it bothers them for the seconds they have to endure them and then they're occupied with more important things, they don't give the paps more thoughts than they deserve. Since the intrusive ones (that was a real shame) and the reaction of their lawyers, they gave a message to the paps and I hope the latter have understood. Btw I really enjoyed reading the funny convo between Robdicted, Mizzz, Nuzz, RA, you and others yesterday. It was like: "everything's fine again, everything will always be fine again" LOL After rain comes sunshine and after sunshine comes rain, that's why we can enjoy and detest both!
Thank you bb it makes me think.... ;))) And yes it is was I love the most here, when out of the blue some posters meet and funny and smart and sometimes DR worthy convos get strated. Some even will be remembered as classics...
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 311 of 311 Newer› Newest»where is kristen bag? she just have yellow bag?
110% AGREE!!!
They don't have crap like this in France. Somebodies ass will get arrested. The U.S. need to take note and PROTECT their celebs better then that.
Jen I'm here but as you know my opinions are unpopular so I keep my mouth shut now. My stance has never changed. But to defend what I believe only causes anger among the posters. But I'll be here like Nuzz hovering and waiting. If you need me I will respond.
I don't watch that show, so I don't know what they say about Rob.
Oh Vangie, please...I never insulted you so badly, and guess you forget the first reply I ever gave you and the support and concern I had for your situation 2 years ago. You only remember what I might have said to disagree with you and question what you were trying to say, and yes for spreading gossip here, but I wasn't the only one. Please don't use me as an excuse, I never called you a troll or said a single hateful thing to you. And to be fair, have you ever agreed with my positive comments on Rob or entered into any discussion the gals here have about Rob on a regular basis? Please don't single me out, and use me as your scapegoat, because I called your comment into question a long time ago.
Here you have it Vangie, it was NOT me who ran you off the blog as you insinuated, but comments like this, to quote twilightisnumberone, "tabloid trash speculation" and bringing the BS gossip here. Your opinion about Kristen has been all over the place for some time, and then you're all about believing in forgiveness...a lot of people read that, and now it seems you're once again contradicting yourself. Hope this doesn't make you cry, but you need to own your words and opinion. People do read them and's not instant Twitter where you seem to feel more comfortable.
I don't apologize for disagreeing with your comment/opinion, but do apologize for not using the words "virtual" or "verbal" in slapping you. I would never, ever lift a hand to harm anyone unless in self-defense, or to protect a loved one, child or animal from abuse. I meant no real threat and will choose my words better in the future.
I am NOT going anywhere. Damn it. I love this Blog and some of the posters here and I'll be darn if some of the AH's drives me off. I am here to support Mr. Pattinson and Miss Stewart when a picture is post of them together... we as fans are way too entitled to think that we are allowed to asked question of what he's doing in his private life... whatever glimpse I get of his PL... I'll look at pics and enjoy seeing him his downtime and enjoy his movies and interview like I always do. SCREW anyone else. I am all about Robert Pattinson. My appreciation to all the Mods for their tireless work in keeping this Blog, It's a shame that cause if it's gone we'd miss it.
I am with you. Nobody will run off this Numero Uno Rob fan. I am and will always be his fan. The haters can say whatever they want. It won't change my admiration for Rob. This site is just too good to leave. Thanks Robsessed girls.
Agreed... it's all about Mr. P.
I remember Lallie, sometimes I think it's like it's two different people writing her posts. I believe that a couple months ago... she feels that K. would get pregnant...^.^
Mizzz is not supporting an opinion, she wants everybody to stay polite no matter what opinion and no matter who writes it. And she's not alone in this :)
Wow, Mizzz, a bit of a temper? LOL
LMAO this actually made me laugh. Kudos. :):)
Apology accepted. ;)
this is hardly an interview setting... there is no reason why anyone, ANYONE should be expected to answer any questions from these people... would you?
"I don't buy any of those mags." But, you do see their pics here, there and everywhere else you look... that pays them, the more hits to the sites, the more their sponsors , the more money the pappz make... the paper mags are going out of business left and right,,, people look here...
HERE ONLINE... that is what pays them.
you're funny...
but kinda sad too.
:-) I don't want to leave this blog bb. but it's getting too much for me. Women I should respect, who are actually on my side cuz they are here for Rob, because they love him and want to support him, the joy of this blog with them, that is taken slowly, because I loose my respect for them. I never wanted to talk to trolls. trolls are egomanic, they only come here because of their NEED to be heard. that's that's why they are ugly. and everyone who answers them make them happy ( though I don't think "Guest" above was overstepping any rule here. Not that i agree with her opinion but writing a hate comment sounds different. she does not deserve insults. If I When you read the words asshole, "one day you will be judged by god for your behaviour", STFU,...and that often coming from the "good" people here. I should leave this thread but then the shit happens anyway.
Hi, Honestly I feel really bad for Rob and Kristen they try so hard to be out of the spotlight and the paps are all over the place hunting them down and right in there face..... they deserve to be happy and have a somewhat normal life.... After being at the premier and seeing both Rob and Kristen, you can just see that they are amazing people and that is the word they are people just like us..... They are human being and deserve to be treated as such.... I hope the law passes and the papparazi gets put in there place..... It seems like it gets worse all the time.... Let these 2 have some peace. :)
loving your words <3
Thank you, I honestly believe they deserve what I wrote.....
As do I. It is nice to know we aren't alone in that. I hope the law steps in before someone else gets hurt or killed.
Dear Mizzz, you know that I think the same way you do. When i see how Rob and Kristen face the insults of the paps and ignore them, I think we all can learn something from them because the strategy is the same: the paps want a reaction so don't give them that satisfaction. Trolls want the same. Question is the definition of "trolls" and here comes each personal interpretation: for some a troll is someone who stirrs the pot while using offensive terms, for others a troll is someone who just doesn't have the same opinion. it is in fact interesting to step back a bit and watch how this community tries to get along with all the different nationalities, cultures and social abilities. We are all the sum of our capacities, good and less good and that makes it easier for me to look at the entire personality of someone. Posters here can make me laugh out loud, can make me a bit jealous because they can be so humorous and funny and joyful and sometimes some of these posters show the same temper in defending what they find necessary to defend. We are not black or white, we are all like fifty shades of grey (in fact the most and even only interesting quote I've read in the Christian Grey trilogy).
I think what's most important is that we should be able to say stuff that make people think, without this stuff or the person who said it being judged or condamned or ignored. We can learn so much from each other but personal attacks on the one hand and interpreting things too personally on the other hand aren't the good way to become a solid respectful community. Posters I respect so much, not only for their persona here on the blog but also because of how they live their personal life outside the bubble for the little I know of them, don't lose my respect for them because of opinions they have or stuff they write. I admit that at times I had to swallow and restrain for commenting too emotionally but again, different opinions give stuff to think and rethink.
For this blog to be a happy place we all need each other: the funny ones, the more serious ones, the philosophers, the droolers, the defenders, the moderators, but all in respect and acceptation of each others' characteristics. To reach that, we need to have the courage to say things in the knowledge that we won't be judged.
You are very needed here Mizzz, because of your moderating capacities and the broad vision you have, so I hope you won't let me down. You know: Rob for all, all for Rob!! LOL
This is such a great comment bb! Thank you!!!! :))))
You know you almost made me cry with your comment. So so true. So (i know often said here) wise! and i would wish everyone reads your comment. sadly this thread is dead. you should copy it. ;-) And I do feel everything you said. I know I said things friends of mine might not like, like i do not like what they say, but i love them non the less. and we need them all. except the people who only come here to make trouble though. Thanks bb, I knew it was clever to post my comment in reply to you. I needed your answer. i felt terrible the last day. now it's better :-) P.S.: "in fact the most and even only interesting quote I've read in the Christian Grey trilogy" i did not finish MotU but i agree anyway. lol
(> " " <)
( ='o'= )
RFA and AFR ...with respect Beanie :-D
inner eye corner right? i'm sure it is included,
LOL, always! ;)
As an American citizen and a Nana of eight. I am embarrassed and appalled at the questions shouted at these two young people, Robert & Kristen, as they traveled through our LA airport.
Have we no decency left in the media or so-called journalism????? This was just down right blatant bullyism, for lack of a better description. The Paparazzi Pigs, exploit and bait this young couple. The Pap-Pigs are lo-life, scum-sucking bottom feeders, beyond explanation, as there is no excuse for this.
You will have to forgive me for my "Irish" flaring, but I just can't handle mean people.
I tried to comment the other day, but was unable to with discus. I thought I would calm down with a day of "cooling off period" But I am more furious than before. I have never seen such excepted behavior. Why do we allow this???
Would it hurt us that much to quit buying the magazine's who pay so much for any picture they can get????
I don't watch much tv, so I don't know if any of what we saw from LAX was actually covered on any entertainment channel. But I agree it is a downright shame the way they shouted hateful and rage inciting comments at Rob and Kristen. If ever there was a time when I wish they'd both had their earbuds in and tuning out the world, it was Monday leaving that airport. It looked like Rob was seriously close to his boiling point and I for one cannot blame him. My husband is an easygoing guy, very calm, we never fight and I've never seen him very angry and I've been told that I do not want to. Even MY husband would have decked a few guys for what they said.
The brashness shown toward Rob and Kristen was actually scary. Where is the line? Is there even a line anymore? Just how far can these guys go without having to worry about paying a price? I fear they have no stopping point because our government has become so slack on criminals in this country. They hardly deal with murderers and rapists. These guys know that they don't have to worry about getting in trouble. I've signed the petition that is going around the internet against the papparazzi but what good will come of that I do not know.
Speaking of of the tweeters who is constantly tweeting about hating the pappz and who was pushing for the petition was the first one to retweet that Rob and Kristen were seen out walking the dogs today. Her retweet went out to her 1000+ followers and so forth and THIS is exactly how the pappz find them in the first place! I refused to retweet her, I sent her a scathing tongue lashing about her actions, and then I unfollowed her.
The odds are stacked against them for any privacy as long as they're in LA or NYC or probably anywhere with a population over 500,000 people!
I completely agree with you about calming down. Because even now, I find myself enraged at how Kristen and Rob were treated by those pappz. I do not buy any magazines such as those and I won't visit their sites because of what occurred Monday. I feel a tad better. How about you dear? :)
Spot on Jen and EdwardsNana
The paps have said things to Rob when he isn't with Kristen to. Maybe TMZ gives Rob a free pass, but that doesn't apply to all the paps unfortunately.
Oh Jennifer, you made my evening. DITTO!!! DITTO!!!! DITTO!!!! Thank you dear.....
Thanks bwen................
You are the best LG
With the little help of a cup of SD tea, I can become inspired!! LOL
I was a bit worried afterwards that I hadn't expressed myself in a clear enough way but I underestimated your wisdom and intelligence which is unforgivable :))
It was because the thread was as good as dead that I wrote this reply, I'm not looking forward to cause a lot of discussion and misinterpreting and the tone was already emotionally loaded with the pap thing. And yes, not that much posters are not worth the attention, They pop up, do their thing and disappear and that's it. A lot of our friends here are very vocal, that's true, Rob would be in very good hands with them on his side LOL
*wink* :)
Oh the good old SD tea! Always so helpful ;) I think I´ll have a cup myself... "Whatever get´s you through the night.... it´s alright, it´s alright :)"
I love his sunglasses. Anybody know the brand?
It's always a joy to open Robsessed and see a new banner!!
It's a sad business, the way the paps work.
Nah... I don't want to watch it. I've seen how bad they are. I don't hunt the internet. I don't buy trash rags. I don't click on gossip sites. I visit two message boards -- one for comics and Robsessed. I'll let them do the self-editing on what videos/photos they use. I trust these ladies.
What Q & A?
It's beautiful!!
I think the only solution would be if Rob would get his own private jet and private hangar and private entrance to the airport!
I know a couple people who have to deal with paps and it's no fun, but even they acknowledge that their problems are nothing compared to Rob and Kristen. Of course, to be fair, neither are their incomes!
It's a good length right now. Yummy.
I would love to see more legislation limiting what the paps can do.
Like I said above, I would love to see more legislation limiting what the paps can do.
Maybe there are laws about tinted windows in California?
It's pretty common. I remember one time that Pamela Shriver said to a papparazzi that he really ought to try to get a better job. She's right - these guys are working in a scummy industry and I'd love to see it eliminated.
Yeah, and there's even a truth in the statement that this is the price for being in big-budget movies. But despite that.... as a fan, it's still difficult to see Rob suffer through it.
LOL - best comment on the thread.
I'd support a law like that.
Like I said above, I would love to see more legislation limiting what the paps can do.
I have to assume that it will die down a little now that Twilight has ended. And chances are they'll break up (no, I'm not saying I want them to, but it's rare that a Hollywood couple stays together these days), and if/when that happens, it will definitely die down. So I have to hope it will get better one way or the other.
ROFL - Baby Robsten :D
Great post. I would love to see that type of law.
Paps like this are really sad. :(
It does look like something out of a horror movie! Or worse!
I don't think people realize the damage they do with Twitter.
Rob has said he doesn't like airports. Now we see why.
So true. Celebrity comes with a horrible price.
I'm pretty sure the paps are awful to celebrities no matter what is going on in their life. So no, this is only the fault of the paps.
Ugh... as a journalist myself, please PLEASE do not use the word journalist to describe the paps. :(
Is that the result of Princess Diana's death?
It just emphasizes how great they are. Kristen used to flip off the paps, but that only made them happy, I think.
We should start a petition to the governor of California or something.
Yeah, the cheering is like icing on the disgusting cake.
What necklace? Is there a reason we should care?
Yeah, I don't get it either. Rob has said before that he is "cheap." Maybe he thinks it's worth it to go through 2 minutes of hell to save a few thousand dollars. Actually.... now that I think of it, I would go through that if it made me a few thousand dollars.
Absolutely disgusting what the paps did to them. It should be against the law! They should leave LA and never return.
New York Times - in August - with David Cronenberg, while promoting Cosmopolis.
Apparently that seems to be the case...I guess if you have tinted windows its a no-now which is sad no respect for the people who are trying to protect their privacy...maybe they should hire someone to take pictures of the papparazi and their familes 24/7 and see how it feels to be harrassed and hounded constantly splash their whole lives all over the web and lie about them. Hmm...I'm just being mean and wish this was possible.
Van, please forgive me. Truly, I beg your pardon. I should have never have called these maggots/Paparazzi Pigs.................... journalists.
Sorry for late reply but i'm trying to catch up here and there. Try to consider this trmbln...: if everybody would go back into lurkdom, this site would die. Before Robsessed i've been on other fansites with bloggers reporting as much as possible without ever getting feed back or recognition. I think it's not encouraging to see that there are hits but not somebody who actually talks about your work. That's why Robsessed is so popular: It has become a community and therefore it is known by Josh and Rob and others. If we are really appreciative of the work the blog ladies here do, I think we have to stay here through thick and thin, maybe taking a step back for a pause but come back again. I have always regretted regulars who have become like friends on this blog and then leave to continue their friendship by email or twitter or other possibilities. One can do it, but I'd like them not to forget where they got to know each other in the first place. Just saying that I like you and many others to stay here :))
Jen, I so agree with you. I'm gonna copy my reply to trumbl.. 'cause I think and hope you're gonna share my opinion :)
Sorry for late reply but i'm trying to catch up here and there. Try to consider this trmbln...: if everybody would go back into lurkdom, this site would die. Before Robsessed i've been on other fansites with bloggers reporting as much as possible without ever getting feed back or recognition. I think it's not encouraging to see that there are hits but not somebody who actually talks about your work. That's why Robsessed is so popular: It has become a community and therefore it is known by Josh and Rob and others. If we are really appreciative of the work the blog ladies here do, I think we have to stay here through thick and thin, maybe taking a step back for a pause but come back again. I have always regretted regulars who have become like friends on this blog and then leave to continue their friendship by email or twitter or other possibilities. One can do it, but I'd like them not to forget where they got to know each other in the first place. Just saying that I like you and many others to stay here :))
Monique, if I'm gonna stay on this site for another couple of years, I'm gonna be an expert of abbreviations!! It took me a while before I understood what AH's was standing for but I got it. I'm a good student, I'll learn LOL
Dear Bwen, it isn't the first time I read about you're 'unpopular comments' and so. I don't understand this quite well. We here are a bunch of ladies, intelligent as I might say, with a strong personality and strong opinions. These capacities most of us have make this site outstanding and noticed by important people outside like Rob himself, Josh and others. I think I don't exaggerate when I state that most of us agree for 80-90 % of the time. The joyful banters between f.e. you and Jen and the German/Austrian/Danish/Uk ladies and so many more prove my point. The other 10-20% there might be disagreement. Each of us has her own temper, her own vision and while some let it go, others will stand on the barricades to defend their opinions. Sometimes, things get carried away with the support of some and the disagreement of others. I think it is good that people can vent their opinion when they don't feel comfortable with whatever they don't feel comfortable with. When it is done in a respectful way it can deliver stuff to think about, maybe to reconsider one's own opinion. I know a lot of comments, also made by you, made me rethink and question my ideas. More than once i had to admit that the POV's of others were more valuable than mine. Especially when emotions get heated a bit, it's good that there are also other opinions that have a counterbalancing effect.
We all make the comment boards what they are: most of times pretty, sometimes not pleasant but all of us, commenters, play our part in it, not the blog ladies. We just need to take care that we all respect different opinions, rh
Jezus, I've put the wrong button!!
To finish my sentence: that we are sure of each other that different opinions doesn't mean less appreciation of each other.
Thats what, in fact, i'm trying to say (using too much words *sigh*). Disagreement or different opinions may not play a part at all in the way we look at a person. I respect you so much, I admire you for the way you handle your personal situation (the little I know of). That I might disagree at times, doesn't change one bit and never will. On the contrary, it makes me put my own thoughts into perspective and therefore I'm grateful to those who disagree with me.
I think a pause at times can be useful but commenters like you and others are needed here. it's the best "thank you" we can give to Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde. The few who come here to stirr the pot may not get what they want. Big hug!
I am such a clums! I had put the wrong butten before I had finished my comment and than I have replied to myself to continue. I hope you can find some coherence in what I've written! :))
To finish my sentence: that we are sure of each other that different opinions doesn't mean less appreciation of each other.
Thats what, in fact, i'm trying to say (using too much words *sigh*). Disagreement or different opinions may not play a part at all in the way we look at a person. I respect you so much, I admire you for the way you handle your personal situation (the little I know of). That I might disagree at times, doesn't change one bit and never will. On the contrary, it makes me put my own thoughts into perspective and therefore I'm grateful to those who disagree with me.
I think a pause at times can be useful but commenters like you and others are needed here. it's the best "thank you" we can give to Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde. The few who come here to stirr the pot may not get what they want. Big hug!
BB, just wanted to tell you how much I like what you wrote in your recent comments! You are so right, it's the same way I see it, I wouldn't want to loose all the precious friendships here.... WE are the blog, so let's not chicken out and shape it as a Robsessed-Community with all the different individual opinions :-)
BB, just wanted to tell you how much I like what you wrote in your recent comments! You are so right, it's the same way I see it, I wouldn't want to loose all the precious friendships here.... WE are the blog, so let's not chicken out and shape it as a Robsessed-Community with all the different individual opinions :-)
BB thank you for expressing this so perfectly, I think the same way :) The exchanges and friendships are what is important for me too and I really appreciate (most of)the inspiring threads the mods provide for us ( I personally need not see pap vids or pictures e.g....). I too think that the well meaning, respectful commenters are the majority here. It is sad when a thread gets out of hand though. It is almost predictabel from the topic the thread is about... As you probably noticed I rarely go there because for one my RL already provides enough challege and I come here for positive feelings ;) second I hardly ever saw a positive outcome of an arguing there. The commenters in question are looking for a platform - and unfortunately they get it.... I admire the courage and eloquence how some are swinging their sword here to defend the blog´s friendly atmosphere, but unfortunately I could not see any success in it. It only leads to a ping pong match of verbal attacs and leaves behind hurted feelings in the end.
So I really hope that the lovely, funny, inspiring.... conversations/friendships with so many here on the blog will continue - I get much joy out of it and for that I´m very thankful.
I like what you say!!!
Hi Whence, I can only agree with you!
Just wrote the same back to you... lol :-)
We are so in sync.... LOL ;))) How are you? Busy or ok? Is it cold too in your place? We have a bit snow again...
I'm quite fine, thanks, hope you are too. It's very cold here, and since thursday we have snow again and again, but it doesn't stay until now, the Baltic sea is still too warm, but it's really GlĂĽhweinwetter, you know, so if I manage I'm going to our Weihnachtsmarkt tomorrow ... and after that BD2 again :-)))
Yes, we are very busy at the mo... many X-Mas-parties at the house...
GlĂĽhwein sounds good ;) and BD2 even better!!!! So take care and keep warm :-)
Hi Olive ;-)) It is really cold and snowy here too ! Gluhwein sounds it is called Gløgg ! ;-)
I'll try to... I was freezing all day :-/
Hi Lotte, my hubby made a GlĂĽhwein today... BEST GlĂĽhwein ever, it defrosted me for a short time :-))
Hot bath?
That sounds really good!! I think I'll go for that! Had a long day, so see ya :-)
hmmm... ;-) I enjoy Francisco and could see having him as a life-long friend, but I was a Galt girl. ANd I felt Dagney's personality needed to bond with his, rather than with Francisco's. But I appreciate your answer and your perspective. :-)
I'm not going anywhere bb. I'm a die hard part of Rob's One Percent...I'm completely and thoroughly ROBsessed. I'll be right here when Jesus comes back. Even then I'll probably ask him if I can finish what I'm typing. lol
jk...I mean no offense. that was just an attempt at humor by someone with a pounding chillax ;D
You are not the only one that's learning new meaning to abbreviations... Google is the best. lol
Glad to read that, Jennifer. Me too, I belong to the One Percent Club! I might not comment as often as a lot of you, but when someone is not around for a while I most of time notice and start worrying :). Now that we here are recognized by the Man himself as his biggest international community, it is our responsibility to maintain the free spirit of the site. Tough, I know but we will overcome LOL
Thanks, whence. I like your "swinging their sword" because that's a nice image. Unfortunately, while I understand and appreciate the attempts, it often is an exhausting fight with no end in sight. I also like what Olive wrote to me: WE are the blog and that is very true. In fact WE decide wether the comments will be mostly nice or not. It's a learning process and each of us will have to chose what to do best: participate on a thread that risks to degenerate or, like you do, let it be and move on to another thread. It's easier too to understand that not all of the convo's can be funny and nice. Often, when I read comments, I don't agree but who am I to say they're wrong as long as they're not insulting? So I let it be.
In a way I can also see why this site shows pap pics as long as they're not intrusive. I have the idea that the blogladies were a bit more reserved a few years back and you know what happened? Posters, also regulars, were talking about pics they saw on other sites (often Robstenation) and in fact advising people to visit other sites to watch what Robsessed didn't show. I remember Gozde stating once her disapproval and she was right.
But, I read a very funny, saucy convo here on another thread, so everything's well in the bubble.:))
Hi bb! Absolutely YES to : we are the blog!!! So true.... I think that the different opinions in fact are kind of the spice of conversations and also a mirror or RL. We can learn so much from each other and adjust our own pov.
I can understand your argument with the pap´s vids and pictures on other sites but I personally am feeling more and more uncomfortable... maybe a verbal report about what happened and maybe a link would suffice? And I read yesterdays convo too ;)
Another reason why Robsessed post the pics is to avoid that many are gonna visit the pap site and give them hits and by that way feed the "hunger" for more pics. I'm not naive, though many complain, I'm quite sure that a lot would go and see the vids or pics, we're only human and humans are curious :) But yes, it feels uncomfortable. On the other hand I really have trust in Rob and Kristen that it bothers them for the seconds they have to endure them and then they're occupied with more important things, they don't give the paps more thoughts than they deserve. Since the intrusive ones (that was a real shame) and the reaction of their lawyers, they gave a message to the paps and I hope the latter have understood.
Btw I really enjoyed reading the funny convo between Robdicted, Mizzz, Nuzz, RA, you and others yesterday. It was like: "everything's fine again, everything will always be fine again" LOL After rain comes sunshine and after sunshine comes rain, that's why we can enjoy and detest both!
Thank you bb it makes me think.... ;))) And yes it is was I love the most here, when out of the blue some posters meet and funny and smart and sometimes DR worthy convos get strated. Some even will be remembered as classics...
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