so do these pappz just camp out at LAX waiting for them or are they tipped off by airport employees or others on their flight? it's just gut wrenching to know that this is something they have to deal with on damn near a daily basis. I feel for them actually. yes, they have fame, wealth, looks, their health ... they seem to have it all. . . but they don't. js
All they had to do was find out which flight they were on (easily done by matching departure times and airports of arrival) and wait for the plane to land. They're a walking target whenever they use any of the main airlines...
There should be some form of local legislation to force the paps to stand outside and forbid them to enter the airports buildings.
AHHHHHH!!!! New Banner that almost made me fall outta my chair, hit my head and forget about Robsessed! WOMAN! a little warning on twitter would be nice~!~! LOL do i like??? yes...yes I do!!! :DDD
I couldn't agree more~! instead of government passing dumb shit laws that only matter to those lobbied and spent the most money to get them passed, their time would be better spent doing something of importance. And IMO, this would definitely fall into that category. If a man still drew a pistol and shot down anyone talking about his woman like these guys did, I guarantee you they'd try to do something about it THEN!
What kills me is that I can barely walk through the door of the airport with a toothpick or raise my voice too loudly without getting death glares from security and TSA. But, somehow this pack of parasitic fuckers is allowed to create a near riot, screaming all manner of obscenities and harassing and molesting passengers and the general public. How the hell does this go on?
at the risk of being arrested for a false report, the fandom should call the cops and report overheard threats of blowing up shit where these mob/pappz congregate ... it would be funny to see them go all swat team on their asses and accidentally/on purpose break some of those cameras! :P
This has got to be the most insane stuff I have ever seen. These two kids, (I can call them that...I am much much older), need to settle somewhere else beside California. Their relationship would have a better chance of surviving.
OMGYES!!! have a bunch of people start taking pictures of THEM and post THEIR faces all over the internet! See how they like being on the other side of the flashbulb...wouldn't hurt that ppl would know them even without their camera (probably sleep with their cameras tho) and flip them off on a daily basis! "That's for Rob and Kristen you MOFO!" lol
I'm so disgusted by this, I don't know how can they deal with it, I want to punch, kick f... that guy screaming like that, grrrrr and at the end of the video the cheer and clap, like a a effing well done job, is so sad, something can do something, this is out of control...
What a disgrace that in our free country this is what our "free" paparazzi choose to do !!! I, as an American, am appalled, that we have no laws to protect ALL people from this , including our celebrities. It does remind me of Princess Di. This was soooo sad to watch, I can't even imagine how sad it is to endure. Why doesn't their union - SAG ,etc.- do something about it ? I hope Rob knows his true, loyal fans are truly disgusted by this behavior.
This is an excellent idea! I can see a group of people with cameras and very very big and blinding flashes surrounding Rob and Kristen in a circle so that they are kind of in the (calm) eye of the storm.....
It must be purgatory having to go through all that fuss every time they go though LA Airport - I like the idea of posting pics of the paps everywhere, and I like that Rob and Kristen never give them one crumb!
I saw BD2 for the 4th time last night in Nottingham - quite a few there, mostly females but a few guys. Interesting to watch others' reactions to Alice's vision - nowhere near riotous as when I went to the Marathon last week - it was uproar, with people screaming, crying, sobbing at the apparent loss of Carlisle and Jasper. Huge cheers when Aro and Jane were killed!
By the way, love the banner - thanks so much - I have a big collection of these on my pc but I just discovered you can use them as wallpaper - Rob, you are so gorgeous I could eat you on a spoon, I really could xxxx
Saying that she'll cheat on Rob again isn't an insult. It's a fair comment given how she's done it before. To Michael with Rob and to Rob with Rupert. Who's next?
How annoying it must be to have the paps in your face all the time. I would hate being famous. It's good that they have each other. I wish they could be left alone.
That sounds good! R&K what are you waiting for to try it out? I imagine Rob holding them like the flame thrower in the MTV persiflage with Tom C., wearing sunglasses, bad ass.....
Oh that's ok then - they were surrounded by men clicking away I would imagine it was pretty scarey but as long as they asked valid questions they're excused of their behaviour.
then so called 'reporters' write about how Mad they look!? How their relationship is in trouble based on how they walk!?! its just so Dumb. Someone needs to start a 'magazine' where the Pappz are Followed, I'll bet there is at least 10-20% of the pappz are on Someones Most Wanted/Dead Beat Parents/Sex offenders. Oh thats it...Follow Sex Offenders around 24/7 Maybe then the pappz will do some good! ....On the other hand is there EVER been a Bad pic of Rob? Thank you God for the Gift of Rob! Now go make a Baby Robsten! Hurry!! LOL
I've seen some nasty pap behavior I don't condone that. What I'm saying is that there are things that they're saying that are fair points. You can't deny that.
it is an insult to Rob and Kristen because the pap doesnt know them personally....and it's also an accusation. How do you know Kristen cheated on Michael with Rob? Do you have the proof?
The only reason they were asking those questions was to get a reaction - nothing more. I'm never going to agree with aggressive questioning - so you and me will have to agree to disagree I'm afraid.
Its a good thing they don't have to fly everyday. They should consider using a different airport, it might be less convinent but less paps might be worth it.
Yeah, that made me wonder to, its obvious their not there to get on a flight or have any reason to be there, so why can they get away with it. When a regular citizen would be escorted out or arrested, for making the scenes they do harrassing celebs, just trying to get in and out of the airport, like anyone else.
That was disgusting and how they keep their cool is beyond me - those papparazzi are so rude - it shouldnt be allowed. On a lighter note - I love the new Banner and thanks for so many lovely pictures up there :-)
They can't let the paps win and drive them from the place they want to be. Like Rob said, he's trying to find a way to take some of the power back, when it feels like its been taken away.
Your right, the paps are just trying to get them to react in a negative way in hopes of getting their big payday. Since their lossing their big selling story. The paps are disgusting. I don't buy any of those mags.
"Technically they don't have to know them personally, they are celebrities" What is that kind of nonsense? So they are no human beings and can be treated like sh*t? It's none of anybodies business and there's certainly no free ride to say things like that to them.
Ok, I know I'm prob going to get a lot of hate for this comment, and I promise I'm not a "troll" but I have to say this. I will never condone paps and their intrusive invasion of privacy, but in a way, Kristen brought this on herself. She did whatever she did when she knew paps were always there, and then she made a public apology admitting to everything. Of course people are going to ask about it, of course paps are going to be rude and nasty, it sucks but she had to know it was coming. However, watching this video was heartbreaking and disgusting because Rob had to hear all of that. He did NOTHING wrong. He forgave the girl he loves and for that he gets hounded and people shoving it in his face every chance they get. HE got the questions on the morning talk shows, not her. The closest anyone came to asking her about it was on the Today show when the woman asked if they were back together. In a way, I was hoping they'd leave Rob out of it and ask her about Rupert and his family. She opened the door by doing it in the first place and then making a statement to PEOPLE mag, she should be asked about it. Dont get me wrong, I support Kristen because Rob obviously loves her, but if he were to walk away from her, so would I as a fan. Until then, I will support her and him together, but I just had to say this because it was bothering me so much. Kristen should get yelled at, not Rob. I can't even imagine how he was feeling right then.
IF their questions were asked out of obligation to PRINT ... instead of being asked only to incite a reaction... then it might be okay, but it isn't. I don't care what they say, they just don't have a good enough excuse for me.
OMG that was horrible to see. I Can't imagine what it must be like to have to face that. Having your photo taken is one thing but to have abuse hurled at you is so uncalled for.
Why don't they just try something like that? I don't understand it. I for certain would search for something legal to "fight back" - Hey, it's a free country, so they can carry a light right?
The big payday came when the pics of Kristen with her director came out. Kristen doesn't like to give anything away she says. But grinding in public made a photog very rich, i wonder if they sent her a thank you card.
I'm a Rob fan, but support him since he loves Kristen and they are trying to work things out. Yes, she cheated, but she has apologized and is trying to move forward. She has taken some real abuse from the fans ( that she brought on herself) and now perhaps it is time to back off. Not necessary to bring this up any more everything's been said, so why beat a dead horse? She's making every effort to atone for this, so constantly bringing it up isn't productive. Give it a rest
I'm going to be less than polite jspattzfan and tell you to shut up. I'm sick of these long comments which result in the same crap everyday where trolls - you - want more humiliation and attention brought to what happened in July. Get over it already troll.
Those paparazzis are really disgusting people. We, as fans, don't need this kind of horrible pictures. And the questions ? So much disrespect, it's inhuman.
Rob and Kris are not animals. They are two lovely human beings and I feels very sad for them.
They are both very courageous. I hope just the best for them.
After reading everyone's comments I have to admit to being curious about the video but out of respect for Rob and Kristen I will not watch it. The intrusive pictures are bad enough. I can't even imagine what it must be like for them. IMO the only good that can come from this is if fans are outraged enough that they stop looking at this crap and buying their crap.
You kinow I am pretty sure that famous people can get buzzed around the airport on those little golf cart thingies if they ask for them. I have to give R and K credit for wantiing to be treated like normal people...but the paps are making that impossible now.
THANK YOU! That's what I've been trying to say here but my opinion is not very popular right now. Nasty as they are, paps made valid points. Besides, if she didn't want to give anything away as she has said, why cheat at all and in public no less! The minute that Kristen went to a magazine was the moment that she chose to leave herself open to this scrutiny. She can't get upset now that people aren't respecting her privacy when she's invited the attention.
As for Robert, I like Rob. I don't have to like Kristen because Rob does, so I don't.
I wish they would have worn their earbuds. Then they would not have heard any of the paparASSES shit!
I feel terrible for Rob. In the pictures where he is in the car, he looks like Edward is described when he rescues Bella from the idiots in Port Angeles and is trying to calm down.
No, you dont love Kristen and Rob together...Why would you say Kristen should be yelled at? What Kristen did to you? Obviously you're the one who hasnt moved on like the paps. I thought you'd be better than the paps at least. Move on. Rob still chose Kristen in spite of the BS so you should at least move on too.
You're just a troll....obviously the way you post you dont have much manners...just hate..I'll just flag your comment and ignore you and hope you go away...Buh-bye!
my heart goes out to these two----why do the paps need anymore pics of them!!! they are getting quite aggressive and it is scary-----all they want is a reaction and i give rob and kristen ALOT of credit for just walking ------it must take everything in them to hold back-----it is just getting too out of hand and those questions they were hurling at them were very very cruel-----i think the people who tweet on the planes they are on are partially to blame also----the paps know right where to find them-------for their safety and well being i hope they start taking private planes and not give those vultures the satisfaction on seeing them-----there should be laws in place to stop this type of harrassing------it just isnt fair and i hope they are both okay after that-----
you bring up a good point---at airports you cant even park your cars at the curb for more than a minute to pick someone up before the police are there telling you to move----where are they when all these paps are crowding entrances and blocking the walkways?????? i think the security at lax should be looked into---it seems a bit odd that these idiots can get away with this and regular folks are being told to move or get a ticket------they should be getting slapped with fines or better yet handcuffs !!!!!!
It's a double edge sword. If the Paps or some fans for that matter, don't take their pics....then, there wouldn't be pics of them to begin with...and I'm sure fans (if you are honest with yourselves) love to see pics of their adored celeb. Plus, if the Paps are not taking your pics, as a celeb, you are not even considered relevant in Hollywood...and though the Paps can get disgustingly nasty, celebs want to be considered relevant...that's how they get movies...and keep making money! It's a double edge sword!
Thats true and I'm sure she regrets it. Having said that, I'm sure we all have done something that we regret and shouldn't have. We just didn't get papped doing it.
Rob and Kristen will at least have to endure it until they have enough money and have worked on great projects. Then they can just disappear to a quiet, paps-free city and do whatever they want.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I knew I never watched them videos for a reason but some crazy f**king thing made me this time. How the f**k does Rob stay calm enough not to turn around and punch them in the face!!! Of course that is exactly what they are after but I have little to no restraint and I have to salute both Rob and Kristen for showing that kind of restraint- I would compare it to Edward not biting Bella and sucking her dry.God help the day I am famous and these nosey f**kers get in my business, it would be world war 3 at these airports and SWAT would be a must!
No matter who they are, what movie they've been in, or what they have done in their private lives, I don't think there is an excuse for the paps being like this. Blocking their way and hurling crap at them to get a reaction is just downright nasty. I would think that an airport such as LAX with all the celebs that go in and out of there - would have a VIP exit that the paps can't have such close access to. I feel horrible for Rob having to deal with all of it. He looked so angry and hurt. It totally sucks. On another note I would like to remind people that not everyone has seen BD2 yet - I am definitely getting there this weekend - but I just read a comment with a major spoiler. Sniffles :( The banner is breathtaking, as only he can be!!
Let me take this opportunity to say I love-love-love the new banner! The miserable papz..wish we could hire ninjas to just take 'em out..but since we can't do that we oughta pity them...pity the souless, mindless crap-eatin' papz cause they got nothin' but endless desire to cause misery. And that's ALL they got. Rob and Kristen on the other hand have everything good that this world has to offer. All the papz can do is momentarily invade their world as they make their escape and then woosh! They're off to their happy life and dumbass papz are left standing there with their finger up their a**holes.(excuse my french) So good news is THEY win...papz losers-zero.
pics are good and if the paps just did that there wouldn't be a problem, it's the sick, disgusting vulgar manner that they are trying to get a rise, I would have snapped by now! Calling out "Kristen are you pregnant", "Rob she's going to cheat on you again" and there is not a thing you can do. You can't defend yourself, you can't defend your girl/boyfriend I would feel so fucking hopeless. Hollywood, I have to say I thank my mundane life after seeing this shit...........
I do feel bad for Rob that he had to listen to such shit walking through the airport but c'mon no one deserves this crude behavior from the paps. Do you feel any celebrity who has made a mistake should be yelled at?
I feel really terrible for Kristen. No matter what she did or didn't do, it is vulgar to treat someone like that, it is repulsive to think it anyone's business other than those involved even if anything really happened beyond tabloid fictions. and it certainly isn't the business of these shyte-bags.
If it would make me feel better after watching this assault on Rob & Kristen to slap you silly for your stupidity.. really now, like the scum feeding, attention seeking paparazzi are asking any "valid questions"?...I would slap you up one side and down with glee, and tell you to stop taking the stupid pills and reading the tabloids for your information, but alas it won't make me feel any better about it, so I'll leave you to wallow in your stupidity and take the deserved knocks you get here from others.
It makes me wonder if the security and Tsa are bribed to allow this shyte in. The only other possibility I could think of (and I realize that I am limited, so anyone in the know, clue me in please) is that due to the very sullied cloak of 'freedom of press' behind which they hide, these shyte-bags MUST be allowed in. Anyone knowledgeable enough in American law to know if this is an actual possibility?
I also will not watch it. I've read enough accounts to know what was shouted. Part of me cannot fathom how that is allowed, how people can allow themselves to do such a thing. And yet, at the market today I saw on several ragazines headlines almost as vicious and repulsive.
And you're an asshole who gets her information from tabloid/gossip sites and decides it must be the truth. You know shit. Few seem to like you here and want to read your ridiculous conjecture about situations you know nothing about. Has anyone reminded you that this is a site devoted to Robert Pattinson? That includes not insulting him and his choices in his private life. If you can't handle it, it's simple...stay away and stop making a fool of yourself.
As much class as he shows, there is no way this stuff isn’t messing him up. No human can withstand that level of attention / intrusion and insult and not have it affect them.
I can’t express how much he impresses me with his intelligent response to these situations (and bottom dwellers). He gives NOTHING to them. Not a thing. In actual fact, this is where he shows us his ability and control as an actor. I wonder if that is one of his coping mechanisms? It might be. Treat it as a role, something separate from himself. I hope he lost himself with his dogs, a cold beer and some normalcy when he got home.
Because Francisco is my favorite character in the book and I have always wanted Dagny to end up with him instead of John. After my ninth reading of the book that last part is changing a bit, but only a bit. Francisco is still my favorite character.
Well, if the cheating scandal didn't happen they probably would be shouting something else at them...maybe not as nasty, but unfortunately it happens. I'm thankful for my mundane life as well....can't imagine living like that at all.
The pap invasion in a price one has to pay is not fair , but then life is not fair . Paps are nasty but she did give them a reason to be intrusive by making out in broad daylight and also with a very public apology .I feel very Sorry for Rob having to go through this .He coped very well I think .This man is trully a class act .
I was wondering where the airport police were. This must have been some sort of hazard. So much for the airport to be on alert for the well being of travelers. Also, was is the point of the pappz cheering at the end. What are they cheering for?!?!
It is a pity that you think you have more right than others to voice your opinion . different people can have different views . She did not voice her views in an offensive manner but you were offensive . You look more stupid than her , in all due respect. You are an adult you should be able to handle a different opinion with maturity . Even a family does not see eye to eye on every subject .We are a group of strangers , we will have different views . This is a public blog ...please be respectful to other posters .
You have every right to voice your opinion and you did it respectfully .Its Ok !! some posters here like to put you down for having a different opinion ...dont let them drive you away .
Kris isn't a politician....she's not working for law enforcement....she's not a doctor not a teacher. Her job is to act....and how she behaves in her private life even if she does anything inappropriate in public as long as she's not hurting anyone(physically)...doesn't give the papz do to do what they're doing to them. I LOVED kris/rob together....her summer fling/mistake disappointed me tons....but the more i see people hurling insults at her....being cruel to her...the more I hope and pray that she books acting jobs ....gets married to Rob and lives happily ever after. I hate the fact that almost ALL of the Hollywood ACTORS cheat and divorce or have flings with younger women...I NEVER see them being harrassed the way pappz are harrassing K/R. It feels like general public, the paparazzi, are not going to be satisfied until they have her literally it feels like they're trying to have her commit suicide. She IS 22...and ppl can make mistakes at any age....but just b/c she's a woman and not a man and just because she's dating some famous handsome actor that every girl drools over...they're wanting to destroy her.
I think the paps are delusional/psychotic. I would be asking to be whisked out a back door, I wouldn't care if it was using my celebrity status screw that shit.
they are not the only ones. David beckham used to be told "let your kids die of cancer" just to get a reaction from him. his middle son has epilepsy, the flashes may trigger a seizure, the beckhams made an official statement forbidding it, but there still are some papps who flash the kid.
OMG, i didn't know that about the Beckham's how sad :( I did see that whole Halle Berry craziness this past weekend, she told the pappz to not shout at her daughter because she did not know what happened to her dad and surprisingly they respected that request.
Many people in their mundane life have to endure very rude behavior and insults day after day in their job from customers f.e.. They have to listen at it and keep their mouth shut, nodd and swallow for a paycheck that doesn't even suffice to pay their monthly bills. Sorry, couldn't help but react. Rob and Kristen have developed a way to deal with the paps and they do it admirably well and in a mature way. They are prepared when they go in and out airports. It takes a minute and then they're gone, thinking on what they're gonna do next. Of course I condamn the paps and how they try to get a reaction out of them, but I trust Rob and Kristen in knowing that the paps will never get what they want, at least that's what I hope and that would be their best revenge..
Mena, did you notice that after their car left, all paparazzi started cheering and clapping they were congratulating each other for being spectacular evil mofos. I can tell from your dislike Kristen...but still do you really think anyone deserves to be treated this way?
Look, whether you girls on here want to hear this or not but Kristen is the cause of this. None of that shit would be going on if she had'nt done what she did. SHE'S THE ONE WHO FUCKED UP! Forgive my language but right now after looking AND listening at that video got me pissed. And the only one I feel sorry for is ROB. He doesnt deserve that. This man is a very sweet, kind, funny, charming, gentle soul. I could go on and on...and you all know that. Looking at the pics were he's sitting next to her breaks my heart. You can see he looks VERY agitated, aggravated, humiliated, just freaken pissed. I am only concern about Rob. Kristen and Rob are a cute couple...but so was Selena & Justine. Difference here Selena didn't humiliated Justine. Right now I feel like a want to shed some tears everytime I listen to those fools spouting out that crap. girls can get mad at me and attack me all you want. But Im being real right now. I had to get this off my chest. ROB DESERVES BETTER THEN THIS. Thank you and have a good night.
I see in the comments that some people are refusing to watch the video. I would like to suggest that you do, just once. Every fan of Rob needs to face exactly what our insatiable craving for any photos of him can actually cost him. The paps are despicable, but the money our passion for him generates is the reason they are working in the first place. We are the cause.
Watch the video once. And the next time younhunt the internet, buy a trash rag or click on their site to catch an unguarded glimpse of him, think back to the way he was treated in the video. The photo you are looking at may have been taken by someone hurling abuse at him. Is this what you want for him?
No need to camp out. Someone inside the plane tweeted about them, then robsessed on twitter picked it up, then papz, who follow the fandom, and robsessed among other sites that have all the freshest info, picked up the tip that robsessed picked up from a fan. It's a magic circle that's working for the benefit of all included, fans, fan/tabloid sites,papz. Except R/K of course.
The paps are so rude but I'm not surprised at all. So sad for Rob to endure this kind of heckling but it must be hurtful for him to have those kind of comments thrown at his face. Rob will have to endure more of this for a long time as long as he is with Kristen. Since Kristen was caught cheating with a married man, all hell broke loose from the paps and she is now a main target for money shots. Unfortunate for Rob since he is with her, he is now a target too. I just wish Rob will stay cool and grounded and not have those paps get into him. I wish Dean will always be him especially if Rob is in an airport as busy and full of paps as LAX.
Papz aren't the ones figuring out schedules. Fans figure it all out, when they're leaving, when they're landing. Then they tweet it. Then robsessed tweets it. Then papz who follow fandom, robsessed included, pick up the tip. Easy. And it works for everyone. Everybody earns. Off of R/K 's back. Fans earn in pleasure of seeign them and talking about them and empathizing about them among a group of other fans. Only it means nothing as it continues to add to the magic circle explained above. Don't demand that there be a law or something, or that someone do sth about it. Do sth about it yourself. Stop talking on papz pics threads. Think about how you are a part of the demand that results in violation.
Hello ladies, i notice the pappz came out in droves,Wow!, i know you ladies keep saying day, but there are two ways i see this,@they said things to rob, that allot of people has being saying, even though it's his ch\oice alone, to still be with her and love her, no matter what, and if wasn;t the pappz the first time,would she still be two timing rob? that is the million dollar question?i know bashing might take place here on my comment, but please ladies it's just my opinion,Even if rob and kristen are no more, and she has a new BF, the pappz are going to give kristen and the new bf hell!it's not rob you know it's kristen the pappz diislike, from all the middle finger, rob just happen to be unfortunate because of the company he keeps! In that video one of the pappz ask him[rob] if he think kristen is a good actress, he said yes, also one pappz always address rob as robert!Rob is with kristen because it's his choice, well he have t keep strong, i felt sorry for kristen, and one time, she looked so confused and she pause for a moment!since she said she teared up very easy, i could just imagine, what it was like when they were finally alone!Now let me comment about all these awards that are coming up, that DC did not put cosmopolis out for one screening, imagine fanboys on twitter are fuming saying, the movie and rob was the best for the year, kristen is up there for OTR, but not rob or cosmopolis, i know allot of rob's fans has e-mail him, okay we know he did open the door for rob but it seems like he's closing it behind him too!seems like no screening for cos!
Yu say, they are trying to get a reaction, but i guess rob never looked at TMZ, i never see it at m home, but at a friend's visiting, it happen to be showing, the blond guy with the long hair, say rob has a free pass, for always as long as he is alone, seems the do not dislike rob!
Let me simply say this. We can agree to disagree and I'm perfectly ok with that. But the moment any person puts their hands on me in a violent way for any reason is the day that they will have charges filed against them. Right now what you're saying are just words but be mindful that in real life you do n't lose control in this manner over a difference of opinion (about celebrities no less). It's just not worth it.
Guess you'll flag mine too, as long as anyone says something you ppl are not please of, you flag it! even though it maybe true!payday for the papz, who cares about that, i mum never follow rob or kristen, but she sure know them now,she said she felt so sorrow for rob, and she said rob could never forget that, unless he got amnesia!
Yes, no, to get to the other side..... Why are you asking this question? Yes, they're bribed, everyone's earning in this, how 's that relevant in terms of what can be done? Papz pick up hints from the fandom on twitter. Papz follow robsessed, to see what's their next step. Rob said it, in what was interpreted as a compliment here unfortunately. He checks up on here to see what his schedule is. Then robsessed gets the pics, and fans flock in to sympathize, to lament, to glow over how K was treated. Papz earn, robsessed earns, fans earn, Everyone's happy. Is it not obvious yet?
She always does that, and now after two years i can say this, it was because of Lallie,, i ran too twitter and opened myself and account, she insulted me so badly at times! i could not hold it together and broke down allot, some times my letters get all jumbled because i suffer from MS,it does that at times very quickly and i type things that might make no senses, this happen at times, if i type to fast!now i say thank you, i opened a twitter account, and although i love robsessed and i consider it my home, i rarely come here, i see three other blogs has turn to robsten, i hope robsessed will not!
How dare you open the curtain behind this puppet show! ROBsessed responsible?! Fans responsible?! Say it isn't so...........takes all the fun out of it.
I agree with your words, in principle, they are heartfelt and thought provoking. But not all fans behave the way you describe, I don't 'hunt' the internet, buy trash rags or go to their sites, I do come to Robsessed, go to his films, read books of his films, buy his DVD's. But, having said that, your comment has made me feel guilty, and a bit depressed, this sort of hounding is definitely not what we want for him.
I will never agree to your comment,Kristen does not deserve this BS,...If you believe everything that's written then why don't you believe what Rob SAID,He said that the media makes people STUPID and he's right,and Kristen's Dad said you shouldn't believe everything that's written...Rob is with Her because he loves her,he's loved her for a long time and no matter what,he'll stick by her...
I agree with all what you say, i never fancied kristen from day 1, i always got pissed when she flirted in public with taylor, while rob stood all smiles on the side, and yes kristen know she is a huge pappz magnet yet she still went all dry humping with her co-star;s hubs, talk about heartless, now all of us a grown women, now used your common sense, if a male is attracted to you rubbed up against you from behind isn;t there a reaction from him? and she is felling it and she is all smiles, Wow, yes the pappz disgusting at times, but rob for once, you need to send them a thank you note, for being aware, and that's it, also no rupert for SWATH, but i wonder if kristen is still doing the movie i wonder how will the other female treat her on the sex, sure some are liberty's friends, and even though i believe she as learned her lesson,how will they look at her around chris hensworth! I know some one complain about long comments, but honey, you just skip mine, but kristen suppose to be doing a movie with ben affleck! ell on twitter, some already tweet ben telling him think twice, before cheating on his wife, and telling jen to watch kristen, do not befriend her, i fell sad for kristen in this way, because now she's being just all because she acted before she thought!
Keep wallowing in mud and you get stuck. I love that Rob and Kristen walked by without a reaction, I'm really proud of them. Those papz are more than disgusting, at this moment I really hate them. I felt like getting that camera and smashing it to the ground but classy Rob with his head held high didn't react and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him or Kristen not to react. I don't encourage violence but it really worries me how much they will push. I hope Rob will never give them the satisfaction of a reaction. Gosh I hate them. Coming to Australia may be a really good thing in more ways than one. I'm quite sure that he won't be hounded the way he has been in LA. Proud of you Rob.
good one jen, it's already happening, outside the robsessed bubble.
http://www(dot)paparazzi-reform (dot)org Wouldn't it be just awesome if this place of devotion and support would support this initiative, would ask the loving fans of R to do this for their idol. And how come they're not? Cause then there would be no makings posts like this, moreandmoreandmoreandmorenadmore oh so lovely pics of Rob by those low lives of papz whose pics we're actually looking at being posted on a site we are regularly commenting on.
What a feeding frenzy...the pappz are just like piranha except they zero in on their prey with a camera instead of teeth...and how in hell is this good for security? It all looks so frightening...I don't know how R/K deal with all of this but for a pair so young...they do very well...a lot better than some "celebs" do.
Instead of posting pics, ROBsessed, a happy place of devotion could post this and not be like any other tabloid gossip site on the web.
"Take action! Change will only happen if we all speak up. Here are some things you can do:
1. If you see paparazzi breaking the law, call 911. Tell them exactly what is happening and that you need assistance. If you can do so safely, capture the paparazzi in the act of breaking the law on film and send it to us to post on this website. Make sure you capture any license places and faces for possible follow-up by law enforcement officials. To upload video, click HERE.
Then write a letter or email to your local police chief or sheriff and tell them exactly what you saw and that you want them to enforce all existing laws to help bring the paparazzi under control. You can find addresses to the two main law enforcement officials in the Los Angeles area HERE. If you live in another area, look in the phone book or call information and get the address for your local law enforcement officials and contact them. This lets them know there is a problem that needs handling!
2. Print out and mail the HUMAN PRIVACY AND RESPECT IN THE MEDIA CODE OF CONDUCT form to all magazines, TV shows and internet sites you think need to adjust their policies toward the photographing and videotaping of celebrities. You can find the addresses to a number of the largest organizations HERE. Make sure you include a letter to them regarding how you feel about this problem. Send us a copy of the letter by MAIL or EMAIL for us to post on our site!
3. Write a letter to Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine who has been leading the fight to solve the paparazzi problem in the Los Angeles area. Even if you are from another part of the state, country or world, write to Councilman Zine and encourage him to continue the fight. This lets him know people care about this issue. New laws created in Los Angeles can them be adopted by local officials across the country and world. Councilman Zine's contact information can be found HERE.
4. Write letters or emails to the elected officials in your area (mayor, state representative, Congressperson, President). Links to help you find these officials can be found HERE.
5. Email your friends the link to this website and tell them to check it out. The more people that know about this problem the easier it will be to create change.
6. Link to us on your website or facebook or other social networking page.
7. Become a "fan" of The PAPARAZZI Reform Initiative on FACEBOOK.
8. Write about the issue in blogs and other places on the internet.
9. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Let the readers of the paper know about this issue.
10. Wear a hat or t-shirt that says "" or "" to spread the message to others.
11. Don't but any tabloid magazines! The economic message will ring very loudly.
Let us know what you are doing. Send us copies of letters or emails. Remember, have fun doing it!!
Instead of posting pics, ROBsessed, a happy place of devotion could post this and not be like any other tabloid gossip site on the web.
"Take action! Change will only happen if we all speak up. Here are some things you can do:
1. If you see paparazzi breaking the law, call 911. Tell them exactly what is happening and that you need assistance. If you can do so safely, capture the paparazzi in the act of breaking the law on film and send it to us to post on this website. Make sure you capture any license places and faces for possible follow-up by law enforcement officials. To upload video, click HERE.
Then write a letter or email to your local police chief or sheriff and tell them exactly what you saw and that you want them to enforce all existing laws to help bring the paparazzi under control. You can find addresses to the two main law enforcement officials in the Los Angeles area HERE. If you live in another area, look in the phone book or call information and get the address for your local law enforcement officials and contact them. This lets them know there is a problem that needs handling!
2. Print out and mail the HUMAN PRIVACY AND RESPECT IN THE MEDIA CODE OF CONDUCT form to all magazines, TV shows and internet sites you think need to adjust their policies toward the photographing and videotaping of celebrities. You can find the addresses to a number of the largest organizations HERE. Make sure you include a letter to them regarding how you feel about this problem. Send us a copy of the letter by MAIL or EMAIL for us to post on our site!
3. Write a letter to Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine who has been leading the fight to solve the paparazzi problem in the Los Angeles area. Even if you are from another part of the state, country or world, write to Councilman Zine and encourage him to continue the fight. This lets him know people care about this issue. New laws created in Los Angeles can them be adopted by local officials across the country and world. Councilman Zine's contact information can be found HERE.
4. Write letters or emails to the elected officials in your area (mayor, state representative, Congressperson, President). Links to help you find these officials can be found HERE.
5. Email your friends the link to this website and tell them to check it out. The more people that know about this problem the easier it will be to create change.
6. Link to us on your website or facebook or other social networking page.
7. Become a "fan" of The PAPARAZZI Reform Initiative on FACEBOOK.
8. Write about the issue in blogs and other places on the internet.
9. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Let the readers of the paper know about this issue.
10. Wear a hat or t-shirt that says "pap-reform(dot)org" or "SNAPthePAPS(dot)org" to spread the message to others.
11. Don't but any tabloid magazines! The economic message will ring very loudly.
Let us know what you are doing. Send us copies of letters or emails. Remember, have fun doing it!"
LOL, ah yes, to have fun, to have careless, pointless, thinking free fun. Cause life is hard and full of pain and disappointment. And you suffer, and then you die.So it must be all about fun to numb it all away, in a virtual place with virtual people over pics of an imaginary person,cause no matter how many pics there are, he'll never be real. What the fuck am I doing here? LOL
I wasn't going say anything... but, as a Christian and always praying... shouldn't you have more compassion and forgiveness... do you really think anyone deserve all this?
Kristen is Rob's girlfriend, so y on earth would YOU have to 'tolerate' her? Tsk tsk tsk. U must play a great part in Robert Pattinson's life. R u from his family?????? and ps: Bashing her every chance u get is hardly called 'tolerating' my dear! Instead of all the hatred towards Kristen, y don't u just keep supporting Rob. Forget about her. Make ur life easy. Give urself less headaches. Cheers :)
Actually, they have both been targets of the paparazzi long before the cheating scandal last summer. This has been going on for 4 years but yeah, now they have the ammunition to use it against Kristen.
I like this blog. I like coming here and reading the comments people post here because I havent read anything about the photos being for PR stunt. Or saying Rob is traveling w/ Kristen because of their movie. I would be pissed if anyone would insinuate that Rob is anything but real. I like seeing photos of Rob and Kristen because it shows Rob doesn't get affected by the hurtful things most people say. Whether he cares about Kristen a great deal or not, he sure showed us that he would do what he damn well pleased.
I really wish we could do something about this horrible thing that happens to these two every time they land at an airport. I would think that these assholes are somehow breaking a law. Very sad!
Vangie, your attitude is really disappointing, especially insinuating that Kristen may cheat on Rob with Ben Affleck which is nothing more than tabloid trash speculation. To err is human; to forgive is divine.
I agree completely! It would be nice to get an explanation from LAX but I guess that would be up to Rob and Kristen to demand that. If LAX can not protect high profile stars like Kristen and Rob from the papz, I am not so confident they can protect me from someone more clever. This shows a total lack of security at LAX! Do they just let anyone wander about the halls of the airport? Is their only security concern at the gates? This video footage makes me wonder.
no by all means, she should stay. since I have noticed that damn near half of all the regular posters have left already anyway. this place is going to the dogs...or should I say bitches? you run off all the sensible ones and we are left with haters and juvenile idiots. D:<
I remember one time the paps were taking pictures of Halle's daughter at her pre-school and man was she angry. I don't blame her at all. Following a kid around is despicable.
I guess memory is really limited nowadays but all I can say to this unbelievable thread is this - for all sides BTW - makes me really feel like kindergarten
"How not to comment on Robsessed 101:
-Please don't bully people. If you don't agree with them try to convince them. Don't tell them to shut up or leave the blog. It's everyone's blog, not just yours.
- Please don't abuse our good will by posting hateful messages towards Robert Pattinson or his costars, friends.
- Please don't abuse our good will by posting NC-17 rated stuff. YOU might think it's funny but others don't want to read about your sexual habits, fantasies, thoughts IN DETAIL. Suggestion is okay, we use a LOT of suggestion as well but don't be crude.
Before posting think about this: "Would you say those things to a perfect stranger?"
This is horrible. There should be laws against this type of harassment and the person who leaked them on being on the plane to twitter is just as guilty. I don't understand how the paps can impede their movement like that and it be legal. Get your pictures and leave them alone. Ugh! I'm disgusted. Poor Rob!
I just take comfort in the fact that those they only have to endure a few minutes with the paps at the LA airport. The duration of the flight is definitely much more than a few minutes that they will spend at the airport. Good thing the paps dont follow them to the plane that would be terrible.
It looks like clip from horror movie. Public, violent emotional assault, rude intrusion in people’s personal, intimate life and extremely unsafe, dangerous situation. Bodyguards definitely failed. No one should be allowed to be so close to Robert and HIS women.
I think its time for me to bid Robsessed goodbye. Thanks Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde. You ladies do an awesome job at keeping up with Rob news. Too bad posters have ruined it with the constant bickering and bullying.
I hate to see you go. I hated to see all the 'regulars' give up and give in and leave. You will be missed. I wish you'd reconsider. I will go down with the ship. :)
These pictures just make me sick to my stomach. R and K walking into a mob of sick fu*ks just pisses me off!! This should not be allowed. I can't believe LAX lets shit like this happen. I didn't watch the video, the pictures say enough...but....God!!! Can't they just leave them alone. Ugh!!!!
you shouldn't let it bother you and ignore the trolls. I am not a "regular" anymore but i do comment here and there. take sometime away but come back :)
You are not alone with that feeling, but I'm sure you know that. I could cry when I read the comments. But there is no use to argue anymore with the posters. Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde are amazing, that's one of the few reasons i'm still here. I can't wait to discuss Mission Blacklist with them, something that makes me stay. You can't believe how much it hurts me to see so many leave, but the bitching and fighting is what people here support and that's really sad for me too. hope to see you soon again!
As do I Ana, but should it come to that end, I'll be right here. I will NOT let the negativity run me off. Rob's One Percent til they plant me. It is what it is :)
I don't agree with you but I'm so sad about some of the reaction you got from some posters for your opinion. People can argue with you why they think it is wrong what you say, but to tell you to "shut the fuck up" is 1) rude and 2) against the rules.
I am appalled that this form of harrassment is allowed in this Country...Why is it that LAX and other airports allow the Pappairzi to be following them in the lobby to their car or even being allowed outside by the cars isn't their a law to protect the passengers? I wish this couple would sue the heck out of these idiots for harrassment. Something needs to be done soon and I can't believe the people of California are allowing this with all the Movie Stars etc that they have and who go through this constantly. Why aren't the cars that pick them up not tinted so that they can't take pictures of them in the cars... I think this is ridicules we have cars that pick up people and you'd never see the passengers. I don't understand how people can twitter, take pictures or how employees are allowed to tell the world to their few million friends who is or isn't on a flight... Their should be a law at airports no twitters or pictures taken of passengers once you enter the airport and a large fine imposed if caught... Why isn't there a place where the papparizi have to stand to take pictures and it has to be not in the building or within 500 yards of the passengers...there are enough fancy cameras that can take pictures of people coming in without them being harrassed and we know the Papparizi did this when they took pictures of Kristen's home without permission. I do feel for anyone who has to deal with this nonsense and its time it ends once and for all.
I'm doing someting I've never done here before on the blog but "I'm going to be less than polite and tell you to shut the fuck up. I'm sick of these long comments which results in the same crap everyday where trolls - you - "....well, until that point all of your comment can be said about you on this blog too! you only come when there is a thread about Rob&Kristen, of course to defend them, and then are ugly to everyone who says something you don't like! "Get over it already troll!"
Robert has said over and over again that he doesn't want his private life made news . If you are a fan, don't feed the invasion-of-privacy machine that is the tabloids, posting pap pics, and giving hits to tabloids, and tweeting pics taken of Robert when he is unaware, on his private time. He said at the Q&A that he is a private citizen, that he should have privacy, and his privacy shouldn't be invaded. Let him be open and sharing when he chooses. Let him walk about, go grocery shopping, go paddle-boarding, go for a pint, without wondering if his whereabouts are going to be broadcast to the entire world. If you are a fan, oppose this, please.
even if she is the cause of this, rob knows that and still is with her. deserves better? he made that choice and we can't say anything there. but whatever you may think about kristen and her "fucked-up" behaviour, please don't try to justify those papps. they are cruel to people who have not fucked up and to kids at times. so the fact tht kristens behaviour was wrong, does not make papps' behaviour right
I don't get what you are trying to say. You are defending people's right to post hateful messages about Rob's girlfriend? Where's the respect for Rob here?
Beautiful post... so true. It is very hard for any of us, once we realize we are the reason for the pappz to be swarming in the first place, to stop ourselves from following the pics, posting our comments and keeping the commericialism alive.... I'm even surprised that here we are seeing pics of Rob's clothes with brand / manufactureres names and how to buy them. This site,,, like all others is surrounded with advertisements and encouragements to look for more and buy. So many people,,, especially the young novices, have no idea that what they are looking at is monitored and used to sell them products. There would be no papparazzi if we didn't want to sneak around and spy on our favorite celebrities. They give us the secret pictures, the forbidden shots... they intrude, insult, ignore laws, endanger lives, and make our beloved celebrity's life a living hell. They work for us, people. We are the ones who pay them.
that's where I think differently. someone is already tweeting pix of the pappz from the airport and getting quite a few retweets and replies as well. there's a lot of people that want to see the kind of person who could say such horrible things to someone else just to get a reaction. I kinda hope that enough people out there see these guys and make their lives a living hell. turnabout is fair play. yes?
Im here Jen.. hovering.....I just dont look at this kind of crap, never have , never will.You only have to see the comments to know the quality of the video, (dripping sarcasm here). Unfortunately as long as this kind of thing is on here it will attract a certain kind of following.
and then what? start a blog about them? twitter about them? they do not live lives of interest, there isn't any turnabout here... if anything, it might just give them a greater street cred for getting shots... and might make them more money. Yes, they are the lowest cockroaches out there, but making them celebrities isn't going to hurt them, it will help them. We all help them make a living by watching and waiting for the next intrusive shots... that's the nature of our instant world now. we want it now, we don't care about rules, and we feel we have the right to commen on every little thing about a person's private life. Pappz do it, we do it.... but it doesn't make it right, not to me anyway.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 311 Newer› Newest»so do these pappz just camp out at LAX waiting for them or are they tipped off by airport employees or others on their flight?
it's just gut wrenching to know that this is something they have to deal with on damn near a daily basis. I feel for them actually. yes, they have fame, wealth, looks, their health ... they seem to have it all. . . but they don't. js
All they had to do was find out which flight they were on (easily done by matching departure times and airports of arrival) and wait for the plane to land.
They're a walking target whenever they use any of the main airlines...
There should be some form of local legislation to force the paps to stand outside and forbid them to enter the airports buildings.
AHHHHHH!!!! New Banner that almost made me fall outta my chair, hit my head and forget about Robsessed! WOMAN! a little warning on twitter would be nice~!~! LOL
do i like??? yes...yes I do!!! :DDD
I couldn't agree more~! instead of government passing dumb shit laws that only matter to those lobbied and spent the most money to get them passed, their time would be better spent doing something of importance. And IMO, this would definitely fall into that category. If a man still drew a pistol and shot down anyone talking about his woman like these guys did, I guarantee you they'd try to do something about it THEN!
What kills me is that I can barely walk through the door of the airport with a toothpick or raise my voice too loudly without getting death glares from security and TSA. But, somehow this pack of parasitic fuckers is allowed to create a near riot, screaming all manner of obscenities and harassing and molesting passengers and the general public. How the hell does this go on?
at the risk of being arrested for a false report, the fandom should call the cops and report overheard threats of blowing up shit where these mob/pappz congregate ... it would be funny to see them go all swat team on their asses and accidentally/on purpose break some of those cameras! :P
This has got to be the most insane stuff I have ever seen. These two kids, (I can call them that...I am much much older), need to settle somewhere else beside California. Their relationship would have a better chance of surviving.
The new banner is spectacular!! You ladies keep raising the bar....thank you!
Oh the banner oh the banner oh the banner La La La
hahaha that would be funny...just to give the paps a dose of their own medicine...smh
Yeah the more Rob's photos are on the banner the
have a bunch of people start taking pictures of THEM and post THEIR faces all over the internet! See how they like being on the other side of the flashbulb...wouldn't hurt that ppl would know them even without their camera (probably sleep with their cameras tho) and flip them off on a daily basis! "That's for Rob and Kristen you MOFO!" lol
The nightmare continues. I gotta go look at some Edward pics! These suck!
I read earlier that some dope on their plane tweeted it out ,,, so the paps were ready. What a bunch of a'holes.
I'm so disgusted by this, I don't know how can they deal with it, I want to punch, kick f... that guy screaming like that, grrrrr and at the end of the video the cheer and clap, like a a effing well done job, is so sad, something can do something, this is out of control...
What a disgrace that in our free country this is what our "free" paparazzi choose to do !!! I, as an American, am appalled, that we have no laws to protect ALL people from this , including our celebrities. It does remind me of Princess Di. This was soooo sad to watch, I can't even imagine how sad it is to endure. Why doesn't their union - SAG ,etc.- do something about it ? I hope Rob knows his true, loyal fans are truly disgusted by this behavior.
This is an excellent idea! I can see a group of people with cameras and very very big and blinding flashes surrounding Rob and Kristen in a circle so that they are kind of in the (calm) eye of the storm.....
Couldn't agree more - the banner is scrumptilicious.
yep! DH keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. I'd like to start with THAT. :)
I agree, my heart skipped a beat when I first saw it!
Well done Rob! It must be hard to keep your cool when half a dozen grown men are verbally abusing your young girlfriend.
lol ... not to mention that to keep from wearing my readers, I ctrl+ a few times and the banner is extra huge for WHOA! :P
I normally don't like facial hair but he looks so yummy with that scruff...
YES! He does. :)
They asked some valid questions.
They also hurled insults at him and Kristen. You can tell he's not pleased.
It must be purgatory having to go through all that fuss every time they go though LA Airport - I like the idea of posting pics of the paps everywhere, and I like that Rob and Kristen never give them one crumb!
I saw BD2 for the 4th time last night in Nottingham - quite a few there, mostly females but a few guys. Interesting to watch others' reactions to Alice's vision - nowhere near riotous as when I went to the Marathon last week - it was uproar, with people screaming, crying, sobbing at the apparent loss of Carlisle and Jasper. Huge cheers when Aro and Jane were killed!
By the way, love the banner - thanks so much - I have a big collection of these on my pc but I just discovered you can use them as wallpaper - Rob, you are so gorgeous I could eat you on a spoon, I really could xxxx
LOLOL, maybe you can add some stink bombs too? Or what about some huge mirrors they could carry as a shield and they would reflect the flashes?
I one suggested portable strobe lights fro R&K.
Saying that she'll cheat on Rob again isn't an insult. It's a fair comment given how she's done it before. To Michael with Rob and to Rob with Rupert. Who's next?
How annoying it must be to have the paps in your face all the time. I would hate being famous. It's good that they have each other. I wish they could be left alone.
That sounds good! R&K what are you waiting for to try it out?
I imagine Rob holding them like the flame thrower in the MTV persiflage with Tom C., wearing sunglasses, bad ass.....
Oh that's ok then - they were surrounded by men clicking away I would imagine it was pretty scarey but as long as they asked valid questions they're excused of their behaviour.
It must be terrible having no privacy. People should leave them alone!
then so called 'reporters' write about how Mad they look!? How their relationship is in trouble based on how they walk!?! its just so Dumb. Someone needs to start a 'magazine' where the Pappz are Followed, I'll bet there is at least 10-20% of the pappz are on Someones Most Wanted/Dead Beat Parents/Sex offenders. Oh thats it...Follow Sex Offenders around 24/7 Maybe then the pappz will do some good! ....On the other hand is there EVER been a Bad pic of Rob? Thank you God for the Gift of Rob! Now go make a Baby Robsten! Hurry!! LOL
I've seen some nasty pap behavior I don't condone that. What I'm saying is that there are things that they're saying that are fair points. You can't deny that.
it is an insult to Rob and Kristen because the pap doesnt know them personally....and it's also an accusation. How do you know Kristen cheated on Michael with Rob? Do you have the proof?
Technically they don't have to know them personally, they are celebrities. It isn't an accusation when Kristen admitted to it in a magazine.
The only reason they were asking those questions was to get a reaction - nothing more. I'm never going to agree with aggressive questioning - so you and me will have to agree to disagree I'm afraid.
Its a good thing they don't have to fly everyday. They should consider using a different airport, it might be less convinent but less paps might be worth it.
Yeah, that made me wonder to, its obvious their not there to get on a flight or have any reason to be there, so why can they get away with it. When a regular citizen would be escorted out or arrested, for making the scenes they do harrassing celebs, just trying to get in and out of the airport, like anyone else.
That was disgusting and how they keep their cool is beyond me - those papparazzi are so rude - it shouldnt be allowed. On a lighter note - I love the new Banner and thanks for so many lovely pictures up there :-)
That sounds like a good idea, turn the cameras on them and take pics of them harassing celebs and post them on twitter.
The sentence is in future tense. They said Kristen would cheat AGAIN. Kristen did not admit to that so that makes it an accusation.
They can't let the paps win and drive them from the place they want to be. Like Rob said, he's trying to find a way to take some of the power back, when it feels like its been taken away.
Your right, the paps are just trying to get them to react in a negative way in hopes of getting their big payday. Since their lossing their big selling story. The paps are disgusting. I don't buy any of those mags.
"Technically they don't have to know them personally, they are celebrities" What is that kind of nonsense? So they are no human beings and can be treated like sh*t? It's none of anybodies business and there's certainly no free ride to say things like that to them.
I'm glad Dean was there to keep the scum at bay, there does need to be a law that paps can't be in airports harassing anyone.
Ok, I know I'm prob going to get a lot of hate for this comment, and I promise I'm not a "troll" but I have to say this. I will never condone paps and their intrusive invasion of privacy, but in a way, Kristen brought this on herself. She did whatever she did when she knew paps were always there, and then she made a public apology admitting to everything. Of course people are going to ask about it, of course paps are going to be rude and nasty, it sucks but she had to know it was coming. However, watching this video was heartbreaking and disgusting because Rob had to hear all of that. He did NOTHING wrong. He forgave the girl he loves and for that he gets hounded and people shoving it in his face every chance they get. HE got the questions on the morning talk shows, not her. The closest anyone came to asking her about it was on the Today show when the woman asked if they were back together. In a way, I was hoping they'd leave Rob out of it and ask her about Rupert and his family. She opened the door by doing it in the first place and then making a statement to PEOPLE mag, she should be asked about it.
Dont get me wrong, I support Kristen because Rob obviously loves her, but if he were to walk away from her, so would I as a fan. Until then, I will support her and him together, but I just had to say this because it was bothering me so much. Kristen should get yelled at, not Rob. I can't even imagine how he was feeling right then.
LOL... love the sarcasm. ;-))
IF their questions were asked out of obligation to PRINT ... instead of being asked only to incite a reaction... then it might be okay, but it isn't. I don't care what they say, they just don't have a good enough excuse for me.
OMG that was horrible to see. I Can't imagine what it must be like to have to face that. Having your photo taken is one thing but to have abuse hurled at you is so uncalled for.
You hit the nail on the head. they are trying to bait them into doing something that will give them a money shot. That's reprehensible
Why don't they just try something like that? I don't understand it. I for certain would search for something legal to "fight back" - Hey, it's a free country, so they can carry a light right?
The big payday came when the pics of Kristen with her director came out. Kristen doesn't like to give anything away she says. But grinding in public made a photog very rich, i wonder if they sent her a thank you card.
I don;t know I'm not American.
I'm a Rob fan, but support him since he loves Kristen and they are trying to work things out. Yes, she cheated, but she has apologized and is trying to move forward. She has taken some real abuse from the fans ( that she brought on herself) and now perhaps it is time to back off. Not necessary to bring this up any more everything's been said, so why beat a dead horse? She's making every effort to atone for this, so constantly bringing it up isn't productive. Give it a rest
I'm going to be less than polite jspattzfan and tell you to shut up. I'm sick of these long comments which result in the same crap everyday where trolls - you - want more humiliation and attention brought to what happened in July. Get over it already troll.
No need to be American - just human
Those paparazzis are really disgusting people. We, as fans, don't need this kind of horrible pictures.
And the questions ? So much disrespect, it's inhuman.
Rob and Kris are not animals. They are two lovely human beings and I feels very sad for them.
They are both very courageous. I hope just the best for them.
After reading everyone's comments I have to admit to being curious about the video but out of respect for Rob and Kristen I will not watch it. The intrusive pictures are bad enough. I can't even imagine what it must be like for them. IMO the only good that can come from this is if fans are outraged enough that they stop looking at this crap and buying their crap.
You kinow I am pretty sure that famous people can get buzzed around the airport on those little golf cart thingies if they ask for them. I have to give R and K credit for wantiing to be treated like normal people...but the paps are making that impossible now.
I agree...they should not be allowed in the airport with their cameras...I mean it's not public property. It's a business
THANK YOU! That's what I've been trying to say here but my opinion is not very popular right now. Nasty as they are, paps made valid points. Besides, if she didn't want to give anything away as she has said, why cheat at all and in public no less! The minute that Kristen went to a magazine was the moment that she chose to leave herself open to this scrutiny. She can't get upset now that people aren't respecting her privacy when she's invited the attention.
As for Robert, I like Rob. I don't have to like Kristen because Rob does, so I don't.
I wish they would have worn their earbuds. Then they would not have heard any of the paparASSES shit!
I feel terrible for Rob. In the pictures where he is in the car, he looks like Edward is described when he rescues Bella from the idiots in Port Angeles and is trying to calm down.
It's fair to yell that at a total stranger?
I stopped buying the tabloids even if they have posters of Rob and Kristen. Tabloids are the worst.
No, you dont love Kristen and Rob together...Why would you say Kristen should be yelled at? What Kristen did to you? Obviously you're the one who hasnt moved on like the paps. I thought you'd be better than the paps at least. Move on. Rob still chose Kristen in spite of the BS so you should at least move on too.
You're just a troll....obviously the way you post you dont have much manners...just hate..I'll just flag your comment and ignore you and hope you go away...Buh-bye!
I would just flag her and ignore her ...I think it's just what she/he needs...attention. A troll that is...
oh please, get over it.
my heart goes out to these two----why do the paps need anymore pics of them!!! they are getting quite aggressive and it is scary-----all they want is a reaction and i give rob and kristen ALOT of credit for just walking ------it must take everything in them to hold back-----it is just getting too out of hand and those questions they were hurling at them were very very cruel-----i think the people who tweet on the planes they are on are partially to blame also----the paps know right where to find them-------for their safety and well being i hope they start taking private planes and not give those vultures the satisfaction on seeing them-----there should be laws in place to stop this type of harrassing------it just isnt fair and i hope they are both okay after that-----
maybe you?
you bring up a good point---at airports you cant even park your cars at the curb for more than a minute to pick someone up before the police are there telling you to move----where are they when all these paps are crowding entrances and blocking the walkways?????? i think the security at lax should be looked into---it seems a bit odd that these idiots can get away with this and regular folks are being told to move or get a ticket------they should be getting slapped with fines or better yet handcuffs !!!!!!
It's a double edge sword. If the Paps or some fans for that matter, don't take their pics....then, there wouldn't be pics of them to begin with...and I'm sure fans (if you are honest with yourselves) love to see pics of their adored celeb. Plus, if the Paps are not taking your pics, as a celeb, you are not even considered relevant in Hollywood...and though the Paps can get disgustingly nasty, celebs want to be considered relevant...that's how they get movies...and keep making money! It's a double edge sword!
Thats true and I'm sure she regrets it. Having said that, I'm sure we all have done something that we regret and shouldn't have. We just didn't get papped doing it.
Rob and Kristen will at least have to endure it until they have enough money and have worked on great projects. Then they can just disappear to a quiet, paps-free city and do whatever they want.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I knew I never watched them videos for a reason but some crazy f**king thing made me this time. How the f**k does Rob stay calm enough not to turn around and punch them in the face!!! Of course that is exactly what they are after but I have little to no restraint and I have to salute both Rob and Kristen for showing that kind of restraint- I would compare it to Edward not biting Bella and sucking her dry.God help the day I am famous and these nosey f**kers get in my business, it would be world war 3 at these airports and SWAT would be a must!
No matter who they are, what movie they've been in, or what they have done in their private lives, I don't think there is an excuse for the paps being like this. Blocking their way and hurling crap at them to get a reaction is just downright nasty. I would think that an airport such as LAX with all the celebs that go in and out of there - would have a VIP exit that the paps can't have such close access to. I feel horrible for Rob having to deal with all of it. He looked so angry and hurt. It totally sucks.
On another note I would like to remind people that not everyone has seen BD2 yet - I am definitely getting there this weekend - but I just read a comment with a major spoiler. Sniffles :(
The banner is breathtaking, as only he can be!!
Let me take this opportunity to say I love-love-love the new banner! The miserable papz..wish we could hire ninjas to just take 'em out..but since we can't do that we oughta pity them...pity the souless, mindless crap-eatin' papz cause they got nothin' but endless desire to cause misery. And that's ALL they got. Rob and Kristen on the other hand have everything good that this world has to offer. All the papz can do is momentarily invade their world as they make their escape and then woosh! They're off to their happy life and dumbass papz are left standing there with their finger up their a**holes.(excuse my french) So good news is THEY win...papz losers-zero.
pics are good and if the paps just did that there wouldn't be a problem, it's the sick, disgusting vulgar manner that they are trying to get a rise, I would have snapped by now! Calling out "Kristen are you pregnant", "Rob she's going to cheat on you again" and there is not a thing you can do. You can't defend yourself, you can't defend your girl/boyfriend I would feel so fucking hopeless. Hollywood, I have to say I thank my mundane life after seeing this shit...........
I do feel bad for Rob that he had to listen to such shit walking through the airport but c'mon no one deserves this crude behavior from the paps. Do you feel any celebrity who has made a mistake should be yelled at?
I disagree. The paps are disgusting by displaying this kind of behavior and it shouldn't be condoned.
Thank you.
Buh bye! Don't let the door hit ya on your way out!
I feel really terrible for Kristen. No matter what she did or didn't do, it is vulgar to treat someone like that, it is repulsive to think it anyone's business other than those involved even if anything really happened beyond tabloid fictions. and it certainly isn't the business of these shyte-bags.
If it would make me feel better after watching this assault on Rob & Kristen to slap you silly for your stupidity.. really now, like the scum feeding, attention seeking paparazzi are asking any "valid questions"?...I would slap you up one side and down with glee, and tell you to stop taking the stupid pills and reading the tabloids for your information, but alas it won't make me feel any better about it, so I'll leave you to wallow in your stupidity and take the deserved knocks you get here from others.
It makes me wonder if the security and Tsa are bribed to allow this shyte in. The only other possibility I could think of (and I realize that I am limited, so anyone in the know, clue me in please) is that due to the very sullied cloak of 'freedom of press' behind which they hide, these shyte-bags MUST be allowed in. Anyone knowledgeable enough in American law to know if this is an actual possibility?
Oh get the f*ck out of here...your starting to smell like old fish!
does anyone still want to know why he does not look happy at airports again?
I also will not watch it. I've read enough accounts to know what was shouted. Part of me cannot fathom how that is allowed, how people can allow themselves to do such a thing. And yet, at the market today I saw on several ragazines headlines almost as vicious and repulsive.
And you're an asshole who gets her information from tabloid/gossip sites and decides it must be the truth. You know shit. Few seem to like you here and want to read your ridiculous conjecture about situations you know nothing about. Has anyone reminded you that this is a site devoted to Robert Pattinson? That includes not insulting him and his choices in his private life. If you can't handle it, it's simple...stay away and stop making a fool of yourself.
I just love your posts. You're great.
As much class as he shows, there is no way this stuff isn’t messing him up. No human can withstand that level of attention / intrusion and insult and not have it affect them.
I can’t express how much he impresses me with his intelligent response to these situations (and bottom dwellers). He gives NOTHING to them. Not a thing. In actual fact, this is where he shows us his ability and control as an actor. I wonder if that is one of his coping mechanisms? It might be. Treat it as a role, something separate from himself. I hope he lost himself with his dogs, a cold beer and some normalcy when he got home.
Because Francisco is my favorite character in the book and I have always wanted Dagny to end up with him instead of John. After my ninth reading of the book that last part is changing a bit, but only a bit. Francisco is still my favorite character.
yeah. you can see how angry he is in the car
As much as I love to look at pics of Him/Them! This is absolutely RIDICULOUS!!! I don't know how they have kept their cool for so long!!
Well, if the cheating scandal didn't happen they probably would be shouting something else at them...maybe not as nasty, but unfortunately it happens. I'm thankful for my mundane life as well....can't imagine living like that at all.
I totally agree with you , I support Rob and and can only tolerate her because Rob has taken her back .
The pap invasion in a price one has to pay is not fair , but then life is not fair . Paps are nasty but she did give them a reason to be intrusive by making out in broad daylight and also with a very public apology .I feel very Sorry for Rob having to go through this .He coped very well I think .This man is trully a class act .
I was wondering where the airport police were. This must have been some sort of hazard. So much for the airport to be on alert for the well being of travelers.
Also, was is the point of the pappz cheering at the end. What are they cheering for?!?!
please don't try to justify what they do. because it's unjustifiable
It is a pity that you think you have more right than others to voice your opinion . different people can have different views . She did not voice her views in an offensive manner but you were offensive . You look more stupid than her , in all due respect. You are an adult you should be able to handle a different opinion with maturity . Even a family does not see eye to eye on every subject .We are a group of strangers , we will have different views . This is a public blog ...please be respectful to other posters .
Funny you mention insults and call me an asshole. Pot meet kettle.
You have every right to voice your opinion and you did it respectfully .Its Ok !! some posters here like to put you down for having a different opinion ...dont let them drive you away .
Kris isn't a politician....she's not working for law enforcement....she's not a doctor not a teacher. Her job is to act....and how she behaves in her private life even if she does anything inappropriate in public as long as she's not hurting anyone(physically)...doesn't give the papz do to do what they're doing to them. I LOVED kris/rob together....her summer fling/mistake disappointed me tons....but the more i see people hurling insults at her....being cruel to her...the more I hope and pray that she books acting jobs ....gets married to Rob and lives happily ever after. I hate the fact that almost ALL of the Hollywood ACTORS cheat and divorce or have flings with younger women...I NEVER see them being harrassed the way pappz are harrassing K/R. It feels like general public, the paparazzi, are not going to be satisfied until they have her literally it feels like they're trying to have her commit suicide. She IS 22...and ppl can make mistakes at any age....but just b/c she's a woman and not a man and just because she's dating some famous handsome actor that every girl drools over...they're wanting to destroy her.
I think the paps are delusional/psychotic. I would be asking to be whisked out a back door, I wouldn't care if it was using my celebrity status screw that shit.
they are not the only ones. David beckham used to be told "let your kids die of cancer" just to get a reaction from him. his middle son has epilepsy, the flashes may trigger a seizure, the beckhams made an official statement forbidding it, but there still are some papps who flash the kid.
OMG, i didn't know that about the Beckham's how sad :(
I did see that whole Halle Berry craziness this past weekend, she told the pappz to not shout at her daughter because she did not know what happened to her dad and surprisingly they respected that request.
Many people in their mundane life have to endure very rude behavior and insults day after day in their job from customers f.e.. They have to listen at it and keep their mouth shut, nodd and swallow for a paycheck that doesn't even suffice to pay their monthly bills. Sorry, couldn't help but react.
Rob and Kristen have developed a way to deal with the paps and they do it admirably well and in a mature way. They are prepared when they go in and out airports. It takes a minute and then they're gone, thinking on what they're gonna do next.
Of course I condamn the paps and how they try to get a reaction out of them, but I trust Rob and Kristen in knowing that the paps will never get what they want, at least that's what I hope and that would be their best revenge..
Mena, did you notice that after their car left, all paparazzi started cheering and clapping they were congratulating each other for being spectacular evil mofos. I can tell from your dislike Kristen...but still do you really think anyone deserves to be treated this way?
Sweet revenge,BB...Rob and Kris will NEVER give them what they want..
poor pitiful stupid disgusting papz..losers
Daamn! that was cold but expected.
They were congratulating themselves for excelling at being EVIL USELESS Parasites...
Look, whether you girls on here want to hear this or not but Kristen is the cause of this. None of that shit would be going on if she had'nt done what she did. SHE'S THE ONE WHO FUCKED UP! Forgive my language but right now after looking AND listening at that video got me pissed. And the only one I feel sorry for is ROB. He doesnt deserve that. This man is a very sweet, kind, funny, charming, gentle soul. I could go on and on...and you all know that. Looking at the pics were he's sitting next to her breaks my heart. You can see he looks VERY agitated, aggravated, humiliated, just freaken pissed. I am only concern about Rob. Kristen and Rob are a cute couple...but so was Selena & Justine. Difference here Selena didn't humiliated Justine. Right now I feel like a want to shed some tears everytime I listen to those fools spouting out that crap. girls can get mad at me and attack me all you want. But Im being real right now. I had to get this off my chest. ROB DESERVES BETTER THEN THIS.
Thank you and have a good night.
Yea, in LA for sure...impossible.
money. It should be. These parasits have to pay the secutiry to let them be . I see no other explanation.
ther Banner!!!!!!
I see in the comments that some people are refusing to watch the video. I would like to suggest that you do, just once. Every fan of Rob needs to face exactly what our insatiable craving for any photos of him can actually cost him. The paps are despicable, but the money our passion for him generates is the reason they are working in the first place. We are the cause.
Watch the video once. And the next time younhunt the internet, buy a trash rag or click on their site to catch an unguarded glimpse of him, think back to the way he was treated in the video. The photo you are looking at may have been taken by someone hurling abuse at him. Is this what you want for him?
I just couldn't resist lol
No need to camp out. Someone inside the plane tweeted about them, then robsessed on twitter picked it up, then papz, who follow the fandom, and robsessed among other sites that have all the freshest info, picked up the tip that robsessed picked up from a fan. It's a magic circle that's working for the benefit of all included, fans, fan/tabloid sites,papz. Except R/K of course.
The paps are so rude but I'm not surprised at all. So sad for Rob to endure this kind of heckling but it must be hurtful for him to have those kind of comments thrown at his face. Rob will have to endure more of this for a long time as long as he is with Kristen. Since Kristen was caught cheating with a married man, all hell broke loose from the paps and she is now a main target for money shots. Unfortunate for Rob since he is with her, he is now a target too. I just wish Rob will stay cool and grounded and not have those paps get into him. I wish Dean will always be him especially if Rob is in an airport as busy and full of paps as LAX.
Papz aren't the ones figuring out schedules. Fans figure it all out, when they're leaving, when they're landing. Then they tweet it. Then robsessed tweets it. Then papz who follow fandom, robsessed included, pick up the tip. Easy. And it works for everyone. Everybody earns. Off of R/K 's back. Fans earn in pleasure of seeign them and talking about them and empathizing about them among a group of other fans. Only it means nothing as it continues to add to the magic circle explained above.
Don't demand that there be a law or something, or that someone do sth about it. Do sth about it yourself. Stop talking on papz pics threads. Think about how you are a part of the demand that results in violation.
Hello ladies, i notice the pappz came out in droves,Wow!, i know you ladies keep saying day, but there are two ways i see this,@they said things to rob, that allot of people has being saying, even though it's his ch\oice alone, to still be with her and love her, no matter what, and if wasn;t the pappz the first time,would she still be two timing rob? that is the million dollar question?i know bashing might take place here on my comment, but please ladies it's just my opinion,Even if rob and kristen are no more, and she has a new BF, the pappz are going to give kristen and the new bf hell!it's not rob you know it's kristen the pappz diislike, from all the middle finger, rob just happen to be unfortunate because of the company he keeps! In that video one of the pappz ask him[rob] if he think kristen is a good actress, he said yes, also one pappz always address rob as robert!Rob is with kristen because it's his choice, well he have t keep strong, i felt sorry for kristen, and one time, she looked so confused and she pause for a moment!since she said she teared up very easy, i could just imagine, what it was like when they were finally alone!Now let me comment about all these awards that are coming up, that DC did not put cosmopolis out for one screening, imagine fanboys on twitter are fuming saying, the movie and rob was the best for the year, kristen is up there for OTR, but not rob or cosmopolis, i know allot of rob's fans has e-mail him, okay we know he did open the door for rob but it seems like he's closing it behind him too!seems like no screening for cos!
Thank you.
Yes. Watch the vid.
Face the reality this place is a part of.
Stop the hypocrisy.
Hello Vangie, the true spirit of robsessed!
Yu say, they are trying to get a reaction, but i guess rob never looked at TMZ, i never see it at m home, but at a friend's visiting, it happen to be showing, the blond guy with the long hair, say rob has a free pass, for always as long as he is alone, seems the do not dislike rob!
Let me simply say this. We can agree to disagree and I'm perfectly ok with that. But the moment any person puts their hands on me in a violent way for any reason is the day that they will have charges filed against them. Right now what you're saying are just words but be mindful that in real life you do n't lose control in this manner over a difference of opinion (about celebrities no less). It's just not worth it.
Guess you'll flag mine too, as long as anyone says something you ppl are not please of, you flag it! even though it maybe true!payday for the papz, who cares about that, i mum never follow rob or kristen, but she sure know them now,she said she felt so sorrow for rob, and she said rob could never forget that, unless he got amnesia!
Yes, no, to get to the other side.....
Why are you asking this question? Yes, they're bribed, everyone's earning in this, how 's that relevant in terms of what can be done?
Papz pick up hints from the fandom on twitter. Papz follow robsessed, to see what's their next step. Rob said it, in what was interpreted as a compliment here unfortunately. He checks up on here to see what his schedule is. Then robsessed gets the pics, and fans flock in to sympathize, to lament, to glow over how K was treated.
Papz earn, robsessed earns, fans earn, Everyone's happy. Is it not obvious yet?
Very true.
She always does that, and now after two years i can say this, it was because of Lallie,, i ran too twitter and opened myself and account, she insulted me so badly at times! i could not hold it together and broke down allot, some times my letters get all jumbled because i suffer from MS,it does that at times very quickly and i type things that might make no senses, this happen at times, if i type to fast!now i say thank you, i opened a twitter account, and although i love robsessed and i consider it my home, i rarely come here, i see three other blogs has turn to robsten, i hope robsessed will not!
How dare you open the curtain behind this puppet show!
ROBsessed responsible?!
Fans responsible?!
Say it isn't so...........takes all the fun out of it.
I agree with your words, in principle, they are heartfelt and thought provoking. But not all fans behave the way you describe, I don't 'hunt' the internet, buy trash rags or go to their sites, I do come to Robsessed, go to his films, read books of his films, buy his DVD's. But, having said that, your comment has made me feel guilty, and a bit depressed, this sort of hounding is definitely not what we want for him.
I will never agree to your comment,Kristen does not deserve this BS,...If you believe everything that's written then why don't you believe what Rob SAID,He said that the media makes people STUPID and he's right,and Kristen's Dad said you shouldn't believe everything that's written...Rob is with Her because he loves her,he's loved her for a long time and no matter what,he'll stick by her...
Parasitic fuckers work for parasitic fans.
I agree with all what you say, i never fancied kristen from day 1, i always got pissed when she flirted in public with taylor, while rob stood all smiles on the side, and yes kristen know she is a huge pappz magnet yet she still went all dry humping with her co-star;s hubs, talk about heartless, now all of us a grown women, now used your common sense, if a male is attracted to you rubbed up against you from behind isn;t there a reaction from him? and she is felling it and she is all smiles, Wow, yes the pappz disgusting at times, but rob for once, you need to send them a thank you note, for being aware, and that's it, also no rupert for SWATH, but i wonder if kristen is still doing the movie i wonder how will the other female treat her on the sex, sure some are liberty's friends, and even though i believe she as learned her lesson,how will they look at her around chris hensworth! I know some one complain about long comments, but honey, you just skip mine, but kristen suppose to be doing a movie with ben affleck! ell on twitter, some already tweet ben telling him think twice, before cheating on his wife, and telling jen to watch kristen, do not befriend her, i fell sad for kristen in this way, because now she's being just all because she acted before she thought!
So, are you saying that it was up to David C to have the movie nominated??? I'm sorry I really don't understand.
Keep wallowing in mud and you get stuck. I love that Rob and Kristen walked by without a reaction, I'm really proud of them. Those papz are more than disgusting, at this moment I really hate them. I felt like getting that camera and smashing it to the ground but classy Rob with his head held high didn't react and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him or Kristen not to react. I don't encourage violence but it really worries me how much they will push. I hope Rob will never give them the satisfaction of a reaction. Gosh I hate them. Coming to Australia may be a really good thing in more ways than one. I'm quite sure that he won't be hounded the way he has been in LA. Proud of you Rob.
good one jen, it's already happening, outside the robsessed bubble.
http://www(dot)paparazzi-reform (dot)org
Wouldn't it be just awesome if this place of devotion and support would support this initiative, would ask the loving fans of R to do this for their idol.
And how come they're not?
Cause then there would be no makings posts like this, moreandmoreandmoreandmorenadmore oh so lovely pics of Rob by those low lives of papz whose pics we're actually looking at being posted on a site we are regularly commenting on.
What a feeding frenzy...the pappz are just like piranha except they zero in on their prey with a camera instead of teeth...and how in hell is this good for security? It all looks so frightening...I don't know how R/K deal with all of this but for a pair so young...they do very well...a lot better than some "celebs" do.
Instead of posting pics, ROBsessed, a happy place of devotion could post this and not be like any other tabloid gossip site on the web.
"Take action!
Change will only happen if we all speak up. Here are some things you can do:
1. If you see paparazzi
breaking the law, call 911. Tell them exactly what is happening and that
you need assistance. If you can do so safely, capture the paparazzi in
the act of breaking the law on film and send it to us to post on this
website. Make sure you capture any license places and faces for possible
follow-up by law enforcement officials. To upload video, click HERE.
Then write a letter or email to your local police chief or sheriff
and tell them exactly what you saw and that you want them to enforce all
existing laws to help bring the paparazzi under control. You can find
addresses to the two main law enforcement officials in the Los Angeles
area HERE.
If you live in another area, look in the phone book or call information
and get the address for your local law enforcement officials and
contact them. This lets them know there is a problem that needs
form to all magazines, TV shows and internet sites you think need to
adjust their policies toward the photographing and videotaping of
celebrities. You can find the addresses to a number of the largest
organizations HERE. Make sure you include a letter to them regarding how you feel about this problem. Send us a copy of the letter by MAIL or EMAIL for us to post on our site!
3. Write a
letter to Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine who has been leading
the fight to solve the paparazzi problem in the Los Angeles area. Even
if you are from another part of the state, country or world, write to
Councilman Zine and encourage him to continue the fight. This lets him
know people care about this issue. New laws created in Los Angeles can
them be adopted by local officials across the country and world.
Councilman Zine's contact information can be found HERE.
4. Write letters or emails to
the elected officials in your area (mayor, state representative,
Congressperson, President). Links to help you find these officials can
be found HERE.
5. Email your friends the link
to this website and tell them to check it out. The more people that know
about this problem the easier it will be to create change.
6. Link to us on your website or facebook or other social networking page.
7. Become a "fan" of The PAPARAZZI Reform Initiative on FACEBOOK.
8. Write about the issue in blogs and other places on the internet.
9. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Let the readers of the paper know about this issue.
10. Wear a hat or t-shirt that says "" or "" to spread the message to others.
11. Don't but any tabloid magazines! The economic message will ring very loudly.
Let us know what you are doing. Send us copies of letters or emails. Remember, have fun doing it!!
http://www (dot)paparazzi-reform(dot)org/take-action/
Instead of posting pics, ROBsessed, a happy place of devotion could
post this and not be like any other tabloid gossip site on the web.
"Take action!
Change will only happen if we all speak up. Here are some things you can do:
1. If you see paparazzi
breaking the law, call 911. Tell them exactly what is happening and that
you need assistance. If you can do so safely, capture the paparazzi in
the act of breaking the law on film and send it to us to post on this
website. Make sure you capture any license places and faces for possible
follow-up by law enforcement officials. To upload video, click HERE.
Then write a letter or email to your local police chief or sheriff
and tell them exactly what you saw and that you want them to enforce all
existing laws to help bring the paparazzi under control. You can find
addresses to the two main law enforcement officials in the Los Angeles
area HERE.
If you live in another area, look in the phone book or call information
and get the address for your local law enforcement officials and
contact them. This lets them know there is a problem that needs
form to all magazines, TV shows and internet sites you think need to
adjust their policies toward the photographing and videotaping of
celebrities. You can find the addresses to a number of the largest
HERE. Make sure you include a letter to them regarding how you feel
about this problem. Send us a copy of the letter by MAIL or EMAIL for us
to post on our site!
3. Write a
letter to Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine who has been leading
the fight to solve the paparazzi problem in the Los Angeles area. Even
if you are from another part of the state, country or world, write to
Councilman Zine and encourage him to continue the fight. This lets him
know people care about this issue. New laws created in Los Angeles can
them be adopted by local officials across the country and world.
Councilman Zine's contact information can be found HERE.
4. Write letters or emails to
the elected officials in your area (mayor, state representative,
Congressperson, President). Links to help you find these officials can
be found HERE.
5. Email your friends the link
to this website and tell them to check it out. The more people that know
about this problem the easier it will be to create change.
6. Link to us on your website or facebook or other social networking page.
7. Become a "fan" of The PAPARAZZI Reform Initiative on FACEBOOK.
8. Write about the issue in blogs and other places on the internet.
9. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Let the readers of the paper know about this issue.
10. Wear a hat or t-shirt that says "pap-reform(dot)org" or "SNAPthePAPS(dot)org" to spread the message to others.
11. Don't but any tabloid magazines! The economic message will ring very loudly.
Let us know what you are doing. Send us copies of letters or emails. Remember, have fun doing it!"
http://www (dot)paparazzi-reform(dot)org/take-action/
LOL, ah yes, to have fun, to have careless, pointless, thinking free fun. Cause life is hard and full of pain and disappointment. And you suffer, and then you die.So it must be all about fun to numb it all away, in a virtual place with virtual people over pics of an imaginary person,cause no matter how many pics there are, he'll never be real.
What the fuck am I doing here? LOL
Trying to make a difference because you are hopeful. It is appreciated, even by a fed-up cynic like me. Carry on, good soldier.
I wasn't going say anything... but, as a Christian and always praying... shouldn't you have more compassion and forgiveness... do you really think anyone deserve all this?
It is not up to DC.
yeah, semper fi! LOL
Kristen is Rob's girlfriend, so y on earth would YOU have to 'tolerate' her? Tsk tsk tsk. U must play a great part in Robert Pattinson's life. R u from his family?????? and ps: Bashing her every chance u get is hardly called 'tolerating' my dear! Instead of all the hatred towards Kristen, y don't u just keep supporting Rob. Forget about her. Make ur life easy. Give urself less headaches. Cheers :)
Well said!
Actually, they have both been targets of the paparazzi long before the cheating scandal last summer. This has been going on for 4 years but yeah, now they have the ammunition to use it against Kristen.
I like this blog. I like coming here and reading the comments people post here because I havent read anything about the photos being for PR stunt. Or saying Rob is traveling w/ Kristen because of their movie. I would be pissed if anyone would insinuate that Rob is anything but real. I like seeing photos of Rob and Kristen because it shows Rob doesn't get affected by the hurtful things most people say. Whether he cares about Kristen a great deal or not, he sure showed us that he would do what he damn well pleased.
I really wish we could do something about this horrible thing that happens to these two every time they land at an airport. I would think that these assholes are somehow breaking a law. Very sad!
Vangie, your attitude is really disappointing, especially insinuating that Kristen may cheat on Rob with Ben Affleck which is nothing more than tabloid trash speculation. To err is human; to forgive is divine.
I agree completely! It would be nice to get an explanation from LAX but I guess that would be up to Rob and Kristen to demand that. If LAX can not protect high profile stars like Kristen and Rob from the papz, I am not so confident they can protect me from someone more clever. This shows a total lack of security at LAX! Do they just let anyone wander about the halls of the airport? Is their only security concern at the gates? This video footage makes me wonder.
no by all means, she should stay. since I have noticed that damn near half of all the regular posters have left already anyway. this place is going to the dogs...or should I say bitches? you run off all the sensible ones and we are left with haters and juvenile idiots. D:<
Just shut up.
look out ... I'm gonna hug you :D
She's right. Now git.
I remember one time the paps were taking pictures of Halle's daughter at her pre-school and man was she angry. I don't blame her at all. Following a kid around is despicable.
I guess memory is really limited nowadays but all I can say to this unbelievable thread is this - for all sides BTW -
makes me really feel like kindergarten
"How not to comment on Robsessed 101:
-Please don't bully people. If you don't agree with them try to convince them.
Don't tell them to shut up or leave the blog. It's everyone's blog, not just
- Please don't abuse our good will by posting hateful messages towards Robert
Pattinson or his costars, friends.
- Please don't abuse our good will by posting NC-17 rated stuff. YOU might
think it's funny but others don't want to read about your sexual habits,
fantasies, thoughts IN DETAIL. Suggestion is okay, we use a LOT of suggestion
as well but don't be crude.
Before posting think about this: "Would you say those things to a perfect stranger?"
if no then please don't post it in the comments."
Nothing further to say, it's only sad
This is horrible. There should be laws against this type of harassment and the person who leaked them on being on the plane to twitter is just as guilty. I don't understand how the paps can impede their movement like that and it be legal. Get your pictures and leave them alone. Ugh! I'm disgusted. Poor Rob!
I just take comfort in the fact that those they only have to endure a few minutes with the paps at the LA airport. The duration of the flight is definitely much more than a few minutes that they will spend at the airport. Good thing the paps dont follow them to the plane that would be terrible.
It looks like clip from horror movie. Public, violent
emotional assault, rude intrusion in people’s personal, intimate life and
extremely unsafe, dangerous situation. Bodyguards definitely failed. No one
should be allowed to be so close to Robert and HIS women.
I am surprised they didnt hire a private jet to get back to LA. I guess its one expensive way to avoid the paps.
I think its time for me to bid Robsessed goodbye. Thanks Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde. You ladies do an awesome job at keeping up with Rob news. Too bad posters have ruined it with the constant bickering and bullying.
Like what the other poster said, it is expensive. The private jet they used while they were promoting BD 2 must have been provided by Summit
I hate to see you go. I hated to see all the 'regulars' give up and give in and leave. You will be missed. I wish you'd reconsider. I will go down with the ship. :)
These pictures just make me sick to my stomach. R and K walking into a mob of sick fu*ks just pisses me off!! This should not be allowed. I can't believe LAX lets shit like this happen. I didn't watch the video, the pictures say enough...but....God!!! Can't they just leave them alone. Ugh!!!!
you shouldn't let it bother you and ignore the trolls. I am not a "regular" anymore but i do comment here and there. take sometime away but come back :)
I hope the ship won't go down lol.
You are not alone with that feeling, but I'm sure you know that. I could cry when I read the comments. But there is no use to argue anymore with the posters. Tink, Kate, Kat and Gozde are amazing, that's one of the few reasons i'm still here. I can't wait to discuss Mission Blacklist with them, something that makes me stay. You can't believe how much it hurts me to see so many leave, but the bitching and fighting is what people here support and that's really sad for me too. hope to see you soon again!
As do I Ana, but should it come to that end, I'll be right here. I will NOT let the negativity run me off. Rob's One Percent til they plant me. It is what it is :)
I don't agree with you but I'm so sad about some of the reaction you got from some posters for your opinion. People can argue with you why they think it is wrong what you say, but to tell you to "shut the fuck up" is 1) rude and 2) against the rules.
I am appalled that this form of harrassment is allowed in this Country...Why is it that LAX and other airports allow the Pappairzi to be following them in the lobby to their car or even being allowed outside by the cars isn't their a law to protect the passengers? I wish this couple would sue the heck out of these idiots for harrassment. Something needs to be done soon and I can't believe the people of California are allowing this with all the Movie Stars etc that they have and who go through this constantly. Why aren't the cars that pick them up not tinted so that they can't take pictures of them in the cars...
I think this is ridicules we have cars that pick up people and you'd never see the passengers. I don't understand how people can twitter, take pictures or how employees are allowed to tell the world to their few million friends who is or isn't on a flight... Their should be a law at airports no twitters or pictures taken of passengers once you enter the airport and a large fine imposed if caught... Why isn't there a place where the papparizi have to stand to take pictures and it has to be not in the building or within 500 yards of the passengers...there are enough fancy cameras that can take pictures of people coming in without them being harrassed and we know the Papparizi did this when they took pictures of Kristen's home without permission. I do feel for anyone who has to deal with this nonsense and its time it ends once and for all.
can anyone tell if kristen is wearing her necklace?
I hear you sister :) Like i always say Robfan First.
I'm doing someting I've never done here before on the blog but "I'm going to be less than polite and tell you to shut the fuck up. I'm sick of these long comments which results in the same crap everyday where trolls - you - "....well, until that point all of your comment can be said about you on this blog too! you only come when there is a thread about Rob&Kristen, of course to defend them, and then are ugly to everyone who says something you don't like! "Get over it already troll!"
Robert has said over and over again that he doesn't want his private life made news . If you are a fan, don't feed the invasion-of-privacy machine that is the tabloids, posting pap pics, and giving hits to tabloids, and tweeting pics taken of Robert when he is unaware, on his private time. He said at the Q&A that he is a private citizen, that he should have privacy, and his privacy shouldn't be invaded. Let him be open and sharing when he chooses. Let him walk about, go grocery shopping, go paddle-boarding, go for a pint, without wondering if his whereabouts are going to be broadcast to the entire world. If you are a fan, oppose this, please.
even if she is the cause of this, rob knows that and still is with her. deserves better? he made that choice and we can't say anything there.
but whatever you may think about kristen and her "fucked-up" behaviour, please don't try to justify those papps. they are cruel to people who have not fucked up and to kids at times. so the fact tht kristens behaviour was wrong, does not make papps' behaviour right
I don't get what you are trying to say. You are defending people's right to post hateful messages about Rob's girlfriend? Where's the respect for Rob here?
are you sure this is the right site for discussing this?:)
Always :) ( sorry to butt in)
NO to your first question.
Same to you! :)
I agree... if the public report these horrid things than maybe the justice system would actually do something...
Yes, I can't imagine doing that at an airport with out getting arrested for being a possible terrorist...
Beautiful post... so true.
It is very hard for any of us, once we realize we are the reason for the pappz to be swarming in the first place, to stop ourselves from following the pics, posting our comments and keeping the commericialism alive.... I'm even surprised that here we are seeing pics of Rob's clothes with brand / manufactureres names and how to buy them. This site,,, like all others is surrounded with advertisements and encouragements to look for more and buy. So many people,,, especially the young novices, have no idea that what they are looking at is monitored and used to sell them products.
There would be no papparazzi if we didn't want to sneak around and spy on our favorite celebrities. They give us the secret pictures, the forbidden shots... they intrude, insult, ignore laws, endanger lives, and make our beloved celebrity's life a living hell.
They work for us, people. We are the ones who pay them.
but, no one would care.... no one wants to see them
that's where I think differently. someone is already tweeting pix of the pappz from the airport and getting quite a few retweets and replies as well. there's a lot of people that want to see the kind of person who could say such horrible things to someone else just to get a reaction. I kinda hope that enough people out there see these guys and make their lives a living hell. turnabout is fair play. yes?
yes and frustasi.
yes, this place feels so old.
you are here... you are looking for Rob's pics... you are buying their work whether you know it, or believe it, or not.
Im here Jen.. hovering.....I just dont look at this kind of crap, never have , never will.You only have to see the comments to know the quality of the video, (dripping sarcasm here).
Unfortunately as long as this kind of thing is on here it will attract a certain kind of following.
and then what? start a blog about them? twitter about them? they do not live lives of interest, there isn't any turnabout here... if anything, it might just give them a greater street cred for getting shots... and might make them more money.
Yes, they are the lowest cockroaches out there, but making them celebrities isn't going to hurt them, it will help them.
We all help them make a living by watching and waiting for the next intrusive shots... that's the nature of our instant world now. we want it now, we don't care about rules, and we feel we have the right to commen on every little thing about a person's private life. Pappz do it, we do it.... but it doesn't make it right, not to me anyway.
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