Check out this cute vid of Rob backstage surrounded by sign that the Kimmel staff asked fans to make. His face is priceless.
And another vid of him signing for the fans
Some more gorgeous HQ's of Rob & a very dapper Dean!
Click for HQ
Some fan pics
HQ pic Source
I am almost sad that next November as my Birthday approaches we'll not have this to look forward to anymore. Sniff!!! I feel really badly for the fans that waits and they are too far back to get something signed.:( I do do believe I am really going to miss seeing Dean there protecting Rob... he's there with eyes everywhere yet he never handle Rob... they talk and he goes off to sigh autographs. I am feeling kind really, really sad guys. I didn't think I would feel this way. No interview, very few pics after November... I am talking about the intrusive pics... just brief glimpse of him somewhere to know he's ok.(in Esme's voice) He's like part of my family now.
awww that is so sweet :) I think he is part of everyone's family.
Loved the interview, he was hilarious as usual. I was totally laughing about the shoes, how do they bring the wrong size of shoes lol. The shirt that the fan gave him was cute but it looked huge, i think two of Rob could fit in it.
Looking forward to more interviews this week. I just realized that will all of his filming this next year we will probably go into a long drought :(
You can't help can you... he so sweet?
OT: If you live in the US, please go Vote, it doesn't matter who you vote for but just vote. Hope everyone has a great day !!!
Not sure I'm registered to vote. LOL.
That's funny, I always forget Robsessed is around the world.
Who is the good looking guy in the shirt walking next to Rob? Does he have a new BG? He is one hunk a hunk of burning love. Rob I think more of has a very sexy young thing, to quote M.C. Hammer "Can't touch this", Rob is a sacred vessel to be admired like a Da Vinci's Mona Lisa or Michaelangelo's David, you can look but do not touch, but that other guy beside Rob, he is fair
Fun interview and Rob was generous, as always, to his fans. ADORE THIS MAN!!!!!
my boys look like twinsies! I heart that...hard.
Kristen stopped by Kimmel to hang out too :-)
I wish I could just die and go to Rob heaven. Where everywhere is Rob. You drink Rob, eat Rob, Sleep with Rob. Rob is under you and above you. It's just Rob Rob Rob Rob......
That does sound like my version of heaven :)
You are right, he is part of our family. I was thinking that I get to practice how it must feel to one day let my kids go to college or their own ways.
But don't be sad honey. Didn't we get so many surprising appearances here and there, e.g. standup2cancer? I'm not talking about the pappz ones. It will be a long wait but we are in it together and at the end it will be very rewarding.
I saw that too :) Some are saying that they left to NY together after the Jimmy show.
That is funny, I just noticed that :) Hope all is well with you on the east coast!
i'm not sure if you mean Dean or Rob you are going to miss? i guess both, but i was wondering is Dean Rob's bodyguard or is he employed from Summit? will we see him again? i was confused when i didn't see him at the Cosmopolis premieres. and was he at the Bel Ami premiere?...but i definitely agree that he belongs on Rob side to protect him. and i will sooo miss Rob next year.
I like your name change !
it was a bit iritating in the new interview that they said that we fans call him R-Pattz. maybe it was true at the beginning of the Saga but wasn't it later only the media?
Rob heaven ? for me the same please ! but i rather eat
LMAO !!!! Its gonna get crowded ;)
He was in Caines with him :) and Berlin for Bel Ami :)
OH, Damn!!! Someone leaked the last video I had of Rob in my cell! LOL A fan put up the R-PATTZ sign? Bad person!!!! *glares* and *huffs* Rob makes me think of a father that has come to school to talk to his child's teacher and sitting in one of the little chairs! Rob is so adorable!
I think Dean's lost weight. How about anyone else?
yep and he's looking good :)
Dean has been looking rather dapper lately! So glad he is back, cause he knows how to keep The Boy out of trouble. LOL
Hopefully by next November, Rob will be doing PR for one of his new movies. He starts a steady schedule of filming after the new year. It's not as if Rob is running away from home. Tink, Kate and Kat always have the inside and we will all be drooling, em, er, smiling at all the new pics! I believe Rob will be putting out movies for a long time and ROBSessed will keep us informed.
I think Dean lost weight!!
Sorry, just say your post below asking the same thing!
Hummmm....Roberto, /me no likey the underwear. Please, use a plain, tight one next time... :-)
You don't have to die to go to Rob heaven....just close your eyes.....and let your imagination flow...!!! And afterwards, as your still alive, you can come to Robsessed and tell us all about it...!!!
She went in wearing jeans and a t-shirt and came out in more dressy pants. Makes me think they were going out for the night. She doesn't really dress up for flights.
Thanks to the queen of name changing!
Hey, DHB, everything well were you live? Sandy didn't hit you too hard I hope :))
I thought so too, Cathy. He's lookin' very fit...ready to tackle (no pun intended!) the premieres??
the hiney picture is my favorite. cutest ass ever!
Those jeans are fallin off of him..maybe he's lost too much weight.
Was that an apple they wanted signed? How does he put up with that mayhem with a smile on his face? He truly is an angel.
thanks. you and Lyn are right, now i remembered too. i guess i never cared that much about Dean that i really noticed. but i wondered during Cosmopolis promo.
thanks Lyn, how could i have forgotten Berlin. I was there. lol i have bad memory.
LOLOLOL that's a huge title.
Your names crack me up :-)
cool ! then i don't feel too stupid for doing it. LOL thanks MrsLP !
I know, it's just that you seem him and you get him like a Christmas present almost every year for the last four... five years and you are spoil and then it ends and you just won't be this spoil again... I guess I was feeling kinda maudlin today.
I meant' Rob... lol and Dean a little, he's there ... a constant protector for Rob in this crazy world.
lol at your recommendation
Thanks... I was feeling sad that the Saga is winding down and I guess I should be happy that he will probably get some peace for awhile... but it's like you said kids leave home for University and you miss them.
I want to buy him some boxer briefs. He'd look really good in those. Really, really good.
I commented earlier on another post regarding the t-shirt he received from a fan and I thought then, without seeing the second video above that is the same t-shirt, despite the color, that he wore when he was on Montreal visiting Kristen at On the road set. But now I see the message on the t-shirt is influenced by that but also make's me smile and happy Rob toke it and loved it : " Kristen's boy. Get off my chick " :))
lol ! but that means he's not necessarily just hired by summit so should maybe see him again with Rob in the future :)
Dean is looking very dapper indeed! Perhaps the new HBG?? Giving the boy a run for his money! Nice to see him out with Rob again....after all, must protect the precious!
These next couple of weeks are gonna be outstanding. I'll have to check this site even more often *slightly OCD*....keep it coming, Robsessed ladies.
Never thought Levi's back pockets could look so good....oh...and nice striped boxers too! Rob is so good to his fans and I see Dean is on board as well....always good to seem him...makes me feel a little better knowing Rob is so well taken care of.
I don't even dare thinking of it, Monique. It's gonna be heartbreaking. There will be other Rob moments but a promo like this we're not gonna have for a long time.
First thought was: what's Rob up to now? Where do I have to vote? LOL
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