Click HERE if you missed the first batch of 100 HQs but hows about we dive into some more? Get your scuba gear because GreenRob will sink you!
Rob and those sexy eyebrows!
Geeez Dean. Trust us. That woman is totally safe to touch Rob. ;) We owe her A LOT.
MERCY!!! MERCY!!!! Look at those EYES!
Sweetness and light!
Over 300 HQ pics of the Green God after the cut!
My new favourite Rob look. This colour looks amazing on Rob. God he's gorgeous. Tink, this is some seriously fantastic work on this site. I simply cannot express enough how YUMMY Rob looks, not enough words. God I love this man.
You wore green
My heart went boom
Angels sang
A lovely tune
You smiled and talked
Hand in hair
I grinned all night
To see you there
Looking handsome
Suave and smart
Once more I ask
Look after my heart ♥
hahaha! It does look like dean's face is saying: "Uh, NO TOUCHIE!"
Oh my gosh... i just realized. Don't they all have to leave for London soon? Wow, they are busy! No rest for them this week!
Wow so many stunning pics..........going to take a while to save !!!
Look at him, he's not even a shame of his behavior, going out in public and Dazzling the world!! Rob you are a spiteful tease!!!! You should be arrested for indecency!!!! Lol
Yes, he should... making me get up at 5 in the morning to look at him so dashing in green. LOL.
If he keeps it up we may have to make a citizens arrest!!! Lol
Wooo... jumping up and down ... I'll do it, I'll do it. :-D
Calm down, calm down... we don't wanna scare him, we're gonna sneak up on him. Lol
We are gonna use the charge of indecent exposure that's more believable? When we read him his rights and he looks down to see if his zipper is down that's when we cuff him. Lol
Btw...Robsessed, I promise we won't hurt him, we would just escort him to and on his private jet to England. His punishment......flying with us, instead of Taylor and Kristen. We'll be real gentle with him, we promise right Monique?
How is it possible that Rob looked BETTER than I ever imagined, when we all know that no one looks as good as Rob on the carpet (or anywhere, for that matter!)?!!! He took my expectations, scoffed at how low they were, and brought down the house in emerald green Gucci. Loved, loved, loved his made Rob's eyes look so crazy delicious green. And to think that he dreamed it up himself and asked Gucci to make it!! Could we POSSIBLY love this man any more than we do?
What a sweet sweet expression he has with the dog....his expression talks miles and miles about his relationship towards dogs...
Gorgeous man is gorgeous in his leprechaunish suit.LOL
I don't know if there is any of Rob left, because Sonja has been eating all morning!!!
We were given a night of Rob porn to remember. He came,we saw, and once again he conquer!!!!
Rob the lady killer!!!
Rob + Gucci = match made in suit heaven.
He looked amazing and the green suit... Now he is bold. He dares colour and carrries it off. Not everybody could.
Rob = perfection, Robsfantastic! The yahoo coverage, though, made me pull my hair out. Thank goodness I didn't take a drink every time they mentioned their NINE CAMERAS...and then they went on just to show us 2 angles. But GreenRob took all that inane pain away!! So handsome....everything a major movie star should look the bonus of having a beautiful, charming, humble personality, too.
So right Neil....9 cameras that only showed themselves. One shot of the big three, and that was that, coverage over. I was disappointed, but thanks to Robsessed we are getting it all.
The green guy came to kill, he was stunning and delicious.
ITA....thank goodness for Robsessed!!!!
So true!!
I know...I adore that shot. He just has kindness written all over his face =)
FYI Tink, the scuba gear did nothing for me.....I went straight to the bottom!! WOW!!! Gorgeous, Sexy, HOT man, is making my head spin!!! He looks as though he has had his hair trimmed again as well......STOP IT ROB!! are k.i.l.l.i.n.g me! (no don't, I am a sucker for punishment) He really is a GOD!!
Rob looks stunning in this emerald green suit . His eyes are to die for , they change color with his color of his clothes with this green suit they look more green than grey
Looking at Rob brings music to the brain! A poem is a note away from a song!
Before I even begin sifting through these... reveling in them... printing them out and rolling around naked in the utter amazingness that was ShamrockRob, it must be stated unequivocally that literally the second he stepped out of that car and that green popped across the ether, looking sharp and amazing even on the crappy jigcamera Yahoo was using for that craptastic show last night, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would look stunning and that his eyes would do things to me for days, weeks and months afterwards.
Sweet 10 -pound baby Jesus, my mind literally STOPPED last night as soon as I saw him and that was through my computer screen! I cannot fathom how my Twin, Tink and all those other wonderfully lucky women who were there are even coherent this morning, let alone last night.
And, with the LA premiere under our belts, truly the beginning of the end of The Saga and this amazing ride, it must once again be said... Thank you, Rob. Thank you for the sense of wonder and humility you bring to a jaded arena. Thank you for smiling and smouldering and giving everything to us that you do. Thank you for being your sweet adorkable self even amidst the smouldering sexiness. I know that you have no idea what the hell we're on about when we get rolling about you. But, just bask in the knowledge that you have done more to unite the women of the world in mutual adoration than any other human. You are a gift to all of us. And the fact that you have no idea how much of a gift you are... just makes it even better to unwrap you piece by piece. And, a special thank you from all of us truly devoted Twilight fans. Your talent in getting inside of a character, figuring them out and bringing that out so effortlessly and putting it on the screen has been an amazing gift to those of us who love Edward Cullen for his flaws as much as his perfections. You, love, will go so far. And I cannot wait to watch that journey, to be just the tiniest part of it.
I say... Jazz_Girl, that was so eloquently put... and so true,
** whispers*** ok... no we won't hurt him, he's too pretty... we never hurt the pretty. ;-) We'll just sing him a Lullaby. -LOL
LMAO, Lullay, of course that's all we would do. !!!! never dream of hurting The Pretty.
You said it all....Jazz_Girl ;)))) :D
the only thing sexier than a man in an emerald green houndstooth suit by gucci is a man who loves dogs while wearing an emerald green houndstooth suit by gucci! ohh that robert, could he BE any more perfect? what a joyful smile he has while petting that lab...
ah, well put my friend. i whole heartedly agree with every word.
we see pure joy on that wonderful face when he's with that dog. god bless him.
How can he be so hot?!
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