We posted some tweets and a picture of Rob from his night out at the On The Road after party but EOnline had some more details:
That's because the Twilight actress was joined by none other than boyfriend Robert Pattinson. For the record, Rob didn't walk the carpet and wasn't spotted inside the theater for the movie.
The Audi-sponsored fete was held at the Roosevelt Hotel across the street from Grauman's Chinese Theater (where the screening took place) and the couple spent the evening on the Garden Terrace.
So was the night filled with PDA for the newly reunited duo? Not quite.
Early in the night, K.Stew, who traded her red carpet look for a black leather jacket and black tank top, sat by a fire with costar Amy Adams. The two were deep in conversation while Rob, who wore a black jacket and jeans, sat nearby drinking and talking with some other people.
The two seemed in great spirits the whole night. Kristen was bouncing around during conversation while Rob had his arm around a male pal as he threw his head back laughing.
As for PDA, she patted his chest a few times as they talked and rubbed his head at one point. He whispered in her ear and put his arm around her for a moment.
Just before 1 a.m, Rob looked like he tried to rally some people to leave and a few minutes later Kristen followed after him.
Hehe....I got a kick out of imagining Rob's showing off moves. I'd give anything to see Rob get down on a dance floor. He's probably got some hidden moves even though Rob just told us how good a dancer he thinks he is...
hahaha! I can't stop laughing.He is too cute when he does his little dances. I love this man!
It's amazing who you get information from,this is what someone else posted,*Alex @TheFandomVoiceSomeone asked me if Rob looked smitten last night. When people went up to Kristen to congratulate her, he looked down at her with pride -Throughout most the night he was next to her. Arm wrapped around her, rubbing her shoulder. He was all smiles, so yes - he looked smitten.
Geez! I wish people grow up and stop asking questions like that.It's embarrassing.
I hadn't seen the one of Rob falling in Twilight, I'd heard about it, quite impressive how he turns his fall into a backward roll.
I get if people are happy they get back together and support both of them. What I don't get are people who always comment like Rob is the one who is smitten to her, who worships her like she is the queen. When people post like Rob is the puppy who is soooo in love with her. Tbh, it's kinda degrade him. I believe he loves him. But you don't have to make it like he's the love sick puppy in that relationship. And you call yourself Rob's fan.
Cute gif, Rob dances, and the gif from twilight set, oh so funny
Sooo cute!!!
I think people ask that sort of question because they wish , when Rob is being "adoring" to Kristen, that they could somehow imagine it was them experiencing that.
I luv Rob's moves, especially in the first gif. I think he is a good dancer, he may not be no Michael Jackson or Justin Beiber, but I do prefer his little moves especially with those gorgeous hands.
Ahhhhh...leave this poor, handsome man alone !!!!!! Watching him, in a tux, dance with Reese in WFE was all I need in life ! He doesn't need any other dancing skills in my book !!!!!!
That's soooooooooooo sad! And so.............weird?
Little Ashes omfg I loved that scene! Fave dance of Rob's lol
Thanks for the gifs of our adorable Rob..Sooo cute..I love this post.
They didn't tell us exactly when they went to the toilet. I was curious. Did they visit the loo once or twice?
I wish I could have the first gif as my avi.
I really can't stand this new format, it's kinda like reading the fine print before signing a document.
So funny, Rob! I admit, thought, he is a way better at dance that I am...at least, he tries and he is happy to do it! Glad he and Kristen are happy because this way I am happy to.
"Robsteners" are a special breed and mostly they are more Kristen fans than Rob fans. They couldn't live if Rob and Kristen had not got back together, if their Princess had not been "forgiven".
I need to get this of my chest.
I was looking at som pics over at Just Jared's, and was STUPID enough to start reading the comments. One person said that Rob's fans was losing their respect for him and was harrasing him because of him going back to Kristen. I really hope these so called "fans" are no older than 14. I myself am 31. And if there's one thing I've learned in my years as an adult, it is that being able to forgive someone that has wronged you so, is an amazing quality I wish I would see in more people. I can't even begin to understand why people hate so much on that poor girl. OR on Rob. For God's sake: they. Are. only. HUMAN. No matter how much these little people want him to be the oh so perfect Edward and their relationship to be like Edwards and Bella's, it never will be. They are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, young and stupid and most likely not finished screwing their lives up one way or another. And we need to LET them!
I hope they both are as happy as they can be, circumstanses taken into consideration. And I hope they will continue to be, with or without each other. I will continue being Rob's fan, even if he hooks up with Paris Hilton. That's because I love his acting, and I can see that he's got his faults to, just like Kristen. I really hope people will start forgiving her soon, my God, she's what, 22? Give the girl a break.
(I'm not adressing this to any of you here, I just needed to get it of my chest. LOL. Thank's for listening to my rant. Adieu.)
So these people go to parties to spy on others. They spend their whole time looking at what a couple of people do...
I don't mind he forgave her. It's his life, his choice. I will be his fans no matter what. What I don't get is people who need to show that in their relationship, Rob is the one who worhips her, those people who need to show, that in the relationship, Kristen is still the queen. And for them to call themselves Rob's fans!!! I don't think their relationship stays that way. Like you say, I tend to think he has the uper hand now. But hey, what do I know? All I know is this man has the biggest heart to forgive. Wish them well and happy, I understand. Say you're glad they're having fun, I get it. But no need to post comment like ABV did, to put him under her all the time, all the way like that is so annoying esp on Rob's site.
That's exactly what I'm saying,this is not from me,it's from Alex someone,what I'm saying is it depends on who's saying it.
IKR!..It's definitely weird but I think nik said it already,it won't die down ever because people want to know.
Well, your narrative makes it like you just want to state the fact he's smitten, look at her with proud, bla, bla, bla...which I think is not important and kind of degrading him j/s
I agree with you. This is a mad fandom. In a way it's good that the saga is coming to an end. Some will stop thinking Rob and Kristen = Edward and Bella, but others will continue, unfortunately, not to be able to separate real life from fiction.
and why is this news? and how is Eonline different from other webloids?
I've got a feeling that if I was somewhere and saw Rob I'd have such a headache at the end of the night - as I'd spend the whole time looking at him out of the corner of my eye, but pretending I didn't know he was there. :D Wouldn't put it on the internet though; however I'd definitely be emailing my Robsessed friends!
There is a bit of voyeurism in that. Anyway E!online is about as reliable as Hollywood Lies.
Of course its voyeurism - isn't that what we're all doing on sites such as this? LOL
The GIFs are so cute! Can there be a Rob-gifs-only post sometime? I have no tumblr account, but I stalk(no other way to put it lol) other accounts sometimes. It's fun. :)
On topic, all I wish for him is peace and happiness. And for people to let them be. Let him be. *hums to channel positive energies to Rob* ;)
I do the same lol there are some great gifs out there :)
Shippers are nuttier than what they call haters. They live in a fantasy world, it's scary.
I doubt that he is so "adoring" to Kristen now... He probably has a more realisticad healthier view of her.
Thats what I saw, so what is true?I like seeing this but also I like to know if she thinks the world of him too???
Oh rob u do have some good moves
Robert doesn't like being called RPattz. This is a site he respects, and we should respect him by not using a name he doesn't like. Its good to see him supporting Kristen at the OTR event. That boy has class. I admire him immensely for doing what he believes is right for him, and ignoring what people say.
Still, haters are more dangerous. There are some nasty ones, on both sides of the fandom. There is one who absolutely hates Rob and makes up stories about him which she sends to gossip sites and webloids (her stories have been debunked by Gossip Cop), but it says a lot that some actually posted what she wrote. And she sent her lies to over 70 websites.
It's not something the moderators wrote, Hazeldene...they're just quoting from Eonline. None of us ever wants to aggravate The Pretty....
Hahahaha! I'm sure they missed a cough or two, also, Dina!! I was wondering how often they blinked as well....
Ta-da!!! The backwards roll from the Twilight gazebo scene gets me giggling every time!! Great gifs...they're more enjoyable than Eonline's content!!! Rob's just so adorkable!! (But it wouldn't surprise me if he was a GREAT dancer with lots of sexy moves....)
Oh yes, I've read about that one too. That girl is notorious in the Rob fandom. She is cray-cray and anybody who believes and reposts her lies are just as crazy. Her followers are fellow Rob haters, but like you said, GC has debunked her. AS a Rob fan, you know why she posts the lies, right?
Can I join? Me three. On topic, I could teach Rob how to dance. Really, I'm good at it.
Yes, I know... I know that she must totally furious that Rob and Kristen have reconciliated. Her plans have failed... She belongs in a straight jacket. I think that Rob's people are aware of her.
wow !! Rob is so agile , thats a terrific back roll !! as for dancing i loved the short dancing sequence he had with Reese in WFE . he is pretty good !! looked drop dead gorgeous in WFE !!
I'm sure we could all teach him a thing or two...or three ;)
I love how playful he is. He seems so much more relaxed and fun than previous Twilight promos. I look forward to seeing him in lots of movies and interviews. I really don't care what happened at the party.Even though I am a bit curious to why they weren't around each other much but then again I need to remind myself it does not matter non of my business just enjoy the hotness! I loved Kristen's outfit she is so lucky to look good in everything.I like how she changes into her own clothes after the red carpet. I do like her hair off her face best. Rob can wear a paper sack also and look great. Looking forward to BD2
I mean dancing ........honestly ;)
Don't waste your time reading those garbage sites! I swear they hire people to blog hateful things just to get more hits. Don't give them anything, come here for your best info, pics and hotness fix.. These ladies do a great job giving us plenty of Rob. The regulars who comment here are very bright and have warm heats. Sometimes things get a little ugly but that's okay I think everyone loves Rob here in their own way. Looking at these gifs should make you forget what those garbage sites had to say.
Talking like that puts you on the same level than the so called haters, at the end its all of us being so engaged into their private life. I'm disgusted that cheating is tolerated like that but I realize its none of anybodies business what these two actors do , they are just actors and have no impact in anybodies life. Its kind of sad that there is nothing else to talk about. Just look at the OtR Promotion, its overshadowed by the fact that Kristen made out with a married guy and how she puts herself out there, like nothing happened . Poor Hedlund who gave a brilliant performance , he is basically overlooked. It's amusing to see the way Stewarts PR team makes her into that smily dress up Doll , trying to erase the image everybody has while she dry humped the old guy .Everybody wants to know, whats going on with Rupert Pattinson
I never saw Stewart being smitten with Robert like she was with Rupert and that is a fact
Sounds like he had a good time. That's really all I care about.
alone knowing that she rubbed his head like its one of her dogs tells you the whole story
I only want to talk about Robert, he can go out with Paris Hilton for all I care. He wants to be with Stewart because she is hot and because he was starstruck tells me everything, he is hanging on to a dream. This is just a matter of time anyway
I usually don't go anywhere other than here and ToR, but I actually got directed over to JJ via a link here on Robsessed. Not doing THAT again. I get sick to my stomach reading stuff like that. I don't care what people THINK, but for people to even consider that it's okay to psyco analyze other people the way they do, telling others what ROB is feeling, and in such harsh words? I can't see how they think that that's okay. And how they could EVER think Rob would find what they have to say entertaining in any way. I can't imagine anybody wanting people publicly harassed like that. What baffles me is that there are people out there that obviously DO think it's okay. And I kinda feel sorry for them. What kinda life do they have, with so much bitterness inside them?
Gah. I'll stop ranting and just enjoy the pretty. *ogles DiscoRob*
Are you the same Gabriele from Gossipcop? If you are, then please go back there.
Ugh - you are the same Gabriele! Please go back to GC!
For a start, Cosmopolis promo was even more overshadowed by the scandal than OTR, because it was so fresh. Now the scandal is a bit forgotten, in part thanks to the reconciliation. And thank you for telling me I am on the same level as crazy Kiko. Try and find a fabricated story I have sent to gossip sites...
OK, I understand now...
No, that is not a fact, that is your perception... Get real, you don't know any of them.
Please, stop insulting Rob. Not the first time she rubs his head... You come across as more of a hater than a Rob fan.
This actually really sucks that each move is dissected. I think it's funny how in another article they talk about the PDA or lack there of and they actually have "professionals" talking about their PDA and what it means. When I go out with my husband we show very little PDA in fact my husband hates to hold hands in fact in public, he hangs out while i go dance or talk but it doesn't mean that we don't love each other. These articles irritate me.
But the twilight prom dance if freaking hilarious!!!!
The GIFs crack me up! Rob dancing! LOL. I'm sorry I'm a dancer and I must say I believe him that he's a terrible dancer. But I LOVE Rob! I think he's the best musician/singer for me :) And yeah I would love to see him bust some moves!
I stopped going to those sites. Their comments are not worth reading. Let's be like Rob and ignore the haters.
And btw congratulations to this site. To know that I am visiting the same site as Rob is so surreal!
Who is the guy at the end of your post?
I completely agree.Especially, what you said about forgiveness! If you don't mind my following your lead and sharing a few of my innermost thoughts. I think that forgiveness is becoming depressingly less prevalent in our day and age along with many other things. God forbid someone like Rob actually displays some action of forgiveness! I hope he is immensely blessed for forgiving!!! I don't understand the hate towards him either!:(
I will probably get stoned for this but... I feel sorry for Kristen too. Yes, she messed up, but what makes a person think they are above her so much that they have the power to condemn her. I genuinely believe deep down that anyone is capable of doing what she did and even worse. Like you said, Heidi..." We are only HUMAN!" This maybe offensive but I feel it's the truth, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Sometimes people need to put the shoe on the other foot. How would they want some one to treat them if they had done the same?
I'm about Kristen's age, and I messed up big time this year... I am LITERALLY still paying for it. It is expensive. Fortunately, I have my loving family members and friends that are helping me in every way. And now I am a little more appreciative of the people in my life and the things that I have. I now realize that most of it could be taken away in an instant. I wasn't content before this event happened ,but now, ever so gradually, the concept of being content (with what I have, who I am...) is making it's way to the forefront of my life. I think that's something that needs to happen for Kristen... and I think is possibly happening for her. Be content. In accordance to what Maybird said in a previous post (loosely paraphrased)... Sometimes it takes that swift kick to the bum to know what you value and cherish most! and perhaps a swift whack to the heart, to get it going if it was dead or to be able to understand what it is to hurt enabling one to have compassion.
Hopefully, my rambling made sense.
It made a lot of sense and I can see that we are completely on the same page about this. Thank you for sharing!! And I hope it will keep going UP for you from here on :)
Kristen is flawed.So is Robert. Human. Imperfect.
We see tiny glimpses into their lives Glimpses that we probably don't deserve.
Are you without flaws? Have you never hurt someone you love?
This is their relationship. It's between them. Only them.
We are outside... looking in. We don't belong inside. we all are hurting in some way...And I understand the feeling of protection over Rob.The thought of him in so much pain... kills me.
We all are hurting in some way... And I understand the feeling of protection over Rob.
The thought of him in so much pain... kills me. But the truth of the matter is What Kristen did has nothing to do with us. Yes We can question why We can be sad We can be disappointed and angry. But where do you stop and let it go? When do you realize that hating her isn't going to change anything? Because in truth...All this turbulent emotion is more about us intruding on their relationship. Pushing ourselves in... where we never belonged in the first place. This isn't ours to deal with.This isn't really even our pain to feel. I know we all do... I do, too... But we need to back off now...We need to let them heal and figure this out We finally need to leave them alone...and quit asking for things we have no right to ask for. We don't have a right to know the intimate details. We never did.
Kristen is flawed.So is Robert. Human. Imperfect.
We see tiny glimpses into their lives Glimpses that we probably don't deserve.
Are you without flaws? Have you never hurt someone you love?
This is their relationship. It's between them. Only them.
are outside... looking in. We don't belong inside. we all are hurting
in some way...And I understand the feeling of protection over Rob.The
thought of him in so much pain... kills me.
But the truth of the matter
is What Kristen did has nothing to do with us. Yes We can question why ?
We can be sad We can be disappointed and angry. But where do you stop
and let it go? When do you realize that hating her isn't going to change
anything? Because in truth...All this turbulent emotion is more about
us intruding on their relationship. Pushing ourselves in... where we
never belonged in the first place. This isn't ours to deal with.This
isn't really even our pain to feel. I know we all do... I do, too... But
we need to back off now...We need to let them heal and figure this out
We finally need to leave them alone...and quit asking for things we have
no right to ask for. We don't have a right to know the intimate
details. We never did.
I kind of don't like that someone watched them so closely all night. I mean, even inside a industry party, they are scrutinized? I hope they had a good time anyway.
You totally made sense and I hope you are doing okay in your own life. I agree with you 100%
I know, right?! Geez!
I did that once. I was in a bar with Nick Carter (whom I adore) from the Backstreet Boys, back in the day, and I was trying to pretend I wasn't in awe, sneaking looks at him here and there...and he kept catching me! It was so embarrassing! But you know what, I never even considered telling the whole world evey move he made!
Do you think he knows we call hijm The Pretty? LOL
I think it's that for some people...and for other people, like me, it's that I want them to be happy and in love. I want him to be happy with the woman he loves. I look at them and feel happy to see their love. I can't really explain it. It's the same reason I love to watch Bella and Edward, and Romeo and Juliet, Dawson and Joey...any love story, I guess.
Oh, I would hate to think that he has lost that. I want him to be with someone he adores...because I believe she adores him too. At least I hope she does.
How can you hate someone so much that you waste your time trying to hurt them or their fans. I think it's just the opposite. She loves him so much it makes her angry at herself, so she takes it out by trashing him. It's sick, really.
I wish Rob all the happiness possible with the woman he loves. At this point in time it's Kristen. If they are together for the rest of their lives that's wonderful, to have a lifetime of love. If they don't last I hope he still ends up in a wonderful relationship with the person he loves.....and Kristen too. Either way as long as they're happy that's a good thing. Rob is such a gentle and kind soul, I feel he deserves the best.
I don't get that comment, "she puts herself out there, like nothing happened." What do you expect her to do at movie promotions? Do you want her to go to the premiers dressed in rags all dirty and crying, and begging for your forgiveness? Bad things happen in our personal lives, but when you go to work, you put on your public face and do what you need to. We all do it, not just actors.
I don't think there is much more Kristen can say to prove that she loves Rob. That painfully honest statement she released in July tells me that she loves him every bit as much as he loves her. My God, an extremely private girl, spills her guts to the public like that, and we want more. What more is there?
I was just watching the gif of the twilight fall...and you notice...no one tries to help him. They all just stand there laughing hysterically at him!
Do you need to post twice the same rant with 2 different IDs?
Hmmm, no, Kiko doesn't like Rob at all, she hates him, she is psycho. She loves Kristen and would like her to be with anybody but Rob. She even invented a story about Kristen and Garrett Hedlund.
The fact that people
OMFG! Their are kooks out tonight! I think I will drift off to another article!
People shouldn't be hating Rob because he has forgiven Kristen for her indiscretion as it takes a real man to forgive and he has and I have more repect for him to give this relationship another chance. Many people wouldn't of and would spend the rest of their lives thinking what if I had let it go and worked it out...we all make mistakes and it takes a big person to admit them and a bigger person to forgive them. I think if they are able to survive this good for them and everyone should stop the hating and ranting about this personal choice of theirs its none of our business.
Something that I want to rant about is all the news media that say Rob and Kristen are together "after her affair with Rupbert" and I'm thinking give it up this is done and over and why are they still ranting about this---it's these rags and the Internet media that are not letting it die down along with the haters who need to get a life. Sheesh!
If only your sentiment could be carved in stone, for all who enter here, to keep the riff-raff, juveniles, and lunatics away...it would be an even better place for all concerned and a better world!
You know nothing...you've only seen pappzed photos of them together. You been invited to their home or into their bedroom? You're a little shit eating, immature, troll and have been asked to leave once and I'll ask again, get the f out with your stupid comments about something you know nothing about. Every time you comment you bring this blog down to a Jerry Springer, trash talking level, as I assume you have done numerous times on GC. Go play it elsewhere, cause it ain't playing here. I'll flag every comment you come here with, till I'm blue in the face. That's how ignorant and insulting you are...to ROB!
Thank you. It's nice to be appreciated. I was just on another board butting heads with a Krisbian and thinking "why am I wasting my time?" and then I come here and it's peaceful. Nice.
Phew! glad I made sense. Sometimes I get to rambling and things get jumbled.
Christine - So far not too bad. It could be worse. :)
Heidi For Real- Your welcome. and thanks I hope so too.
Well seeing all the smiley pics of both of them I would say Yes to your question Angela.
You really think it's all fantasy!
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