Entertainment Weekly and VH1 report on Robert Pattinson giving Robsessed "mad props"

Entertainment Weekly and VH1 report on Robert Pattinson giving Robsessed "mad props"

Last year, Josh Horowitz won the Robsessed Award for Best Non-fandom Supporter and we think he wants that award for 2012. Why? Because he asked Rob if he visits Robsessed and awesomeness ensued.

The king himself, Robert Pattinson, said he visits the site (in a "duh" kind of voice)...

...claimed he knows us (GAH. He's crazy. I think he thinks every fan he meets is Robsessed...and aren't they? *wink*)...

...told the world "they are on it" (we're on so much around here it's not even funny) and put on the pressure to make sure his schedule is always correct.

We've been on such a high by this and we can't thank Josh enough for giving the blog, and by proxy, all fans who call themselves Robsessed, a mention. The epic moment earned itself a permanent place in the side bar and our hearts.

A couple of media outlets also noticed the shout out and it just makes the whole experience better and better.

Entertainment Weekly said:
In one of the funniest clips from the interview, the trio are quizzed on their knowledge of Twilight fan terminology. You’ll never be happier to learn you have no idea what HBG stands for. Check out the answer – along with Pattinson admitting he regularly hits up Robsessedpattinson.com
And VH1 gave us the perfect title for this post:
The fact that Kristen knows that in Twi-hard lingo, “HBD” stands for her Hot Bodyguard, but no one knew that “OME” means “Oh, my Edward.” And Rob gave mad props to Robsessed.
*sings* I want to stop and thank you baby...I want to stop and thank you baby...How sweet it is to be loved by Rob. ;)
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