I don't know about you but I love to hear David Cronenberg talk about Rob and I can't wait to see them working together again.
Click for Larger
Were you happy with how Cosmopolis was received?
No, I would've liked it to have made half a billion dollars at the box office! [laughs] The movie was received like an art film, which is to say it did OK in the big cities. Naturally you always want the biggest audience you can get, just as long as it doesn't cause you to compromise your moviemaking.
Why did you cast Robert Pattinson as limo-riding antihero Eric Packer?
Eric is in absolutely every scene, so you need an actor who is interesting and charismatic enough to look at for the entire movie. You want someone who can really come up with surprises and angles, and has a level of stardom that will support the movie. He also had to do a credible New York accent. All of that led me to Rob.(Kate: and we're so glad it did)
Source: Scan via Source
LOVE David Cronenberg! Canadians are awesome *winking at bwen*
of course he wanted Cosmopolis to make a shit ton of money, but even though it didn't it is still getting amazing reviews to date and that right there puts a big ol smile on this country gal's face ;D
Can't wait to see Rob's next collaboration with David Cronenberg, I'm sure it will not disappoint :)
I love this man(DC) and I just realized that I have listened to his interviews so many times that I was literally hearing his voice in my mind while reading this. Is this ok or have i started hearing things? Should i be worried:-)
Its an easy voice to listen to :)
This banner is eye-candy to the max -- since it appeared I am weak-kneed and starry-eyed -- I love the scruff or beard look on His Holy Hotness, it makes me joyful -- add to that today another peek into the Rob-mindset of the wonderful David Cronenberg and a rainy day has turned into sunshine and rainbows -- IMO the interviews w/Rob and David will always be my favorites and I am over the moon that they will be making another film together! Thanks again for THIS banner!! Love, love!
Since I can't zoom in anymore with photobucket (what's wrong with it lately, it makes the pc crash, no zoom in anymore, at least for me) I need me some glasses to read, 'cause let's be honest: David is worth the read, not only about Cosmopolis or Rob, he's just that interesting.
so true. very pleasant and distinctive :)
yes. it wil be great
I've seen DC's movies and they're pretty violent, action-packed movies and there's nudity. I wonder if Rob would be naked in maps to the stars. In cosmopolis, he refused to be naked so I wonder if he will say yes this time if DC asks him to do so.
I dragged my sister and 3 friends with me for an hour road trip to see Cosmopolis on opening weekend. One fell asleep and the other three hated it. I, of course, loved every moment Rob was on screen and hearing his voice. In all honesty though the movie was not my usual taste and if not for Rob I would have never watched it. I actually left the theater with a headache because I tried really hard to analyze the dialog and I truly wanted to grasp the meaning of the film. So this weekend while Christmas shopping with my sister, I told her, "I can't for January 1st to buy my Cosmopolis DVD." She was floored and goes, "You are not seriously going to buy that are you." I just laughed and said, "OH YEAH, I am going to watch it over and over again too...I must support Rob's career because that is what devotion looks like." HEHE She looked at me and said, "Your crazy". I just thought to myself, No not crazy just Robsessed:)
lol...I get it. I dragged my DH nearly 1,000 miles to NYC to see it. He said it was 'okay'. OKAY? it wasn't just okay, it was freakin' awesome! lol He doesn't get this Robsession of mine, and he didn't get the complexity of Cosmopolis nor the styling of Cronenberg. If it hadn't been for the Yankees game, he woulda lost out. I however WON! ;D
I can't wait to buy the DVD either. I watched it couple of times while it was on theater and loved every second of it. I think reading the book in advance helped me understand the movie better. Have you tried that?
ha ha ha ha ha my bff read the books but she is not Robsessed or anything she thinks I am crazy too and she liked the movies but that is it and my other bff she is a fan all the way and I converted her LOL!
well thats a man for ya ha ha ha ha!
No I haven't tried but I am an avid reader and I usually do read the book before watching the movie. I'll give it a try now that I can picture Rob as Eric, reading the book may actually be a pleasant experience:) I loved Water for Elephants because I pictured Rob as Jacob while reading. That's why I won't read 50 Shades because I have heart palpitations and even Bayer Aspirin wouldn't prevent a heat attack....hehe
I can't wait til Cosmopolis comes out on DVD I never got too see it in the theater :( I don't know if I will EVER get too see any of his movies in the theater it sure would be nice if I could
I love this banner I am looking forward too seeing the christmas banner *BIG smile*
oh I can't either :)
oh there is nothing with that when I was reading Water For Elephants(two years ago) I could hear Rob's voice in my head as I was reading the book :)
he is an amazing director and I am looking forward too DC working with Rob again :D and yes Canadians are awesome :D
same diagnosis:)
well I find that hard too believe if he can be naked in Little Ashes then he can be naked(or use a body double) in Map Too The Stars he stood in front of a mirror TOTALLY naked covering his "jewels" and the thing is when being cast in a movie or whatever modesty has too be at the door there is no such thing as shyness and another thing it will be women(that are fans) that will see this movie not teens and it sure looked like he was in that one sence with his so called body guard he is was the bed naked and she had a gun pointing at him uh I would say he was naked LOL!! unless I am wrong and that he was only topless and not fully naked and the sence was designed too create the illusion that he was naked?
yeah "watch it over and over again" to support Rob. lol i tried to tell me that once but didn't believe me 1 second. the movie is difficult that's why it's not everyones cup of tea. you can compare it with a Shakespeare. Not everone likes to read that kind of literature either, but the quality of it is what makes it so special. we fans of course have the extra + that make us enjoy it no matter if we like the movie or not. Rob is so brilliant and beautiful in it. I think Cosmopolis no matter how you want to see it is not the usual movie but I feel love for the tone and language and for the character and i'm completelly hooked. I could feel it in my bones. but it definitely helped to read the book first.
Isn't it because they are mainly indie films, why you are not able to see them?
Oh Leah....you little rascal, of course you would like Rob to leave his modesty at the door, just totally for creative reasons right? Ha ha ha
you're right.. and, yes, I mean the frontal nudity and not covering his "jewels" and not just a glimpse but a full 5 or 10 minutes just like Viggo Mortesen's scene in eastern promises where you will see his "jewel" dangling in a fight. lol.. I guess the naughty me is curious to see Rob naked but only if it's in an oscar-worthy movie or if it's really needed.
I didn't get to see the film at the theatre but I now own a copy. I was totally mesmerised when I watched it. It shows what great talent Rob has.
Leah -- really -- Rob-"itis" -- may it never end! -- Rob @ Christmas -- dreams of sugar plums, for sure! -- bring on more killin' banners, we're ready & willn'-- the more the merrier!
I am so with you in this -- I can hardly wait for them together again -- the warm feelings and camaraderie they have for each other just radiates from them when they speak together in interviews and just makes me smile all the time they are onscreen. Bring it on.
Oh yesssssss :-)))))
You actually made me LOL :D
I'm glad I did <3
Thanks Jen I'll make sure that the the message gets passed along.
And the wink isn't getting you any Maple Syrup for Christmas. lol
So happy that DC and Rob are working together, I think they are a match made in heaven. Both seem to have the same abstract whacky and very adult (big smile !!) view of the world, and they do seem genuinely close. Remembering Rob at the Cosmopolis premiere and press meetings, he was so happy and proud, wonderful to witness. I can't wait to see what they produce.
GRRRRRR......they continue to call him wrong (Rpattz)
lol ... is it bad that we've nearly gone thru it already? :3
and I'd appreciate it...the message that is ;D
Well since our conversations are generally bizarre and don't generally get me censored for being a wack job Rob and Kirsten fan then I think we can talk. LMAO.
aww!! how sweet :)
see? I just gotta come up there someday soon and meet all these awesome folks up there in your neck of the woods :3
..''uuuhh..yes mam, would you like one of our combos?''....''uh, yes please, I'll have one of those Robenberg combos, and make it a large...thanks.''...(don't I wish)
In Shame Michael Fassbender goes full frontal nude too. I can understand why Rob isn't fond on doing this kind of scenes. I don't think it has to do with prudity and even the shoot itself. But, when his butt was already talked about and analyzed on most entertainment and gossip sites, what would happen if he would show his jewels? Can't blame him for not wanting them judged by millions of lovers and haters :)
Yeah. He doesn't need to do it at this point. He already has a great career. And besides we would probably go crazyyyy lol...I know I would lmao
Love Rob and DC combo ...hope " Map to the stars " does well at the box office !!
yeah, if he does it then because it's necessary for the movie. but I completely understand all reasons not to do it. at this point non the less. i think with this crazyness around the fans i don't even want him to do it. also there are so many teens who love and hate him i'm sure i don't want to see them react. lol
"...just as long as it doesn't cause you to compromise your moviemaking." Grit. And he's right about certain Awards being sales tools...the Oscars began as a marketing ploy by producers and at it's heart it still is. Although treating the event like casino night can be fun, and to some extent it showcases those films where, as has been said, art and commerce meet, the notion of comparing films or performances to declare a 'winner' is really total nonsense.
oh yeah ya got that right! and sugar plums..........mmmmmmmmmmmmm *smirks*
agree with everything you said Rob and DC are a great team and it makes me smile too when they did interviews together it is so awesome and I am looking forward too 2013!
yeah.... :)
wooooo woooooooo!! oh ya mean his(Viggo) "third leg" and his "jewels" ha ahahahahhahaa OH man that would be EPIC too see Rob in ALL his glory(and nothing covered) lets face it we are 100% pervs HA HA HA HA HA! but seriously I do hope one day Rob will go up too the podium and get his Oscar award and when I saw that sence from LA(Little Ashes) I almost swallowed my dinner wrong!
I will have too say he(MF) is "well portioned" ha ha ha ha ha! but joking aside when auditioning for a movie and the script says the charater has too be in a nude sence shyness and modesty has too be at the door or hire a body double most celebs do that now when he did Remember Me that was Rob ALL the way in the love sences and again Little Ashes and Bel Ami and I doubt whole heartedly Rob would go completely commando in a movie sence and not tease us a little just like in Bel Ami LOL!
If he exheeded the expectations, yes, but imagine if not... can you imagine the reactions of his non fans? I don't even want to think about it.
yeah that's so true...but with that said it would be women who would spend the money too go see his films but I don't care if he does a nude sence or not I just want too see his acting yeah I do kid alot about that subject but serioulsy I really don't care if he does or not again just seeing him on the screen is good enough for me :)
ha ha ha ha yeah we would go crazy and probably die of a heart failure LOL but seriously I do agree he has an awesome career and he is an amazing actor and one day I hope he will direct and write :D
I frowned my brows when I heard David C saying Rob didn't want to go nude. Not what I expected from Rob out of creative point of view, he's all for the art of movie. It could be that Rob talked with David about the risks of exposing himself in this stade of his career with the scrutinity all around and that David understood and wanted this part of him to be safe.
I would not want to think about it either I remember along time ago when Julie Andrews did a movie that her husband directed and she did a full frontal(topless) nude sence NOT making this up I saw the movie LOL on HBO once I don't remember the name but hand too god NOT making this up and like I said just seeing him on the screen is good enough for me I don't remember what the critics said about Julie Andrews it was so long ago
Teasing and temptation are always more fun than the real deal.
ha ha ah ah ah aha ha yeah I would no but seriously though all joking aside just seeing him on the screen is enough and too see what an amazing actor he is some day he will go up too the podium and get his Oscar for best actor or best director or best picture :D
I think what influenced his decision too is that he doesn´t seem very comfortabele with/to show his body. he once mentioned that he is English and shy in that case....
because my(local) theater does not do indie films now with Cosmopolis it did come too the bay area but not at my local theater and I tried too go but I could'nt and bottom line he does not make it easy on us at all I just wish he would do a movie that can be open nation wide and I can see it multiple times I was fortunate too see WFE eight times in the theater and RM twice(and then it left) so those are the only two movies(that were not indie) that I got too see in the theater it was a miracle so I will have too wait til everyone of his movies comes out on DVD because it won't play at my local theater
wow I never knew that so in the sence with his(female) body guard he was just topless but not all the way nude it was just too create the illusion that he was nude but not really he is shy in general no doubt about it but wow because in the movie Little Ashes he went commando but covered his "bits" with his hand when he was standing in front of the mirror in the movie but that been said that was WAY before Twilight was even a glimmer in his eye when he did Little Ashes so I can understand why he was concerned about doing a nude sence because of still being apart of the Twilight Saga and he did'nt want too freak out any of the twilight fans out by exposing himself and I clearly understand that because I have seen the fans in some of the press junket vids and they were not exactly 18 and older that is for sure and look what Daniel Radcliffe did when he did a play(mind you) called Eqqus(sp???) it was based on a shakespear play and let me tell ya it took GUTS he went out there and did a ten minute FULL frontal nudity performance and I did NOT see the play but I will say this he had guts and was very courgeous i wonder if he was concerned at all of getting any kind of backlash from the critics as well as the young fans but the critics LOVED it and he got rave reviews and it was a hit that is for sure and it had a pretty good long run too
oh I know! dammit they keep calling him that ridicoulous nick name!! I need too e-mail them and tell them too STOP calling him that he HATES it and I hate it too!
:-D Now would that be the word prim or prudish in English ? LOL
Leah -- here come the sugar plums again (HaHa) -- sending a wink your way (^_-) !
I have no idea, we must ask the natives about that.... Hi btw, feeling ok?
Ok, thank you for asking, should be practising my German now...;-).....The natives LYN or Maria would be able to tell about the right word :-)
Want a crash course in German?
Aber doch, das wurde wunderbar !Aber ich glaube das ich sehr gut Deutsch sprecht, aber nicht so oft ! LOL
Crash course reminds me of something ....errr ...crash course in driving perhaps ??? LOL
I'm glad Rob did not want to go nude and I hope he never does. Bad enough reaction every time his 'crack is revealed. I don't see how nudity has anything to do with the art of a movie, especially when that nudity and reactions to it will overtake anything of worth in the film. Very rarely is actual nudity necessary for a story. Again, acting and directing and a good story are what is necessary, not nudity. Especially when it comes to people who value their privacy, and even more especially when it comes to people about whom people fantasize and frenzy. I cannot see that he needs that added shyte piled upon the adoration of face and the mocking of himself for being valued for his physical beauty and not his acting.
I agree, whence. I think too that as long as his body was his', he didn't mind hec his scene in Little Ashes. But once his body became the dream object of millions of women, he felt a lot more insecure and shy which is totally normal. In fact he was forced to look at his body differently than he did before and in my idea he never got to understand the fascination.
You know that in a lot of European countries nudity in movies is much more common and no issue but I agree more with your POV. Only when it's necessary for the plot, nudity can be meaningful. Most of time it isn't and it can be really disturbing when you see nude scenes just for shocking effect. I notice that often frontal nudity is added to give a raw, realistic aspect to the movie but I don't need this kind of "reality". It disturbed me a bit in Shame too though I knew in advance what to expect. On the other hand for so long women have been "shown" frontal nude, but when men do it, it seems to be kind of different. Maybe because of the perception that is different:: as long as the actress has nice boobs and butt men are content but women tend more to analyze the nudity of women and men, they compare, judge. Poor actor who doesn't have the size women expected, if you know what I mean :) Rob is totally right to have the desire to keep that to himself, at least for as long as he is the superstar.
It was brave of Daniel Radcliffe but it was a stage play not a movie, only a limited amount of people could see him. And he never has been the sex symbol Rob is. :)
Excuse me...er...butting in, but I thought Rob only objected to the notion that his balls be in closeup at the top of the screen for the prostate scene. He bravely fronted up to DC to say no, but then I think he realised he was being teased. Even if it had been done, might have earned a NC-17 in the States, so doubt it would have happened...lol Nudity isn't only about the person getting naked...
You're right! But... can you imagine the reactions worldwide if they had done it, if his balls were shown in closeup? For that alone (Ă la Benno LOL), I understand he wasn't fond of doing that kind of scene. :)
For that alone...hah! ;-D Well, I hafta say I'd rather watch Paul and Rob in the 'confessional,' while eating my mutton...lol
Haha, me too though not everyone would agree I guess LOL
Btw, I just read in a paper that apparently one of the national (flemish) radio"s has done a top 100 of all time songs and guess who was first?' Ne me quitte pas' from Jacques Brel. I thought immediately at you. You see, he's still "alive and kicking" LOL
Apparently so...lol Well, I'd vote for him, so have no quarrel with their choice, although I have no idea what other songs were in the mix, of course... ;-)
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