We have a few things planned for the holiday season (ROBmas, ROBsessed Awards, 365DoR kick-off) and we're kicking it off with an oldie but goodie. We started the ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge 3 years ago and we're bringing it back for 2012!
Rob fans are so talented and pairing that awesome man with holiday music just makes you feel good. This is the teaser post but we'll announce the official rules next weekend on Dec. 1st. You can revisit the 1st challenge HERE. There will be prizes for the winners but plenty of enjoyment for everyone while you vote for your favorite ROBsessed holiday videos!
To get your creative juices flowing, let's flashback to the winners from the 1st and 2nd ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenges.
First place winner from the 2009 ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge, Noha!
2nd place winner from the 2009 ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge, unetitpeuK!
MORE top placers from the 2nd challenge after the cut!
Winners from the 2010 ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge!
1st place Janine
2nd place Bella Swan
3rd place Malina
So get those thinking caps on and those editing fingers ready!
Official rules announced Dec. 1st!
hmmm...well, I'm out of this competition, seeing as how I can't make a video ... but I sure can watch the hell out of 'em tho!
Can't wait to see what we get!! ;D
Good luck to all of you who are clever enough to make one of these will enjoy watching :)
Wow I loved the Hallelujah video. Need to download it.
I love this contest ROBsessed! I might try to participate and make one. Sounds like fun.
I'll definitely be watching, I love fan vids, they do a better job than the directors sometimes (talking to you Mr Slade !!!!!). I was craving Edward the other day and went through my saved vids...and got stuck on Biel's Edward, from Twilight to New Moon, incredible video, she is so talented, love all her Rob vids.
ITA Biel's vids are so good :)
wow, very nice. Made me smile.
Hi Lyn, how are you ?? Have you been using your boat...??
Hello there, and no haven't needed it lol :D........ joking aside I do know people who probably needed one !!
Yes, they have my sympathy...awful to have your home flooded.
I can't even imagine !!!
ADORED the Hallelujah video! Wow!!!!! Not to be sacrilegious, but don't we all kinda "worship" Rob, so this seemed SO very appropriate! The music, the clips, the timing, the EVERYTHING !!!!!! ' Just plain LOVED this video ... gave me tears and goosebumps! Thanks so much for showing these.
They are all so good. Look forward to seeing this years. I wish I could do that. This will be my first Christmas amongst the ROBsessed community :D
Biel´s vids are among my most favourites too :) She is amazing.....
Hi Mizz, I 'd love to make one but I just haven't got the time... :-/
I'm about to leave watching BD2 again :-) Ich freu mich ;-)
No...a nightmare.
She is. I often watch new footage of Rob and wish she'd make more, she always seemed to spot the good stuff.
Great videos! I admire and I envy the skills.
Oh, the first video 2:00 - if that smile is not able to improve someone's bad mood, I don't know what is able to do it.
I'm a bit worried for Kazrob, she lives in Wales and there was much flood, wasn't it?
she was on twitter earlier ...like an hour or so ago. complaining about the rain.
I think there was but it depends where in Wales she lives !! My son lives in Cardiff which is in Wales but its been ok there :)
love the vids) all this stuff sounds so exciting) i can`t wait for the Robholiday season))))
Yes! Make one, Mizz-artistic!! For things like this, I wish I had an Apple instead of a PC so I could make one, too...but I do love watching what everyone creates! It's hard to go wrong when the subject is Rob...and Christmas!!
Viel SpaĂź! (And if that means something terrible, I completely blame google translate!!!)
I can't even think on how to make vids like this but how I loved watching them and my choice hasn't changed after these years. Though I have an enormous respect for all those who can put these vids together, I prefered the second choice in 2009, it was more Christmas related. And the Hallelujah vid!! *sigh* I teared up when I heard it then and I teared up again now, so beautiful, so moving. And the maker of the third vid, Malina.., she was a regular, very nice person, one of the many who came and went back into lurkdom or gone for good, IDK. Time flies.
And ME :-)
I saw it on TV, they said Wales and Cornwall. Terrible weather
Thanks, Jen, so maybe she suffers from the rain but don't has flood in her house, I hope so.
Please do, Mizzz, I'm looking forward for watching it!
Yes we are having some real bad rain around this part of the country it's not stopped much for days !! a lot of the villages and fields surrounding are flooded !!
You are right, she has a very "sensitive" eye and always finds exellent music to combine. I too hope that she will continue :)
OH FFS!!!!! I did not need that first one ;p I sat here with a stupid grin on my face and my hand over my mouth like I was going to start giggling or something!! HELL do you know how many thousands of times I have to listen to that Mariah Carey track every Christmas, my daughter thinks that makes it Christmas!! Who needs 3 guesses what will be going through my mind every time she plays it again and again???
Does anybody need a house guest until Christmas is over???
Oh my good god...I'm not sure I should even go check out the rest only got to 2nd!
Now this is a task I would love!!
First, make sure DH and sons are out of the house and busy for the day.
Second, pick a Christmas song.
Third, sift through oodles of Rob photos to find the right ones.
Fourth, wipe drool and sift through oodles of Rob photo to find the right ones.
Fifth, quit daydreaming about Rob and choose the damn pictures already!!!
Then finally, choose which part of his beautiful face (and more) gets the zoom feature - eyes, lips, chin, jaw, hands, shoulders, etc.
Hmmm...maybe it's better that I don't have the skills to make a video...my DH and sons would probably come home and I'd still be in front of the computer, sorting Rob pictures into hot, hotter, hottest, and f*ck hot.
Sounds like the perfect day ;-)
Hats off to all you incredible video makers - they are all so good and I have saved many a one of them and really looking forward to the new ones this year - thanks to you all xx
They showed it and interviewed a man who had to be evacuated with his family, the water came into the bedroom (!!) of his son. The poor man told this so quietly, with a smile, I would've had a thunderface :)
I can't wait for more - they are so good.
I was driving home from work tonight and saw the first Christmas decorations, came in - onto the laptop and found these. Christmas has struck with a vengeance lol
Hello, Tink, as I am a very old lady from Germany and a Rob- and Robsessed-fan, I feel obliged to tell you, that we never get a video , where music is included - Gema restrictions - sorry for a thousands reasons... If you still need help translating the interview from Berlin, contact me!
Plenty of houses with their decorations up here we see them when we walk the dogs !! A little early for me but I'm going to see if I can work out how to make a video LOL !! Deffo got enough pics :-)
I know I would be so upset !!
Too early for me too!
Good luck with that let me know how it goes ;-) I noticed at the end of one of those above that there is a free site that helps you.
I was going to do a search to find one !! not saying i'm going to manage anything I want to put out in public though lol :)
Whichever one of those above it was ends with a big green 'ball' then says something about make your own LOL that didn't help much did it ;p
Yep I know what you mean!! ...........surprisingly lol :-)
oh dear that can't be good.....for you!
Haha it can't be just an English thing this time :-/ !!!
Nope....more like a 'join me in my madness' thing !
LOL :D !!
Oh Nell, that was absolutely perfect :-)
And the movie was too... again... *sigh*
The ending is really just beautiful...
So that makes already two: you and Mizzzar :)
We will see if I can work it all out first LOL.......I wouldn't hold your breath !!
Hi Jutta, you can bypass the German Youtube barrier and watch the videos. It's ridiculous that everybody can watch all the videos but we can't. Just try proxtube (google it) or hidemyass.com
Then you can fully enjoy ALL of Rob... :-)
First place in 2010 by Janine...that's pretty saucy for a Christmas song! I've never heard it before, but it's soooo inappropriate! LOL!
Use the song Christmas Time in Hollis Queens, by Run DMC...I think Rob swould like it.
The holiday season and ROBsessed what more could a person want :D
Well, that would be the only thing I would be able to do: look up this song. I think you should give this advice to Mizzz LOL
me either I'm video challenged LOL! but I can't wait too see them either BRING IT!
these vids are not working for me *screams*
awesome! :D so did you have a nice thanksgiving :)
so good to see a couple of these again, some of the photo shoots seem so recent and then you see it was 2009! time flies having fun in robland. can't wait to see the 2012 entrants!
completely off topic but i just saw BD again and was reminded how good an actor rob is with the bit where bella is trying to stop kates shock affecting him and he's had enough and suggests to emmett to take a turn. i don't know why this tiny bit sticks out for me, i think it seems like a glimpse of the real teasing rob. hope everyone here in the UK is ok flooding wise?
January 1st 2013 will be my third year as apart of the Robsessed community :)
so true! well except too have Rob wrapped in a bow and with NOTHING but a smile on his face and a toothbrush *smirks*
were you able too see the vids cuz I can't *sad panda face*
Perfect :-) !!
Thank you for asking but from England so we don't have thanksgiving. I hope you had a good thanksgiving :)
Wow ......heaven...
Holy God!
now its working LOVE THEM! oh man brings back memories <3
my sentiments exactly!
Tink, so glad you all decided to have the contest again. There is so much talent in these videos. I wish I wasn't so tech challenged. I look forward to viewing the entries. BTW, Janine's music was perfect for Rob.
I know right?! total heaven!
I sobbed at the end of the movie I have seen it now six times and six times I have cried I will miss SO much okay I need too go too my happy place and that would be Rob :)
in reply too Mizzz oh that would be awesome if you could summit a video wooo I can't wait too see it if ya do!
oh me too she is talented! I saw some of her stuff she is awesome at it and oh man I wanted too just jump in the screen with him!
oh my god theres flooding! in Wales oh man I am so sorry! what a drag!
I hope she is staying safe!
oh man that has to be just horrible my thoughts and prayers are with Kazrob I really hope she is okay!
oh my god! that poor kid! and that poor man and his family :(
I can't even imagine! everytime we get(heavy) rain in the winter here in california I always get a little nervous because I keep thinking the creeks by my house will rise up and flood my whole neighborhood but we have been lucky of all the years that I have lived here....but I will say this my heart goes out too the victims of this terrible flooding!
Oh wow! I didn't know German readers can't view vids with music. Thanks for the info. If you noticed I missed anything in the Berlin video, let me know via email (robsessedtips at gmail dot com) or reply here and I'll see it ;)
I'm excited too :) I loved the holiday videos. I even made one for the challenge in 2009 LOL
I loved all the videos..especially the last one by malina,its perfectly awesome. Rob.. you're a gorgeous, gorgeous man ever.Luv ya!
yeah, it's annoying. here is one possibility. remove the space between
h tt p: // hidemyass . com /
not every vid but a looooooooot. not really sure why we can see vids at all with Gema. it's really annoying and in my eyes bullshit! they act as if we are ciminals when we love, share and use music that you can get everywhere legal. they restrict our creativity, they are bloodsucking moneymakers..... But there are possiblities to watch it anyway if you are not too lazy to use them. I posted a link above.
how come leah? you are in the US you should be able right? or do you have any restrictions too? i used this link but not sure if that is of any use for you...
h tt p: // hidemyass . com /
how often did you see it now? hope you had a great evenig...how could it be any different right? you saw Rob. :-)
mmm, not really artistic in the video making business but it makes fun...if you find the right song that is. i loved your comment above. all the problems will definitely occure. so we'll see if i come up with one, don't hold your breath for it.
I agree about the music, honestly I could gush all day about her vids, love them !!
Ooooo....yes please !!
You're an early bird :-)
I am. I always wake up early....don't know why !
I have that bad habit too.
I've just come back in from walking the dog and while I'm strolling in my wellies every now and then they make that little sucking noise so who do I think of ??? lol Then I get to thinking about the way he says wellieeees LOL. There's me..... walking in my sucky noise wellies.....smiling to myself. I could be locked up for less :-)
Off to Epsom Racecourse now to sit and be bored silly and probably cold. I do get to watch the horses be exercised and people walking their dogs though ;p
..'sucky noise wellies'.....love it..!!!(big smile..!) Yeah the great thing about getting up early.....extra time for naughty Rob thoughts...!
What a wonderful idea to challenge our crativity! I would love to try if I had any idea how to do it.... but I am excited to see what the more skilled ladies (or guys?) here will come up with.... And thanks you for posting the ones from last year :))))
I thing she does, Leah, according to Jennifer she was on Twitter.
no it's just that when I click too play it goes black and then it has this little thing circling around LOL but I logged on again and FINALLY got it but with no sound *goes too bang head against the wall* but I finally fixed the sound yeah welcome too my world of insanity! LMAO!
we are SO bad oh wait I forgot about the santa hat he has too wear that *BIG smile*
oh i do too but for me I have too take my puppy out too go too the bathroom she sleeps in the kitchen in her bed and she has a "puppy" training pad that she uses during the night and so I have too get up early UGH but she is my little sweety pie :D
oh I'm sorry I thought you were american! and yes I did have a nice thanksgiving LOL
oh thank goodness I am so relieved!
I saw it twice now but definitely want to go at least one more time, you just see so much more, watching it several times, and the movie just leaves me with a happy satisfied feeling because it ends so beautifully :-)
Don't know if anyone will get this but, I have an idea (G-d help us) for a video but I need to use gifs of Rob, rather than just photos, and I don't know how to get them, use them, or put them onto one true video. If anyone knows, could you please let me know? Many thanks!
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