UPDATE: On stands Nov. 5th. Buy online HERE
UPDATE: I'm adding crops (and the HQs in the thumbnails) because I'm crazy about his intense look and sexhair reaching for the sky. I bow down to the hairstylist.
And this crop I lightened. Could he BE more beautiful? Look at that pensive brow. Those eyes are piercing me like the spikes! I love it and can't wait to see more.
This is the most unique shoot we've seen with Rob and the hair makes me wild...plus the spikes. It's all wild and RAWR!
Is this Mad Max-y? What vibe do you guys get??
Crops in HQ
Click for HQ
Photos: Caitlin Cronenberg | Via: Source
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 311 of 311 Newer› Newest»The photos were taken Oct 18 in LA.
But I can't agree with your interpretation...of his look. I'm prejudiced by my 30 years of working in ICU seeing people and families in emotional pain, anguish, and vulnerability at varying stages. So I will stand by what I believe I see in these photos ...so this time we will have to agree to disagree.
Not every photo is about the subjects personal emotions he's an actor...and this is art.
Besides Rob and Kristen were already back together by then...if that was what you were referring to as to when the photos were taken.
Sometimes Solas what you see is all that there is to see a beautiful man taking on the character of and costume, makeup and surrounding landscape and nothing else.
These photos are bold, outrageous, dramatic, unusual, artistic and great and I love that Rob pushes the boundaries. Through his smouldering look I think he looks very very unhappy to me though. Think Caitlin could have left off the nappy pin.....
The cover photo is amazing. The posed outfit with that coat (??)- not so much. I am all for pushing the envelope, but when you have a subject that the camera loves as much as this man- take advantage of it! This belongs with the Annie Lebovitz VF spread- its like they didn't know what to do with what they had!
I agree about the A Lebovitz VF shoot. What a massive disappointment that was. She is a fabulous photographer, I went to an exhibition of her work at the National Portrait Gallery a while ago which was great, but that shoot with Rob, she absolutely had no vision for him or idea of what to do, with the one exception of Rob in the car. IMHO!..
My first thought was if this was connected to "The Rover." Isn't that supposed to be a slightly-futuristic world? Could they be alluding to that? We've wondered why he was growing his hair out. We KNOW he would keep it short if he could. So maybe it's all tied up together? Anybody know??
Sure, we will agree to disagree; I also come with my experience of looks of pain, anguish and vulnerability, and also looks of strength, defiance, etc. Of course he is an actor and would not necessarily show what his personal emotions are. He might have either been asked to, or to channel, or to put himself into, a certain scenario. Or he might have just been uncomfortable with the clothing and/or the heat. (He looks like he might be suffering from the heat!) But this face on him, I've seen before, and it was at times of (portraying) pain and vulnerability. As for the beautiful man, etc-- this look is different from his 'beautiful man and nothing else' look, at least to me.
I don't know-- I am not sure he would let his own emotional pain get through and show. It seems to me he is just portraying it, or perhaps just uncomfortable in the clothing and the heat.
Hah! about nappy pin! I was going to write that when I wrote about safety pin, but didn't know if anyone would know what a nappy pin is!!!
bwen - thanks for mentioning the date they were taken - that answers my question - if they were taken in the Summer as I thought they might, I would have stuck with what I say to Solas below, but if they were that recent, then Rob is doing what he does so well - acting.
bwen's confirmed the time they wre taken so see my reply. You might be right about the heat! lol...
OMG Yes!! Dune!!! The new messiah for a thirsty planet!! I loved that film!
i don't know what ZOd would look like, but Rob did say that would be his costume of choice if he came to the comicon.
To me it isn't so much unhappy as it is cautious, vulnerable, with little missiles or spikes to protect him. On the other hand, someone mentioned zod, with whose appearance I am not familiar, so I googled it and did not see anything like this, but Rob had mentioned Zod as what he would go as to comicon if he had to dress up so perhaps this is on target; and someone else mentioned Paul Atreidas from Dune, which I can see, but not yet at his time of triumph--he does not look triumphant here to me.
I did wonder myself.
I get the Dune connection - didn't like that film, there was a really unpleasant atmosphere that hung over it all the way through- I think it is a highly rated film though.
Maybe ROb and Kaitlin conspired and said--Let's put a lot of weird stuff together with expressions that could be perceived/understood in different ways, and see how many interpretations people will come up with!
Oh, I loved it. I saw it at my sister's house--at the time we did not have a TV. I didn't find an unpleasant atmosphere, but rather dark.
Dark's the word!
Well said >Mizz !
Well, darkness is my old friend. ;-)
Ha! very good..
I am still thinking Mad Max-y vibes here, like when I saw the first photo yesterday ! I would love to think this could be
something related to the over, dont ask me what or why, I just feel it intuitively :-D
BTW...watched Cosmopolis....;-)
Love it...Mad Rob ;-)
that jacket could poke an eye out! LMAO!!
My beautiful Rob looks like a badass artichoke WTF LOL
Love it or hate it I guess... I'd still like it better right there in the floor by my bed *wink wink*
move over Mad Max LOL!!!
i'm sure it is open for interpretation like artists like it to be even if they have something in mind. i see future movie projects but also Rob in it. and that they loved to be creative and sexy.
btw, my Zod reference was because i somehow picture him like that. i don't really have a movie/book example. i loved it when he said it at ComicCon because i'm kinda a Superman fan. :-)
AMEN!!!! LOL!!! (All BTBs think alike BTW LOL)
Intuition is always good..... so are you game for Cosmopolis talk?
I'm so glad you like it :-D
Remember the lead singer from Echo and the Bunnymen??? Getting that vibe.
I don't understand the symbolisum(sp??) of the picture of him in the jacket and I agree she could have done better Annie Lebovitz is legendary but too have Rob in that jacket again I don't get it
I agree whole heartedly she is(as I have said above) legendary but yeah too come with this theme or vision it's like oooookkkaayy
Tonight I cant, the MRI you know ;-) Maybe tomorrow instead !
Ah, ok, will be thinking of you <3 and hugs!!!
now it's my time to agree. exactly what you say.....i said he looks kind of like Zod BUT he is not Zod. he portrays not a monster, he is a good man. you see sensitivity and vulnerability too...as far as that is possible. he might come from a battle or worries how it will go on....i see a complete movie in front of me...LOL... we have so much fun with these pics. i'm sure they had a lot fun doing them.
Duh missed out the 18, muppet that I am lol
It's just so artistic and amazing I LOVE IT!!!
Mizzz I tried to but I could have said it better !!!
You have nailed it.
I wasn't thinking so much of the shytefest over the summer, but more of his having to put himself into armour and be armed due to those who hound him, attack him, etc.; wary to let people get too close to him, or forced to because of attacks.
Does anyone know if there are other photos that she took, and if so are they all like this?
WOW! In my opinion there's a lot of symbolism in the photoshoot that is connected with his real life turmoil we have all read about. There are the knives symbolizing the cheating that almost broke his heart. Then there's the vulnerable yet determined look in his eyes that say that yes he got hurt but he's going to make it. Then there's the gorgeousness of him that says that this is what you (KS) almost missed. He's somehow portrayed as an ultimate survivor. I love it! Finally again a photoshoot to really look forward to!
Now that I will agree with you!
Solas her website is caitlincronenberg dot com
My 6 year-old looked over my shoulder and giggled all the way when he saw Rob in this coat and with the hair all standing up. He thought it is really funny. And then he asked "What is Edward doing there" "Ehhhhmmmmm, don't know, dressing up and taking a photograph..." LOL ;)
Haha don't you just love em :D
At least I wasn't the only one !!!
You know Freud once said "sometimes a cigar is a just a cigar".
I think you're looking things that aren't there ...but then art is open to interpretation.
Rest assured, I would find a way through the spikes .
Id like it even better IN my bed.....spiked !
Certainly interpretation is up to each person, but I would think if it were about his 'real' life (which we really do not know) cheating etc., , etc., the knives (or missiles) would be pointed in (unless we are seeing the back end of them and he has been stabbed with the point parts that we do not see). I absolutely do not get that this is saying 'look what you almost missed.' He does, however, have wreckage behind him.
Mad Maxy ...Oh yes....I'm mad about this look....this man is on a mission alright...he's out to kill us all...poof..I'm dead...dropped dead at his feet! Just gorgeous
You are right--so I try to imagine someone about whom I hadn't read anything. looking like this. If I saw a photo of someone I did not recognize looking like this, or as a scene from a film or illustration from a book, what would I think? I would see the wreckage behind; the fact that he is alone; the knives or minimissiles pointing outward (unless what we see is the hilt and they are actually stabbing him inside); a nappy pin (which doesn't make sense unless he it is showing that he is always prepared, or being held together, or being treated like a baby inappropriate to what/who he really is); black vinyl (no idea what that symbolizes, except rain coat and possibly a stand-in for leather which is tough guy biker gear); hands NOT on the weapons (meaning not ready to fire or attack, so it seems more like protective armour, a message to not get too close). Facial expressions are open somewhat to interpretation, although I do train children with Aspergers in reading faces, so there is some common ground at least in western society for understanding expressions. Yet we see even on this board different perceptions. But looking at the photo itself and each feature as well as the whole picture (trees AND forest), there is no projecting or extrapolating about the person Rob himself, but rather looking at what is in the photo.
I definitely think you're overthinking this. I doubt Rob designed the coat, some designer did. He probably didn't even pick it out to wear, the photographer did. You're assigning him feelings based on a coat that except for him wearing it in a picture, has nothing to do with him.
If it weren't for the missiles/spikes, I would say it is 'The Little Prince.'
Hmm--I didn't think I was thinking he designed the coat at all. I am thinking about what the artist setting up this shoot might have been trying to portray. I don't know if she meant it to have anything to do with him at all.
Oh, then I misunderstood, I thought you were saying that Rob felt that way. As for the person who set it up, I personally think they were thinking "Oh wow, I've got a coat with spikes, let's put it on Rob!" & nothing more. :-)
My initial reaction was... Edward Scissorhand's run amok and found Mad Max. LOL. But I kind of get it. I get it way more than that disastrous Annie Liebovitz debacle.
could be!
I agree, we don't know anything about his real life. I got both thoughts on the coat and the "knives", that they got into his heart and that they are an armour for his broken heart. What I meant with the "look what you almost missed" is the thought I got from the sex hair bouffant as that's one of the first things Rob got famous for and so many fans were expressing their happiness when "the hair" got back and that's why the stylist of the photoshoot wanted to exaggerate it. I also got the vibe of "Last man standing" from it. But then again it's just a photo but I do think that the choice of a jacket and the artistic style of the pic are not purely random but that's just my thought.
He takes my breath away....gahh....the agony....it..hurts...soooo....goodddd
I don't know from photographers or photo shoots. I've seen some beautiful and interesting, but it seems to me another medium for an artist, and that the photographer might have a plan as to how she wants the picture to be seen. It could be that some photographers (or perhaps all--what do I know?) might want input from their subjects, or might know the subjects personally and either get across something, or consult with the subject. I also don't know if there is a magazine that hires the photographer and has an article which the photos would accompany. So there are many choices. But having just viewed Caitlin Cronenberg's photos and seeing that she is indeed an artist, I am thinking she (either by herself or in collaboration with Rob) chose specifically and had a specific vision. So I don't think it's 'just a photo' nor do i think it 'purely random.' But I don't think either would have it be an overt expose of ROb's feelings.
I agree with you,yes,this is art and poweful art,I guess. This photoshoop has a director, an actor, a script,a scenario, a team creative,stylist and so on. As a film,but the whole proposal in static photos.This made more stunning Rob's and Caitlin work in my opinion.
The structures in the background of the actor, are significant too.
All this does not exclude the interpretations of vulnerability and strength of the character in that scenario.All are open. How David Cronenberg said , art is no an email, but suggest questions..? .i don´t remember the exacts words.
Cronenberg also said ...
You know, there's a saying in art that in order to be universal you must be specific. So I think every artist feels that he is dealing with specific things but that it also has significance universally.
From the neck up I'm all for it..really HOT..but what the hell have they put him in..poor bastard...
These are really hard to describe but the first thing I thought of when I saw that first one was that photo of him crouched on a rock back during the first Twilight in Cannes. He had that wide eyed WTF is going on look with those beautiful intense eyes of his and the crazy sex hair. These are very artistic shots and maybe Caitlin did have some symbolic reasons for the costume choices but I am not sure what they are except that she might have wanted to portray Rob as a warrior ready to take on the world (pinned back together LOL).
Wow, I didn't know she's David's daughter and responsible for some of the amazing Cosmopolis and Cannes pics about Rob. The one where he's looking at his cell... that smile on his face! She's truly an artist!
It runs in the family ;o)
than you bwen,to bring the memory of this quote .... David, always providing knowledge and insights that indeed, go beyond the field of art ...he is a brilliant and adorable man and artist .
lol lol
That he is ..he's one of national treasures and a much admire man.
And I'm ever thankful that he feels the same way about Rob.
a great treasure, definitely ..and concerning the encounter with Rob ...we always hope to the great director who would have the genius and vision, and when it turned out Davis, i remember your great joy ! It was a magical meeting for us fans. I am thankful too.
IMO - symbolism works only if taken in context this is a photo shoot by some one no disrespect but starts with L something ,and no I don't think Rob had any say regarding the layout, clothes and the mood,and why bring what ever happened very personal in the comments just to get a rise out of some of us !!
I am thinking more of this, and while I do agree about the cigar idea (and I've said about snakes--sometimes a snake is just a snake) I also think that when you are talking about art and artists, you usually have intent. Sometimes it might be to capture a scene or beauty, etc., but oftentimes, when a set-up and/or props are required, there is more thought going on.
Well when my own words fail I'll resort to a quote from David Cronenberg...
"You know, there's a saying in art that in order to be universal you must be specific. So I think every artist feels that he is dealing with specific things but that it also has significance universally."
It looks like they have him made up to look like Jefferson from Once Upon a Time except in an uglier costume. I love me some Jefferson and Rob, but they could use some fashion tips from Once's wardrobe dept. Have you seen the costumes. They can actually make Rumple look attractive!lol!
Hey ladies *waves* I'm late seeing this,powers been out since Monday night...So happy I get to see the live stream!!All I can say about this photo shoot is HOLY F**K look at the hair !!Beyond sexy,the outfits different,real futuristic but hell it's hard to look past the neck he is just yum.Over to the DR...:D
The mad hatter?
I like that. On several levels.
As an artist, I think that is valid for most of what I create--I do keep that in mind in my songwriting and my book-writing, but I am not sure if it applies to my artwork (remember, I do micrography?). I am not sure what people in general would get out of my artwork unless they specifically knew the specifics. But I could be wrong; I've never shown it to the general public and listened for their impressions.
i loved your comment too! x
good to see YOU here! :-) about the name, i would keep luvthepretty, you become your own legend
god this man is beautiful!
tomorrow will be 13 days!!
hey woman! so glad you are back :D and these pics YUM-O
I love your avi!
that is so true LOL!
The Scouser Ian McCullough did/does have big hair, a big diaphanous coat, big lips and sang big, beautiful songs. I think I might have to dig some out. I could equally make that a description of Pete Wylie (and the Mighty Wah! 'Story of the Blues' - of what a tune...) Are we still doing 'songs' of Rob? - can we now include Maroon 5 along with Husker Du?
oh hon so would I!
speaking of Once Upon A Time have you checked out Captain Hook!
RRRRRRAAAAAWWWRR is right! and 13 days in counting! and it will be offically here and....well I don't want too think about that part coz I don't want too cry *goes too the DR*....My happy place :D
....And a VERY hard one too ;) *runs from mods*
no--seriously--that character is the mad hatter. DId you never see 'Once upon a TIme'?
and they were able to make him sparkle! ;-)
lol .. i was all superman fan as a kid , lol and i like sci fi too...Great quote from Rob about Zod ! ... I didn't remember it !
also i had forgotten he was Terence Stamp, such a great actor!
What on earth is he wearing? It's crazy, yet he still looks beautiful. Go figure...
You have to be an art student! You have analyzed the photographs like a pro!
I think all she has done is applied her own views about Rob''s personal life and projected them onto a photographic composition...
Yeah the Mad Hatter. Jefferson is my icon as you can see without the hat!
Yeah. Love my show. The guys on there really have a thing for guy liner! Somehow they make it look hot don't they!
I know right. He don't quite pull the whole sparkle thing off like Edward does though. Rumple and Jefferson are my 2 faves on the show.
Different. I don't think it really works for me but they've lightened his eyes for the close up the same way that Melbie Toast does on Tumblr!
Mmmm, I like the "heart" interpretation more, it's more romantic LOL
When I think about strength, power and masculinity I think more about a kind of Marlboro type of man, not someone in a coat like Rob wears. But I've never been a SF lover, on the contrary :))
I agree.He had the same posision of eyebrows when paparazzi caught him and Kristen in front of house in London last November (23th or 24th November)They were come back from pub(I think) and papz were waiting for them.I remember this perfectly 'cause I've never seen his face being like that in real life.I think he also had such face when Josh asked him about Twilight during Cosmopolis promo in August.
ha ha ha ha ha oh yeah I would say so! I got the first season on DVD
oh I'm sorry! yeah I have seen it I have the first season on DVD :) LOVE how they did it!
RAWWWWWRRR!!! god yes. that left eye....during slower times, imma make Kat give us a picspam JUST the left eye lol
oh pretty please ;))))))
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