Lawd, he KNOWS!
GORGEOUS eyes...
What's his tongue doing??
GAH!!! The jawporn...
Rob: Oh this jawporn??
Sexy eyes....
The man is dressed to kill. Are you dying??
MORE HQs after the cut!
Lick and save for GucciRob!
Click HERE to learn a little more about the event!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 232 of 232 Newer› Newest»I think she forgot that when you change you avi it changes on all your comments hence here tennis match avi with Sonja no longer exists.
But I can attest to the fact that it was hilarious .
WHAT!!!! It's there...I put him back so it would be there!!
It still works....:)
*calming voice* there, there, I saw it, everything´s fine, you put him back and he´s there ;)
NOOOOOOOO. I can't reply to anybody!!! OMG the frustration!!!
LOTTE: what????? its only 8.50 why should I go to sleep???
WHENCE : I gave him back JUST SO YOU COULD SEE IT because you expressed that wish ;p
I am NOT stupid (well not all the time) and I did realise that my AVI changes eveywhere so when Lotte and Whence asked about the tennis match I very kindly changed my AVI, just for them, so that they could see it again!!
I think you are all picking on me (memo or no memo) because I HAVE NO REPLY button and can't retaliate!!!!
Shame on you all ;p
And I don't watch Wimbledon!!
OMG Lotte are you rolling on the floor there with me laughing tears?
Is this Diqu´s version of sunday evening cabaret? The comments get thrown around but somehow they fit together in a new funny sense.... hilarious!
Maria, if I could I would just beam myself over and serve you some melissas tee (is supposed to calm you;)
One more time:
and what is it about the bloody memo? and why is bwen in tears about it?
*approaches carefully*
Maria? Why do I get your replies when you don´t have a reply button?
There is a conspiracy afoot!! I'm NOT paranoid and they ARE out to get me!!! Everybody!!
I have about 1 reply button to every 6 comments posted....please tell me you noticed I was replying in the wrong places????!!!!
The do you know Bwen is in tears about it?? It's her fault ;p
A few days ago I said that I hadn't got the memo that it was pick on Maria day and bwen said that a memo goes out every (I can't remember) so often and that she would take it down. Obviously that memo has gone out again LOL
I have a horse that has gone into its stable tonight and horror upon horror is not happy (not happy???!!! at least it got another coat today - just for indoors!!)
I have two daughters that have gone insane!!! The youngest is walking round saying everything in an Australian accent and going on about bacon and skippy on the barbie.with the eldest rolling up laughing and then arguing with her to leave skippy alone......then she goes into one because SOMEONE, not her, has lost HER UGG boot. She then reverts to skippy on the barbie and tries to do a southern accent which again is Australian.
I know, I think, I'll come on here for some sanity................................YEAH RIGHT THAT WORKED!!!
*Oh Maria !* (sung in Rob´s best "Oh Sebastian!" voice. I´m so sorry but I´m laughing so hard right now - thank you for making my evening!!!! I know nothing about the teary memo.... I don´t pick or kick :) What does skippy on the barbie mean???? Barbie the doll and skippy the kanguruh? Therefore the australian accent? My doughter has lost her UGG too, maybe they can colaborate? And where to start about the horse...words fail me ;) I do support your conspiracy theory though: I feel followed for a long time already - *whispers* I even could tell you the names.....
I´m ZZZZZZZZZing now and it was lovely and fun with you!
Yikes...................!!!! what a face and such smouldering looks !! I agree that with all those flashing lights popping all the time its a wonder he doesnt have a migraine and I so admire how he handles himself through all of this hype - beautiful pics so thanks Tink for all these goodies xx
Oh Rob's 'sebastian' voice...sooo good!
Yes skippy as in kangaroo, barbie as in BBQ.
Maybe UGG boots are trained to run away after a certain length of time so you have to go buy more of the hideously expensive things!!!
My daughters....well they certainly keep the house lively.....the youngest has a rather odd and loud sense of humour LOL
Sleep well
Hope you had a good sleep!!!!
While you were sleeping....I went and played my tennis match!!!!
Did I ever tell you I love tennis? And my fave tennis player is Roger Federer!!!!!
I love him, he is such a gentlemen, but I am not Rogersessed, like I am Robsessed! I only post comments for Rob!!
What can I say, I love guys who are like my husband, true gentlemen!!!!
love that movie too
yes she is still there, trying to deal with uncle werner
I also got the Gozde comment routine several times. I just figured, technoklutz that I am, that I had done something wrong. So I am so glad that you admit you got it too. :-) It either means I didn't do anything wrong, or we both did and I am not alone. :-)
Yes, I live there most days and the renovations are almost complete. I have added a few essential appliances and a couple of luxury items.. I am a happy woman.. ;)
Thanx Whence, I needed that, and gave you one as well :-)
Oh, luv that sounds... interesting? And I´m happy that you are happy <3
Oh my this uncle werner seems too be a pushy guy....;)
LOL ! Just woke up to more snow......;)
No...really?? How much?
you keep it, there's a good girl ;-)
everything´s covered and it´s still snowing... My dog will be very pleased wherever he is chasing deer at the moment.....;) I am not pleased at all because of my construction works coming to a stop :(
Oh how lovely - there is nothing prettier!! I'm a little jealous because if we get snow I would like it to be when it causes the least havoc which would be now while I don't have to go to work. I used to love getting up to white everywhere but the last coupld of years have been awful here when it snowed. I have to drive to work through country lanes and they NEVER clear those. The first extremely heavy downfall last year I think it took me 4 and 1/2 hours to make a 1 hour journey slipping and sliding most of the way. I had never been a nervous driver before then!
How much longer is your construction work meant to take? Is it all outside? Can't they do something else?
It really is pretty where I live, although I think that downtown wil be all muddy.... My construction work was supposed to be finished by the end of the year but that will not happen.... at all. And they have to do everything on the outside including new foundation, framework, windows.... before they can start inside. But I learned through many critic situations in my life to keep calm ad so I really don´t worry too much - everything will work out fine. I need not live there at the moment so there relly is plenty of time to finish the works. Are you on vacation today?
NO reply button where I need it!!
It sounds more like you're having a new house built lol I agree, you can't get stressed about what you can do nothing will get there.
Are you not living in it at the moment then? Is that why your dog is off on holiday?
Yes I have this week off as it is half term holidays. The school is shut for the week - I just have to pop in for an hour or so tomorrow.
The house is my summer house that is supposed to be getting a "might be winter house" ;) I mainly live in the city though... I´m having a low key day too and am heading to the gym to work my old bones :)
OH WOW!! How's gettting christened with the snow before it's even finished lol
Sshh don't say gym too loudly....I get it from all sides that I should go!! I say I'm interested and then - nothing LOL
Have fun!
Thank you for the response Solas - I often use the iPad for almost anything - helps me stay in touch while on the go -so I figured it could be technology at fault. Anybody out in NE hope you all stay safe from the approaching storm - hopefully all the preparations are only precautionary and do not affect as it is predicted.Thankyou. Par.
Sent from my iPhone
Gah! Oh Rob, you made me love Gucci... sigh
He is as powerful as this storm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a gorgeous man!
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