AT LAST!!!!!
From eOnline
Smell you, Robert Pattinson! (Kate: Given half a chance I would!)
E! News can exclusively reveal that the Twilight star has signed a mega-deal with Christian Dior.
Pattinson will star in a series of ad campaigns for the French fashion house's line of men's fragrances.
"Rob likes the brand," reports a source, who estimates the deal at being worth close to $12 million for three years. (Kate: Three years! YES)
Other celebs who have endorsed Dior fragrances include Jude Law, Charlize Theron and Natalie Portman, who appeared in a controversial topless ad last year.
R.Pattz is no stranger to Dior. He's hit the red carpet in several different Dior Homme looks, including a tuxedo at this year's Cannes Film Festival and jeans at the Teen Choice Awards.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 663 of 663 Newer› Newest»Well everything but writing a song and a poem last month...that I didn't do
But the rest absolutely Bates, Lewis For and those movies have been some of my all time favourites over the years. "Last of the Mohicans" I watched twice a day for a month....okay that was weird. But yes ditto to everything else.
Rob is destined for great things and he is only just beginning.
Scary huh!
Puh that is a tough one: 2 words that I have no idea of: whittles and broad... and even after looking in my dictionary I am as confused as before - help me out?
Thanks... keep us update when you hear.:-)
Now that's my idea of a good night out, stuffing Rob up my jumper! Result!
i am going to drink, hand out candy, drink ,hand out candy!!!!!!! Love me a snicker bar, my fave chocolate! My hubby will take the 9 yr old for treats around the neighborhood> My older son and daughter are having a halloween party!! its always fun at me house for halloween, thanks to the kids.
No, I don't think so... but he was always a humble guy, I like him a lot
They are just classy and timeless :) Mambo italiano reminds me of Mambo No 5, totally different I know but I like it, it´s so sweeping... I know you will be probably staying up for the life stream but I need some zzzzzzzzzz, good night!
And I was ready and thought just the same... and I love it when he has this expression :)
So thank you very much ;)
Exactly! Wait, you mean it was crude to say that before? Well, we ol' decrepit cougars can get away with it. We can always say it was senility!
Me too....like his films, very varied.
Erm....what? Am I missing something? Live stream?
looking closely to your avi, I just got swept by a love wave for that man... sigh! I read you will stay up for the life stream? Tough! I would like to but I am too tired..... so I see Rob second hand in the morning ;) Have a nice Rob watch and good night!
Oh I think I misinterpreted Olives post and thought it is today.... sorry......
LOL I nearly had a heart attack....I was just about to start reading my book.....must be about time for the night stalkers (right bwen??) and thought I was about to miss something lol
Right... not tonight, it's gonna be thursday night :)
Have a good night... and sweet Rob-dreams ;)
Yes... he never wanted to play the same kind of character, I loved his role choices :)
hmmm--I've heard of teen girls padding their chests, but this is a novel approach. ;-)
Yeah...but I don't want to be too soap-boxie about it when I don't even know the situation...(if it is indeed so.) ;-)
It's true, I like to hope that Rob's path is more interesting than the conventional. (For my own selfish entertainment, of course...lol) Have to remind myself that even though Twi did well...things continue forward, and I've no idea what his monetary lifestyle lends toward. Doesn't seem to throw multi-million dollar parties...lol.. Guess that's why I'd be flummoxed at needing to take that road if that's what he's said about it.
Did Depp ever do ads? I only found one for Mont Blanc, but it was also an educational endorsement for children.
I like conundrum's. There much more fascinating than your average drum. In the dramatic world of glitz and blur, maybe he's representative to me that it all doesn't have to be gloss.
OMG....hOOr down when this comes out! Rob is going to look like a young James Bond. I can't even imagine! Dior is going to make a lot of money with this campaign!!!
BTW, ladies, just a comment. I think you should stop referring to Rob as "R-Pattz" since he made it so clear in an interview that he hates that name! Just a suggestion, since this site is for supporting Rob!
No, when most people refer to Rob as being hot, it's because they find him gorgeous. It's been observed time and time again, that people who've seen Rob in person, remark about how incredibly beautiful he is. It's not just fans, but fellow cast members, interviewers, photographers (I could go on). I've never thought of him as a "hot commodity", just gorgeous. And yes, he's someone I'd want to kiss and father my children. ;)
Rob....who wants sleep whit someone like you beside???? CRAZY *__________*
Sus, I doubt anyone who comments on this site would call Rob RPatz. The above quote was from EOnline. We are VERY respectful of Rob.
Solas, thans for replying ;-) Glad you are safe ! Over here in Scandinavia nothing much has been going on except the usual Fall storms !
I really loved that ensemble(suit, tie ) too, it made him look very British I thought, and I personally love tweed, am getting to the point where
I belive I should get myself a nice jacket in tweed , seen that it has become trendy again too ...;-)
Thanks Solas, have read it, will comment later I am at work at moment :)
Whipping the box away from your tentative foot and jumping on it...lol...there are only so many times you can demur if being courted...eventually you may have to make a choice, if only to clear the courtyard, and reassure the 'family'...especially if not having the luxury at being quite at the spot on the map as some infamous pirates...and have thoroughly made a hash of my allusions here... ;-D Not sure about Depp's endorsements, although I know he's gone the restaurant route, but the relationship between the film and fashion industries as was less cemented for the up and comers twenty years ago, or even ten, at least in the US. It's been far more prevalent in Europe, and I guess with sports stars here.
I'm afraid I was harbouring a secret wish he might do the watch...I have a 'thing' for watches. Don't wear them often but I like them...lol If he continues to choose the off-beat projects, and also navigates the glitzy waters, he'll still be somewhat of a rarity..;-)
ahh see your old friend is back, just for halloween I take it :)
Perhaps he'll do the watch when it's the right time. ;-D
I have mixed feelings about actors/'celebrities' (hate that word) and the clothing thing. On the one hand, I find it so tacky when they are interviewed on red carpets et al and someone asks, or tells the audience even without asking, which designer the people are wearing. I find it so tacky. 'What are you wearing?' A suit. 'ANd whose is it? ' mine. On the other hand, I had no idea about the beauty of Gucci suits (although I wonder if an ordinary man wore them would they be extra-ordinary or just plain clothes) and now I have in mind to look for Gucci if I were ever independently wealthy and buying clothing for a man. So I've learned.
YyyyyyyyyIPPPPPPPPPPPPPeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!! It's about time Rob make some money out of his personal brand. People are benefiting from him without any royalty...so go on Rob. It's about time you benefited from this too...brand merchandising of your name with your endorsement. While it's ultimately a fan's goal to meet your personally and smell you au naturel, perhaps, I can settle for whatever you're associated with afterall, you won't approved anything that doesn't meet your standards or criteria. Very happy for you in this regard...you have to look after your brand name....and the business side of things.....!
I agree he hates that nickname I don't blame him I don't like it either
love your avi! and happy halloween too you too!
LOL! yeah I know! but I would make the dude stop for a minute ha ha ha ha
Aaahh.....earlier people were asking where they could 'aquire' the posters......bus garage another possibility! LOL
thank you! :D
oh NO it was'nt crude at all! LOL it was priceless! and ha ha ha ha ha yeah us o'l cougars here LOL!!
too use a qoute from Edward:
"I'm the worlds most dangerous predator
everything about me invites you in
my face, my voice, even my smell
As if I would need all that
As if you could out run me ".
ha ha ha ha ha! sounds like alot of fun! my niece and nephew are 18 and 20 my niece is 20 and she loves halloween and she and her friend dressed up as Gomez and Mortisha from the Addams Family she loves the movie and so do I and I love the show too it is cute
Well, it's the glamourous 'movie star' side of Hollywood that's certainly been there from the moment it co-opted the red carpet tradition, and heightened during the Depression. Now, it's truly symbiotic, so actors at functions expect to promote and fashion houses supply the goods. And so, it does have it's effect, even on those who might not have noticed a Gucci before... ;-)
Was in haste and forgot to acknowledge your pun -- Hah! ;-D
Thank you Solas, I hope you stay safe in the aftermath of Sandy and wish you the best.
I think Jude is a good name, my friend in Argentina loves the movie Jude. As for Jude Law, not such a fan, I did think he did a splendid job in the "Holiday", I thought it was a very sweet and romantic movie and he did an incredible job in "The Talented Mr. Ripley", other than those two films, I would not watch a film just for him. The short film w/Dior, I was not a fan of either, I hope Robert's short film is not as cheesy as that one, and that is just my preference. I don't want another Brad Pitt (Chanel) fiasco with Rob. Crossing my fingers.
I thought you had missed it! ;-)
So is it expected/required for a 'movie star' to wear a designer dress or suit? What if someone wanted to wear something of her own creation? Or something vintage handed down? Or something of a style that the designers do not do (like religiously modest, covering shoulders and arms and collarbone, etc.)?
Well, when you have talent to sell, you don't need the paps to show your personal life. But when your personal life is the only thing you can sell, you need them, more than anything else.
Thanks Jen, I was really worried. The newschannels here are filled with Sandy. It's really a catastrophe and yes, some people who were interviewed by one of our reporters also admitted that is was like wathing a ramp movie. (tbh, when I watched the WTC attack at the time, the first thing that came to mind was the image of the movie Towering Inferno)
bwen wondered what would happen is this up to the dreaded number of sixes.... I am not going to do it but I will make it close.
Where is Robdicted... we need you and your determination I don't want to temp fate.
STOP! That's just my twisted Halloween sense of humour...well its pretty much my normal sense of humour.
But many people believe that the number 666 is the sign of satan....you know the devil Halloween...yeah bad joke lets not tempt fate.
Let's not... at least no us... I wasn't happy... not after that scary avi of yours. It stop here... right?
That's all well and good, but why is the rum gone?...lol..
You know, I thought about that and remembered back when erm, models did the modeling for the couture houses, and it was much rarer to see any actors on magazine covers. First there was the era of 'supermodels'.
So you're a watch fan, eh? Any particular watches or just in general? ;-)
Oh, I agree if he can keep it up, he'll be rarer than your average steak... Have a friend who believes that to garner respect from others who hold things over your head, you have to be reeeeaallly good, and literally be willing to walk away from doing the thing you love most in favor of your principles. Her belief being that if you really love something, somehow, somewhere, you'll be able to practice it without sacrificing yourself. What's amazing, having watched her follow this ethic, is that she's been able to do it...And then people beg to have her back!
Relax hon...This was said by others (people who worked with him) AND Rob himself.
A lot choose to do so because it's the easiest option and saves times trying to put together one's own look. On the other hand there are those who only want to do the latter. I doubt anyone will ever tell Bjork what she can wear on a carpet... ;-)
Yes, I confess to liking all sorts, from pendulums to fobs, to a Chanel or Patek, or an MTM military piece...fetishistic I am. Like to wear one while drinking rum...;-) On the same note as your friend's experience, don't know if you read Lana Wachowski's speech but it was interesting to see what they said to Warner Bros when told they would have to do publicity for their films after The Matrix, which they did not want to do. WB said not negotiable, and they said if it's publicity or making films, we'll stop making films. WB moved their line in the sand...lol Of course, you do have to be prepared to walk, and perhaps, timing is everything.... ;-)
We are not leaving this here....
I was just thinking about past comment threads of topics and I realized that if you spoonerize Jude Law you get ....Lewd Jaw!
Hah! ;-D
I don't know if he's doing because that Kristen did. This is just my thoughts, but said he wanted more control over how he's preceived in the public, this is one way to do that and he won't have any movies coming out anytime soon and this would give him some controlled explosure, til his next film comes out. Also it's a good deal of money, Rob says he's cheap but it takes a lot of money to keep up the way he has to live with all the security he needs.
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