AT LAST!!!!!
From eOnline
Smell you, Robert Pattinson! (Kate: Given half a chance I would!)
E! News can exclusively reveal that the Twilight star has signed a mega-deal with Christian Dior.
Pattinson will star in a series of ad campaigns for the French fashion house's line of men's fragrances.
"Rob likes the brand," reports a source, who estimates the deal at being worth close to $12 million for three years. (Kate: Three years! YES)
Other celebs who have endorsed Dior fragrances include Jude Law, Charlize Theron and Natalie Portman, who appeared in a controversial topless ad last year.
R.Pattz is no stranger to Dior. He's hit the red carpet in several different Dior Homme looks, including a tuxedo at this year's Cannes Film Festival and jeans at the Teen Choice Awards.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 663 Newer› Newest»Cute but..no. That would be a little silly and this is big buisness. He loves her, we've known that for a long time.
(btw..his name is ROB not Rod)
Just wanna say prayers goin' up for those affected by the storm..Praying for their safety and well-being, in Jesus Name.<3<3<3
Well whadda ya know. Just yesterday I said he might never do something like this or that he might sign on the dotted line tomorrow. And he did. I also said I thought he wouldn't cave but wouldn't be shocked if he did. And from some of the comments, it looks like that some are put off, disappointed even, because he once said he wouldn't do something like this. But here's the thing. He's said a lot of things over the years. Some as far back as four years ago, at just 22 when all of this first hit him in the face, when he was still raw, naive and yeah, idealistic and and we still hold him to those things and you know what? That's not fair. He's growing up. He's changing. He is not an "image" set in stone. He's allowed to change his opinion on something and then change it back again if he wants. And apparently he's beginning to understand some of the realities of the business he's found himself in. For the time being, he wants to work in independent films, films that are difficult to finance and market and that he does not make the big studio salaries for. And if the money he makes here suppliments his income so that he can work for peanuts in the independents, then good for him. There is no shame in that (and thank you again George Clooney for pointing this out to me). And too, his bread and butter (big paychecks) and his cushion (big box office) is about to come to an end. From here on out, there are no more guarantees for him. And what an endorsement deal such as this does, is put him in a different light. A more adult light. A more sophisticated one. It goes a very long way in removing the teen idol tag from off of his back. This stamps him as a grown up "movie star" who has arrived. And this is not making a 'brand' of himself. As I said yesterday, he will not be peddling his own line of shit here. Like other great stars before him, he is going to be a face of a major fashion house. If you're gonna do this, you wanna go classy. And he just did.
Rob-in-a-bottle..sounds absolutely delicious!
Wonder if we could see the spot where it was officially announced?
They do have money for living, but if they want to finance their own projects - extra cash is crucial. Even an indie movie budget without CGI, etc, is, what, several millions? So, as Rob said once - you can afford it only once and then you hopefully go back to starring in a blockbuster..
This is all WIN!
OMG I can't wait for the commercial !!!
Already told my boyfriend he's getting a bottle as soon as it comes out
absolutely , he is growing and changing and learning ,I am so happy he signed up with such a classy brand .so very happy for him .
Yes :)
OHMYGDDDDDDDD....Thank you Rob,you just proved me right and now I feel justified.
YYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY, this is gob smacking,cartwheeling, SSSccrreaaaaaaaaaaammmmiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggg fantastic. Thank you thank you thank you thank you for the amazing news. xx Just a tad happy.
Prayers continuing for our New Yorkers, please be safe.
Great - I think it's a smart and classy move. It's DIOR... that's like royalty in the haute-couture world right ?
Plus it will give us a lot of amazing pictures and advertisements which are bound to be hot (I loved the ones with Jude Law for instance) - so it's all win for me.
And true, if the pay is good and can allow Rob to choose roles he loves or other artistic paths in the future, that's all good thinking.
Thankgd nik and now he and Kristen can drown in each others scents,Lol....I can't wait to smell this one Rob.
Not Gucci then? Can't wait to see the commercial........hope lessons have been learned from Brad Pitt and Chanel No5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As always, you make perfect sense. Back then Rob didn't know he'd be a big player.....this is what big players do......this is him accepting he is a big player too...which must have been or be an ongoing revelation to Rob.
I was just going to say the same thing as you and haven't scrolled down to see if anyone else has commented on it. But Brad Pitts commercial stinks they were even making fun of it on BBC Radio 1 in the UK. I hope to god Robs commercial is 100 times better then that one
Right on, Rosie ;-)
Ha who would have thought Rob in a fragrance commercial. Good job Dior - you knew what you were doing when you chose Rob its a sure winner. Husbands and boyfriends all over the UK will get a bottle of Dior in their Christmas stocking...they won't know why their partners have chosen this particular fragrance for them but I'm sure they're gonna benefit.
Yeah you and Nik are right just reading through the other posts and I guess it makes sense.
I posted as soon as I read the news so I was still trying to work it out.
Just love to think of him as bucking the trend and being different. But
Hey I forget this is Hollywood and its Business. Wonder if Nick & Stephanie had to work to talk him round....LOL.
Imagine the smell of ....Rob :-D
exactly. and this is the difference to me. The BIG difference. He is a grown up , a big player and ( fortunately or unfortunatelly ) he will have to dance accordingly to the rules..maybe not always but he will do.... and this applies to anything related to his career, and I mean it includes promotional stuff to films like BD2. He wouldnt let anything ruin BD2 BO, if you know what I mean....
and I say all this not as a bad thing.
Dear Lord! I am just imagining some sort of sexy commercial. I need to be prepared and buy a new set of panties. and towels and towels to dry the drool... LOL
Playing the piano- Nell I just died and went to heaven!
to be honest, at first i had some mixed feelings.....felt veeeeeeeeery surprised cause i remember his attitude to all this stuff and he didn`t seem to be into it....BUT then i understood that it`s actually quite a nice opportunity to make some really good professional contacts, to gain some more power (in a good way), cause it`s very prestigious to get the offer from CD +Dior is a very classy brand+the more Rob the better.....loking forward to all the ads))) so, yeah.....i`m happy)))
I dont think Gucci has offered something like this.I mean, the amount of money is a huge deal.... or maybe they have..IDK .
I bet Gucci wouldn't have it any other way. They gotta love him in their suits. When he made Cosmopolis do you remember they dressed him in it even right down to his socks? And that those suits were given to him and I suppose made especially for him, or at least they look like it. He may as well be on their payroll, but I think it's a trade-off. They supply the suits and he wears them better than anybody.
this is what I thought-he has mentioned breaking away from teen idol image so many times. and dior is the last brand associated with teens I guess
Eau de Rob Mmmmmm
oooooh I'm looking forward to it..Dior people I think I love you...dear God how will we survive those sure to be HOT ads.....*thud* (I googled Jude laws dior ads..omg nearly fell of my chair)
I don't know if you ladies can remember me getting up close to him at Berlinale, but I told you he smelled ' Devine ' I wonder if that was Dior?
Door ads are always cool and classy, no wonder they chose him !
Funny how yesterday in the LACMA/Kubrick thread there was a talk I had with the others(*waves to Captain,whence, Mizzzar et.al*) about Pitt and his ad, including how Rob will have another effect if a perfume ad was done by him. And look what we have here! Gawd, I'm so happy and proud for this man. This might be a form of deviation for some's idea of him, but as successfully pointed out by the ladies here, this move might very well be associated with Rob's love of indie projects (financing help he can do) and with maintaining that 'attention/interest' to him in a classy way when he's busy filming next year. It's a win-win situation for all,really.
But what do I know? :) What I know is I'll be buying this Dior fragrance once it hits the shelves. And probably use it for myself since I've always been fascinated with men's fragrances but never owned a bottle of it. This will be another new thing for me. All because of Rob! Dior Rob,Woot!
*goes back to hyperventilating* lol
I have to say I was a bit shocked to hear this, not in a bad way, just got me thinking as to why. I am NOT complaining, as a greedy for more Rob fan it's wonderful news, but it does seem a little out of character. But this guy is smart, and people who meet him and work with him always stress how ambitious he is. I'm sure this income will go towards funding less commercial projects he's interested in, maybe the film he and DC were discussing (with Viggo) will get made now !! Anyway, to nick a phrase, the future is bright the future is Rob. Love him.
I know right? have you seen the SNL skit they did of Chanel no5 and Brad Pitt. It's actually quite funny!:)
Just have a look on the Dior Homme Sport commercials from Jude Law!! You'll change your mind I think...
I admit I was like "WHOT"?????? Did not see that coming... But who am I to really know Rob and the way he is thinking..... ? The point is I love and respect him and therefore give him credit about his motivations :) Just have to correct my image of hobo, not-perfume-using, casual, notwantingtobethefaceofsomebrand...Rob ;))). - what a perfect lesson in not being judgemental!!!
Businesswise it is a smart move - as has been stated already by many of you. I think it is a win win situation for both him and Dior. And it shows the level Rob has reached as a serious actor and therefore testimonial: They wouldn´t have asked him if he was only seen as the teenidol twilight guy.... These days are gone :)
hope you are still safe! It looks pretty darn scary from the pictures that I have seen.
I've just visited Dior Facebook....nothing yet but nice comment on Jennifer Lawrence when they made that announcement. Can't wait to see how they describe Rob ;-)
Because of too much excitement, my first comment was sent to the mods for approval. Ooops. Sorry Mods. LOL Happy for Rob. :)
Very well said Nik.
I agree he is a superstar & will be even bigger later.
I reckon N&S would have had to talk him into it,but its a very good BUSINESS move,and what we heard him say 4 years ago, he has matured
since,need to think differently in that weird world of H/Wood, and thats where his works is now,as much as I'd like see him in England,to
really make it its in LA where he can get more artistic films made,I don't think He has changed much going on his recent interviews.He still
a really nice guy,but not so goofy now,He had to grow up,just me thinking it.LOVE him to bits anyhoo.
Yes, thank G-d--still safe.
....up close....smelled....!!!! I need a more detailed account of this, please...!!
Can anything top his personal smell??????
Btw: off to the dentist again :(
Fingers crossed it works, ladies! That's part of the reason why I am kinda glad Twilight is almost over. Perhaps he can do more things like this and more indie films where people seem to have less tendency to harass him.
This is awesome! I knew good things were going go come to him!:)
I can understand the mixed feelings; on the one hand he has said he didn't want to do that, and it seems getting very much into the 'actorly' life, or G-d forbid 'going Hollywood' but on the other hand, it is practical on many levels: it puts his face out there so perhaps there is less demand for pappz photos, out there in a way he can control and benefit from, to earn money to give options to do films and other projects that might not pay or that even need funding.
Don't you think you ought to smell it first? ;-)
No-one can deny that he is on the A-List now, and I don't mean Advertising. This is one of the top brands in the world and they wouldn't have offered this if they didn't think he had a guaranteed career ahead of him plus an exemplary public image. The fact that he is unbelievably handsome probably swung it as well !! Well done Rob - a classy brand for a classy guy xx
I totallly afree with the mixed feelings but also with your second thoughts. I mean, I remember an interview where he was all against brand promoting and he even wondered why do actors do this and he gave the reply: "I know...money" so there's another example of 'never say never'. Anyway, I agree that now that the saga is over he might need the ability to fund the low profile projects he becomes attached to and he'll need the cash. Money does make the world go around after all...
Much success and blessings and joy in your new home. May you live in it in good health and happiness.
that's what i said yesterday: "i'm not a fan of male actors advertising perfumes/fashion brands. it always looks so vain, i love Rob in Gucci and i think no man would be a better face for their brand BUT it's not my thing for him to do it. until Rob convinces me differently." ....i guess the time has come. LOL.... now that he sealed the deal with Dior I'm more excited for him and for all that will come than afraid that it could look rediculous. i don't like those men who run along the beach to advertise something. but as we all know Rob is special and i hope Dior recognizes that and makes special ads too. i liked Nell's idea with the piano heheheheh....after reading through this thread i learned that it seems to be a really good move for Rob to be the Dior face. He won't be "out of sight out of mind" the next year while he makes his indie movies, and he saves money for more indie projects (if that's what he wants to do with the money). so i guess this is really exciting. we will enter a complete new field of his business and will get a lot new things to see. Wow, congrats Rob to the deal!
I totallly afree with the mixed feelings. I mean, I remember an interview where he was all against brand promoting and he even wondered why do actors do this and he gave the reply: "I know...money" so there's another example of 'never say never'. Anyway, I agree that now that the saga is over he might need the ability to fund the low profile projects he becomes attached to and he'll need the cash. Money does make the world go around after all...
The man is full of surprises . I' m llloving it . : )))
I just wish it was Gucci ;-)
Erm........just what was your excitement level and how did it manifest itself?? LOL
are you kidding, i'm still terrible jealous of you..... i guess it was Dior mixed with Rob. that would be my favorite parfume.
I always assumed it would have been gucci, since frida likes him. then again fragrance/makeup is a
whole different department...but i like...good luck Rob
Hi Solas - maybe he has done this one so all the other advertising offers back off now - I bet he gets asked to front all sorts of campaigns. He knows this is going to be a high quality promotion so I am not surprised he has gone for it. Hope you and yours have stayed safe last night - it looked very scary on the news this morning x
I agree Whence....those days are gone to everybody that matters.........and BD2 hasn't even been released yet.
Oh Happy Day!!!
He might do that as well - mind you why should they bother, they are getting shed loads of free advertising off him now.
I don't.......I'm already jealous!!! ;-)
Okay, I'm laughing out loud right now... Someone said that Rob chose Christian Dior because Christian sounds like Kristen. I'm all for RK (even made a blog for them) but I would prefer to relate Christian Dior to another Christian ... Grey? Anyone? And to think that Rob wanted nothing to do with 50 Shades... Tsk tsk lol
I don't know about making the world go around, and I know it 'can't buy me love' but it does pay the bills. It also enables us to do things we might not otherwise be able to do. As I wrote a few weeks ago when I was hoping he might have a deal like this with Gucci, I can see this as being a better way to support a family (G-d willing) than acting in films, especially a lot of films; acting and film-making is not conducive to lasting relationships, good marriages, raising a family. You have to BE there for these things. It's a matter of priorities.
If I were still good-looking and someone wanted me to advertise something I liked or believed in, even though I am almost a recluse, I would if it would afford me a comfortable life, and enable me to write books and songs and not have to put in so many hours in a profession that I love yet that wears me out, wears me down.
WOW!!!....* Robert Pattinson* and...* DIOR*...Fabulous combination!!!!!OMG!OMG!OMG!!!
Jude Law is hot "you know who I am" lol - the ads are great!! But Rob..................well ...
Such completely different voices LOL
Thank G-d, son and very pregnant daughter-in-law and myself are OK, but I haven't heard from sister in Long Island and nephews and nieces in NY. It IS scary. I have some young clients with anxiety issues-- I am hoping they are OK and I am sure once I am back at work I will be extra busy!
You make a good point-- perhaps he had many requests for advertising and decided to go with one classy one. I hope it is so!
That IS pretty funny! I wonder if it went through his mind at all!
Can he do both? I suppose that depends on contracts. I prefer him in Gucci - the Dior tux at Cannes just didn't do it. Have you looked on Gucci facebook......the likes on the Rob photo are at 2k ;-) Think they may take the hint?
OK--this is the funniest thing to me-- the rest of you might not find it amusing, but i am laughing here at 6 in the morning and had to share this (in the interests of multicultural education ;-)) . I had written last night that I was not familiar with men in my world wearing cologne and I did not even know if it was permissible according to religious law. SO I just looked it up online and found that someone specifically asked last year if it was permissible to wear Dior men's fragrance on Passover! And the answer was that it was, so if it is permissible on Passover then it is certainly permissible the rest of the year. But the funny part to me was that specifically Dior and only Dior was mentioned!! How weird is that???
You're such a push over when it comes to Rob!! just like the majority of us here:))
No convincing needed, as long as its coming from Rob.
Well said again Nik!
I don't get why people are disappointed. Some think he is selling out. I'd say that if he was coming out with his own fragrance and branding his name, but he'll be the face of DIOR. Which is a big deal. And well done to him for taking such wonderful opportunities!
I was just thinking that! He's a walking advertisement!
I agree about the Gucci--although there was one suit that I loved that was kind of bluish grey with I think a cranberry thread in it , not sure of the designer. Anyone know what I am talking about?
Omg... Lucky!!
and....maybe he gets a whole new demographic for movie goers? So far he's shown very good choices movie-wise so this might be another feather in his cap. Dior must be rubbing their hands together if they read any blogs! Okay now Rob, where's the music lol
Thanks for your comment Tink. I was very surprised at first but your post here gave me a different perspective. And it's true he couldn't have chosen a better brand to attach his name to.
I love men's fragrances too. Drakkar Noir is my favourite, Eau Sauage by Dior a close second along with 1881 by Cerruti. They are definitely a turn on.
Go Rob!
Yes they should, warning view at your own risk *Can Be Detrimental to your Heart/health*
Better start getting prepared!!
A* for you Bwen.
Looking forward to handsome Rob in his ad. I hope there will be a film that I will see every day on French TV. I see Charlize Theron, Jude Law and Natalie Portman almost every day on TV.
I would have thought it would be Gucci since he wears their suits/tuxes so often, but Dior is fine too and he has worn their suits too.
Don't hurt yourself!!
Very weird, Solas ... and quite karmic (since we are delving in multicultural topics) :)
Preach it sista!!!
True words, couldn't have said it better!
Go look at the Jude Law ads, directed by Guy Ritchie...they are fabulous. I'm sure that they are more his kind of advert......sexy ;p
I wonder what his fellow cast members from Twilight will rub him about now when they all accused him if being "smelly" when filming lol good for you Rob sock it to 'em all xx
Goodluck in your new house Satine:-)..I'm joining you with your Toast to Rob and his Success ..HERE'S TO ROB !CHEERS!!!!...and to all those affected by this terrible storm in the US...my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Hmmm... I am so surprised by this. i know most actors do it, but didnt think Rob is like most actors. anyway... i wont be complaining about a sexy photoshoot.... All I will say is PLEASE GOD don't let it be anything like the horrendous and pretentious ad which just came out with Brad Pitt promoting Chanel because Brad blew his credibility in Australia in for a while, believe me.
Haha! Uhm ... High Level,I think? Er... It's nothing fishy I swear. Just full appreciation of Rob and Dior. LMAO
It's the usual lengthy comment that I have. Dunno why exactly it was put on hold, but maybe it's because of spacing and disqus mistook some part of my comment as a link--as we all know, comments w/links should be approved by the mods first. I made the same mistake when I was still a newbie here, and I think it was also made on Kate's post. So yeah. See how I'm trying my best here to explain? ;P
lol!! Me too!!..it's normally Channel...now it's going to be ...DIOR!!!
i was very surprised when i saw the news. happy surprised, great for Rob and us that he will be around even while away filming next year. i wonder if there will be a new fragrance for him?
guess he maybe doesn't need to promote Gucci officially, seems they have a really good mutual thing going anyway. Rob wears their clothes beautifully and they give Rob their beautiful clothes. maybe something more formal at a later time.
I am glad you're ok this morning Solas. I hope we hear from others too. Everything is quiet in my area (CT) now and we still have power. I have to start calling my family and friends in other areas though.
Ok.....I won't make any comments about 'digging a hole....'
You're off the hook LOL
thats so true! i would never normally buy something just because of a celebrity endorsement but i totally will buy because of Rob. cannot wait to see the campaign photos, hoping they won't be too long after this announcement. exciting times
and you're so kind to remind us every other day *green*
ROFL! I'm just so lazy to type it all up again. And I can't even remember everything I said now. XD If/when/once my comment pops up, you'll see it as boring and innocent. Promise. :DBut for now ... okay. Thanks. We're good then. Whew! LOL
Glad to hear you are OK. I hope everyone else is, as well.
This reply is nine hours too late... but I have to say your words brought a lump to my throat, their hatred is irrational and VERY upsetting. I know we don't know each other but I'm sending you a big hug anyway.
It will be sold in gallons !!! I never thought he would help push Dior , probably some brand of beer and not perfume. Obviously the agent , Manager and his other advisors must have felt it more profitable.Good luck to him on this campaign :) As we know we will be happy to hear him read a phone book for hours - this is some sort of *^*%# dream)
Thanks????? LOL you make it sound like you were just interrogated LMAO
Deep breath.......out..........and in......and Relax!!!! ;-)
Roughly how long ago Solas?
Well..................that is a big surprise.I didn't expect Rob to do such a thing,but i'm sure the perfume will be the number 1 hit.
I dunno-I think it was last year, maybe a bit more. It was the colour of his eyes, but had a subtle plaid possibly tweed to it, and I think it had a barely visible (to my eyes looking at photos) cranberry thread woven in. Sound familiar?
LOL! Nah, I'm just making myself clear, or something like that. :))
Okay. *gets paper bag and breathes in* But you know,my imagination is in overdrive on how they'd handle the ad campaign for Rob. So many possibilities... *doing the same thing as the lady on the gif* XD
Hey Mizz, thank you for the little Seitenhieb with the beach... lol ;) But you KNOW that Rob will surprise us... as always, right?
Just like he did with this deal...
Love ya... :)))
Hope it doesn't make you too 'down in the mouth' whence! Here's an English joke for you.
Q: What's the best time to go to the dentist?
A: 2.30
(Tooth hurty!) Sorry about that one! I feel very giddy about this ad campaign today, can't wait!
Nan, pls take a deep breath:-) lol! I'm pretty sure your husband gonna smell like Rob now.
"Government Transport Department Warning: Women everywhere are advised to take extra care when driving, as posters and billboards of Mr Robert Pattinson will be appearing everywhere and you may find your attention wandering!"
Apparently there were traffic accidents when Eva Herzigova's Wonderbra advert started going up on billboards, and men drivers seemed to find it rather distracting. Hmm, we have been warned!
Now....I may be able to help you on how they may handle it but you have to get yourself nice and calm first......OK??
Then you take yourself off and look up Jude Law Dior ads........deep breath before you click to play - remember this is NOT Rob but still, Jude Law is pretty hot.................ENJOY!!!!
Oh Whence, if you need advice, you know my number ! I am so sorry for you, maybe that youtube Maria introduced
with Pam Ayres, you know the one....about the teeth, could cheer you up ? :-D
Hmm I'm getting a Water for Elephants vibe, I'lll have to go back and check but meanwhile one of the girls will get there before me!
OMG Maria you got me all hot and bothered there, very very sexy, and i saw a really funny one too :-DDD
Perfect warning! LOL
Rolling on the floor laughing :-D
OMG Annie...Dior and Balenciaga come under the same umbrella,how cool is that....
Did you get the email?
I like Jude Law and love his voice....nothing like Rob's voice either ........but the ads were great, directed by Guy Ritchie too!. One on there is 4 minutes long but I think they may have split it for showing. Can't you just imagain Rob doing that type of ad??? Sooooo classy and sexy ;-)
This will definitely help shake his teen image :)........ sophisticated, sexy, mature just how we already see him ;)
MariaUK,the two suits he wore at Cannes for OTR and Cosmopolis premiere's were both Dior Homme..
I think it's the suit he was wearing at the beginning of WFE I'm thinking of, when he's taking his exams in the film, and I'm guessing that's not what you mean at all!
LOLOL, and thanks for your concern - it was nothing bad. My old dentist was getting...old and therefore examined in a very nonchalant way... My new dentist now has to "update"....
You are so right - I wonder who will be the first person arrested clambering up an advertising hoarding with a Stanley knife !!
Er.... that'll be me, Iffy! If you'll hold the ladder of course!
No--it was at a premiere, but am not sure which one. But I did love the suits he wore in WFE. :-)
Brilliant !!! Advice taken...
He is a one in a million artist and bit by bit EVERYBODY will get it :)
(Un-)Fortunately though, I have watched those ads yesterday. I was just talking with the other ladies yesterday about Brad Pitt's Chanel ad, and I think, Olive brought up the link. So yeah. Been there, done that. But helping me imagine "how they may handle it" like that? With Rob taking Jude's place? Dear Ma'am,do you want me to die of heart attack?! LOL!
I'm not sure - but I can't see why not as long as it is just clothes for Gucci. He is hot property now x
Can any of you ladies answer this question. If Gucci asked him to be the face of their suits officially. Could he do both? I am soooo excited about that as well.
Talk the text !!!!
YES I can imagine.....melting here.....
Hm, not obvious, I'm just on my way out but will have another look later if no-one else has found it!
Glad to hear you are ok - it must have been an exciting night for all the wrong reasons x
You're on !! One thing we do know - these posters will be a darn sight better than the Breaking Dawn ones !!!!!
Yes! *fist pump*
People seem to be worried about the Brad Pitt route - let's hope for the Henry Cavill 'Dunhill' style instead! If they'd like to throw in an Aston Martin that would be fine by me.... *faints - again*.
You are so thoughtful Snuggler ;)
I can surely think of better things that would make my nights exciting. :-D
I'm still stuck on this...if Dior does an ad campaign where Rob plays the piano or guitar and sings....well, I just can't be held responsible for what I might do if that happens... *deep sigh* *fans self*
But that's not too difficult, to be honest!
It´s nothing bad Lotte, just a small hole.... And I saw Pam - very funny lady :) How are you doing?
It would be very yummy.
I am sure youre right Solas , pictures show him wearing a cranberry tie at the NY premiere, with a blouish jacket, with what I believe cranberry thread in it.....DId you ride the storm safely ?
I TOTALLY agree. ( And I'm laughing from the ladder image...I can see the news report now...!!)
Joining you in fainting.....
and thumbs up for Aston Martin, I already liked it when I was about 8 years old and George Harrison drove one ;) Now you probably know my age....
Like you said Jane,it was along time ago,things change and maybe he thought this was a great way to get the extra cash needed for other important projects....None of us know his private life or thoughts but we do know that he would of thought this through thoroughly with those nearest and dearest to him...I was reminded of the pics of him sitting at the outside piano,I forget which photoshoot it was,but those piano pics would be a perfect example of the type of adverts they could make...I'm sure anything Dior will be classy and maybe a little sexy.....
It would. So in fact why don't we let Dior know what we'd like to see? Some of the ladies on here have already e-mailed Dior to show their approval, why don't we all e-mail with ideas (Mine would be - No rambling - he doesn't need to speak at all, tuxedo, fast car, nothing avant garde!). Worth a try!!
Better....no cough anymore, sunshine here :-) Gosh I am glad its a minor problemo this time ;-)
Oh,Yes!!!thank you to ..you know who;-D...interesting read...but got sidetracked by this awesome news of Rob and Dior..definitely an OMG! expression!!lol...hmm..what an interesting info about Dior and Balenciaga under one umbrella..and that Florabotanica by Balenciaga endorsed by Kristen smells heavenly:-)
I remember you telling us that Nuzz ;o)
Dior can afford the best of the best for their campagne. I think maybe they will play with his charisma and winning personality besides his good looks... at least I hope so, rather than putting him into a cliché ad....
now I was waitching guy ritchie directs Jude law in Dior Homme commercial. JESUS CHRIST..!!!!!!! we need to prepare ourselves.
this is going to be hard to not jump the TV.
Oh Nell I would so love that if they let him play the piano!!!! I have 3 things of music on
my list that Rob plays the piano and I just melt when I listen to it!!!
just now I was watching the you tube vid ``guy ritchie directs Jude law in Dior Homme commercial``. JESUS CHRIST..!!!!!!! we need to prepare ourselves.
this is going to be hard to not jump the TV. or faint. or die.
Big Smile ;))
I´m glad to hear that!!! Enjoy the sunshine - we only have a little bit of it today and it is very cold. Good thing that he dog is still on vacation and I don´t have to walk him :)))
Rob is so going to kill us the first time we see his ad!!!!
i would say something more like the you tube vid ``guy ritchie directs Jude law in Dior Homme commercial``. GAH GAH GAH ....*THUD*
I'm trying my best Casey...I told my hubby this morning that Robert Pattinson is the New Face of Dior!!..my English hubby is normally a Bvlgari and Bleu de Chanel guy..but it's going to be a Dior for a change lol!..I can't wait to see Rob's on all the Dior's adverts everywhere in the world..Billboards,airports,slick/fabulous magazines,perfumery department stores..I'm so happy ;_D
do you have the link to this???
Just saw you have to go back to the dentist whence ...I hope everything goes well.
Dr. Lotte I'm sure will help out!
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I might be wrong and hope I am not but, I think he won't do a silly ad. He's so choosy about his movie roles and he won't do silly RomCom so I think his ad will be tastefully don't just like the things he does. JHMO
okay what does that mean under the same umbrella????
Shan, go to you tube and just type the words ``guy ritchie directs Jude law in Dior Homme commercial``, i think it will work.
another one to die for... ``Jude Law Dior Homme Sport ``.. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Thank G-d; we are OK. How about yourself>? You are not affected, are you?
Jude Law doesn't impress me at all. I don't find him appealing at all. Are you impressed with him, or with GUy RItchie directing him, or neither?>
Omg...thank you!!
and...i think Dior will never agree to do something distasteful...they wouldnt ruin something gorgeous, right? it would be almost impossible...
Awww thank you bwen, everybody is so sweetly concerned :-) It was nothing bad just a small hole....
I had a crush on him... a long time ago. I think he was (and still is ) gorgeous. But today I am refering more about the plot , the directing .... beautiful vid. Mine opinion.
Thank you so much!!! Rob is going to kill us!!!
annddd. imagining Robert doing the same vid. It is HOT.
at least I think so.
OK. :-) I looked it up; didn't do anything for me.
ehhh...;-) not to me. But then I don't find Rob 'hot' so just chalk it up to my usual weirdness. :-)
OMFG....drabrail I just saw it thanks Rob is going to kill us doing an ad like this!!!!!! I am so ready to see one!!!! I wonder
when they are going to do the first add?? I hope it's for this Christmas and soon!!!!
I agree with you. With Twilight ending and there won't be a movie every year, he has all these projects, he needs to stay visible He's roles are more mature now and if a house like Dior comes call... who the hell could say no? That brand been around like forever! Him not doing RomCom and if a"Great" script comes along... I am sure he'd do it. If he was selling out... he would do any shit Teen script that came along.
So nice to see a high number of comments for something positive! :-)
Why so sad? It'll be fine for him and us his fans. He need things like this.
lol... no I don't think so... or I would be very surprise. Dior does nothing distasteful, so I don't think they would start now...I am sure they would do anything about a sparkly Vampire. :-D
Me three!
That's what I thought too :)
Kiri your so right I do hope he does one with the piano!!!! OMG goosebumps thinking about it!!!
I'm so proud of Rob....I'm sure he thought long and hard on this to figure out if this will help out
his choices and I for one and very happy about it!!!! There is so much bonus for us with all the
ads and mag. etc......
news flash: 'Area residents were alarmed by dark spots appearing on Dior billboards. Police officials on the scene found it was fans of actor Robert Pattinson, who was featured on the billboard, climbing up his jawline.'
TO each his own, i find rob very hot, his personality!the little i know about him, i find totally lovable, and that is my robert hotinsion!
I agree, I think the money will allow him to do more artistic movies, indie movies an music projects. He may even be able to produce a movie down the road. I think I read somewhere he would like to be a director/ producer. I was shocked when Kristen endorsed a product and I am shocked with Rob endorsing a product. Not really a big deal other than we get to see more Rob and that is a good thing, always.
LMAO Nell....
I think he could... if I remember it correctly Jude Law had Dior and Dunhill parallel.
hmmm--the plot thickens...
Thanks for your words. I have seen this type of comments when you go to other news sites talking about him and it's disgusting. I just "walk out" and don't keep reading. The good thing is, Rob is making all of them eat their sh€@__t with his hard work and we as fans need to keep the support.
Oh my god! I never thought about that possibility.
I think Jude Law is one of the most beautiful men on earth (of course no one can beat Rob !!!).
Even now his hair gets more less and less. He is still great !
I don't think I want Rob in a video with another women - I don't need it another women to understand his sexiness. I just need him.
Tut tut !!
No - haha x
Yes, me and Snuggler in the back of the police van - grinning like loons trying to shove posters of Rob up our jumpers !!
GOOD MORNING LADIES!!!! Sweet mother of MOSES!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS! I only hope that I remember that I can't jump through the tv or computer screen!!!!
After the bad reviews which the Brad Pitt Chanel commercial has received I doubt that Dior will go this route.
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