Robert Pattinson Q&A At The Curzon Cinema London (Pics & Tweets)
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@CurzonCinemas: Pattinson didn't necessarily try to move away from Twilight by taking on roles in Cosmopolis or Bel Ami.
@CurzonCinemas: Cosmopolis simply felt really really new to him.
@CurzonCinemas: "David is an adjective" (Pattinson on getting to work with Cronenberg)
@CurzonCinemas: Cosmopolis was a project that was hard for Pattinson to say no to, despite the scale of his role.
@CurzonCinemas: Pattinson talking about the themes of Cosmopolis.
@CurzonCinemas "I just spent the whole movie in perpetual terror(talking about the rollercoaster of very established fellow cast members)
@CurzonCinemas "It's tactile, it's physical... and gradually you find the right way to shoot the movie" Cronenberg on being spontaneous with cinematography
@CurzonCinemas: "It's organic and it comes from the material itself", Cronenberg continues on how his films come together
@CurzonCinemas: Cronenberg going into detail about the fine art references(Jackson Pollock and Rothko) in Cosmopolos
@CurzonCinemas: And then it's over to the audience for questions!
@CurzonCinemas Cronenberg would love to see Pattinson and Mortensen in a film together - "would be sensational"
@ChloeCougar Rob wants to be in a movie where ppl.are frightened of him ;-) Q&A #Cosmopolis
@FilmFan1971 Actual quote: "It feels like we're not finished..." - Cronenberg on working with R-Pattz.
@CurzonCinemas "I don't like repeating myself" - Pattinson on choosing film roles
@picadorbooks DC: Rob and I had a pretty good time ... I get the feeling we're not finished ... I'd love to work with Rob again and I think we will
@picadorbooks Rob Pattinson: I don't think I've ever been so afraid in my whole career as the first time I sat in the limo
@CurzonCinemas "I don't think I'd been more afraid in my career" - Pattinson on the first screen test in the limo; felt like throwing up
@CurzonCinemas "None of it's awkward if u think it's going to be good afterwards" Pattinson on filming some of the scenes in Cosmopollis
@CurzonCinemas "And I've done more awkward things in my real life" - Pattinson
@CurzonCinemas That finishes our Cosmopolis Q&A & preview at Curzon Mayfair. Don't forget the film opens on 15 June.