From Cannes: "Cosmopolis" director talks Robert Pattinson
Cronenberg spoke to Metro before the film's premiere on May 25.
How did you go about adapting Don Lillo’s novel?
DC: “I wrote the script in six days. The first three days I re-transcribed the entire dialogue. The following three I added descriptions for each scene. The monologues going on in Packer’s mind I made into visuals. I am incredibly excited about this film and even more so Pattinson’s performance.” (Kate: So are we David, so are we)
Choosing to Robert Pattinson in the lead role may have come as a bit of a shock for some of your fans…
DC: “Rob is a wonderful actor and I think he will surprise more than a few. Because he’s young, handsome and the star of the “Twilight Saga”, some people have come to the unfair conclusion that he is a bad actor. I am well aware of that. But I can assure you that he is incredible and a very hard worker. I can’t wait to work with him again. In fact, I even told him I would love to cast him alongside Viggo Mortensen in the future.” (Kate: Can I say again how much I LOVE David?)
Have any celebrities contacted you directly to ask if they could work with you?
DC: “Most of the time they tell their agent to tell my agent they want to work with me. Sometimes I ask to work with an actor without knowing if they have ever seen one of my films. That was the case with Rob. (Kate: LOVE this) It just so happened he was very familiar with some of my work. On set (for “Cosmopolis”) I remember he and Juliette Binoche getting into deep conversations about obscure French films. He’s a film fanatic.”
Was hiring him a way of drawing the attention of people that weren’t necessarily ‘David Cronenberg’ fans?
DC: “The moment we confirmed Rob had been cast in “Cosmopolis” everyone started talking about it. I can only hope the public and the critics will like it. On the other hand, those only watching it because they are ‘Twihards’ risk being disappointed. But fans of Rob will love “Cosmopolis.” Once you love an actor, you should be open to appreciating all of their work.”
(Kate: Oh believe me we love him and we are very open to everything he chooses to do)
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Thanks to our reader bwen for the tip!
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