No Footage Left Behind: Robert Pattinson charms us at every step through Cannes, Paris and Berlin for Cosmopolis Promo

No Footage Left Behind: Robert Pattinson charms us at every step through Cannes, Paris and Berlin for Cosmopolis Promo

It only makes sense that the King of Cannes would have a stellar press tour for Cosmopolis right after the festival. This is a collection of HQ pics and videos of Rob from Cannes (1 | 2), Paris and Berlin.

Paris - May 30


So hot...


So sweet...


Cannes Film Festival
Cosmopolis premiere, On The Road premiere, and Photocall


Fantastic Rob interviews and more HQ pics from Cannes, Berlin and Paris after the cut!




Berlin - May 31

Rob Interview: It's dubbed but he is so sweet and gracious. Thanking the fans for coming out even in the rain. Basically happy that we're still supportive of him. :')

Footage from the event and Rob interviews. These are lovely. The quality is great and he's just so sincere and thankful. Talks about how happy he is with Cosmopolis, he would do another Twilight film if they wrote it and more sweet Rob.


Inside the theater

Paris - May 30

We posted this video before but this is just the Rob segment. He's so cute :)

These 2 videos are Rob entering and leaving the stage at the screening. I marvel how the one man can illicit such female energy. You can just feel it in videos like these.

This is another video of David and Rob on stage.

Videos: Via Via Via Via | Photos: Source

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