No Footage Left Behind: New Robert Pattinson Cosmopolis Stills, Interviews, Videos and Mentions

No Footage Left Behind: New Robert Pattinson Cosmopolis Stills, Interviews, Videos and Mentions

Rob going to Cannes has been a flood of news. It's been the downpour we've been waiting for! This recap is packed with fun info so take a break (if you're in the States) and have a a Rob newspaper. LOL

First are these fan-freakin-tastic new stills of Rob from Cosmopolis and behind-the-scene shot of Rob and David.

Oh. Guess what caught my eye. *faints*


This next look...whoa. It reminds me of this comment from a critic: "As Eric, the brooding Pattinson eroticizes every move, glance and revolver-spin."
We updated the reviews in our Part 2. Click HERE to read. 


These clearly aren't the best edits but I wanted to see the images together. :)



LOADS more after the cut! (Rob interviews, fun Cosmopolis costume info, David raves about Rob and more!)

The new pics are from the following Rob interview, translated from Atual (Portugal):
It wasn't easy to establish contact with Robert Pattinson, during a phonecall between Lisbon and LA, that had to wait for the commitments of one of the most popular actors in the world. Inside the limousine of "Cosmopolis", film that Paulo Branco produced and David Cronenberg directed, from the novel by Don DeLillo, the british actor became Eric Packer, a 28 year old golden boy that decides to cross New York to get a haircut. Wall Street stockbroker, proud of his great instinct on the world of high finance, Eric Packer will lose on that day his wealth, under an apocalyptic atmosphere that makes him reconsider his existence. To the character, it's like going to hell. But to Robert Pattinson, it's the movie where things will change: the teen idol from the Twilight Saga gives in 'Cosmopolis' an electrifying performance and shows that he's a complete actor with a great future.

I'm not going to ask you about your favorite hobby, how's your personal life or what is your next project.

In 'Cosmopolis', you worked for the first time with David Cronenberg, director known for not letting anyone indifferent.
Is it true? Now I can say that it is true. I needed some time and distance because during the shooting of Cosmopolis I didn't understand very well what I was doing. I only understood that when I watched the movie for the first time. I was alone in the room. I was perplex. I had a strange feeling, like a contagion.

Do you think 'Cosmopolis', in its own way, is also a movie about vampires?
Oh no. I hope not! There are no vampires here.

What was the main reason that made you accept this part?
David Cronenberg, no doubt.

He was part of your cinematographic world?
Yes, I've been a big fan, for a long time. "Videodrome" is one of my all-time favorite movies. I knew that he always put his creativity above everything and that this project could become a lifetime experience. He's one of those rare filmmakers that seems to be not afraid of anything. What he does is really his, his movies, from the first to the last scene.

And you? Were you afraid to make this movie?
Until the first day, I can't say that I wasn't scared. Most directors try to guide the actors by the hand. They give them directions all the time, make them a puppets. With Cronenberg everything is different and automatic. We got to the end of shooting, filmed and... that's it. The relationship with the work is very much a sensory experience and the hardest thing is learn how to set the right tone. No one tells us the psychological reasons of the characters, for example. David knew exactly what he was doing. He knew the script by heart. I had never worked with a director so confident in himself.

What exactly happened before filming?
David first gave me the script to read and then I read Don DeLillo's novel. The script is very true to the book. I was extremely impressed by its rhythm. But I was also surprised by the simplicity, because people had told me that Cosmopolis wasn't an easy book, a novel impossible to adapt to the screen. David's script was like a poetry. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, where to go or even how the story was going to end. And the more I read, more questions seemed to stay without answers. It wasn't easy because my character is in every scene. That made me study the script word by word, like it was theatre.

Did you know DeLillo's work? Were his books your bedtime reading?
Not really. I had read some of his books, but nothing about 'Cosmopolis' or Eric Packer.

Did you learn more about yourself as a man and an actor with this part?
Oh yes, my debt is endless. I found out that you can't do the same for the rest of your life. With that, I don't want to say that I saw myself in this character. He's nothing like me.

Who is Eric Packer?
It's hard to answer because I don't think he symbolizes anything. He knows he moves in the world of finance, that he will lose everything in 24 hours and watch his own destruction without being able to rationally and emotionally react. He works with the void, with speculation and reacts with coolness to his instincts, something that makes him very mysterious. But I can't see him either as cause or as a victim of something, because his expression is neutral, he escapes stereotypes. He's just part of a gear, it's like he's part of a machine. His life is a parallel reality, almost as if he had just arrived from another planet. Basically, he doesn't know how to live in the present because he devours the present. It's curious that when we were filming the movie, no one in the set wondered what he meant, if he actually meant anything. I think David brought this. He likes to work like this, in the dark, without any logical explanation to things. David is a very instinctive person who reacts less to the ideas than to emotions.

Let me ask this again, a different way: do you think you would want to meet Eric Packer? Could you be his friend?
I don't think I could be his friend, but yes, if he was a real person, I would definitely like to meet him. To know what he would say about the world today and the global crisis. I would like to talk to him about that. Probably only once.

You just told me about the difficulty of the text. How did you prepare for the part? Knowing Cronenberg’s movies, I believe there weren’t many rehearsals …
It’s true. Cronenberg doesn’t like rehearsals. When an actor arrives on set you have to bring your character with you, the confrontation has been done at home and it's kind of a pact. Cronenberg is a director of an incredible exactitude. And, on the other hand, very sensitive about the actors’ performances. If we lose focus for a brief moment he interrupts the shot immediately, it’s almost nerve-wracking to work with someone like that. No detail will escape him. Cronenberg knows exactly how the take is going to be like by the end of the day, which ones will come first and which ones will come after: he arrives on set with the movie completely set up.

But, for an actor, there are scenes harder than others: I remember the sex scene in the limousine, for example.
For me it was a very strange moment. I have that scene with Juliette Binoche, of whom I've been a fan for a long time. We had never talked before. She arrived in Toronto one morning and in the afternoon we had to film the sex scene in the limousine. It was a little scary.

In the last part of the movie, you work with Paul Giamatti, one of the best and greatest actors of your generation. Didn’t that intimidate you?
It didn’t intimidate me, but it increased the tension. Paul wasn’t less tense than me. It’s a crucial moment in the movie, a big confrontation dialogue, and Cronenberg insisted that we would say the line the way it was written, like it was Shakespeare. No changes were allowed. Paul gives an amazing performance in that scene.

Do you think Cosmopolis will be a ‘before’ and ‘after’ mark in your career? Or does it seem like just another job, another natural step?
“Cosmopolis” will definitely be an important movie for me. I’ve changed, and I feel the change. I’m going through a phase in my life that I will have to make choices and test myself as an actor. “Cosmopolis” wasn’t an easy choice for me. I was labeled by the ‘Twilight’ saga when I got to “Cosmopolis”, and I am aware of that, I’d be cynical if I said otherwise. Before the shooting I was so distressed. I doubted my capability, didn’t know if I’d be good enough. I thought I was going to ruin everything. But then I thought: “If they bet on me, it’s because they believe in me.” “Cosmopolis” fell on my lap. It encouraged me to change everything.

There’s still a final episode of the “Twilight” saga, that will be released by the end of the year, after “Cosmopolis”. Doesn’t that bother you now?
I face the release with the same professionalism. No, what bothers me it’s to think I grew old, that I have wrinkles on my face and maybe it’s time to break off from what I’ve done until now, a time that I will accept naturally.

Do you think today, that ‘Twilight’ especially after a valuable movie like Cosmopolis, from an artistic point of view will be an experience that will be forgotten?
I wouldn’t say yes because I’ve always given my best, even if a lot of people thought of me as a small actor, or even as a bad actor because of “Twilight”. They’re the same voices asking themselves: “Now, with Cronenberg, we’ll see if he’s capable of acting, we’ll see if he’s a serious actor.” There’s a lot of work in Twilight. I’m turning 26, I was in five movies of the series and I was confronted by a lot of artistic decisions. And they counted, of course. What I did before counted. And that’s why David offered me the part. I’ve always wanted to make good movies, but before “Cosmopolis” I was a bit worried if they were good or not. Now I worry about what they think of me, I want to gain respect from others because of my work. I have a series of projects in hands, that I wasn't expecting to get, thanks to “Cosmopolis”.

Your transition through the Twilight series brought you a lot of things. It made you become a media figure of the world. And one of the best well paid as well. Success is around you. How do you deal with that?
When a person suddenly becomes well known, when you can’t step outside without a paparazzi waiting for you, it's very easy to lose control of your image and of what other people think of us. Deep inside we’re just a cogwheel of a big gear and we don’t know where it's going. It happened to me. It was almost overnight. Being a celebrity doesn’t require aptitude. At a certain point I asked myself if I was still an actor, or where was the actor in me: in the movies or in my life?

Do you feel like you’ve become a Hollywood product?
I feel like Hollywood changes people in something they’re not. Hollywood protects and destroys that image the way it works better for it. It’s a dream machine, in my case, it created a label. I’ve lost parts in movies for being related to Twilight. Although, for an actor, what’s a commercial success if not a parallel fact? The movie won’t be better or worse because of that.

There’s a perverse side in everything because the success of the movie also depends of the real success of the actors. For example: Cosmopolis teaser trailer, released months ago was one of the most watched and shared on the internet. The movie was being talked about by everyone, especially because you’re part of it…
The teaser is 30seconds long and it can lead people to believe something else. It’s not the movie.

Do you think Cosmopolis will change radically your image, especially for the fans that follow and worship “Twilight”?
There it is: the opinions they have about me count, but I learned to protect myself from them. I start to feel really tired of being the idol of teenage girls, girls that are half my age. You need to want to have more than a pretty face on the screen or photogenic charisma that worked for quite a long time. You have to know how to take risks. I’m aware of that and I don’t fall for illusions. Everything happens at it's own time. Being an actor is something that you earn.
The next Rob interviews are not translated. Reporters got Rob to talk a little about Twilight/Breaking Dawn. I like what he says about the new BD poster because I really like the last Edward poster.


From Toronto Sun:
CANNES, FRANCE—The vampires and werewolves of the Twilight franchise will be humorously “on Mars” when the final film arrives in November. That’s the word from lead star Robert Pattinson about The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2, due in theatres Nov. 16.

“This one is so odd that it becomes kind of funny,” Pattinson told the Star.

“Now that Bella’s not human, they’re just on Mars now. Everyone in it is a lunatic!”

Pattinson was at the Cannes Film Festival as star of David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis, which was competing for the Palme d’Or at the festival, which wrapped up Sunday. He took a moment from his Cosmopolis press duties to talk about The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2, the fifth and final film of the record-breaking gothic teen romance phenomenon. Pattinson said Part 2 will be quite different from Part 1, beginning with the newly released posters, which show individual characters instead of group scenes. The posters have solo shots of Pattinson and also Kristen Stewart, his real-life girlfriend who plays his newly transformed vampire bride Bella in Breaking Dawn.

“I’m excited about the last book coming out because it’s quite different,” Pattinson said.

“Even the posters. I just saw the posters the other day and . . . suddenly there’s a different look. Because all our posters have been exactly the same, until the last one. It’s crazy. I kind of like them.”

Breaking Dawn—Part 2 breaks new ground for the series, too.

“The movie is funny as well, which is weird. It’s strange. I guess the first one was quite body horror-y (and) creepy. This one is so odd, that it becomes kind of funny. Now that Bella’s not human, they’re just on Mars now. Everyone in it is a lunatic!”
Rob also has an interview with Short List. They posted an excerpt from the interview that will come out on Wednesday. From ShortList:
Known predominantly for his work in the Twilight saga, 26-year-old Robert Pattinson is keen to put the blood-sucking behind him and embark upon a more mature career. We spoke to the man himself and he revealed that as the fifth and final film is about to be released, he's happy to see the back of his 107-year-old character.

“Playing the same part for a while, you just run out of ideas," he said. "You feel kind of useless, you don’t know what to do anymore."

"I’m not trying to get away from it." he added "You’re screwing yourself, you’re saying you think your work is sh*t if you try and get away from it. And I never thought it was. But I kind of got to the end of my inspiration. You get to the point where you’re like, ‘I don’t want to do a film for a teen audience any more'."

Full interview in next week's ShortList out on Wednesday.
I loved this next read. The watch was significant to me (and I think anyone else that read the book knows why) so it's cool to hear more from Denise Cronenberg, the Cosmopolis costume designer.  Plus, don't we all love knowing the little souvenirs Rob keeps from his characters? A lot of details bout Rob's input with Eric's suit and who rejected the invitation to clothe Rob! Crazy...but I'm glad Gucci was the one.


From The Hollywood Reporter:
The poster for David Cronenberg’s new film, Cosmopolis, resembles a luxury menswear fashion ad. And in a way, it is. "Twilight" vampire Robert Pattinson is photographed sitting in a limo, wearing a slim black Gucci Signoria suit and a Chanel mens’ watch, the J12 chromatic ceramic, titanium timepiece (retail value: approximately $7,000).

In Cronenberg's thriller, adapted from Don Delillo's novel of the same name, Pattinson plays Eric Packer, a hip, suave young billionaire asset manager on a 24-hour journey across Manhattan. He travels cross-town in his tricked out, high-tech white stretch limo for a decent haircut, hitting traffic snags and delays caused by a presidential motorcade and a rave party, an Arabic funeral (Somalian hip hop singer K’Naan plays the body) and political protests. Various characters enter his high tech limo, for strictly business and funny business, while Packer gambles with his clients’ wealth and his life.

In the film, Pattinson wears just one costume: a black two button notch-lapel Signoria suit by Gucci.

He also wears a Gucci fitted white cotton shirt, a slim black silk tie, a leather belt with silver buckle detail and black leather lace-up dress shoes.

The film's costume designer, Denise Cronenberg, had initially approached Prada, but they weren't interested. Gucci on the other hand, who has dressed Pattinson in real life, was gung ho. "It was great because we could never have afforded those suits," Denise tells THR exclusively. "Our budget was way too small."

She adds: “After I found out that Rob wore Gucci in real life, I looked at photos of him in their suits and that was the style I wanted for his character. Gucci is not something I have used before but I think it's smart to get a line that he has already worn.”

She asked them for six suits plus the hero, equaling seven suits for the film that takes place over 24 hours spent in a limo. “The suits are beautiful and the fabric is incredible," she raves.

The first fitted white shirts Gucci sent didn’t work. “They had a seam on both sides, something that was popular in the ‘70s. Rob didn’t like them, I didn’t, either. And I had a feeling he would end up in just a shirt by the end of the film. We didn't want to shred the suit because he needed to look together even though he’s falling apart on the inside. So they sent me other shirts, ones that he had worn before and liked."

Cronenberg reveals that Pattinson kept one of the Gucci suits after the film wrapped. “Plus the belt and the Chanel watch, he kept everything,” she said. “I didn’t think he would because he has like 4,000 suits. He’s decided he may start to wear a belt now.”

Chanel initially contacted Cronenberg about placing a watch on Pattinson's character. Rob, who doesn't wear a watch in real life (Tink: *cough*), liked the timepiece so much that he wore it throughout the film, even though Denise had told him he could remove it in later scenes if he felt it was appropriate.

Chanel was so excited about their J12 watch being featured so prominently on the film’s poster -- seen in Cannes for the film's premiere last Friday --  that they sent a watch to director Cronenberg and a classic black Chanel bag to Denise.

“I’ve never owned a Chanel bag before. It’s very simple and small, with a silver clasp," says Denise. I like that it’s not an over-the-top bag."
Speaking about clothing,  Gerald Nicosia (famous biographer of Jack Kerouac) shared this fun bit on his facebook:
I have been to many ceremonies in my life, but nothing like the Palm D’Or competition at the Palais des Festivals at Cannes. The premiere of ON THE ROAD was the hottest ticket in town, and everyone was talking about it. In fact, it was the only movie that had a whole wall across from the Palais painted with a 50-foot-high poster of the film. Well over 2000 film producers, directors, technicians, actors, celebrities, and notable people showed up, the women in exquisite gowns, the men all in tuxedos with bow ties (I had to buy one in town!). Only Robert Pattinson dared to wear a straight black tie, but who was going to criticize Robert Pattinson?!
 Nobody, Gerald! ;)

We have a few fan videos from Cannes. The energy in Cannes is electric. You can feel it in videos. This fan video is of Rob just before the photocall in Cannes. You can see Rob chatting with his costars and  David gives him a hug. You also see his US and UK management team. :)

More fan videos of Rob leaving the Cosmopolis premiere and also at the Le Grand Journal set.

Lastly, we have many great words from David Cronenberg about Rob and his character. He's become the best advocate for Rob. :)


Why did you choose Robert Pattinson? We inevitably think of his role in Twilight where he's the kind of vampires. Eric Packer is a vampire too, he evokes eternal youth and he's also a living dead.
David: Yes, we could say that the character is the werewolf of Wall Street, or the vampire of Wall Street but his way of speaking, his relationships with others and his appearance are completely different from the character he plays in Twilight. I didn't choose Robert Pattinson because of Twilight, but because he was was the perfect actor for the role. When I make a movie, I don't think about my previous work and even less the work of others. And I don't think about the movies my actors made. Of course I saw Twilight, Little Ashes, Remember Me. I also watched tons of interviews of Rob on Youtube - like a lot of directors do, to get an idea of an actor's personality. I thought even less of Twilight since I imagine a lot of people who are going to see Cosmopolis will not have seen Twilight. No matter what, I'm glad I chose him. I thought he would be good and he was, he even surprised me.

How did you guide him to help build his character?
David: Really concrete things: how to dress up, how to do his hair, his sunglasses. When he had to take off his tie and how it had to look. All this is directing an actor too and this has to be decided before you come on set. This isn't theoretical. An actor can't play an idea. You can't ask him: I want you to represent Wall Street with your acting. How would you want him to do that? It's no good to proceed like that. Where does he sit. How does he move. What kind of relationships he has with the people who enter his limo? Do they respect him or do they despise him? We deal with everything one moment after another, one detail after another. There's no magic spell for actors. It's like sculpting.

Is the Eric Packer from the book different than the one in the movie?
David: To be honest, I don't know. He says exactly the same words which is crucial. In that sense, he's really close to the character in the book. But what he has in his head, can be said in the book but not in the film. Packer is fascinating and scary. He's a dangerous guy. Not only as a capitalist, but also because he's capable of murder. And at the same time, he's sort of naive, pathetic and vulnerable, which makes him attractive. Robert Pattinson was really courageous by accepting this role and I am grateful. Young actors that are in demand are often reluctant at the idea of playing unlikable characters. Not really young actors, for that matter. They're always scared that by playing a bad guy, they'll be typecast as such and that it could hurt their career. They want to be loved and to be loved on the screen, in the USA at least.

"Rob is in every scene in the movie and yet he's not necessarily a sympathetic character, you don't necessarily love this character. So, he's an actor who you want to watch"


How would you describe Cosmopolis?
It's a dark and surreal comedy on the end of the world. I would like the audience not to take it too seriously.

Was choosing Robert Pattinson as your lead an obvious choice for you?
At first I chose Colin Farrell but I was happy to fall back on Rob when Colin stepped down. Pattinson was scared of no being good enough but he was perfect as living trader living outside reality.

Will his fans be surprised by the movie?
They're ready to go. I went online and discovered websites dedicated to Rob and I found a lot of teenagers who read and loved he book. They're ready to see Robert Pattinson in a role where plays a different kind of vampire.

How did you decide how far the sex scenes would go?
I didn't think in terms of censorship or self-censorship. Everything is decided naturally with the actors. Robert was ready to be lead. He's amazingly charismatic.

How did you managed to film this impression of 'dreaming while awake'?
By filming from the lead's point of view. You have to feel at ease when he's in the limo and completely lost when he gets out of it. He's a spoiled child who lives in a virtual world.

Is Cosmopolis visionary?
The movie describes a reality. On of the financiers of the movie told me he recognized himself in it. The idea that this horrific tale could be anchored in the real world fascinated me.
I'm really excited for the Rob and David Show this week. I can't get enough of David talking about Rob and Cosmopolis and I can't get enough of Rob talking about any and everything. ;)

Did you guys get all of that? It's a lot to chew on in the DR. Apologies for the heavy load. It's a holiday in the States and it's time for me to eat. ;) 

Gerald Nicosia mention: Source Via |
Translations & Scans: Scan Source | Source Translation | Translation | Scan Translation


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