Larry Carroll shares details from his Twilight interviews with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from 2008

Larry Carroll shares details from his Twilight interviews with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from 2008

Former MTV reporter, Larry Carroll, was busy on twitter a couple of days ago and answered some fan questions about his infamous interviews with Rob and Kristen in 2008 during the filming of Twilight. His replies are italicized:
  • Did you notice a spark of something between Rob & Kristen when you first interviewed them on the twilight set back in '08? :): Yeah, the chemistry was undeniable. I remember each had a book on their chairs, next to each other. RPattz read Vonnegut. I was on set for 2 full days, and the only time they weren't together was when I did my 1-on-1 with Rob. They were VERY into building chemistry, barely knew each other then. To play such intimate characters for several movies they knew they had a lot of work to do. Both of them take acting very seriously, even then when relatively young. They'd share books, watch movies together, hit local clubs with other actors, etc. As soon as Catherine called "Cut!" they'd almost always head off together. I've interviewed each dozens of times, most recently for XBox at the BD1 premiere*. So glad they've come so far.
  •   If there is ever a remake of Last Tango In Paris, what would you think of Rob & Kristen playing the characters? lol: Would be very cool, since I unearthed that tidbit. But I know a lot of people whose heads would explode from the sexiness!
  • Hahaha, you gave us the BEST interview of Rob & Kristen ever! Sad there hasnt been many since! Can you see if you could possibly try & get a joint interview of those two for the final movie promo?: Was a lot easier in those day. I was the only one who cared. I remember explaining to other reporters what "Twilight" was. EW spelled Stephenie's name wrong, on set a lot of people thought the film would go straight-to-video. When I asked to visit the set they were kinda shocked. Said "how many days do you want to come up for?" Gave me full access, no embargo. That's extremely rare.
  • is their chemistry still the same now as it was in the beginning of Twilight? :): Better, I'd say. It's like real life, right? The more you know someone the easier it is to care about them - & portray that.
  • Did R or K seem equally enamored w/ ea other back then, or 1 more than the other? Or just getting to know ea other? Thx: I'd say they were equal. Although KStew definitely seemed to take the lead most of the time. She was the more experienced actor.

*Xbox interview was noted as being only with Kristen.

The 2008 Twilight interviews by MTV were pretty classic so let's take a trip down memory lane! Rob and Kristen before the mayhem. Also, it'll make you go "awwww" when you listen to Rob talk about his musical plans after Twilight. Amazing how much everything changed. 

Larry's tweets didn't mention his solo Rob interviews but those produced Spunk Ransom. How can we not revisit 2008Rob?

Great memories. I can't wait to see what kind of interviews, photoshoots, mag covers and other surprises are planned for the end of an era.
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