Robert Pattinson wallpapers: Making You The Breaking Dawn Love in Sweden vol. 31

Robert Pattinson wallpapers: Making You The Breaking Dawn Love in Sweden vol. 31

The BDPromo suites continue! Marina tackled StockholmRob...I should end the sentence there, right? For Marina? ;)

Anywho, Marina tackled StockholmRob after she already had her fun with ParisRob and BrusselsRob.


Did the lashes die you? Because they died me. Along with everything else in that pic of ScrufteeRob.


There was no photocall for this stop. Why? Who knows. Rob even wore a spiffy purple tie by Gucci. For SHAME, Sweden. Thank god for great fan pics. :)




Classic quote is classic! Happened at the BDSweden press conference.

The next suite in the BDpromo series will be from the Handprinting Ceremony because Rob was oh-so-hot, like always. Then we'll be back at the BD premieres and fan events. :)

It's well known around here that we're trying to get Rob the win for Cosmopolis in the MTV Movie Brawl. Have you been voting?? Get to it! Voting ends at 5pm on Monday, Jan. 23rd.

Enjoy these two Cosmopolis wallpapers in case you need inspiration to vote repeatedly for Rob. You shouldn't need the motivation though. It should be ingrained in your Rob-being. "Vote for Rob" stickers come in your gift bag when you enter the dark recesses for the first time. Go find your gift bags, ladies, and VOTE FOR ROB!



Lick and save for HQ!

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