Slightly different from what was posted before:
UPDATE: RobpattzNews told me that Columbia on IMDb isn't new. It was just on IMDBpro. Whatever. I don't care about this IMDb/distributor/release date f*ckery. GIVE US BEL AMI!
The source, IMDb, also listed Columbia Pictures now as distributor & has kept the March 2nd US release date. We've talked about Columbia before (a branch owned by Sony) but what should settle some minds in the DR is that Columbia being listed implies theatrical release. I know many were concerned about straight-to-DVD. However, all of this is still in WTF territory since IMDb is the only source and isn't always reliable. If March 2nd is really the US date, why no other information on it or promotion of that date in the states? I call bullsh*t on that date and await more active presence from the studio to believe it. I'm so distrusting. Or bitter. Or both. LOL
Hopefully this recent movement will mean some concrete movement on the horizon.
Via: Robstenation | HQ
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