Roundup of Breaking Dawn World Premiere Interviews with Robert Pattinson and MORE

Roundup of Breaking Dawn World Premiere Interviews with Robert Pattinson and MORE

UPDATE AGAIN: Stephenie talks Midnight Sun....

and I have to do this real quick...

UPDATE: I'm adding these MTV videos because the YouTube was of course removed. Kate's going to be bitter. Plus Kristen said a bit about Rob's word in her interivew...

This is awesome. Kate Spencer from @TheFabLife got an exclusive AND this is likely the reason we haven't heard as much as we hoped for regarding Rob's future career plans...

Kristen mentions playing the trumpet and Rob can't do it LOL literally, ladies.

WHAT is Rob talking about? There was no Aston Martin in the films...did he just spoil something? LOL

Creepiest thing a fan ever gave Rob? I get the feeling Rob wants us to get wild with him. We need to give him stories. ;) I'm just kidding by the way...don't go savage on the sweet man.

MORE videos after the cut!

LA Times interview

Rob talks about the priest again LOL

This was taken down form YouTube but here's the MTV link of Mackenzie Foy's interview when she mentions Rob

She also mentioned Rob in this interview...

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