1)How it was to be directed by Cronenberg?
Working with Cronenberg was amazing, he is a Canadian Icon and a great filmaker!!!!I felt like I was working with a member of my family.I was blessed to have worked with a genius!!!
2) Did you feel confortable playing Kosmo Thomas? you and your
character have something in common?? Tell us about him?
I play a record producer and one of my artists played by real life rapper K’NAAN has died.I had to then break the bad news to our mutual friend Eric played by Robert PATTINSON. I can relate to Kosmo cause I was in the music business for many years.I started off as a rapper/producer and after I got the acting bug!!I felt comfortable playing Kosmo.
3) How it was to work with actors like robert pattinson, paul giamatti
and juliette binoche?
I thought Robert Pattinson was great to work with on set.I thought he handled himself like a pro!He would show up to work with a big smile and ready work.I think Robert will surprise a lot of people when this movie comes into theaters.
Check out the full interview at the Source Cosmopolis Italia via CosmopolisFilm.com