UPDATE: Made a few LARGE caps from the new HD vid after the cut.
Click the Robpucker to view the caps.
It all started with a foot. Not just any foot. Rob's foot.
Debb24601 came quite undone earlier with Rob's giggle (who didn't) but then she started tweeting pictures when the BTS video came out. Pictures like the foot and pictures like this...
I'm supposed to be relaxing on a vacay but my brain starts to cry because Rob is flashing appendages and thigh and left me thinking, "UMMMM this wasn't on the BTS video I saw!"
Deb didn't stop tweeting...
W.T.H. Only close up shot I saw was from the ET home page to click on the now whack BTS footage that doesn't show us Robert Pattinson's...er...footage.
Hi. I'm Rob Pattinson. I'm beautiful and you will love me. See my beautiful blue eyes? This is the last time you'll see them in the ET BTS video unless your name is Deb and you live in Canada. If that's the case, you'll get to see my foot, my thigh, and more baby blues up close and personal.
Lucky for us, nothing gets past this fandom and Spunk Ransom must also be named Deb and live in Canada because she grabbed the new HD vid. ;)
MORE 'foot'age after the cut. ;)
Click the thumbnails for the LARGE caps.