Yes people you read that right there is a woman alive, actually make that 2 women (because this obviously runs in the family), who do NOT find Robert Pattinson appealing and those women are Joan Rivers and her daughter Melissa.
On E!'s Fashion Poilce Joan says that she thinks Rob is pasty (ok mad idea here Joan, bear with me, but do you actually think that could be the vampire make-up he was wearing for the movies?) She says he mumbles when he talks (I'm thinking maybe Joan needs to invest in a hearing aid) oh and surprise, surprise she agrees with her daughter that he needs to wash because he's smelly (and you smelt Rob,when Joan? Oh right, that would be NEVER)
This information about Rob being smelly came from the very "reliable" Melissa who is also worried that her 10 year old son is going to want to copy Rob's hair when he sees "Cosmopolis".
Melissa I am pretty sure that "Cosmopolis"is a movie you are not going to want your 10 year old son to watch and if you had done your research (you know that little thing you do to make sure that your facts are actually correct) you might know that!
Maybe we should send THESE onto Joan and Melissa and see if they still feel the same after looking at them.
Nope not feeling the appeal
Not feeling anything
No appeal whatsoever (crosses fingers behind back)
How could ANY woman possibly find this appealing?
Joan & Melissa you are so right and the rest of us (the millions of us) HAVE to be wrong.
Robert Pattinson has no appeal whatsoever