This is likely his last public appearance before a looooooooooong drought. His last hoorah before we enter the cold, dark months leading us to the everlasting waters of Robvember. Will we all make it out alive? Will some die in the mirage of Rob? Thinking they see him and going crazy behind their aggressive insistence? Droughts make the natives restless and we must bind together and fight the harsh dry season.
On a brighter note! Let's talk about what Rob will look like at the award show!
He sure as hell isn't going to look like this:
Rob: Sorry doesn't grow on trees.
I normally do a crazy wardrobe blog for these such events but thought it would be fun to strike up a poll and let you guys go to town in the comments...what say you? How on earth will Rob style his hair for the TCAs???
I couldn't resist one more CRITICAL....HIGHLY CRITICAL poll...
What's the other question on everyone's lips after the cut!
To assist in your decision making...some visual aids:
BeardyRob aka MountainMan!
*pours a little drank out for the LB*
Whatever hairstyle Rob will rock and whatever facial hair length he deems suitable doesn't matter in the long run because he will ALWAYS be beautiful inside and out. *whispers* impending droughts make me emo. ;)