Well according to the NYPost this is how to do it.
"Robert Pattinson was mesmerized in the Soho House parking lot in LA Wednesday night by one of the stars of "Bellflower." (Kate: What who is this star that mesmerized Rob? I NEED to know NOW)
A centerpiece of the indie film, from Beastie Boy Adam Yauch's Oscilloscope Laboratories, is Medusa. (Kate: Medusa? What kind of a name is Medusa?Who is this Medusa?)
Medusa is a 1972 Buick Skylark equipped with rear-exhaust flamethrowers that shoot "pillars of fire" 30 feet in the air. (Kate: Oooooh right (puts away the green eyed monster for another day) ;-})
The car was at the private club for a tastemaker screening. After Pattinson and pals inspected it, they headed inside and partied till 2:30 a.m. Medusa, meantime, serves as the regular mode of transport for "Bellflower" director Evan Glodell."
And this is what Medusa looks like
I wonder if Rob is considering purchasing something like this?
Well why wouldn't the hottest man alive want a hot car? (literally a hot car)
Might be handy too if the papz get to close, just stick on your flamethrowers and fry them {giggle}
Or maybe it brought back memories of his old car that used to go on fire all the time, then again the difference with this one is that it's meant to go on fire.