It's a great interview, check out some of it (the Rob parts) below.
Q: With the birth, like you talked about, it’s a violent birth, and the impending fight with the Volturi, then the honeymoon and the sex scenes. Knowing all those aspects, did you find it hard to balance the boundry between PG-13 and R? Did you sort of go to R and cut back? How did you approach that?
Bill: You know, I think it’s a good challenge because the thing that makes something R is literally showing it and if you give yourself that rule: I’m not gonna show, it’s not going to be frontal nudity, no one wants that, that is not appropriate here, but they are going to have intense love making scenes.(Kate: :-D Bill, I think I love you) Or we’re not going to, again, show splattering blood against the walls, but it’s gonna be very visceral. It actually becomes a fun challenge to make sure you feel like you have the same experience without having to watch something clinical. I think it makes it better. There are great romantic scenes in PG-13 movies, you know?
Read More After The Cut
Q: Actors are often asked about scenes that are emotionally draining. Do you feel that there were certain scenes as a director that you get emotionally drawn into, what scenes in particular in Breaking Dawn that it wasn’t easy to let go of those emotions?
Bill: Well you have to because you’re on to the next one either an hour later, or the next day, but man, absolutely, there were all these things along the way that you just have an adrenaline rush when you finally get there and get through it because so many things could go wrong. Like the childbirth, I keep going back to it, but that was unbelievably intense. Taylor, his heart is pouring out of him, but Rob, you see this where he’s trying to bring her back to life and the anguish of it and the panic of it all, and then Kristen just giving it all. In the way that you’ll see, all the effort of giving birth but she is the best dead person I’ve ever seen (everyone laughs) and that’s not easy because there were takes that were a minute long and she never blinked, she never seemed to breathe, I don’t know how she did it but that cold area was very intense. And at the end of the shoot in Louisiana we’d been shooting for four months already, kind of tired and everyone is worn down, all of our defenses were down and it was also one of those things where you get there and you do it, and it lifted everybody up for the rest of the shoot because it just felt like something real had happened. That’s the thing that is great on a set, when you know something real has happened, it’s when the crew is suddenly incredibly quiet and everyone is paying attention, is sort of like you know it’s happening right in front of you and everyone’s aware of it, you know.
Q: One of the most insane places for Twilight, one of the most passionate places in the world for Twilight, is Brazil, how did you handle filming there with so many fans who are different from fans in America, who are very passionate … ?
Bill: But respectful. It was very interesting. You know Rob told that story when we were shooting (laughs) but it was truly like everyone was in the street having a party and then suddenly one girl was like all over him (mimics arms across Rob’s neck, Rob’s surprised expression). And I think she was beheaded (everyone laughs) because I did ask like two hours later “What happened to her?” and everyone was like “I don’t know!”(laughs).
Kate: WE remember that, check out 0:18, look at Dean go!
(WARNING Turn down the sound on this, believe me you really DON'T want to hear it)
I think I know exactly what happened........Dean held the culprit until the street filming finished and then KStew practiced her role as a new vampire and beheaded her!
Rob finds the whole thing hilarious (just look at that smile)
And yes Mr Condon I see you smirking there in the background.
Q: Are you planning anything special for Brazil?
Bill: I hope so, definitely. I want to go back for the film festival there. I don’t know if this year or next year. But we should definitely because it’s really an important part of this movie. And it was great, I had a great time there.
Head over to Twilight Moms for the rest.
It's a good read!