As usual great entries and it was very tight!
BUT the lucky winner is..........
Aussiegirl captioned this photo with...........
"I swear to God, I literally have a different personality, depending on which side of my face you speak to."
Congrats Aussiegirl!
Can you please email us at and we will get your ebook on it's way to you!
The top 3 after Aussiegirl (all separated by only a few votes) were.......
Audience members watch, confused, as Rob flings his head from side to side.
"Now you see it, now you don't. Now you see it, now you don't."
Help me name tag is stuck in my fly and I can't straighten up!
R: Go ahead, touch the bald spot...I know you waaaaant to!!!!
K: This is so embarrassing...I can't even look!!
So onto your pic for today.
Again we are giving away another ebook of "Hidden" and for your chance to win we want you to caption THIS pic of Robert Pattinson. (It's another Comic-Con one because there's SO many good ones from there)
To enter for a chance to win a copy of "Hidden" write a caption for the pic in the comments.
Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment.
(Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do:))
The caption with the most "likes" wins.
Please keep your caption to 2-3 sentences at most ;-)
The competition is open worldwide!
You have until 10am Tuesday 2nd Aug (GMT) to enter ;-)
We will announce the winner then and give you another pic to caption and another chance to win.
If you're not lucky enough to win "Hidden" you can purchase it at these places:
In Print