Videos: Robert Pattinson On "Cosmopolis" Set Last Night (29th June)
New/Old "Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire" BTS Pic With Robert Pattinson
Entertainment Weekly are posting exclusives leading up to the latest and last Harry Potter installment's release and they just added this Behind the Scenes pic with Robert Pattinson.
Early Jawporn
Oh Cedric

via robstenlust
Early Jawporn
Oh Cedric
via robstenlust
New/Old Robert Pattinson Fan Pics From The "Cosmopolis" Set (29th May)
Some cute Robert Pattinson fan pics from the "Cosmopolis" Set on 29th May
Waving to the fans {awwwwwwwwww}

Click for Larger

Thanks to @Stefter of RobDays and @drapht13 via ThePattinsonProject
Check out their fan encounter with Rob HERE
Waving to the fans {awwwwwwwwww}
Click for Larger
Thanks to @Stefter of RobDays and @drapht13 via ThePattinsonProject
Check out their fan encounter with Rob HERE
Fan Pictures,
on set pics,
Robert Pattinson
*NEW* HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson From The "Cosmopolis" Set (29th June)
NEW HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson filming "Cosmopolis" last night.

I see you!

Putting the rest of the pics after the cut and putting a BIG spoiler warning on them!!!!!
And if you missed the rehearsal pics for this scene, check them out HERE
I see you!
Putting the rest of the pics after the cut and putting a BIG spoiler warning on them!!!!!
And if you missed the rehearsal pics for this scene, check them out HERE
Robert Pattinson to promote October release of Bel Ami?
Robert Pattinson to promote October release of Bel Ami?
DuRob: I'm a lil bit annoyed....a lil bit frustrated...
So are we, DuRob, so are we...
Bel Ami is a touchy subject among the fandom. We want it bad. I swear many of us would do anything to get it. Filmed over a year ago, the production team is infuriatingly hush about the release of the film or what the problem is. We keep recycling the same stills that ironically are very expressive of how we feel. Let me demonstrate...
Umadeleine: Is it true the film is finally being released?
DuRob: Darling, I don't f*cking know.
DuRob: I demand this film is released as I release this dirt!
Umadeleine: I can not bear to watch the madness.
I'm borderline belligerent when I talk about it (note the hostility in my words) and latch on to the slightest bit of news regarding the matter. Even rumors. I'm desperate. We all are.
The latest claim does back up the 2 most recent claims of an October 19th US release date (posted HERE and HERE) and we've source Daily Mail plenty of times.
DuRob: It's about damn time.
[Cosmopolis] is set to wrap up in July, before Pattinson commences promotional work for drama Bel Ami in October with co-stars Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci, followed by Breaking Dawn: Part 1 in November.
Obviously if the October 19th release date is true, Rob would need to promote the film around this time. This is the first we've seen of media mentioning promotional duties and who might be involved. I'll take it. I'll take whatever I can get until this movie hits the big screen.
Official word is on the horizon, ladies. I can feel it in my bones. Maybe I should ask Nick, yes? ;)
Thank you Libby for the tip!
HQ pictures of Robert Pattinson during Cosmopolis rehearsal June 29th
HQ pictures of Robert Pattinson during Cosmopolis rehearsal June 29th
SPOILER pics after the cut!!!! SPOILER!
Just too delicious. He's gonna kill this role. I just know it :)
SPOILER pics after the cut!!!! SPOILER!
VIDEO: Kellan Lutz talks about Robert Pattinson working out for Breaking Dawn
VIDEO: Kellan Lutz talks about Robert Pattinson working out for Breaking Dawn
We have thoroughly addressed this issue.
We have thoroughly addressed this issue.
But some people just want to keep the absurdity floating around. Kellan also tries to put a nail in this coffin:
"Someone asked if that was me. Is that Kellan’s back?" the 26-year-old actor said, laughing at the idea. "I’m really proud of Rob for working out and really training really hard. He cycled so hard and trained very hard, and he’s really diligent. He talked to me about what proteins to drink and what to do and he listened and cared. He had a great mentality for it."
*sigh* Let's all go to Rob's back again, shall we?
Source: MTV
More HQ pictures of Robert Pattinson getting creamed during Cosmopolis June 28th
More HQ pictures of Robert Pattinson getting creamed during Cosmopolis June 28th

Art imitating life...or art imitating fantasies?
Art imitating life...or art imitating fantasies?
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson filming Cosmopolis June 28th
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson filming Cosmopolis June 28th
More vids from the pie scene. Rehearsal and filming
YouTube: thagr8pattz | TheDeb24601
Larger, tagged pictures of Robert Pattinson rehearsing on set of Cosmopolis
Larger, tagged pictures of Robert Pattinson rehearsing on set of Cosmopolis

Will he ever stop being so yummy? Don't think so ;)
Photos: Just Jared
Will he ever stop being so yummy? Don't think so ;)
Photos: Just Jared
SPOILERS: New pics of Robert Pattinson rehearsing on the Cosmopolis set June 29th
SPOILERS: New pics of Robert Pattinson rehearsing on the Cosmopolis set June 29th
The pics that come from set tonight will have major spoilers if you haven't read the book. Majority of pics will be under the cut.
New outfit! First the LB and NOW the LA? He totally loves me. ;))


Diggin' the Stones tee too, Rob! <3
SPOILER pics after the cut!
The pics that come from set tonight will have major spoilers if you haven't read the book. Majority of pics will be under the cut.
New outfit! First the LB and NOW the LA? He totally loves me. ;))
Diggin' the Stones tee too, Rob! <3
SPOILER pics after the cut!
Another Video Of Robert Pattinson From the "Cosmopolis" Set Last Night
Another Video Of Robert Pattinson From the "Cosmopolis" Set Last Night
Again if you're trying to avoid spoilers it's probably best NOT to watch this
Again if you're trying to avoid spoilers it's probably best NOT to watch this
More Robert Pattinson Fan Pics And Story From Last Night "Cosmopolis" Set
In an earlier post I mentioned that Deb (one of Tink's co-blogger over on the cosmopolisfilm blog) met Rob last night, well here are some more pics and her story!
"So this was my fourth set visit but the first where I was able and committed to staying until the very end. You know, the end. When Rob signs and takes photos. Of course, it was a night shoot and although Rob wrapped at around 2 a.m. I was prepared to hear that it was too late and he wouldn’t be signing.
Dean peeked at the small group of us across from Rob’s trailer and
must have deemed us “safe”. *snicker* Moments later, Rob strolled
across the street with a big smile and killed us all."
Kate: At this point I think I would have fainted!
"He signed for Jan first. (Rob:“Your name is JAM? oh Jan… I was going to say Jam’s a very unusual
name.”) Then it was my turn…"
Find out what happened next and what Rob is laughing at in the pic above by going over to for the full story
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