I tracked down the interview and put it up for you (sorry about the quality)
He talks about Robert Redford first then Clint Eastwood and then Robert Pattinson :-)
Poor Colm and Ryan (the presenter) they just don't seem to get why we love Rob so much!
The Pattinson Effect doesn't work on them :-)
I love Colm Meaney (not just because he's Irish) but because he's just an all round good guy and such a talented actor.
In a recent interview on Irish TV he spoke about what it was like to work on "Bel Ami" with Robert Pattinson.
The interviewer said ‘they just love this guy, he’s like a one man Beatles’! Colm said girls were waiting outside the set all the time and was particularly taken aback when they were filming in the middle of nowhere in Budapest and 3 middle aged women stayed outside in miserable weather 24/7 to see him.
Thanks to Recessionista at Rob's IMDb boards via Spunk Ransom