Here are a few gorgeous wallpapers by Marina H. to help with this "dry spell". My theme today is celebrating some of Rob's photoshoots.
I LOVE this shot of him and was even MORE thrilled when the Vogue shoot came out in HQ. Look at that swagger! Love the way he walks...
This shot is also a favorite of mine. Who DOESN'T swoon out of their chair at the thought of Rob playing the piano (or doing anything musical for that matter)? Why doesn't he make a movie about a piano player? I'd die instantly. Kate gave us a great flashback post from the stunning Vanity Fair shoot.
This photoshoot is hmmmm....well....just look at the beautiful man in that leather jacket and snug, thigh-hugging jeans...and that wand.
Marina also designed a couple of Cosmopolis themed wallpapers for Cosmopolis Film blog. If you've read the book, you'll understand the tone...
Click the thumbnails to save the HQ versions
Click HERE to revisit volume 6, that gorgeous Golden Globes edition :)