We knew from tweets earlier in the week that there was going to be reshoots for "Water For Elephants" but until now we didn't know if Robert Pattinson would be invovled in these reshoots or not.
Now we know he is involved and here are the pics to prove it.
Hey Rob I want a piggyback!
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Details from the set from Kelli in answer to our question; Is Rob there?
“Yes he and Reese are here, just finished filming a scene where he carries her through the mud….”
And then this!
“Tai is here too!”
There was some (a lot) of concern on Twitter about the state of Robowski’s hair. Tis true the wild, bronze locks of Edward Cullen are not a match to Jacob Jankowski. Water For Elephants Film put the question to Kelli and she responded :
“His hair looks like Jacob…not Edward”
More info as we get it!
Thanks to @gkngc04 for the pics via Water For Elephants Film