January - the month of hidden jaw-porn!
February - the photo shoot of all photo shoots!
March - the jaw is released!
April - DuRob delights us...
May - Hobolicious at its very best :-)
June - Rob wears red and seductively drinks from a can and the female population explodes!
July - WFE amazingness amazing set pics...
August - Slurp!
OK in all honesty... I cannot pick between the two... other months have been difficult, but this one... can't choose... you get both!
September - beardy road trip - say no more...
October - he's back!
November - Breaking Dawn set pics deliver...
December - drought of all droughts, this is all we saw of Rob in December....
So here's a bonus unearthed in December!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you on the flip-side... here's to a Robfilled 2011 *clink, clink*....
Love Goz, Kate, Kat and Tink xoxox