Merry Christmas to you all, Love Gozde, Kate, Kat and Tink xoxox
The Twelve Days of Robmas
On the twelfth day of Robmas, our ROBsession gave us to see...
Twelve Looks of Perfection
Eleven Brooding Edwards,
Ten Rob’s a jumping,
Nine DuRob’s a-dapper,
Eight red carpet smiles,
Seven Robowski’s delicious,
Six Strings a Strumming,
Five sexy suits,
Four party nights,
Three Brit’s road tripping,
Two Grizzly Rob’s and a bothered Rob sat high up in a tree!
All the goodness of The Twelve Days of Robmas continued after the break!
Eleven Brooding Edwards...
Ten Rob's a jumping...
Jumping Rob's VIA
Nine DuRob's a-dapper...
Eight Red Carpet Smiles...
Seven delicious Robowski's...
Six strings a strumming...
Five Sexy Suits...
Four Tipsy Nights!
Three Brit's road tripping,
Two Grizzly Rob's,
... and a bothered Rob sat high up in a tree!
Another big thank you to Elizabeth from Pattinson Pictures for the fab banners she makes for us :)