The fans certainly want you, Rob!
But Eonline doesn't care much about that. In another annoying poll, from an entertainment site, for the sole purpose to drive traffic to their site, Rob was up for 2010 Celeb of the Year. It came down to him and Kristen Stewart. The competition was tight. Rob won and here's how Eonline chose to report on the poll:
Wow, you guys, it's incredible to realize we've reached the peak of our Celeb of the Year tournament.This competition was not for the faint of heart. We started off with 99 of the year's biggest celebs and put the task of naming a champion in your hands. In the end, the final matchup was the most agonizing and also one of the closest: Who would walk away with the title? Would it be Robert Pattinson or would it be Kristen Stewart? The votes are in.So who is your 2010 Celeb of the Year?Robert Pattinson.(Who would have ever imagined.)The race was close right up to the end, but ultimately Pattinson's 6,430 votes (51.5 percent) won out over Stewart's 6,063 votes (48.5 percent). Could this be considered an upset?While both actors shared in the success of this summer's third Twilight installment, Eclipse, which brought in more than $300 million at the box office, it seemed Stewart had the more noteworthy year, career-wise. Her two other films, The Runaways and Welcome to the Rileys, both earned the actress solid critical and audience acclaim, further establishing her as more than just Bella Swan. Pattinson's other film, Remember Me, on the other hand...Well, critics and audiences had other thoughts on that one.But the people have spoken and here's to the winner and everyone else who fought for the top spot! (Keep it up, Betty White!) Better luck in 2011.Do you see where my issue lies? So fans vote for Rob in eonline's poll, he wins, and they insult his first movie outside the Twilight world. Was this a poll critiquing movies? No. It was a Celeb of the Year poll voted by fans.
Yes, many critics were just not that into
Remember Me but
there were critics that "got it" as well. And audiences? Are they going solely on box office numbers? Couldn't be because
The Runaways and
Welcome to the Rileys were great films but also didn't pull big numbers. RM, TR, WttR were small films. Not blockbuster material like Twilight.
So they must be suggesting that they spoke to all audience members and they found Rob's movie to be lesser than, what? Eclipse? On the contrary,
71% of audiences enjoyed Remember Me based on Rotten Tomatoes ratings. That's hardly bad and it's in line with what I read during the theatrical run. Audiences were more in favor of the film than critics.
It's such an arbitrary, negative statement in a poll that I thought was positive for the fans of Rob, Kristen, and the other contestants before the final round. Clearly this article annoyed me to no end. Probably because I had my family watch the movie, took my college class of 30 to see the movie (class about interpersonal communication), and they were all surprised about how much they enjoyed the film.
UGH. Mainstream media has always gotten under my skin. This article just made me itch more than usual. Rob has big things happening in 2011 and I'm happy we're all going to be massively supportive of him, regardless of what the critics say or how these entertainment sites want to paint him.
eonline / Pic source: