Robert Pattinson and Daniel Radcliffe - Pale Dudes United!


During press coverage for the new Harry Potter film, Daniel Radcliffe placed himself and Rob in the PDU Club.... Pale Men United....

“I did hear from a friend that when I took my shirt off [in the film], there were some wolf-whistles [from the audience], which I was just delighted about!” Daniel told Access Hollywood correspondent Tim Vincent at the film’s junket in London. “I was really, really pleased!”

While many “Potter” fans may find Daniel’s modest reaction surprising, the actor said the catcalls were “amazing,” because he is “quite skinny and pale” – much like his fellow British big screen heartthrob, “Twilight’s” Robert Pattinson.

“I was saying to somebody the other day — someone was talking about this supposed rivalry between Rob Pattinson and I, and what’s awesome about this is, between the pair of us, we are striking a blow for the paler man,” Daniel told Tim.

“We are white as sheets, so it’s a comfort!” he laughed.


Rob could be blue and I'd still love him...


Access Hollywood via RobPattzNews