*NEW* HQ Of Robert Pattinson On WFE Set Today

*NEW* HQ Of Robert Pattinson On WFE Set Today

And the hoodie is back ladies and gentlemen!

Pics is resized to fit the screen


Photo Credit: WIC/Fame Pictures


RTP_KJS_Lover said...


Hate papps pics, but love to see him.


Anonymous said...

Seems that somebody wants to be left alone!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMFG!!!!! The hoodie fucking dies me!!

I am kicking myself in the arse for not staying in LA for another week, i totally could have!!!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

CL we need to quit our jobs & move in with Twi...we can get jobs as professional stalkers!

papagáj said...


little privacy needed

LM said...

Rob, if you really want to hide you had better get Dean a hoodie too.

What do you suppose he has done with his hair now? But I do like the hoodie.

papagáj said...

OMG i saw new pics of Rosie(Tai)
I 'm sure they matched perfectly with Rob ;)
both talented and hilarious

Vangie said...

@laurie as soon as i read your comments i were in tears and yes rob need to get dean a hoodie too! LOL

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@RPG - LOL! I am all for moving though.

@Sissi - If you are still here, I just wanted to say hello. :)

@papagáj - Rob-in-hood, Love it!

acullengirl said...

@Pap Rob-in-Hood LOL

Love the hoddie, Dean definatly needs one, I hate when he feels he has to hide.

Anonymous said...

Hi CullenLover! So sweet.. Thank you!
I'm just passing by before I go to bed... It's passed midnight in France and it's been a long day...
Have a nice evening my dear and I'll catch you again through the week-end...
Happy 4th July week-end to the American women :o)))

Roblove said...

Rob-in-Hood hahaha LOL Best ever !

nikola6 said...

The hoodie never left. We just haven't seen it 'cause he hasn't been out and about 'cause he's been working and then going home to uh...the cat (yeah, that's it...the cat) and then falling into bed so he can be back up again at the crack of dawn.

Question though...
Are these from up in Piru or in downtown LA where the tux pix were supposedly taken? If off of that secluded set then the covering up makes sense.

tedgirl said...

RPG, CL, Nic & the rest of the gang,

Waiting patiently for your stories on the black carpet. Hope there are additional photos too......LOL Thanks

LM said...

Is it usual for these guys to work 12 to 14 hours or more a day? Do they sit around a lot or are they doing continuous shots, re dos that sort of thing? Seems like awfully long days. No wonder he looks tired.

Pap--Rob-in-Hood, very clever and cute.

nikola6 said...

Although 'June gloom' appears to have taken a header and it's been very warm here these past two days, so...a hoodie would not make any sense.

Unless you're one of the most unwanted photographed human beings on the planet. Then a hoodie in downtown LA's high 70's/low 80's degree weather makes sense.

Delle1 said...

He's to die for.....yum....Rob in Hood......

Elle207 said...

Rob in hood and get Dean a hoodie -- best of the best!!!!

Cheeky Chops said...

*sigh* We're back in the hood. I got nervous there for a minute. Not playin'.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Tedgirl--Just finishing writing it up. Hope to have it done and out for you to see this weekend.

@Nik- Waving hello!! How are you? Those are from downtown, just like the tux shots. Actually not far from the hotel we stayed in while in LA!

Cheeky Chops said...

LOL Dean would never wear a hoodie. He'd rather say, "Go f^ck yourself" than do that. :)

nikola6 said...


Depending on the power of the actor who can dictate so much of what goes on during the production of a film (who's gonna direct, who's gonna produce, who's gonna co-star, who's gonna write the script, where they're gonna shoot, 5 days a week or 6, starting time, stopping time and...yanno) then the standard is usually a 12 hour day, six days a week.

And no, it isn't a constant flow of work. On a film set there's a lot of...'hurry up and wait'. It can take hours to set up a particularly difficult shot and it can get quite boring for an actor which might not be physically draining, but can be emotionally draining and in some ways, that is worse in terms of their fatigue levels.

A lot of times physical activity keeps you pumped up whereas the inactivity just wears you down and can make you lethargic. All the waiting around can also make the creative process more difficult.

Actor shows up for a big emotional scene to shoot first thing, he's worked on it the night before, gone over it in his head in the car on the way to work, reherses the scene with his co-star, gets ready to shoot and BAM...a technical snafu that can take all morning to work out and the actor is left standing being told...'hold that thought' or worse, 'hold that emotion'.

It beats digging ditches that's for sure, but if an actor is truly doing his job, then he is depleting himself somewhat on an emotional level and as easy as it looks to an outsider, I assure you, it is not.

Acting may not be a physical taxing job, but it is one of the most emotionally taxing jobs there is. If you're doing it right. If you're digging down into your soul and into to psyche to create something. If just playing off your personality and phoning it in and preening before a camera, then...piece of cake. Nice work if you can get it.

jc(britlover) said...

Welcome to the hood!!!!


Vangie said...

wesn't it yesterday rob took those photos with the tux,and he was clean shaven well look at his face today'hair grows really fast on him

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

ummm lips delicious =))

ROB-in-HOOD....i like it =D

tgill said...

Why is this movie wrapping so soon? by my calculations they have only been filming for 6 weeks

jmm4832 said...

Just read that Rob, Kristen and Taylor will each take away a salary of $25 million for the two BD movies. That's in addition to the other financial incentives which could add another 16 million to their pot.

solas said...

Match Dean to Rob's wear and end up with a new pair of hoodlums traipsing the streets? What's next? Dumpsterdiving for the 2?

'Emotionally taxing' actually IS physcally taxing. Sure it isn't the same as digging ditches, but it is extremely physically stressful on the body, especially the cardiovascular system.

solas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M[a]R[i]A said...

hot damn! the hoodie + full lips + the stubble = cold shower! whew!

Vangie said...

okay ladies,i hope i have this right http//bit.iy/dm8jSM.or visit ROBERT PATTINSON LIFE rumors on their salaries

solas said...

Evangeline--do you know what the term 'rumour monger' means?

solas said...

On the one hand, I guess I am pleased that a lad as talented as Rob is earning any money at all, when so often talent goes unnoticed, or lack of talent is rewarded far too much, or people seem to be paid disproportonate to their value to society.

On the other hand, I wonder if this is just another example, like his love life, of something that is not our business. I don't think I would ever go up to a person and ask what he is earning, unless I felt the person was being wronged or cheated and I had a way of getting fo rhm what he deserves. Is that why we are wondering about Robs' earnings? We want to make sure he is getting what he deserves?
I have a feeling that n the film industry people are paid only a smidgeon of what they bring in to those who invest in them; like any risk or investment, I suppose they want to see their profit. I would hope Rob's team would get for him something that reflects his value to viewers and therefore, since we pay to see his films, his backers. Or am I misunderstanding?

Vangie said...

but solas look jimmie wrote about it also,you did not reply to her,what give solas?

solas said...

evangeline-- I am only concerned about the passing of rumours, whch seems to be a pattern. We don't need people to search the internet and post here to ask others what they think of this rumour or that rumour. Gozde and Kate et al run a very good site and will look up real info. And as I said, it isn't taht I am sure or not about discussing it, it is about spreading rumours.
I must go now and wll not be online until late tomorrow night, but if you wish to comment I will look it up when I return. Just remember my intent is not to pick on you or single you out; just wondering what the purpose is.

LM said...

Thanks, I was curious. Rob must get exhausted after such long days. Didn't he say in one of these interviews that he was ready to drop into bed by 9:30pm?

Anonymous said...

Man. it sucks to see that Eclipse is already online! :( I wish people would actually go to the theaters and support them instead of watching online.

lallieb said...

@Nik, OT, is your email the same one I have? If so, I really need to forward you a comment I got and just read today from a dead thread. I REALLY want your take on it, you'll understand when you see it. Reality check and just her that KNOWS something that NO ONE of the savvy people here picked up on.
@Solas, I'll forward to you as well just because.

lallieb said...

Can someone confirm that what I read about WFE wrapping on July 9 is correct? Hardly seems possible. Rob is the main character and doesn't seem like he's been on set filming long enough, given his break to do the Eclipse promos, though not traveling for it. I have heard Rob mentioning how tired he is more than once in the interviews.

Ana73 said...

i always like seeing rob in the hoodie :))

lallieb - i read that too, was surprised with the date myself. i had questioned, what was next??? i know BD is october but is there anything for sure in between?

Kimmie said...

Good evening ladies

It looks like downtown LA to me but I could be wrong. And I kind if know where rob was filmin I'm LA but the chances were very slim of actually seeing him.

Is it wrong or bad to say I barely got the WFE book today??

I been waiting to save up to get it. Can't wait to read it.

Monique said...

Lallieb, I think I know that one you are talking about too... if I am not mistaken... I found it quite upsetting in fact.

lallieb said...

@Monique, the comment I got? It's from Apprentice. Is that the one you saw that upset? If so, I'll discuss with you. Or something else?

nikola6 said...


I don't know where you are but here in LA is it almost 7:30 pm and I gotta step out for about half an hour.

I'll put my e-mail address up but only when I come back and know that you're on so that I can take it right down again.

But if you're referring to that rumour that this Tif put up about "termination"...TOTAL BULLSHIT! I promise you if something like that had been true, it would have never seen the light of day on the internet. And if she had any credibility, she would have never said such a thing on the internet. True insiders don't spill on the internet. Just as there are things about the different romantic entanglements that took place during the first two shoots that the public knows nothing about. They think they do. But they don't.

They read a little Ted. A little Lainey. They jabber back and forth with their friends. They spread some Twiddle shit around and they think they know something.

I was reading that thread and knew that I couldn't respond to her or else it would have been a war. So I stayed off. In fact, I went and took a shower cause reading some of that shit made me feel dirty.

Be back in about a half hour.

lallieb said...

@Nik, I'm on the East Coast so 3 hours ahead and ready for bed, but I'll wait for you. No not about Tif, that sounds more serious rumor mongering. You may really laugh at mine, but she sounds like she knows what she's talking about, but it's so out there. I may take a nap waiting for you to come back.

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

@lallieb - according to Rosie_Elephant, it is true. She wrote this today:
I have a sadz. We're "done" in 7 days, unless we have reshoots. Now wishing I had messed up more. Imma miss that boy SEW MUCH. Hold me.

Jane said...

I think 25M is a paltry sum compared to what Summit will make on all four movies. Twilight and New Moon together brought in 1.1 billion.

MMc said...

Nik -
I replied to your comments about Rob wanting a date on the thread before this one.

Monique said...

@lallieb, that the one.

Cheeky Chops said...

@solas-Why don't you lay off of her? Was she even talking to you? Rumor monger? That's not even a f^ckin' word. It's called Gossip monger, and if I didn't know correctly; I'd say you were jealous. Understand what I'm saying?

Cheeky Chops said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lallieb said...

@Monique, I'm waiting to see what Nik has to say, only because Apprentice sounds like she KNOWS something that NO ONE here (and we have a lot of people with knowledge)saw or knows. AND it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I think she is just posing as someone because she's trying to stir things up and is "nonsten." There is no way in HELL, and I'll repeat that a hundred times, that Nina was photographed with Rob at the afterparty. Don't you think there would be a photo, notice she didn't have a link to it. Funny NO ONE else saw it. IF she was even there, it was because she was invited as a friend, I don't even believe there was a serious relationship there. Kristen has 4 or 5 people on her management team? Really, then why didn't they take a separate flight out of Budapest with her. She was pappzed following close behind Rob at the airport on the same flight AND she just happened to time the trip with her BIRTHDAY! I don't know why she has created this ridiculous scenario, well actually I do, but I wanted someone else to see it.

Cheeky Chops said...

Here we go. Didn't you not just hear the producer and the director? Ummm what is up with you ppl? R U part of Kristen's team now? They told you and u're still all up in the shyte. LMAO

nikola6 said...


Sorry. Got back a bit later than I planned. You still here?

lallieb said...

@Cheeky, bad day? Little angry tonight. This blog has become your whipping post? Don't you dare call me a F^cking C^nt 'cause I'll just stick out my tongue and call you one back! Pfft.

lallieb said...

Yes, I'm here but about to get heat from CC.

lallieb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nikola6 said...

And can we take this topic to e-mail. I'll talk about anything you want there.

nikola6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheeky Chops said...

Lick It. Hehehehe

Monique said...

Ok.. Lillieb, I'll wait for Nik. I'm interesting in reading her comments.

It's seems to be getting a little warm in here too. :-))

lallieb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lallieb said...

@Monique, was that the topic? I'll let you know what she says.

Ana73 said...

lallieb - i had read the comment too before about "Nina" but i just ignored it, but if you find out the truth let me know. you got my interest now.

CC - having a bad night???

Cheeky Chops said...

Nope, I'm good. Robert and Kristen were together that night at the premiere. What yall talkin' bout? :)

LM said...

Lalli et al,

**sigh** Now I have been sucked into the vortex. Just think about this logically, if part of what was said cannot be proved you have to question all of what was said. Pictures like that would be all over the place by now. Just saying.

Kimmie said...

I would ask what's going on about the after party...

But should I just not know?

lallieb said...

Hi Ana, not just the Nina thing, which was just frosting on the cake, ridiculous, but re. K. going for business reasons, which is why I wanted Nik to read it. She's not a kid, but kind of diabolic how she's representing what she "knows" for sure and that it's widely known! That's what got me. If no one knows it here, it isn't.

Ana73 said...

Laurie - that's what i had thought too, someone would have pointed that out so that it was i ignored it. you know alot of the sites dissect every pic,( i mean they even blew up kristen's ring to see what it said on it )so i am assuming is she was there some where it would have been posted a pic of her. also there are pics of them together at the afterparty.

heart the pretty - if you are on , send me an email so that i can chat with you, i lost your email.

Ana73 said...

lallieb - ok you lost me now...i thought it was the one that is friends or family is friends with someone at summit and went to all of these parties thru out the filming of the three movies...is the same post you are talking about.

LM said...

You may be thinking of the Tiffany posts but Lalli is talking about Apprentice. Same thread, different but with an equal aim, I think. To quote the Scottish play "bubble, bubble, toil and trouble."

jmm4832 said...

Oh for chrissake, apprentice is a known nonsten so I wouldn't believe one word she posts.

Cheeky Chops said...

Trouble. Did someone say Trouble? :D

lallieb said...

@Laurie, sorry to have sucked people in and I wish more people had seen what she had to say, but the thread was pretty dead. It's just the way she represented herself and what she knew to be widely acknowledged "fact" that got my goat! I should have totally ignored, but I wanted to share with Nik who does have some inside knowledge about how things work and get her take on it. The commenter indulged me, 'cause I responded with a sarcastic comment about why K would travel to Budapest, Hungary for "business reasons", so she elaborated on what she knew for a fact it seems. In the strangest scenario ever, I think she actually might be "Nina"
'cause why else create the story that makes little sense and photos that never happened.

jmm4832 said...

Apprentice is known for her twisted lies. It's all a hoax by the nonstens people.

lallieb said...

@jmm, thanks a lot, so now you tell me that she is a KNOWN "nonsten". Never knew one would go to such creative lengths to further their agenda! Live and learn.

Over and out and the mystery is solved. Hope Nik is not wasting her time.

Ana73 said...

so now it's all cleared up...never happened. but i guess i missed that parts of the comments on that thread about K. i just read the nina part and moved on.

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

@Ana - sent you an email. Glad to hear from you.

Cheeky Chops said...

Yep jmm, and now we see them. LOL

I just wanna say, "Billy, nailed it." :)

Vangie said...

@cheehy if it's me you are speaking about i write thankyou.i felt very offended,because l am trying to do this write if hurt me allot this made me feel like i was gossiping,i tried my best never to hurt anyone so i will never be hurt in return,i do not even use obscene language,i lost my friend of 10yrs because she said rob was ugly and i try to tell her in the nicest wayit was not nice to call anyone ugly and she have never call me nor return my calls,and here i am being insulted by someone who i don't even know,that hurt!

Cheeky Chops said...

@evang-Don't worry about it. They have no idea what they're doing. It's a game to them. You just keep doing what u're doing, honey. Let the b!tches lie in their own juices. ;)

Vangie said...

@cheeky,thankyou,thankyu,thankyou and please,accept this MAY,THE LORD RICHLY BLESS YOU!

Cheeky Chops said...

No Thank You, Darlin'. You're so sweet.

this too shall pass.

GiGi said...

I read all those comments by Tiffany. Who the hell is she? She rambled so much I just didn't believe her. So where did she go anyway?

Belladonna said...

yeah, I remember the thread too... with Tiffany and her rambling first hand "inside" information on all things Rob... then she's gone. Maybe she/he was an intern, or a friend of a friend of an intern just showing off -- forget it; that's hot air -- anyone can make stuff up for the Internet. People make stuff up everywhere!

Back to Rob:

I've noticed he's going from cars to his trailer, and back again, always head down, concertrating and quiet, and now covered in a hood in bright, hot weather -- how stifling!

Poor kid, I'm embarassed I'm looking at these intrusive pappz photos myself,,, and yes, he wants to be left alone. Anyone can see that. He's probably glad to be nearly finished with WFE, and maybe take some little time off to really sleep in and just veg.

The Eclipse swirl had to be exhausting, how many interviews did he do on the junket, in just one day? How many more little spots have turned up? Even the one as a greeting to his UK fans for the premiere (following the Twilight Night) were in the same shirt in the same bland hotel room, looking rather tired and lacking enthusiasm.

He's working long hours (as Nik said earlier here) and in hot weather (for him too). This will wear anyone down. All his directors and co-stars say that he is a serious guy who works hard, "thinking" about his roles. I very much doubt that he's spending a lot of time right now planning and executing any romantic intriques. Whatever and wherever he is, you better believe it is simple and comfortable, and without "shouting" just like he's said to all of us over and over again. He doesn't need the drama, outside of the dramas he's working in.

So, if it isn't important to him, why is it so important to us?

Never mind, there really isn't an answer...
I'm just venting my own frustration over this nonsense.

Loisada said...

Lallieb, honestly. You need to understand that rumors like this are nothing more than BS written on a bathroom wall. How much credence do you give that?

It shouldn't even be brought in here. This blog is better than a toilet, isn't it? Those stories are pure crap. Are we going to lower ourselves to that level? No wonder Rob covers himself in a hoodie.

Cheeky Chops said...

I just wanna say; I really like Robert. I think Kristen and he make a great couple. May they live and happy lives. :D :D :D

Cheeky Chops said...


HeneciaD said...



I am dead

this lip-porn is going to kill me my breath hitched and I am not able to think now

solas said...

Evaneline--I am very sorry if I hurt your feelings. f you notice, I askee you if you knew what the term 'rumour monger' is (and yes, that IS a phrase) because it seems to me that some people look up any and all stuff on the web, wthout discrimination, and then post it here and ask us what we think about it. I like to rely on Gozde, Kate, Kat, and whoever else is in their crew. If there is a rumour, it is usually dealt with by gossip cop and Gozde et all usually post that clarification here.
Agan, sorry if I hurt your feelings. It hurts me to see rumours spread.

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