"Eclipse" Spoiler Post

"Eclipse" Spoiler Post

I nearly forgot to give you a spoiler post for today {blush}
Anyway here's another yummy wallpaper too.
Thanks to the lovely Rainer for making it.



Brooke Moss said...

Ok, I already spilled my guts about Eclipse two days ago, but so help me.....the WFE haircut pics we are getting of Rob (still) are making me CRAZY!!! Like, seriously, I drool. I haven't drooled like this since my wisdom teeth were pulled. Squeeeeeeee!

thamli18 said...

Okay i loved the bed scene but i was somehow really disappointed by eclipse i wanted them to include the whole compromise chapter in it and they didnt and loved the way he said ''Belive me ,I do" OMG at that time i just wanted to climb on to my laptop and do him and how can i forget the fight with Victoria OH! me and my sis were freaking out we were like not his face oh please dont hurt him it was soo funny Because it was 4 am at night and we were screaming at the screen "NO Dont hurt him" and OH MY GOD" it was hilarious

acullengirl said...

Me too Sarah, I just like all the yummy wallpapers that keep getting put up, my hubby just walked in and told me to wipe the drool off my face. I gave him the stink eye and told him to leave the office if he's jealous.

Anonymous said...

Oh mercy me! THAT Edward picture sends enough electric current through me to light up my street! Could ANYONE actually be more handsome?

Jennifer & Jackie said...

Saw IMAX version of Eclipse last night with my mom and sister. I will definitely have to go back and see it again. Need to process all of the goodness.

Surprised at how much I liked the close up shots. Loved the "You'll still be my Bella" moment and the bedroom proposal scene. Loved, loved, loved seeing Major Jasper Whitlock in all of his glory. The fight scenes rocked!

Confused at Bella driving off with Jacob scene. Seemed odd. What was the point in that? Also wish they had shown more of the conflict she felt in making this decision. For example when she kissed Jacob it would have been nice to see the alternate life scene with the two kids.

Her speech at the end seemed forced and uncharacteristic.

Overall, I really thought David Slade did a phenomenal job.

Heidi said...

Love this pic although his pretty eyes are hidden behind the contacts.

SBR-Agree with you on the WFE hair. Love it! The man is seriously too beautiful for words. I am squeeeeing right along with you! :)

Vangie said...

ps forget the hi,that is my annoying sister always typing hi on my computer,sorry people,that is the reason people supporting annoying jacob so much in the movie,becase the skript when off at times,i will like to see where melissa squeeze jacob in breaking dawn maybe the honeymoon!lol

Vangie said...

ps forget the hi,that is my annoying sister always typing hi on my computer,sorry people,that is the reason people supporting annoying jacob so much in the movie,becase the skript when off at times,i will like to see where melissa squeeze jacob in breaking dawn maybe the honeymoon!lol

Christine said...

I thought her speach at the end was a little stiff also. it's might have been more natural if she'd stayed sitting with Edward. Who stands up and makes a speach to someone reclined in a meadow? I liked what she said, but maybe they could have conveyed all that in the course of a conversation with Edward.

Ok I'm off to see it again tonight... for the 8th time! LOL

Anonymous said...

Finally saw Eclipse today.
Really , really enjoyed it. The Edward and Bella scenes, especially the meadow scenes, were magnificent!
That first meadow/marry me scene should have a category of it's own com awards time 2011.

To be honest the Jacob and Bella kiss itself, for all of it's hype left me cold.......Kristen played it well though.
I also quite enjoyed the flashbacks of Rosalie and Jasper. Both were very well done and acted.
The fight scenes were enjoyable as well.
I thought Bryce Dallas- Howard made for a very good Victoria although I would give the edge to Rachelle.

The scene with Victoria, Edward and Riley was rather good and differed from the book but I liked how it was filmed and Edward made a fierce protector. I liked that scene quite a bit. A little too much Riley though but Xavier Campbell was excellent in the role.

The Bella/ Charlie virginity talk was hysterical! Both Kristen and Billy played that part to perfection!

My thoghts have gone on for quite a bit, so I'll stop now but all in all I will give Ecliose an A+ and I will see it again in the theatre.

Anonymous said...

I have to say this..........I cannot see that Jacob/Bella kiss winning best kiss. No way!
Edward/ Bella in the meadow, the first time.

Marna said...

I'm going to see it again tomorrow, this time on a regular screen, the first 2 times I saw it in IMAX, so I want to see what everything looks like smaller :-)

I just picked up the Eclipse Movie Companion today, did anybody else forget about this? Being published so close to the movie just wiped it out of my mind. Anyway, the reason I'm posting about it is this quote in it from Melissa Rosenberg. "In the first two movies, we've been appropriately slavish in having everything intimately seen from Bella's point of view, but for Eclipse, we got to go away from Bella's perspective a couple times, to explore some of the outside world in the context of the mythology"

I think this is one of the reasons so many people think it's the best movie. We're not seeing everything from Bella's point of view, we get to see things that she never saw or really heard about, & this expands the story quite a bit. I hope they continue to do this in BD, & I REALLY hope they do that for Jacob's point of view also. IMO, they was waaay too much of Jacob's POV in BD, they seriously need to cut back on that.

Jane said...

Have seen Eclipse twice and plan to see it as many more times that I can before it leaves my theater. I almost cried at the pain on Rob's face when Bella pulled away from him and told him "NO" as she ran after Jacob. First time she had ever told him no.
BTW..did anyone see them on Macy's fireworks show. Justin Beiber was there but I didn't see anyone from Twilight.

~~ROBsessedtotheMAX~~ said...

Jane... the only ones there were Charlie (demitri) and Xavier (Riley) and they were BARELY mentioned or shown so it was a flop for us!

Pattinson_Lover_2010 said...

I just saw Eclipse for the seventh time yesterday, Ashley Greene was at the theater. That was so cool.

There are some parts that I don't like in the film, or the scenes that should have been in the film; ie Compromise, the "kidnapping scene" - where Edward comes home to her after her issue with Jacob, the "deals off" at the end.

But all in all this was a fabulous film.

BTW, Ashley told me that seeing it 6 times (I saw it for the 7th time when she was there) was real dedication, lol.

What happened with the Macy's fireworks - no one showed up like it was advertised.

solas said...

OK--I've seen it again, and although I loved it as far as pace and overall direction and effects (sparkle and wolves) and balance and choreography, I am pretty sure my impression of the change (for the worse) of the love and love story is still valid. This has nothing to do with Krsten's acting, which is spot on especially considering Bella was not only shy, but also had an internal 'shield' in place even before she became vampire, so her emotions would be more subtly expressed, would not be easy to read to anyone except her mother.
But although Edward's love was still there, and his pain was so obvious when he was worried or hurt, he was HURT too often by Bella, by way of script and direction. Riding off on the motorcycle I can understand, becasue she softened it for him, and the scene mushed together a few parts of the book. But in the book, when Jacob heard she was going to marry Edward and ran off in manipulative adolescence, Bella cried and Edward ran to bring back Edward which led to that kiss. In the film, she pushed Edward back angrily, yelled NO, and went after Jacob herself. In the book she repeatedly was upset wth herself for hurting the ones she loved no matter what she did; in the flm she seemed almost constantly (or at least too ready to be) angry with Edward who burned with regret and pain. If it were not based on books, it could make sense as if Bella were consciously or subconsciously gettng back at Edward for having hurt HER in New Moon. But that emotion is not true to the book. So although I certainly get that a movie cannot have everything the book does, and I do think some parts of the scrpt were actually better than the book, I, as one who loves love and self-exploration and growth and happily-ever-after, was disappointed and even aggravated with the way the essence of the story was altered-- the movie did not have the passonate eternal love that the books showed./

Monique said...

@Annie's quote...
"That first meadow/marry me scene should have a category of it's own com awards time 2011."

I think so too and the kiss should win all kind of awards. It was some beautiful kisses.

I love at the end when it looked like he was whispering/biting or just pecking...

Well done kiss... very near Twilight's bedroom kiss..

Monique said...

@Annie's quote...
"That first meadow/marry me scene should have a category of it's own com awards time 2011."

I think so too and the kiss should win all kind of awards. It was some beautiful kisses.

I love at the end when it looked like he was whispering/biting or just pecking...

Well done kiss... very near Twilight's bedroom kiss..

xoRobxo said...

@Leanne~ lol.. more info on Ashley please..Where was the theater? Did she take ?'s . did she stay and watch the whole movie?

solas said...

My opinions have slightly changed with each viewing so far, and so I might watch it a few more times to see if I get anything more of it, or if my impressions change still. Looking at the move as a whole, it was very good. The whole as it stands alone as film is better than the parts or the sum of the parts. I don't know so much about film and technical stuff and terms, but it seems like the pacing and rhythm were right for this one: some stuff seemed so artistically arranged; I liked the idea of ferocity of battle being choreographed with the beauty of dance. The differences in Eclipse the film from Eclipse the book seemed in some places purposeful and necessary to be to bring out clarity of emotion and events more, and it worked, at least for myself, most of the time. However, I was not happy wth the way the script seemed to have changed not just dialogue, which we should expect due to time constraints, but rather actually changed the characters' essence and arc. Some of my impression did change with the second viewing, during whch I listened more carefully to see what was really going on. For example: Bella's reason for existence, for change, etc. was, in the books, Edward, and I did not feel that at all from the movie. The dialogue and direction seemed to me to change, lessen, the deep love and attachment Bella has for Edward--in fact, you don't see it much at all. But you DO see Edward's love and pain, and once again the script really changed some things: in the book, when Bella was upset that Jacob heard she was marrying Edward, she cried because she thought he was going to go kill himself (or let himself be killed) and Edward went and got jacob for her, which led to her asking him to kiss her, etc. IN the movie, she went after Jacob and when Edward stepped forward to stop her, she pushed him back and yelled NO, with real anger. She seemed to constantly ignore Edward's feelings, or hurt him in this film, which is not what happened in the book at all; in the book, she was torn always for hurting everyone, especially Edward and Jacob.
believe I've said before that Rob really did a brilliantly believable job of portraying the torment of Edward, of the tightrope he must walk over so many pits of worry, despair, insecurity, jealousy, anger, self-loathing (for a different reason this time--not for being a vampire, but for having left Bella and having hurt her so); desire to kill, desire to please and woo. To me, it was all there. I don't know how much was Rob's perception of Edward and his natural ability to express that, and how much was Slade coaxing/coachng or pulling it out of him, but it worked.
I am not a fan of Jacob the character, and I don't find Taylor particularly appealing or attractive. But I will say, he really did an excellent job of portraying the emotions of a volatile immature angry, hate-flled wolf in the midst of massive heartbreak.
I've read a lot of negative stuff about Kristen's acting. My disagreement with that may be because I was so much like Bella in many ways, and I don't show my emotion much, but in any case, I totally get the subtle facial expressions, eyes, slight comments; To me, Bella ought not be played with extreme clear facial expressions; she was supposed to be hard to read (except for her mother) as she had a protective shield within and about her even before she became a vampire. And so, I felt Kristen's portrayal was spot on.
So, some pieces, like the acting, the pace, the effects (wolves and sparkle at least as good as in New Moon; cracked vampires), were excellent and made for a good 'whole', but as a fan of love, and as someone perceptive of emotions and how they affect our decisions, actions, other emotions, etc, the movie altered for the worse the real story. So people not familiar with the book, or not perceptive readers, might totally like it. I felt loss of the real love story in the book Eclipse.

xoRobxo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xoRobxo said...

I seen Eclipse on Friday and wrote my thoughts on the last spoiler thread. I do have a random thought though... and I hope I won't have rotten tomatoes thrown my way.
I totally love and adore Rob and think he is perfect as Edward...he is Edward. I think his acting in this last one was surperb. I love the books very much. I also love some aspects of the movies but always come away disapointed
My random thought is : I was watching last weeks episode of the Vampire Diaries...as they are replaying them for the summer. And I feel like they are better written, cleverly written, better music, better acted... I just feel they as a tv show kind of trump the motion picture in many aspects..*ducking*

MMc said...

Rob and Kristen were at a theater tonight and Rob asked if everyone liked the movie............shocker that they'd show up.
And Kristen had his red plaid shirt in her back pocket.
Video of it on another site. OMG

Marna said...

I just watched the video from last night, but I could barely see it, & I sure couldn't hear it with the screeching going on. Strange that we didn't hear about it until today, I hope a better video turns up.

bonemama said...

Finally RL has let me come and leave a comment! Sheesh! Ive only went once and hopefully i can go again soon.

First I really like this one over the other two. I'd like to touch base on a few scenes i really enjoyedother thanthe obvious.

I thought Nikki did a wonderful job telling Roselies story. I know alot of people don't care for her but I really felt Roselies pain of being a vampire and not being able to move forward. Also loved Jaspers story. Jackson did a great job as well.

Fight scenes...WOW really liked those great CGI and everyone worked hard on training. Loved the little interaction between alice and Jasper while training...adorable.

Jacob..Jacob...Jacob too much Jacob! In fact IMO bella really laid into him with the kiss...no holds barred! She seems more careful with Edward. Except the bed scene that was pretty hot!

Florida was too short "you move he moves" I would have like to seen a demonstration of that...

Maybe I read too much fanfiction but I really need to see and feel from Bella that Edward really is the only one for her ever and I just wasn't feeling it.

Don't get wrong I thought the movie was great. I just remember the books having so much feeling in them and I guess I'm not seeing it on screen. I know it has alot to do with how it's written for film.

Maybe I'm not a Twi-hard. I'm a grown woman who knows what she likes. :-).

Rob of course is gorgeous in all 3 movies. Not enough Edward. Maybe I just want an Edward movie. ;- )

Kristen did a fine job as well! I still hate the wig.

Hope they are happy together. I'm glad for them

~~ROBsessedtotheMAX~~ said...


Lucky Girl!!! you got to see Ashley... i would have preferred ROB but HEY at leas u got to see her... she is so nice and pretty! :D

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

GOSH i just came back from watching it again...Oh my dear lord i love this movie...plan on going again but idk when..but ill be there soon =)

Anonymous said...

I've said so much on here and other sites, but all in all I LOVED this movie!(: haha. I was waiting for the scenes that give me goosebumps and I got them! Espically when he asked her to marry him! I was all like, SHH PEOPLE I WANNA HEAR THIS PART!

The bedroom scenes were hot! I wish I was Kristen!! lol

Anonymous said...

@Leeanne Wow that's amazingg! She seems so nice! :]

Carole UK said...

I got my movie companion book about a week ago, and showed magnificent discipline by not opening it until after I got home from seeing Eclipse on Sunday - it was so tempting, don't know how I managed!

I was not disappointed, it is a beautiful book with a lot of interesting comments and lovely photo's. It's fascinating to hear about the amount of work that goes into, say, the actors' make up and clothes (eg Jasper as a soldier) - I'll be studying it for many days to come, and then going back to it regularly.

I absolutely adored the film! Can't wait to see it again this weekend when it goes on general release in the UK.

I think my only disappointment was that it didn't contain the kidnapping scene, which has always been one of my favourites.

But oh my god, the meadow scene at the beginning made up for it. I was absolutely speechless after that!

Athena said...

Just came back from Eclipse and I LOVED it!!! I think it's officially my favourite film in the saga. I liked it even better than the book! The only downside is that I would have liked to see Rachelle reprise her role as Victoria.

And the banner today is my favourite Edward shot in the film! That whole bit just made me melt! :D

Anonymous said...

i knew there was no way that Rob will come to an open event like Fireworks, where normally at least of 10-12 thousand ppl are there every time, they would never take a risk of putting him into that and make a chaos. last time i went there and it took us 2 hours to walk 5 block after the fireworks ended. u would never believe if u don't see it urself.

Pattinson_Lover_2010 said...

Ashley was at the Regal Cinemas at the Avenues here in Jacksonville, Florida - she's originally from here so it made sense for her to come.

She didn't stay to watch the movie but she stayed and signed autographs for about 20 minutes and she did ask how many times we saw the film and that is where I said 6 times and she laughed and said I had dedication and probably beat everyone in the audience, LOL.

She is really cool. She likes her fans - I am so bummed that I missed Kris and Rob in LA, that would have been so freakin awesome!!

dina said...

After watching the movie for the second time I came to the conclusion that Bella played Kris and Edward played Rob and Bella and Edward played Rob and Kris.
Kris was with Edward as she is in real life with Rob shy and not showing all her deep feelings.
Kris was with Jake as she is in RL with Tay relaxed protected and playful.
I hope I make sense.
Please blogger post it cos I am really tired today of writing and rewriting.

Teamsam said...

Hi Dina. Did u stay 'til the end of final credits ?

Teamsam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
solas said...

sorry for 2 simliar posts- one seemed to have gotten 'swallowed up' by the monster of the blog and so I tried to say again what I had wrtten the first time. Some dfferences, but the same main ideas, hopefully!

Anonymous said...

I felt that in the book Bella was indifferent/mean/rude to Edward, so it made sense to me in the movie. But I agree, the "don't"/lack of guilt was all wrong.

Eclipse is the emasculation of Edward and BD is the rebuilding of him.

I was able to overlook these things in EC and I loved it!!!

I hated NM BTW.

tedgirl said...


Agree with you on the eternal/undying love aspect of the book against the movie. That's why DS most probably gave us 2 meadow scenes to compensate for the "love" in the book.

DS I reckon is a good "vampire" movie director and not a love story one.

The screentime given to newborn theme I'd say is more than 50% of the whole movie. (They want it darker and male audiences).

Xavier could not have asked for a better platform to launch his international acting career. God Luck to him! His portrayal of Riley is terrific. DS love him!

Jacob's role is quite meaty, with real gamut of emotions in some scenes.

Love the back stories for Rosalie and Jasper and also their performances so as Alice, Emmet for the fight scenes and dad Charlie.

With E/B, what can I say, not enough!! Bella's character arch in the book deviated a bit in the film as far as her love for Edward and the reason for wanting to be changed. This I suppose is due to the screenwriter and director's aim.

There would be no point of comparison if we haven't read the book (my favorite book of the saga due to its passages). There are a few passages in the movie which is understandable due to time constraint.

Overall, I love the movie and because Rob is in it. His portrayal of Edward from Twilight to Eclipse sealed the deal for me.

Will watch it in Imax to see if the cinematography or any aspect of the film will be better.

Anonymous said...

"There would be no point of comparison if we haven't read the book (my favorite book of the saga due to its passages). There are a few passages in the movie which is understandable due to time constraint."

what does this mean? What is passages?

dina said...

@Teamsam Yes I was the last to leave the theater. There was nothing there nothing at all.

Teamsam said...

Thanx 4 the info. So it was posted all over the web just to tease us, as Robler would say :))

Marna said...

Just got back from my 3rd viewing this time on a regular screen. Actors must hate IMAX, the first 2 times I saw it, I was totally aware of every zit or clogged pore people had. This time I didn't notice a thing. You would think somebody in Hollywood would figure out a way to fix that.

I also sat through the very, very end of the credits, & there was no Jacob scene at the end. The poor girl who swept had to wait for me to leave, because I was the only person there looking like an idiot waiting for the credits to finish running LOL.

Rob in the 2 meadow scenes just makes me melt, the way he smiles, the nape of his neck, his hands, the way he nuzzles her, I am soooo jealous, I never get the good stuff. :-(

Marna said...

One more thing BONUS!! Harry Potter preview!!!

I love Harry Potter LOL

solas said...

You've said it so well, especially 'That's why DS most probably gave us 2 meadow scenes to compensate for the "love" in the book.' I do love the 'love' scenes: the meadow, Bella's bedroom (you'all always be my Bella), and Edward's bedroom with proposal. They do reflect love, the love of Bella for Edward as well as Edward for Bella was surely there. But to me it is once again the issue of parts of the whole vs the whole. These parts were lovely, but the whole picture, the whole message of the movie, was not the love story that I (and most of us, I thnk) want to see floursh.

Roblove said...

Solas, Kristen is an actress, her body language should harmonize with at least the dialogue lines. She was so off at times and inconsistent that I found myself completely taken out of the action. This dissonance was distracting. Her body language was very vocal. She screamed: discomfort, boredom and even anger, especially in the scenes with/about Edward. "she was supposed to be hard to read (except for her mother)" idk, Jacob could read her like an open book, her father wasn't fooled either. But it's irrelevant really. I wish she was subtle, she was rough instead, and out of character. All eyes are on Edward, most people won't even notice something is wrong. Edward's love for Bella was evident - nothing else matters I can't even begin to imagine the outcry if Robert had underplayed his love for Bella.

Rob was spot on, but his character got bastardized as well. I want the invincible, perfect Edward back. The script had him volunteer to stay with Bella during the battle, only to follow it up with Jacob's I would never agree to stay away from the fight. Great. And please MR, bear in mind that no vampire was a match for Edward in a fight...

AP said...

@Emma: why should her body language "harmonize" with the dialogue? I don't quite understand what you mean. Often an actor will play against the line, and subtext is frequently seen in body language or gesture as opposed to the actual text, especially if the lines themselves are 'naturalistic' in expression. I guess if you meant you didn't find her convincing I understand that, though I disagree. The acting in general wasn't an issue for me.

solas said...

Jacob noticed outward signs (like not wanting to hear musc, and holding her chest) but he wasn't able to READ her, to understand her, to really fathom her depths of feelings beyond hmself and in fact was offbase with so much of what he did visavis Bella. Her father, too, noticed outward signs (screamng, withdrawal) but didn't comprehend her feelings. She shielded herself.

Part of what impresses me in an actor is to NOT necessarily match body language to lines, depending of course on the script. Again, people who guard themselves, their feelings, and their thoughts, will either not show much, or will deflect.

Again, I don't find fault with the acting; I find fault with a script and direction that change the love story.

solas said...

One particular scene that reflects what I am trying to say is when Edward asks, "Doesn't he own a shrt?" Kristen portrayed with her face such perfect subtle expression of realizing Edward was jealous, maybe bitter, but also worried about her. Another actress might have made some kind of dismissve face or other overt reaction. But Kristen captured Bella's understanding, deep love for Edward, wanting him to not worry, concern for his nutrition, etc. far more than her words could. And the way she responded to his kiss, and melted into him, told more than the words could, and her words that followed were excellent as well. This was one of the few times the depths of her feelings from the book were in the films dialogue and direction.

nellieduff said...

I loved Eclipse. I have read all the comments here, and I can see everyone's point of view. I would have loved to see some of the scenes expanded to accomodate the book, but with the movie already 2 hours and 4 min long, I can understand how some things became slightly altered or compressed. Many of the slight changes were simply in keeping with the fact that Bella is a much tougher cookie in the movies than in the books. Book Bella is a crybaby and that would have been annoying on screen. I love Kristen. My favorite artistic license scene was with Renee and the quilt. So poignant and sweet. I loved the proposal. It was just right. I loved the flashbacks for Rosalie and Jasper. Jackson was awesome in this movie. He's a great actor. I do wish that they had included his wandering until he encountered a sweetly impatient Alice in the diner. The interaction between Jasper and Alice was perfect in this movie, both during the flashback and during the fight training. Loved Emmett too. Kellan has always had the goofy oversized big bro thing going on, but really came across with the menacing this time. Rosalie was perfect also. Her telling of her tale was spot on, including the addition of her humerous and yet sad comment that she was a bit theatrical back then...
Now to Edward... Felt so much more human to me this time. Really felt him coming out of his aloof vampire existance, interacting with everyone... funny, sarcastic, but most of all showing the pain and uncertainty inherant in his situation so convincingly. I really have to say that David Slade inspired performances out of everyone that made this movie feel like a whole different ball of wax for me. I loved Twilight, because it was ethereal, green, blue, gray and moody. It was just a great story, no dependence on special effects considering the ones included weren't very good... (sparkle, running up trees, sped up car exits...) New moon had things about it I loved... (soundtrack, mourning Bella, round and round her room and Kristen in general) but there was lots of things I didn't love so much (costumes, hairstyles, melodrama to the point of goofiness and that disasterous vampire Kristen dressed up like Laura Ingalls from little house on the prairie romping with Rob through the forest dream sequence that was summed up for me in a review I read likening that scene to a cheesy maxipad commercial) I can't wait for Breaking Dawn but am almost sorry David Slade won't be at the helm.
I saw Eclipse on IMAX screen and it was awesome. I could park my car in one of Taylor's abs... I want to see it on good ole regular sized screen now so I can process the whole picture and not have to pick one thing to look at because it's so big....
Now that I've gotten Eclipse off my chest, can I say that I am looking so beyond forward to Rob's non-Twilight projects, the wait is going to be agonizing. Kind of glad it's out there and we can move on to waiting on Bel Ami, WFE, and hopefully Unbound Captives. Can't wait for release dates and project start dates to be announced. Loved reading everyone's feedback. It's amazing what a personal experience a movie can be...

solas said...

nellie-= I loved your comments! Although I agree wth most, I still think the story was changed for the worse--true we don't need to see 'crybaby' Bella, but we did not see anywhere the love that was in the book, and in fact a tough assertiveness and almost anger were inserted where it was simply not even implied in the book.

I HOPE to see MAX tomorrow after seeng it a few times on regular screen.

Roblove said...

AP, why should her body language "harmonize" with the dialogue? - to lend credence to her words. She was supposed to be in love to the point of leaving her parents etc. I haven't seen it. You're fine with her portrayal - ok, that's your opinion, I was distracted by it.

Roblove said...

"her words that followed were excellent as well." at this point, only the words were telling the story. I would love to see a tiny spark of excitement in her eyes but they were empty when she said hurry up.

AP said...

Emma - of course – it’s all opinion. lol I was just taken aback by the intimation that actors ‘should’ play text only and not explore the unspoken as much as the spoken. Or, indeed, be saying one thing with words but be feeling another, or have a multitude of feelings, not all of which are expressed in dialogue but may show in other ways. Since Bella’s love for Edward is now without doubt, and shown very clearly in the two previous films, the other aspects dealt with in the book came to the fore. For the first time the relationship with Edward is allowed to be a bit more complicated for reasons other than simply "he’s a vampire," and therefore more realistic. I liked what Kristen was going for, but then I like her as an actress.

jh said...

Finally got to see it again.

I had the same problem with the movie that I had with the book. I thought it lacked drive, momentum. Too many subplots and the interminable Jacob 'triangle'. I was hoping the movie would remedy this somehow. I wanted to be swept away, and wasn't. AP, I really noticed the extreme stylistic differences throughout the movie. It's very odd. Also, with concentration :-) the flat-ending of the scenes. Both of these contribute to the lack of momentum I think. Stop, start, stop, start. I can see he's very visual. Some scenes are stunning. I loved the whole mountain section, the brilliant blue and white canvas, Edwards blue shirt, the contrasting amber eyes punching out of the screen, some nice sweeping camera. Also the newborns in the water and the whole first section with Riley. The Victoria/Edward fight was breathtaking, the only time I lost myself completely in an action scene. Yet it seemed that he relied on the dialogue to do much of the storytelling work.

I loved Rob. (shameless favouritism) For continuing his supremely intelligent, thoughtful and creative portrayal of Edward. I still think it's only him that elevates these movies above the teen genre flicks (otherwise what am I doing there?) Kristen was solid as a rock. I also thought Xavier Samuel was excellent and I enjoyed any scene with Billy Burke in it :-)

Quibbles: Wish they'd get rid of the red lipstick on Edward. It had a kind of kinky eroticism to it at first and worked well with C. Hardwicke's vampire montage theme. But they've dropped all that campy vampire imagery and now it's just become distracting and a bad joke. Also, I'd like to have seen Bella's breath in the tent, and Jacob's for that matter. Kristen's teeth were chattering nicely away but I didn't get the feeling enough that it was cold in there. Pivotal scene, fire and ice. This is the movies, the actor's don't have to do everything!

AP, thanks again for your generous response to my query and for taking the time. I learned a lot.

Roblove said...

"I was just taken aback by the intimation that actors ‘should’ play text only and not explore the unspoken as much as the spoken" I know. I wasn't precise enough and I've waisted your time, I'm sorry. I was talking about a very specific situation (in answer to Solas's post)yet stupidly didn't specify it.

Roblove said...

cerulean blue - I'm in a total agreement with your opinion up to the word 'Kristen' :D
She should have done better work imo.
"Wish they'd get rid of the red lipstick on Edward." wasn't it pink-plum, matt finish type of lipstick this time? LOL :P I SO prefer Rob's natural lips :D

"I'd like to have seen Bella's breath in the tent" tbh, I chose to believe it was intentional :) She was faking the sleep, holding her breat to hear the conversation (shamelessly vain) :P, and Jacob's for that matter - eh, Taylor and his robotic self... ;)

Roblove said...


AP said...

@Emma: Not at all - I was probably wasting your time as I leaped into your conversation and without reading your previous points carefully. I have little time these days so tend to rush in...I'll butt out...:)

AP said...

@Cerulean Blue: Yes, it was exactly that lack of smooth segues. It may well have been intentional, being pronounced, but can’t think why as it did contribute to a lack of momentum. I know it was difficult because there are three different plotlines culminating in the final scenes: The triangle, the Victoria/Riley showdown and the large scale-battle. As you say, inherent in the book. It takes some careful inter-weaving to build all three to climax, and on the whole they managed it, but I still would have liked to have seen Jones’ cut in full. Especially to understand why the newborn sequences varied so much. (On a side note: couldn’t help notice some similarities between the Vic chase and the HP:Prince sequence in the marsh. Coincidental but funny.) And of course, that original cut may have been even flatter...

I agree, too, on how stunning some of the scenes look – both in lighting and camera angles. And the mountain top scenes were some of the best all round. Good point about the breath, though – and could have been added pp. Well – aside from Rob, there is something about the books that is compelling – and nobody seems to be able to quite explain it completely. However, I think the casting did make a huge contribution to the success of the films – and, like you, I lose any real ability to be objective when it comes to Rob. As Slade said – he’s charismatic as Edward – and I would go further and say on screen in general. Some would say in real life, too, even if Slade thinks he’s just a bloke who likes a beer. Well, he does like one…lol
Oh – wish they’d drop the lipstick too – was noticeable on all the vamps, particularly Jasper as well. The extreme could be something that happened during the print colour but it’s not cool.

Have to run, but thank you for returning to share your reactions - and I very much appreciate your consideraton of mine. :)

Roblove said...

AP, please, the guilt is all mine :D You're always welcomed to join the conversation whenever you feel like it :)

solas said...

AP_- re your statement: 'Since Bella’s love for Edward is now without doubt, and shown very clearly in the two previous films, the other aspects dealt with in the book came to the fore.' That's actually what kind of stymied me. This movie seemed in certain places to toss that love on its head. I do like that we got to see other aspects. I am also wonderng as I write this (so bear wth me please) if, since ths is so much not in Bella's perspective, we see less of her love for Edward becasue that is how it appears to others? Esp[ecially Jacob who is in denial?

As for breath showng n the tent: even when Bella was admittedly awake, we didn't see any sign of breath in very cold air; and in the book she wasn't neccessarily faking as she wasn't sure if she was even awake or not. But for sure, the breath vapour would have shown cold better than them sayng it.

AP said...

@Solas: want to address your point but will have to do it later as my time, for now, is up. Will get back to you, though.:)

@Emma: Thank you - but may take you at your word, fair warning...lol

Roblove said...

"As for breath showng n the tent: even when Bella was admittedly awake, we didn't see any sign of breath in very cold air" maybe Jacob was that effective as a heater ;)

Roblove said...

AP - I really meant it, I'm not a hypocrite :D

Marna said...


Marna said...

Just wanted to add something to the "no breath" comments. That didn't bother me as much as the fact that after being so cold all night that Jacob had to keep her warm, the next morning Bella is romping around outside wearing nothing but her jeans & shirt. Did it warm up 80 degress overnight? She didn't even have gloves on. That bugged me a lot.

solas said...

I think it said in the book that it was much warmer the next mornng. I personally did not understand how, but it was Stephenie's unverse. ;-)

AP+-= I saw it today in IMAX and my opinion has changed; I posted on the new spoiler thread but will post it here in case you come back here first:
OK-- I just got back from watching it in IMAX; the 3 previous times were regular screen.

After having commented on previous spoiler posts about praise for the acting and the loss of the real love story in the script and direction, I watched very carefully this time, especially Kristen's acting, which I had thought was spot on the previous times I viewed it, and for what I had felt was the scrpt and director's diminishing of the love for Edward that Bella had had in the book.

About the frst, I am totally sure after watching so carefully that my fiirst (3) impressions were correct; Kristen 'got' Bella perfectly. I don't find her to have been unaffected; I felt her subtle understated acting was absolutely unquestionably perfect for her portrayal of Bella.
But I now feel differently about the love part. Except for one scene-- when Bella is angry at Edward for letting Jacob know in a cold way that she had agreed to marry Edward, and Bella pushes Edward off wth a DON'T (totally dfferent from the book, where she is crying for hurting people she loves, and EDWARD is the one who goes and brings Jacob back to her), except for that, I clearly saw the love they had for each other, the love Bella had for Edward so much stronger, so different from her love for anyone else including, of course, Jacob. So, I was wrong; I just don't get why they had to change the script there, or why I didnt see the love more clearly the first 3 viewings; I am not a dense person. But I definitely did not see it until I examined it very closely and realzed it WAS there after all.

So now I TOTALLY Love the movie and think and feel it is the best of the 3 so far! Not everything was perfect, but it was pretty darn close.

Blondemel47 said...

I agree with Sarah,Bear et all. I have never been so obsessed & crazy over anyone since I was 21! My insides go flip flop & I get a big cheezy grin on my face as soon as I see the pics/videos. He's gorgeous & I wish him so much good fortune & happiness. Thank you so much for this site.Pls keep it up

AP said...

@solas: really late getting back but thanks for reposting your comment...ah, so many reasons why it’s necessary to re-view - and re-view Eclipse...lol So - probably moot to address your question now as you said you did see ‘the love,’ even if it’s not the only focal point as before. I’ll just add it seems they are trying to keep some continuity, and included set-up for Breaking Dawn – Bella’s change and so on. I don’t think we see more from Jacob’s perspective per se but simply a wider view of all the events and characters, with varying perspectives. Riley’s for the newborn experience, the Quileute tribe, and Leah, for what it means to be part of the pack, and their view of vampires, the Cullens for what it means to be changed - and how one is now happy with that and the other isn’t - and so on. It sort of goes along with the idea that Bella is now aware of much more than just Edward and her need for him. She now sees how her decisions will affect all those around her – and how their world affects her. Her life with Edward has become a given, but how she’s becoming far more conscious of what that life might mean. As the next film will be an even broader canvas, and Bella has to become a vamp and a mum – I think they had to start heading that way, even if it meant omitting a lot of detail.

About the “don’t” – I can see why it was added, but not entirely sure about it either. However, it would have rendered Bella more passive again if Edward had been the one to bring Jacob back – as we wouldn’t be able to share her internal dialogue in that moment as we did in the book. Unless they used a voice-over, and that would have skewed the build for the battle. So it becomes an external expression of anger and rejection to help drive the motivation for the kiss, and the guilt on her return to Edward. It also stops Edward following her, as it’s played out on screen. Then Edward, in turn, forgives her – so getting his chance to restore the balance between them. In the book this was conveyed by Edward’s speech about being wrong about everything when he left her, so being in no position to judge or determine her actions. Here it’s shown in their actions rather than a lengthy speech. There was a lot to try and include in this film, and to keep all the various plotlines and themes humming along – and dialogue as succinct as possible – no easy task. I know a lot of people slam MR for what they view as her inadequate adaptation but I'd like to see their 120 page treatment of the 600+ pages of the book. (a page of script = c. 1 min of screen time.) Even if an initial draft is longer, it will be winnowed down during filming. I'm not saying you can't disagreee with her choices but it's easier said than done. lol There’s no luxury of development or expanding of themes, especially if you have to resolve several conflicts before the credits. The only way is to have the twelve hour extended dvd, as Jackson did for LOTR, and even then he couldn’t include everything...lol

I’m rambling on here, but I’m glad if you enjoyed the film even more this time round. Of course it can’t quite equal the experience of reading the book, but it works as a film, and ultimately that’s what it has to do. I still would like to have seen the first ‘director’s cut’ of the film, but it may well have had less Edward, so I guess I too will be content with the final cut. And wait for the dvd... ;)

solas said...

AP--Thanks so very much for that explanation. I know it would be very diffcult to pare down a book into a film, and I certainly didn't expect every word of the book to be incorporated into the film, but I DID expect the words to reflect the book, and I didn't feel that at some points (especially at the "DON'T scene). I understand your explanation, but that scene segment really did change the feel of Bella's experience, personalty, and love for Edward, and I do believe it could have been done better to accomplish the same thng. And i WOULD take the challenge to rewrite that scene! At the very least, Bella could have looked at Edward with herself in pain, knowing she was hurting him by gong after Jacob, and could have said--'Please Edward, he's in pain! I HAVE to talk to him alone'-- if time, she could have added: 'This has hurt him so much and I can't stand the idea of his going into battle in pain that I have caused!' And after the B/J kiss, a simple statement from Edward, condensed if neccessary from the book, could have shown Edward's understanding that Jacob patched her up when he had abandoned her, etc. This approach would have kept clear Bella's love for Edward, her concern for Jacob, Bella's guilt after the kiss, and Edward's guilt and regret and understanding of the consequences of his actions of leaving Bella, as well as his extreme understanding and patience and eternal love for Bella.
It also seems odd to me to have to view a film so many times in order to not just finally appreciate it, since I did appreciate many aspects of it, but to see the underlying current (Bella's 'unconditional and irrevocable' love for Edward). I am not used to that. In all other cases of multiple viewings, it was more to enjoy the film again, and although i did get much more out of a film each time I viewed it, because especially with a first viewng there are simply thngs that are missed, I never felt I had missed, or that a film contradicted, so much that I later found in a later viewing.

AP said...

@Solas: it seems to me there are two ways of looking at a film adaptation. The first is in relation to the source material, and the second is as a film in its own right. Looking at the adaptation – I agree with your comments and understand the suggestions. Looking at it as a film with its own ‘life’ and according to the pace – Jacob would be halfway down the mountain by the time Bella went to look for him if it ‘stopped’ for another scene with Edward. The build is to the kiss signifying all of Bella’s realization. As an adaptation I think Bella’s arc was muted, because of the shift in perspectives, and the sheer enormity of the material from the book that had to be included. As a film – I think they pared it down well, but I also feel there are some inconsistencies in editing and visual style I wasn’t expecting. Again, I think there was an issue there for David, which was resolved, but left its mark. I guess I will have to go and see it again to make sure, as it’s been a while. So tough...lol...but someone's got to do it. There's much to appreciate...;)

solas said...

AP_- at the end of the day, there IS a lot to appreciate, and I find I appreciate it more with each viewing (except after the first tme, when I was just totally WOWed by the flm as a whole, and didn't even realize the lack of love so much that I felt in the 2nd and third viewings but found again in the 4th!!!). I agree wth your assessment of adaptation compared to a film on its own, but as we were promised a flm faithful to the books, it wasnt, and I understand not everythng can be included, but as you said, Bella's arc was muted-- if not turned about face there. And I udnerstand the scene (leading to the kiss)to get to Jacob had to be in a rush, but she could have said--Edward--I have to go-- really fast--instead of an angry DON'T.

This all reterates for me why I do not want to sell the movie rights for my novels even though the publishers don't seem to want a contract wthout that. I don't want the essence of my characters or stories being changed.

AP said...

Solas: uh...fair enough. Although I have to say that I am glad Sara Gruen doesn't have the same misgivings...:)

solas said...

Rght--but I don't think the essence of her story or characters was changed.

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