Thanks to 1ElizabethO at Pattinson Pictures
Robert Pattinson - Water for Elephants gifs
I double dog dare you not to watch these for the next 30 minutes... you just can't help but stare when Robert Pattinson is involved can you?

Thanks to 1ElizabethO at Pattinson Pictures
Thanks to 1ElizabethO at Pattinson Pictures
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Gee, Thanks Kat!
I was really trying to go to bed at a decent time tonight...
cant' stop watching...
Run Robkowski, run!
Ohhhhh, how I love Rob running, walking,,climbing, sitting, staring, smoking, eating, doing nothing..
see a pattern here?
Love these!!!!
rpattzgirl,i love that,how you love everything about rob!everything that he does,he is a pretty lucky guy,to be loved that much,oui la!la!
Hi everyone, did anyone see that Chris Waltz says Rob's performance is Oscar worthy???? Found it on another web site. Forgot where, but do Goggle search and you'll find it.
I am so excited. I want Rob to get his Oscar!!!!!
Hi Angie and RPG, sorry, Chris's remarks were about WFE... forgot to mention that previously.
hi nancy,i am just reading some tweets about people who just saw eclipse,there was a screening now over it's news people go on twitter kstewartnews and read them your self they are quite impress,on tweeted it's the best so far wrote about the leg hitch and i always visit that site it's a kristen's
i saw some new photos of rob,he has on a new cap,new pants and new foot wear and new shades volia!
HI evangeline, I will check it out. thanks so much.
If someone chooses such great roles, he has already earned an Oscar for that alone. Perfect Rob. I love Jacob and Belami .
And I Love FABulousROB
Ooooh! Running Rob.
Enough said.
Thanks for that Kat!
Love the concentrated expression on his face when he is running!
Does that man have any idea how gorgeous he is?
Not quite 30 minutes Kat but it was a good long look LOL!
I love Running RobKowski, just something about those long wobbly legs *sigh*
aaaaaaannd I'm back...
Love love love to watch him run (& climb) - even in gif format! LOL!
Hi again Nancy!
Hellooooo Fifty & Dessert!
time to sulk off to the NRW
Why does it make me so hot to watch Rob climb that ladder ??
OOOOH I know it"s...........
Hi Angie
I watched these for quite a bit.
But I would watch Rob do ANYTHING.
Thanks for the gifs Kate. ;-)
Rob just hypnotizes me, every time I see him, in any format there is!!
Notice the cute smile he gives the little girl as he runs by? What a darling man.
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