Did Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart confess their rumored romance backstage on “The Oprah Winfrey Show?”
That’s what one online report suggested in the wake of “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” stars’ appearance (with co-star Taylor Lautner) on the show in May, but Kristen told Entertainment Weekly how things really went down.
“She glided over to me – and she was strong, by the way, really firm hands – and she said, ‘How are you?’ I said, ‘Good.’ She said, ‘Good. Are you nervous?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I am, but I think I’m OK.’ She said, ‘Good. We’ll have fun,’” Kristen told the mag. “And then she just walked away. And that was the most I talked to her backstage.”
Rob said that doing “The Twilight Saga” gave the cast plenty of interview opportunities – and chances to defend each other.
“That’s the only way,” he said of using interview time to dispel rumors. “All of us stick together as well. There are so many little nerds behind their computers, on their little blogs.”
To read the rest head over to Access Hollywood
I´m so happy that Kristens hair is getting longer. She said she will go dark blond for On The Road... I´m really looking forward to it.
Rob looks as beautiful as always but what is Taylor doing there... who needs Tay Tay -.-
How beautiful they are
Kristen just stunning
The Taylor/Rob cover is a bit weird. Rob looks gorgeous as always, but your right, what is Taylor doing there?
For all or you out there that say Kristen never smiles or she's always looking awkward.....Hello....this girl has 1 of the best smiles in Hollywood.......
and we all know that Mr P has as well.
Beautiful covers............
ROBERT PATTINSON it should be illegal for you to kill SO many woman it the time span of 24 hrs ahaha...killing me here...ahhggg
IK many people say she doesn't smile ahaha...she even said that it's like if the papz only take pics of her when she is serious lol...BEAUTIFUL...
Taylor umm what are doing???
From Cullenlover07: Rob's manager, Nick, on the Black Carpet! http://twitpic.com/1zcqae
ADM: It is getting to be so very real!
Rob doesn't always take a good picture. That cover is awful! The angle, the short hair, not good. He only looks good with the short hair from some angles. And Taylor looks ridiculous on this cover also. What a mess.
Kristen, whether or not she's wearing a wig, looks stunningly beautiful.
This'll be the first time I don't buy the mag for the cover.
And, damn it, Rob has said many times he loves the WFE hair he has now. Geez.
Look ladies, his face, from his eyebrows, forehead, mouth, chin, jaw, eyes and especially his nose is very strong. His face is mind-blowingly gorgeous but very strong. He needs that Tyler hair, the sideburns and a little length sides and back, to keep that strong face in balance.
Yeah, he looks good, even beautiful in some of the new shots with the new hair. Yeah, those 2 from--what was it? TV something?--you know, the hammock and the other one. They were oustanding.
But they are just a few out of the many recent ones. And most of the others make him look too strong in the face. He needs softening. Admit it. Or maybe you really, really like the short.
'Course, just my opinion. But ain't that what we all do here, just give our opininons.
I don't understand the covers. I would have understood it if they had done individual covers for each of them. But why put Kristen on one cover by her self, and then put Rob and Taylor on another one...? Looks weird...
Can you imagine that there will be jokes about their cover together?
I can bet that some people will say is a gay cover... LOL
I don't really understand Summit's promotion politics this year for Eclipse. I have always thought that for Eclipse they were going to be really "love triangle" orientated, which in my head meant that there would be more photoshoots and interviews with the three of them together. The only real interview with the three of them was the Oprah one, because the Jimmey Kimmel one is with all the cast isn't it? As for the covers with new photoshoots, well I don't remember seeing one...
Anyway I really like Kirsten's cover. I love her hair. I think I actually prefer it to the longer version...:)
Guess that's why some scruff looks so good on him too, to balance and soften the look, masculine though it is.
Now that Mark Segal--still have a big beef with that man!--banner! That's my Rob.
Vanity Fair Rob, GQ Rob, Tyler, Edward, Rome, London NM, etc. all the best Rob.
It's not the bloody 1930's!
I'm not going to read this, I have a subscription to EW, (which I only got because of all the Twilight stuff LOL), so I'll wait until my magazine shows up tomorrow. I bet they're going to send me the Kristen cover though, the last time they had the NM covers, they sent everyone who had a subscription a magazine with a cover of everyone who died that year. I think they got a LOT of crap for it & they deserved it too. They better send me Rob this time.
I just took a closer look at the Taylo/Rob cover, & it's obviouly photoshopped. They weren't photographed together, & they made Taylor as tall as Rob. I wonder if that's a condition that Summit sets?
The worst cover ever, so incredibly laughable that I can't blame this for one minute!!!!
Taybert in the house!
(Sorry Kate & Goz for linking but I really don't think you want to put up a thread!)
Loisada, what's even scarier than that cover is the people who seem to think it could be a real cover. And even scarier than that is the fact that these same people are allowed to vote & precreate.
Ohhh i'm laughing for this too.. People are calling Brookback pics.. Oh my!! But this is all joke..
Kristen is very beautiful but i prefer the 3 together... Can someone tell Dumit the movie is about Edward and Bella love story? !!!
From Cullenlover07:Another cool view of the hot Black Carpet. http://twitpic.com/1zdhvg
i putting this here okay eclipse was already film so i am going to write about breaking dawn,after married,she never visited jacob or his home again,she was mrs cullen and that was it wedding ,the wolf came to the cullens nladies please help me out,about in the wedding how jacob could not stand his losses or after he got the invitation how he left home,why do you think he did that
Well, IMO Kristen looks pretty awful on this cover. I' not a fan of Rob's new haircut but he looks ok here. Opinions, opinions.
Something else makes me uneasy about this cover- the sheepish smile and closed eyes in the presence of Taylor... It's just wrong :) LOL
Gosh am I the only one who felt a little hurt by Rob's comment about bloggers?
It seemed kind of mean to attack them. It seems that Kristen's meanness is rubbing off on Rob. K's comment about the Queen of England is really unsavory.
For Rob to attack bloggers after the internet fans have had a hand in making him so famous seems ungrateful.
Just my opinion.
Oh I disagree jessegirl...
Now that the hair is gone, I can see how distracting it was from that face.
The hair was the first thing that drew the eye and never never should hair draw the eye away from a face like that...especially those eyes.
I said on another post somewhere...don't be surprised if were nearing towards the end of the 'sex hair' era. He'll probably need it for BD, even though I think he would prefer to do the last go round with the shorter hair, but oh my god, the fandom would scream. Cause didn't Rob once say that his performance is 75% the hair? He's aware of the shallowness of this fanbase. They don't care two shakes for his performance, just that he looks good while doing it.
And then too...
Remember what Rob said about trademarks? As soon as you get labeled by one, you gotta get rid of it because it ends up defining and if this kid has been defined by anything...it's the hair.
Besides he looks so much more adult with it short. And that's not to say he'll never take a break from films and let his hair and beard grow out again. He will. But...I think the time is coming that he's gonna change his 'signature look'.
Just a guess.
Besides...if you're gonna love an actor, do not get too attached to his hair and that's because his hair does not belong to him. It belongs to the roles he plays.
The topiary cow I think it´s pretty obvious that rob was talking obout Gossip blogs and I don´t think he has ever said he liked them besides I think he is only pointing to the blogs that attacked kristen; as for the cover I think kristen looks beautiful but rob and taylor?? WTF??? they look like a gay couple in fact I thought it was Out magazine cover for a sec LOL rob´s smile looks beautiful but I don´t know it´s just too weird and taylor is looking taller than rob WTH?? I hate when they do that, I like rob´s new hair tho I think he looks hot with it.Anyway I´m not buying this magazine most of all because I dislike EW I think they have something against rob; I just hope Eclipse it´s good.
Topiary Cow...
Wait until one day (when he's no longer bound to the selling of this franchise) when he comes clean about what this whole experience was for him and Kristen. The rape, yes, the rape by the media and the slaughter on the internet by the gossips and the fans.
One day he's gonna set the record straight and I'm gonna guess that he's gonna piss a lot of people off. And he's not gonna care. 'Cause he's gonna know that the people who would be pissed off because he dared to bare his soul in expressing his true feelings about all of this, don't really understand him at all.
And the fans who would understand what he's trying to say? They're his true fan base and they won't be offended. They'll understand because they understand RIGHT NOW what all of this is doing to him. To them.
So if this lil commment bugged you, oh dear. Brace yourself.
One day.
From Cullenlover07: PFach signature in my Breaking Dawn! He is so freakin cute! http://twitpic.com/1zdxp0
From Cullenlover: Julia Jones signing autographs. http://twitpic.com/1zdy5f
I don't like this interview at all. She sounds sour. To say it out loud that he can say whatever sh!t he wants and is loved for it is quite blatant and rude. Is she jealous? What the ..? To defend herself by accusing him of being equally inconsiderate? Classy.
As for Rob's comment, it's about bloggers like Perez Hilton I suspect.
i love new hair cut and kristen to me she looks beautiful,the only thing is i wasw a bit mad about the queen but we know you cannot please evertone,i hope after WFErap rob go back to the k for a while and keep away from critic and rest himselves mat be he could write some music and stay away from stress and if you and kristen is really and item,listened right now kristen is the it girl and here how it going to be 'i am the woman every woman wants to be and every man wants to have'
8:43 PM
ITA...I love the hair and everything else about ROB...but if he is bald (which he looks also cute in c: ), long hair, short hair or anything he is a great actor, great musician, sex on legs, gorgeous, beautiful, humble, random, adorable, blissful,sexy hot...umm and all the other words on the list that keep adding because their isn't a word that can define A MAN LIKE ROB!!! he just perfect...
Nik @8:52 PM
AGREE...one day when this TWILIGHT SAGA madness is done(i love the sage but it is overwhelming for the cast)...he's going to cut loose and he's not going to care bcuz his true fans are going to stand by his side no matter what... just saying its my opinion :)
From Cullenlover07: PFach!!!! http://twitpic.com/1zdz3z
Billy Burke! http://twitpic.com/1zdzml
Hate the cover, never buy a magazine with kristen ont he cover, its Rpatz who sells.
i meant saga
never buy a mag where Rob is with Tay, it destroy the view! Nest BD another trio cover? EW sucks. I prefer foreign mag who knows what the public wants!
'The hair was the first thing that drew the eye' Are you serious? :) It was always about the eyes for me :)Then the lips... then the rest ... :D
Kristen's meanness is rubbing off on Rob? I don't even know what to say to that. Rob is an incredibly smart man & can think for himself just fine. I personally wouldn't be a fan of someone that played follow the leader. I see both of their points in this interview & can't say I disagree one bit with what they said. Very smart adults those two are. Love how they back each other up.
Just biding time until the JK show at 10:00 PM. Why do I wish it was just the Trinity instead of the whole cast there?
And WTF, with the EW covers, really! ITA, worst ever. I've been a subscriber for years, get it every Friday at work. I think someone dropped acid the day they made that decision. They'll get a lot of flack for it. Kristen's is beautiful, she knows how to bring it on and shine for the camera. She's a natural beauty, not often appreciated. The interview as was last year's, different, more serious and revealing. Remember that it was the EW interview where Kristen got fired up and summarily shut down, took the key and locked the door, that she was not going to discuss her private life and relationship, even interrupting Rob, to make it known she was not giving it away, keeping something of her life private for herself. She has stuck to her guns, for better or worse. Keeping Rob in line has been more of a challenge lately. He just can't help himself, nor can she - there have been little slips. Stay true to yourselves ;)
From Cullenlover07: Billy Burke & PFach signatures!!! http://twitpic.com/1ze5i0
"They don't care two shakes for his performance, just that he looks good while doing it." but of course! I'm quite surprised that you seem to have a hard time to understand it :) This is Twiligh, and Edward is the wet dream. It's just the way it is. His acting helps though (especially in the long run), helps to keep the cheese out of the picture.
I think it is soooooo interesting that nobody is willing to admit that some of the shit he's taking about on the internet is not just the celebrity gossips themselves; Perez, Lainey, Ted C., but rather all the posters who chime in with their nasty two cents too. And don't think he's not aware. They both are. They reveal it in their interviews. If you'd stop drooling and thudding for five minutes and really listen to them.
You can't seperate what's going on here. It's all of us. Those that supply the imformation and those who respond to it.
Man up...girls. Time to take a good look in that mirror. We are all participants in what has happened to their lives.
THAT is the BEST picture of Kristen I've seen - she's smiling her makeup and skin are flawless and her eyes are hypnotic..........but then what do I know, I'm just a nerd on a blog behind my computer!!!!!!
@jessiegirl - I know he's said he likes his short hair - easier to deal with, I guess, but it scares me that he won't let it grow out again. I like it longer better.
Well emma, as a former actor myself, I guess I just look at it differently.
And so do Rob and Kristen because, yeah, they're actors too and this is their work and it's important to them. And they know that this is just a big hunk of cheese but they're trying to bring a bit more to it. And they don't have to. At this point in the proceedings, this thing is sold and they can just phone it in. But they won't because they respect their craft.
And no, I don't think that most understand that or care. This is just a hunk parade to the fandom which is why Taylor's fame skyrocketed with New Moon; the abs. If they weren't required for the character he probably wouldn't have gotten any more famous than Mike Welch.
And it's because of this idiocy that this fandom is so ridiculed and why Rob's fame is seen as bogus or illegitimate. Because how can you respect the fame that's come from something that holds no credibility?
I think I said this the other day. Not sure. But if so, bears repeating.
Three guesses at to the only difference between Trekkies (one of the most mocked fandoms in history) and TWIhards...
That's it.
Mentality is the same.
Oooh Rob.
You're backlash in the fandom is already beginning.
Don't you know you cannot speak the truth about any of this YET? They can't have their "wet dream" shattering any illusions.
Give it five years darlin' and then go for their throats.
OK, I'm getting bored here just waiting for JK show, and I'll probably regret this, but I'm getting on a soapbox and don't care if I stir it up, but I'm going to say a few words about Kristen Stewart and my POV, always gets dicey, but I don't care. (And I think Nik will back me up.)
You may not like her for whatever reason, all of which are shallow, because you do not know HER, she doesn't allow you to know her. I don't always like her, and often cringe when she opens her mouth 'cause that baby has no idea how to express herself in PUBLIC when a videocamera is rolling. NO ONE knows what she is really like, but "mean", absolutely NOT. The people who know and interact with Kristen in real life are her family and Rob. Do you honestly think that her public, fail persona, is who she is and how she really is as a person? What I do know is that she is the product of a loving (adopted a grown boy) intact family, she loves her cat, and after spending a shit load of time in close proximity over 2 years, Rob loves her too. Where that relationship goes or even is at this point in time, doesn't matter. The point is that who KS is in real life and to the people who truly know her is unknown and NO ONE on the internet has any insight and the right to judge her, with shallow opinions based on her public behavior and reactions to the tsunami of fame and attention she got thanks to Twilight. She's doing the best she can, she makes mistakes, but walk in her shoes for a while (like Nik suggested) and see how you would feel. Bottom line, Rob likes/loves her, so that's good enough for me.
OK, JK is on now, so I'm stepping down.
Ok, the Taylor and Rob picture is a little creepy.
#FanFail!!! I have nothing for them to sign!!! all my stuff is ROB!!'
39 minutes ago via API
Reply Retweet
@ChocoMartiniGal I think Sue got a pic with him too!!!
41 minutes ago via API
we're waiting on Jackson...
about 1 hour ago via API
NBd going nuts! got Billy Burke, got Peter, he came into the camps, Billy is fucking HOT!! he signed my burger king crown #FanFail
about 1 hour ago via API
need to save battery, bbl
about 2 hours ago via API
@jcopas1 hey jc! how ya doin? we are burnt hot & tired...Peters supposed to be here, lots of screaming... Iz tired...
nikola6, you'll never shut people up. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. An honest opinion is what really matters. But some people make money of hate and lies. Profesional haters. This is the real problem.
Oh. And there's nothing wrong with drooling and thudding. I do it too. That was shitty and I'm sorry.
Truth is, I shouldn't have been on the blog today. I am so many hours without sleep right now that I've lost track and wouldn't you know it, the major topic of conversation just happened to be my HOT BUTTON issue.
If I offended anyone today, please forgive me. I can say things in the heat of a moment. No excuse.
Oh I want today and these threads and this magazine interview to go away.
I think Rob means people like Perez Hilton who seems to think it's perfectly fine to publish upskirt photos of women (including Kristen), but has the nerve to talk about Kristen using the word rape. He's defending his girlfriend, if you don't believe they're a couple, then he's defending his good friend. Think of all the horrible things that were said about her, what kind of man wouldn't say anything if people attacked his girlfriend? I bet he was really pissed.
From ModestyPatch: Coming down from my twi-high. Peter & Billy are amazing and SUPER hot in person!!!! Jackson was adorable but didn't come to NB corner :(
@lallieb ITA I wish I could express my feelings that way, when I start typing the brain goes to mush. And I am watching so you think you can dance one of my favorite shows until JK comes on
I don't want to shut anyone up. I just want people to be kind to one another. And yeah, some days, I need to work on that too.
If Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were living lives of scandal like so many in young Hollywood, then okay, I could understand people taking them to task. But what have they done? What have they done to deserve this level of vitriol directed towards them? Please. Just give me one good example of law breaking or sexual deviant behavior or even mistreatment of their fans when they encounter them in person. Have they ever? Either one? And considering how they've been talked about by this fandom, wouldn't you agree that they have shown tremendous grace in which they have received them?
We live in an age where we have been given this miraculous gift; a gift that no other humans in history could have even imagined. We can converse with one another across this planet in a matter of seconds. And what have we done with it?
Used it in great part to tear other people up. People we do not know and never will. That's what we've done with out gift.
But please emma, one real good example. And some nit picky, petty, jealous, nasty girl shit; her hair, she doesn't smile enough, she's not grateful enough (and there's no way anyone can know that for a fact. yeah, you can dislike someone's appearance or demeanor but you cannot judge how someone is feeling unless they reveal those feelings).
Just one good example of why they are deserving of the treatment they've received at the hands of the media and the fandom.
Just one.
little nerds on their computers and blogs....is that us?
so what you think of kristen right now,i am not liking her at all
And yes lalli...
That was a great post. We will never truly know these children. We can really only know OF them.
Do you ever feel at the end of the day after one of 'these' threads, do you ever feel emotionally drained? Like you just want to put your head down and cry? I do. Sometimes. Like right now and maybe that's because I'm tired.
And I know it's my own fault because all I have to do is turn the comp off and walk away. But I just can't bear to see them ripped apart for no reason. They haven't done anything.
She's not a Brittney or Lindsey or a Paris or a Kardashian. He's not a Tiger or a Jesse James or a John Edwards. They're not a Jim Morrison or an Amy Winehouse. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?
Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna beat Rob and Kristen to the mental breakdown.
Rob's comment about nerds behind computers on blogs was hurtful for me. Just say'in - the only time Rob's comments made me feel that way - shouldn't take it that way but I felt a little foolish.
My conscience is clear that I haven't contributed to the Kristen hatred on the internet. But if it's that important to you, by all means go ahead and prove yourself to be one of the nasty bloggers Rob was talking about.
My conscious is clear because I haven't written one word here that I wouldn't say to their faces (even the silly, smutty, schmexy talk 'cause that's just fun and games). And I know that is true of many others here too.
But I think people should ask themselves that question...
Would I say these things to their faces?
I would guess no. Even the "fiends" in the press. If Rob and Kristen were to walk into their offices or into the homes of these ANONYMOUS posters, they'd all fall all over themselves, dazzled by their stardom.
Don't take it personally 'cause he's a nerd behind a computer screen too.
Just an observation but what I believe he is referring are those, anyone who comes to the internet to spew forth hatred about things they know nothing about it. They read the celebrity gossip sites, some blogs, they read the rags, they twiddle and they think they know something.
And they know NOTHING.
Despite his thin skin, I do believe the man can shoulder some criticism (well, he better if he's gonna remain in the acting game). I think he's talking about the unkindness and the cruelty. If you're not guilty of that, then he wasn't referring to you.
Just an observation.
"they're trying to bring a bit more to it. And they don't have to." They do their job and they are paid for it. Not to mention that it's also about their reputation. Hello!
I respect their job but for some people it's just an entertainment. It is the entertainment industry..
ok, that's it for now, I need some sleep :)
From Cullenlover07: Charlie in front of the NB's!!! http://twitpic.com/1zethv
From RPG: Charlie!! http://tweetphoto.com/28793211
From RPG: Charlies autograph! http://tweetphoto.com/28793547
i am going to write this if bryce dallas howard was not married i would of like to see her with rob,it is not my business but totally that would of been my choice for him just saying
@ lallieb & @ nikola, I couldn't have said it better. I find it noble that Rob is defending Kristen no matter what you think their relationship is. I don't understand where this Kristen's meaness is rubbing off on Rob is coming from. The only people I've really seen Kristen being indifferent to are the paparazzi. But that's a long way from being mean. Those who spew hate about people they don't know are mean. If you've seen any fan event videos or anything, Kristen is extremely sweet to her fans. Again we don't know her but from everyone who does know her personally, be it Rob or co-stars, they've got nothing but nice things to say about her.
Rob is a big boy and got his own mind. He can say whatever he wants and he's right about these "bloggers". They do read these things and are aware of all the pettiness bullshit. I agree with Kristen about the double standard between actors and actresses. Actors can get away with so much more. If an actress even says something remotely wrong, she's automatically a bitch or stupid. I've learned lately that these entertainment outlets take a lot of liberty with what's said. Even if its a direct quote, its meaning gets changes and they add their own 2 cents in there.
As for the covers, i don'tknow what EW is thinking. What is Rob and Taylor on a cover together? And in such an awkward angle?
Context, people; context.
@Nik, thank you! Not looking for affirmation, I just let it flow and didn't overthink it. Yuh, some threads make me tired/frustrated, but someone will pop up with a good one, which makes me smile that this is the best place to be.
@Jmm, who are you referring to, please not me?
@Cullengirl, my mind is usually mush too LOL.
@Marna, Jessegirl, & Lois, just a wave, please don't ever leave!
Just a bit sad, the happy place is not so happy today.
Just sayin.
No emma...
It's not ONLY about entertainment. Film acting is the greatest ART form known to mankind because it is capbable of encompassing all of the artistic disciplines.
And yeah, Hollywood only gets up in the morning to make money and they've lowered the bar so much in past couple of decades giving the masses their mindless entertainment, but...
Some of them care about the art too. And you can count Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in that camp.
And was there a reason you did not answer my question? I repeated it several times and even in CAP LETTERS!
Okay then. Would someone, anyone please answer a question for me? I'll repeat it. Oh and I'll take an answer from anyone, but I'd really love to hear from someone who has no problem with and feels they have every right to opin with negative comments. My question and I'll cap it. Not shouting, just want to make sure it's seen...
Where is her Brittney, Lindsey, Paris behavior? Where is his Tiger, Jesse James and John Edwards behavior?
Where is their Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, Mickey Rourke, Robert Downey Jr., Angelina Jolie (during her Billy Bob Thornton years) and Amy Winehouse behavior?
Again. What have they done besides do their jobs and go home to a quiet life with one another to deserve the treatment they've been subjected to?
I directed the question at emma, and she responded to me about something, but ignored the question and I think...went to bed.
Just one thing. Anything.
WOW - Jimmy Kimmel was great tonight but just not enough of Rob.
He was so adorable and all 3 were super cute and then almost the whole cast came on. Quite a handsome group.
You can say that again. **sigh** Feels like a bad day at black rock.
But the NBs are getting to meet and greet! :}
@Cityofglass, as always great comment, I really need to go to bed, but read yours and had to acknowledge it. I just like what you have to offer here. Good night all!
So happy for the NBs. For all the effort they put in, they deserve the rewards. I so hope they get to 'smell The Pretty'.
Nope, Nik, gotta disagree about the hair. The eyes look better, the whole face looks better, with something Tylerish around it, but off the forehead. The softness around the edges of the face make the eyes and everything else more beautiful. Without the hair it is austere, sharp, too big.
Of course he doesn't care.
Of course his style will be determined by his roles to a great extent. Of course it's easier to take care of. Just as it's easier for me not to shave my legs or put on makeup, or even wash my hair. But it is more attractive. Or maybe it's Rob's master plan for getting rid of fans, -except you.
Look at Brad Pitt and his ridiculous goatee/beard. If that's for a role, besides letting his babies pull on it, he'd be laughed out of the movie.
Don't get on your high horse about whether liking/not liking an actor's hair has anything to do with liking/admiring him as a person, actor, whatever. I'm not a child. Don't patronize me.
Nik, Rob and Kristen have done nothing to cause all this hate. Absolutely nothing.
I really hope you're right and one day Rob comes out with his thoughts on all this BS. I am counting the days...
No, Nik, you are absolutely right. Rob and Kristen have done nothing except possibly love one another. Breaks my heart and makes me weep.
Rob and Taylor's cover just is NOT right
I'm sure they took more pictures than that like why did that have to be the cover ??
like really?
come on now thats not right.
I love Kristen's pic it's so pretty I'm glad that the hair is coming back!!
I missed it.
@ lallieb Thanks! Its just nice to be able to have an intelligent conversation/debate/discussion without any name calling or pettiness. Fortunately, this board is one of the few where members can disagree and are civil to each other and respect each other. It is possible to disagree about something and still be adults about it.
ladies you know what they tweeting about o0n twitter kristen stewart leg shaking
just saw a photo of kristen stewart in a black of course strapless dress she was in some after vparty and to be honest if you go on ted's thread you will read how much hate rob get;s there i think rob gets more hate than them all.and i was just saying okay and this is not hate but that is the only type of dress kristen wears[strapless]
From ModestyPatch: OMG! They just keep coming. Got pic & autograph from Charlie Bewley (Demitri). Woot!
RPlover: sounds like Team LA has had an awesome day in tent city! And the big show is tomorrow, so excited for you guys!! <3
I wasn't patronizing you at all jessegirl...
I was expressing a differing opinion on his hair and I do believe it's become a defining trademark that he's gonna shed just as soon as he can. And that's just an opinion.
As for the comment about not getting attached to an actor's hair. That comment wasn't mine, meaning, I didn't come up with it. Ask any actor and they'll tell you that same thing. Their hair does not belong to them. It belongs to the roles they play. Kristen just said it herself because of all the flak she received for the mullet. That wasn't her choice. That was for a film role.
One of these days, I wouldn't be surprised if he shaves it clean off for a role. And from some of the comments I've read around here for over a year now, I would guess there would more than a few who would skip that movie 'cause they don't want to see him with no hair.
I love and appreciate his beauty as much as anyone else, but I know it has nothing to do with acting.
And I apologize for obviously offending you. I went back and read that post and I could find nothing patronizing in it. Although, I am many, many hours without sleep and it's a good guess that some of my cognitive skills are beginning to slip.
And no, I am not his only fan. But I do have some insight here about this business that not a lot do. And that doesn't make me better in anyway. And the only reason I know what I know is because I was raised in it. And if others here were as well, they'd know as much if not more than I do.
I've only ever tried to share what I know. I've not not to be on a high horse. That couldn't be further from the truth about me. But I suppose I can see how some might view me as a loud mouth know it all. And I can only guess that would be because I'm not expressing myself correctly.
Yes, I am opinionated and not shy about expressing those expressing those opinions and I stand by them or else I wouldn't take the time to express them. But again...
I apologize for offending you. THAT was NEVER my intent.
OH, f^ck I can't breathe.
Perhaps (if you want. if you don't, that's okay) if you'd like to quote back to me from my post where you thought I was being disrespectful to you, I could address it. Because if I was, I will correct it.
I don't always agree with your opinons, but I do respect what you have to say. I always have.
@Nik-get outa ur high chair. Get it, lil one?
@evangeline- the new Kristen pics tonight are from the premiere of the movie Love Ranch. Scout Compton (from the runaways) and Gil Birmingham (Billy in Twi movies) are in it.
And as far as ted's goes, it's hate all around. if you can't ignore it's best to not read any of the comments.
just got back from tent city...so exciting - got pics with julia jones, charlie bewley and jackson rathboth. i took a pic with peter facanelli and billy burke but it didn't come out but i got pics of them too. i didn't bring my camera just my cell camera, what a moron i am.
so i only took pics didn't get autographs and jackson said so what do you want for me to sign and i said nothing just a pic and he said "no problem darlin" he was soooo sweet.
also, the lady i made twi friends with was about to leave and i said i will walk with you to check out the red carpet and she made really good friends with the head of security and he took us for a walk around the red carpet showed us where he thinks we will be standing and where the press is and where everyone will be. he also said that over 200 celebrities have said they were going. i am so freaked EXCITED :)))
I usually enjoy reading the comments. But when I read the negative comments (especially about Kristen) it upsets me. I think Kristen does the best that she can. She says she gets nervous. Can you blame her? Try putting yourself in her shoes and see if you could handle it. I do believe that she has been violated by the patz! She doesn't deserve it. We do not really know Kristen or Rob so we should not judge them. My opinion of Kristen has been influenced by the things that the cast has said about her and they all like her and they know her. The fact that Rob likes her so much says a lot.
As for Rob's acting abilities, he took on a difficult role as Edward and made it great. And if you have seen him in Remember Me you will know that he is a great actor. I believe that he has a natural acting ability. He is still learning by doing other roles. He says that he cares about his craft and he wants to eventually direct. I think he will be able to do this.
Ana, that all sounds awesome! Jackson sounds so cute, it's too bad he didn't make it over to the NB's.
So excited for you all tomorrow! :)
Oh, I forgot to say that when I first read the comment from Rob I was a little put off. But then I realized that he probably meant the gossip bloggers and the haters. I have been impressed by Rob because he is usually nice to his fans and he has not let fame go to his head. Everyone that meets Rob always talk about how nice he is to them. Also I love his humor.
I feel so sorry for Kristen, not that she's the type to garner sympathy. The minute she was linked to Rob, she was a gonner. Rob is so RIGHT about the Internet nerds who haven't got something nice to say and don't have to answer to anyone. GET A LIFE. They are all beautiful (especially Rob and Kristen)and giving to the press. Enough should be enough! I love Kristen's attitude and lack of pretention. She's only 20 and is far more mature than most of the bloggers who write such rubbish about her and are probably twice her age. I wish only good things for them all. There are plenty of older more experienced celebrities who could take a leaf out of their book.
@Ana - Good for you! I know tomorrow will be great. Love the posts. Have fun!
WTF why has NO ONE mentioned the NECKLACE front and center on Kstews cover??!! has anyone zoomed in to see what it is once and for all?
Oh. And thanks Laurie and jmm4832 for responding to the question (sorry. I got distracted there for a sec) But I do appreciate it.
But I was kinda hoping that some of the those who don't hesitate to swing their bats, would have stepped forward address it. But I shouldn't be surprised that they haven't. Truth is, they haven't got a leg to stand on except their own jealousies and predjudices.
And why do I have this nagging feeling, that it's the younger girls who are spewing the majority of the negativity? Can't prove it though. Maybe because I feel that older women are have developed more maturity? I don't know. Although...
Have any of you seen the recent articles (I think Newsweek did one) on this phenomenon about women bullying each other? Not girls. Women.
I just think that civility across the board throughout society has collapsed. And the internet fuels it all because we don't have to take any responsibility here. So...it's become a free for all slug fest.
How lovely.
Wow! That was a damn near perfect post. I agree with EVERY word you said.
Thank you.
I mean what ya gonna do? Rape is a bad situation, as is a penis on a children's balloon. It happens. :)
@wendyhosnat- the necklace has been super zoomed from UHQ pics, it's not anything identifiable. It has been said to be a custom piece. I thought it was odd to see it on the red carpets in europe too.
Haven't read all the comments on this thread yet, only stopped at the one jessiegirl made. I have to disagree with you here. In my opinion, yeah, everyone's got one, I like seeing his face more than the hair. In Little Ashes, he's wearing a bald cap and the only thing you have to focus on his his face, most notably his eyes, and jawline and cheekbones aside, that is his most striking feature. Remember the grey hoodie shot just recently? You zoom right in on his eyes. And that's what you notice without the hair or clothes or smile. In that scene in LA, Dali learns of Lorca's death and his devastation is laid bare for all to see...in his eyes. He has no facial expression whatsoever.
Granted, this cover is not that great. Whoever decided upon photoshopping Rob and Taylor together in that composition is insane or about to get fired. That smile is wonderful; it's a mixture of bashful and happy.
Of course, that's just my opinion. You are of course entitled to yours.
I had already post something regarding this on another post but here it goes again, and i don't want to offend anyone it's just my POV of this whole thing
Ok im 20 yrs old (like Kristen) and i for no reason what so ever would like to be followed around the clock so that the whole world can know what im doing 24/7...gosh the poor girl can't even pump her own gas cuz they are already analying what she is doing...and no she didn't ask for what she got...bcuz most of the movies (they have both done..Rob and Kristen) have not been HUGE blockbuster films...they never thought that this whole TWILIGHT SAGA was going to get so out of control and therefore leading to their loss of HAVING A LIFE... bcuz now they don't really have one bcuz they have to hide out all the time to maintain some sort of peace to their lives...gosh people if that was me i think i would go insane...i really admire both ROB and KRISTEN for handling this the way they are...bcuz that only lets me know that they aren't pretending to be something they aren't like some "Hollywood Actors" do... Kristens only mistake was to be in this film (that she never even thought was going to be this huge) and being with ROBERT PATTINSON...with that said leave the girl alone she is only trying to handle herself the best way possible...cuz god knows that if i was in her shoes i would just fucking given up and punch someone in the face for invading my personal space...OH WAIT THEY DON'T HAVE PERSONAL SPACE....except when they are hiding....OHHH then that means THEY CAN'T HAVE A NORMAL LIFE...why??? bcuz all the vicious papz and haters want to bash what good is left of them...i just hope they can survive this madness...
Don't know if you are still on...but GF you are on fire tonight!!
Your comments on the last EW thread...SPOT ON!! Just kept shaking my head yes Yes YESSS!
I don't usually comment, but I think I come here to read your comments about as much as everything else :)
Thank you for representing the fraction of the female populous I AM proud to be a part of.
And, about the nerds comment? Rob has described himself as such (as have others), and he logs onto blogs to see what's out there. I'd like to think he was talking about the Perez Hilton's of the blogoshere who feel free to perpetuate and encourage the negative and hateful views. Perez, of course, owns up to his hate, but many others don't and that seems to be what Rob is protesting against. I'm glad that they (the cast) look after one another.
Really? They don't have personal space? You're all pathetic because you let them tell you this shyte. You actually believe this shyte. Where is Robert staying at now? Where is Kristen's apartment? Have we seen them outside of working at all lately? God, you f^ckin' ppl are morons and have fallen' for every bullshyte line they have said. LMAO
OH, and nik is a gossip-monger that does the samething that every f^ckin tabloid and net-site does. You know, the ones that Robert and Kristen are talking against. LMAO
Every pic done outside of work; is set up. Thank you summit, and /or Robert. God, ur all so fake. LOL
PERSONAL SPACE...idt they have any... ok wait they do inside their hotel room =))
Ahh, another fun, hate filled thread. Welcome to Robsessed.
What's so funny is; no one cares about their personal space. (any actors or actresses)..until it's put out there already by their teams. NO ON CARES. LMAO
I have been laughing my ass off thro this whole franchise, and I'm still doing it. You're all fuckin' idiots. LMAO
I'm writing a book. LMAO
This thread has now spiralled out of control...again. The only thing left for tonight (midnight in my world) is more name-calling. But why? You have your opinion, she has hers, I have mine, so get used to it. There is more than just one point of view here.
Rob didn't say we're the internet journalists who are not accountable,,, he wasn't talking about this site, or anyone here, I hope.
This site isn't usually fueled by anger and jealously, but if or when it does go there, you do become the haters he is talking about.
Good morning
Oh! That all of us do not like!
And I think there is more in the future of Rob to be said, not what we like. But at the moment, while the Twilight -Phase has yet to be silent. If the "most important relationship" really exists, then there will be a lot more Kristen - hater, and maybe Rob - haters and maybe Twilight - hater. How bad would that be for Summits - Bussines - Cash - Box.
All this is not easy.
(It is only a Question)
WE blog about him. WE talk about him. WE bring people to his blogs to talk about him. If it wasn't the nerds on the internet. There wouldn't be a Robert. Also, he's talking outa his ass. The internet made him and he knows it. Why is he being ignorant? Is he that fickle? His fans aren't, that's why we're still here even tho he's an idiot most of the time. He needs to get his head and ass screwed on right.
NO, I'm sorry. He's not being ignorant. He's being STUPID.
Robert's nerd comment is NOT directed to your basic twihard. He was being specific in his preceding remarks to imply who the "nerds" were.
The nerds behind their computers is an image of cowardice. He also described these nerds as bloggers with no accountability, who fuel their blogs with hatred, and spin rumors and gossip and present them as truth--all for the sake of hits.
Robsessed does not fit that criteria. Perez does though.
robert is basically blasting people who are cowards, who hide behind their computers to do some very damaging things online that directly affect people in real life.
Jesus. That cover is messing with my brains. The first thing I thought was "Oh. Uh. Wow. Aw.. They'd make a cute couple." Hahaha. He just looks so young with that haircut, it shows off his babyface. Adorable. But yes, it's a little ridiculous.. Kristen's cover, however, looks amazing. Very beautiful.
Nik...Okay...at 8:43 pm..."He's aware of the shallowness of this fanbase. They don't care two shakes for his performance, just that he looks good while doing it."
and later..."Besides...if you're gonna love an actor, do not get too attached to his hair and that's because his hair does not belong to him. It belongs to the roles he plays."
Hmm. Maybe you don't even know that you sound patronizing. I know we can't hear each other here but I don't like to be lumped in with the juvenile fanbase and I feel like you've done that with the first quote.
But the second quote is really the one. It is patronizing no matter what the tone of voice. Geez. We talk non-stop about Rob's looks here. Some prefer this look to that and we all have our preferences. We'd say the same about any actor/actress. We all comment on their appearance all the time and I know you, along with everybody here--except Solas--are just plain bloody turned on by him. That's how this bloody blog got started, I'll bet. We couldn't take our eyes off him.
Therefore, however gorgeous he is despite bad haircuts, overdone makeup, whatever, we still prefer this haircut or less lipstick, or whatever. As we would with our own appearance or a boyfriend's.
I know you've been in the business and all and know it from the inside but I'm not stupid. I can only tell you that, no matter how many fans you have here--and I don't--it felt patronizing, like you know it all and I don't.
About how actors need to look like what their roles call for.
But there is a limit. Not hair,but I'm thinking of actors being required to put on weight, which could be dangerous and change your metabolism for good, ruining you and forcing you to take meds. to get your weight down again. Etc.
I admit I love seeing him beautiful. There. I've said it. And I dare everyone except Solas on this blog to say otherwise.
I'm sure he'd love to stick it to me and all the other women who want that, because, for all his finer points, Rob is a contrary man who will do things for no other reason than to prove to you that he won't do things to please you.
And we all know he wants to be respected for his acting performance, not his looks. If he hasn't heard or read my impassioned advocacy of his acting then he doesn't know me. (Okay, now you're going to say he hasn't heard or read, and that I should be realistic. I am. I know.) You have heard and read them, or some of them, though, so you should know me.
Rob was talking about his own preferences, probably giving the finger to juvenile fans who only want Edward just to show them he is his own man, thank you very much. But you've just said he isn't his own man, not if he's an actor and Hollywood owns his hair, and everything else about him.
Aw shit, I'm going round and round and making no sense to myself anymore. I could say a lot more about why I like his hair a certain way and so could you but we'd still disagree and who the fuck cares? Now I feel like I've descended to that juvenile level I accused you of putting me in.
And Nik, you know I'll say what I think, as will you, and still love ya tomorrow. I get it out, argue and hug. That's it.
Plus, I'm royally p*ssed at this blog right now and am itching for a fight. (Only I won't engage the troll here.) I do not thank Goz et al for ignoring me. It is plainly rude and I'll call them on it.
But they don't read or listen to anything I have to say anyway. They don't care, have given no indication of doing so.
WOw! People are getting all offended about Rob's "little nerd" comment when it's blatantly obvious who was it he's referring to?!!
It's a WELL known fact who was behind those letters send to all sorts of locations to protest the "rape" comment, and for those who are not aware who was behind it, let me just type it here(NONSTEN.COM) yeah that's who it is folks! That's who Rob means by little nerds with their blogs...as for the "journalists" with no responsibility, again IT WAS OBVIOUS he was singling out Perez Hilton(or shithole as I'd like to call him) as he was the first to post this crap after being contacted with severity by nonsten.com, he wasn't the only one to jump on the wagon but he was the first, others like him are also included in that call out! Rob didn't so much say that "some" fans are crazy with their hate towards Kristen but he very clearly pointed out who was behind the RAINN public statement, and those involved got the message plain and clear, also he didn't single out one "irresponsible journalist" but again, PH knows it was him who started the fire...so again the message was delivered to the pertaining parties.
AND before any of you start getting too offended and think he meant you with his comment, think again, Rob is well aware of where all the shit starts, and how it starts and who's behind it, he can't outright say the names I've mentioned but the circumstance is TOO CLEAR and thus he knows his comment reached the right ears.
I think it's awesome he knows, and that he worded his statement as such BUT the sad part is, the people he called out and singled out are complete emotional mutes, they SIMPLY DON'T care and will do it again, and now that they know he knows all about them and is aware of their "hate" and how it affects him, they will keep doing it, just because he irks them by hanging out with the girl that is the core for all their jealousy, I'm afraid he just triggered their hunting instincts and with a lack of morality in their demeanor they will blatantly do shit to annoy him now and won't be too sorry about it!! Because how dare he defend Kristen against them?! HOW F*CKING DARE HE be with her and prefer her over them?!!
Poor Rob, and poor Kristen, they just had no idea when they signed out for that little film called twilight how much shit their lives will be because of it, or the crazy lunatics that are ITS fans!! I pity both of them, and hope they make it through this whole insanity...well sane! Good luck with that you two!
"And it's because of this idiocy that this fandom is so ridiculed and why Rob's fame is seen as bogus or illegitimate. Because how can you respect the fame that's come from something that holds no credibility?"
nikola6, look on the bright side. Ok, it's Twilight, it's not exactly Shakespeare. It's a teenage fantasy romance. It's ok. There's nothing wrong with the fantasy, with the romance. People like it, nothing wrong with this fact. I don't think Robert expected an Oscar nod for the part of Edward.. He plays the part of the perfect guy, and it's not really the first time he played the 'handsome and desirable'.. however, Robert is keen to add something extra to it, good. And he did a great job, because the fans of these books accepted him. It IS a huge compliment. Even the hateful bloggers accepted him, for the on-screen chemistry, if for nothing else. And the whole Hollywood has to accept him because he is loved so much by so many. It's a win-win situation. Yes, his fame has everything to do with his physic. So what? Is it a bad thing? NO. Because now he is shooting WFE. Twilight allowed him to do things other actors can only dream of. Why ? Because of the enormous level of fame he gained from being beautiful (and likeable). He did his best with what he had to work with, he has nothing to be ashamed of, imo. Now it's time to be more than just a pretty boy. He is aware of it. I'll say it out loud. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE. AT LEAST YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO BECAUSE PEOPLE WANT TO SEE YOU ON THE BIG SCREEN. DO A GOOD JOB AND BE HAPPY. Brad Pitt. He is well respected now. He can do whatever he wants. And he is filthy rich. I'll say - be beautiful Robert, and be more than that... Beauty is your advantage. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
"No emma...
It's not ONLY about entertainment."
Well, Nikola... For many people it is ONLY an entertainment. You can't expect everybody to have the same sensitivity and maturity level. And what exactly is wrong with that?
This question is so melodramatic. You can't be serious. Robert is quite universally loved, and miss Stewart is not far behind him. There is no way in hell to please everybody. She is nowhere near Robert's level of likeability though, and she is a bit of a drama queen. Yet you all defend her. Why is that?
What have they done to deserve it? It's simple. They are interesting, people like to talk about them. Good or bad.
dede - I agree that his statement is including bloggers both great and small too. There is a synergy going on between perez types and fans who are helping fuel the flames. I can't believe that peoples dislike for certain twilight cast members has been actually ORGANIZED so that they can actually influence how the media deals with various situations. Sick people.
ps: these same sites that mobilize into actively disliking people does not end with twilight cast members either. They have actually gone to great lengths to look into certain twilight-related lawsuits and try to smoke out who is being sued. Even though they have no way of confirming the plantiffs either, they make hasty conclusions, and then organize to actually bully them via sites/blogs/twitter accounts. I've seen them torment certain people in great numbers, to the point they are running off good people who used to be an active part of the fan community.
This particular group(you know who they are) are nothing more than cyber bullies with no sense of reality.
Yes DeDe, how dare some people not trust and believe in the robsten BS. I'm not a nonsten, but I don't buy robsten, sorry. But to say that Robert was just refering to the nonstens, is disingenious and completely dishonest. Plus I think that a good amount of people who post on the different fansites are just posters and not bloggers. Here he is talking about all bloggers, Ted C and his ilk included (you know all those who push fake robsten stories and fan fiction). It goes both ways...
And I hate to admit it but his comment was very insensitive. He went off on a tangent, and it seems to have backfired.
And I hate to say it, but cheeky chops is spot on when he/she says "...When was the last time you got any picture of either of them outside of work?". I will add especially Kristen.
And it's true, and not just that Kristen flew into Budapest under the radar (and yes for those of you thinking that it was some sort of romantic get away, I ask you this, if that is the case why was Robert out and about ALONE on Thursday night, there are pictures of him with fans to prove it, and someone here posted the links to the pictures... that would have been the night of her birthday or the night directly before her birthday "I'm not sure which". But either way it disproves or really weakens the idea of a romantic getaway between them).
But anyways back to my point, they can go and come as they please MOST of the time (well it's harder for Robert because he is sought after, but he still manages), even fly from country to country undetected if it's not a promo tour. And yet here they sit complaining and whining?!
I'm sorry to say but this is a terrible interview, and yes whenever Robert is around Kristen she rubs off on him (I'm not saying it's her fault, I'm just writing what I see clearly here. But he is an adult, if he wants to start acting like her, it's his call and his fault, and it's him who is losing magor points with his fans...wh*ny and this whole "us against the world victim metality will get you nowhere.)
I loved Robert because he seems different, generally always well manner, smiley and nice, but in this interview he just dropped the ball.
And what's worse, do you think Kristen even appreciates for one moment his defence of her? Apparently not, she sounds bitter because she THINKS that Robert doesn't get it as bad. And her last comment was truly vulgor, it seems like she just insulted an entire nation and has no respect for her elders (even though I give her the benefit of the doubt here, and say that she probably did not mean it that way, but still it's just so vulgor).
I've never heard Robert be even remotely that vulgor or disrespectful in interviews.
Please does anyone remember all the hoopla caused due to his Details interview? And it was for comments much milder than hers? And after this interview her apology seems fake now, it's like she did it after her publicist told her, PR much?
Anyways both Robert and Kristen are not shown in a favorable light here...bad interview.
But since Robert has a generally great track record before this interview, therefore I still like him, but he did lose some points in my sight.
No more long posts for me ever lol, I can't believe I wrote one here!
"This particular group(you know who they are) are nothing more than cyber bullies with no sense of reality."
Then who the hell cares what they think???
Jesse--re your quote: "I admit I love seeing him beautiful. There. I've said it. And I dare everyone except Solas on this blog to say otherwise." I think I've always said I find him beautiful. :-) I find him to be a beautiful, talented, insightful, intriguing lad.
I simply do not desire him, covet him, pine for him, scream for him, etc. I DO admire him, respect him (and aim for him to be treated with respect), worry about him, look forward to seeing and hearing his work (actng AND music, and possibly writing), wish I could talk with him on an ongoing basis (I find his insghts and conclusions, and the process of arriving at them and even changing them; his emotional and intellectual awareness and growth, as wonderfully brilliantly interesting), and hope for him to have a long healthy happy life.
Ok, is it just me, or does anyone else think that someone over photo-shopped KS's chin and cheekbones? She does have beautiful bone structure, but I can't remember it being quite that sharp...?
I don't know Madeleine de la Nuit, but I really don't like it. Looks like a cheap TV Guide cover. Plastic and awful. And the guys... Dear lord. But at least they are funny :P
It's not really that big of a deal, but I have a small pet peeve with magazines getting too photoshop-happy.
It's really sad that it's now considered the norm. In general, people who wind up on magazine covers are already considered attractive.
With all of the gorgeous photos of Rob and Kristen (Sorry, I don't find Taylor very goodlooking at all; nothing to do with team jacob, etc), I would think they could find something better--or is there a pool of photos that are permitted to be used, and some publicatons just get the less lovely ones?
@ Solas -
Think you might be right about the pool of photos to choose from. But I'm not sure how the licensing comes into play.
I have to agree with this >>> " this whole "us against the world victim metality will get you nowhere." " He is not a crybaby though. Harsh, but loyal - he was defending miss Stewart, therefore people will get over his comment soon.
"And what's worse, do you think Kristen even appreciates for one moment his defence of her? Apparently not, she sounds bitter because she THINKS that Robert doesn't get it as bad." yes, THIS is what I really don't like about this interview. This 'why me, why he can and I can't' attitude. And no consideration for Robert whatsoever. Where are her manners? She acts like a spoilt princess, this 'poor me, you have to like me/understand me, I'm not worse than Robert, he is equally inconsiderate' thing is WRONG. Robert is totally different. He has said many outrageous things before, but he basically insults himself.
@ angelwings!!!!! I can't believe I didn't type devilwings if he has any that is!!
Oh my dear God!! YOUR POST IN ITS ENTIRITY made my freaking skin crawl!!! It reminds me of that time I actually went to read (nonsten.com) and for the 20 minutes I spent on that vile site I wanted to crawl under a rock and pretend such evil people just could not exist!! BUT THEY DO, you being an example!...All I will say to you...keep living the dream, seriously now, all your conspiracy theories and wasted energy and time over this bullshit and for what? to prove that YOU whomever you are, know better than Rob what's good for him, that he's just a blind moron being lead by his crotch to Kristen like a thirsty horse to a stream? He's now stupid and an idiot and worthless and you should all abandon his ass because he chose her over you?!!!
YES HOW DARE HE??!! chose the girl he's in love with over a bunch of insignificant idiots on the net with no tie close or far to him whatsoever...he must be a fucking moron, you should go see what your kind have been spamming the EW interview page and the kind of hate being spewed for Rob just because he stood up for the vile haters bitching over every big and small detail of his life that DOES NOT concern them whatsoever, you should be proud of your kind really you give this fandom the shittiest name!!!
The best part however, you've been called out, spat at, and told to go fk yourselves, lets see what ya'll could do now, you're going to break Rob and take away his fame? Well go ahead, lets all see you do it, IF YOU CAN!!
Type nonsten.com one more time and I'll have the site red-flagged you f^ckin idiot.
LOL@ DeDe and her childish/immature outbursts, personal insults that's all...laugh and ignore...
Emma, I completely agree.
lol, Kristen robs off on Robert?
What is he, nine years old to be influenced by a 20 year old girl?
Here's a reality check for some people.
Robert's "insensitive" comment was not him running at the mouth.
It was him insulting people on purpose.
Specifically bloggers, who hide behind their computers and do some very damaging things from the safety of their home to people in real life.
He's insulting them on purpose, while mocking them.
he's not a child, Kristen hasn't rubbed off on him. Kristen honestly isn't clever enough to know how to put someone down so effortlessly in so little words.
Robert meant it to be insensitive, he meant it to be insulting. It was suppossed to smart those guilty of the description he laid out.
And it's worked already, Perez is still licking his wounds.
sorry, this thread has got me out of lurking... my first and only appearance on this blog:
what has been expressed here has shown one thing, and that is that we all (i include myself) spend way too much energy and time on a "famous" person we have fallen for and that we use for whatever purpose.
that´s what makes fame so scary, a celebrity (let it be rob) says something in the heat of the moment, and we spent a whole night argueing and debating, on all kinds of levels...
and at the end of the day it isn´t even about him. it´s about us and what we personally gain from being a fan. and it´s absolutely horrible that we all have our brains so wrapped around him.
i wish we all could take a step back and let him be. he doesn´t really (or shouldn´t) have much importance to our lives. he would benefit and we certaonly would benefit if we could step back and use our energy on things that help more people.
sooo sorry for that just needed to get it out.
fame is such a weird thing for everybody involved.
"Perez is still licking his wounds"
oh yes, he had a crush on Rob, right? :P
@Emma, Yes he does 'cause he was convinced Rob was gay, and called him out on it, and probably still thinks so.
BTW, I don't know what to think about your postings and POV. I read a couple that were so right on and other's that seem like you're just being feisty and stirring things up for the sake of argument. Kind of like a dog with a bone, who ain't giving it up. :)
Gay? He wishes! :P
lallieb, a dog with a bone analogy does not apply to this situation :)
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