*in my best southern accent* Happy Remember Me Day Y'all!

The day is finally here! Remember Me is out on DVD in North America today! To celebrate the release of the movie Summit Entertainment offers an $8 off coupon for in-store purchases. You can print the coupon HERE. Thanks Summit!
As someone who does not live in North America all I can say is "I guess it's just there to tease me"
It's also available on Amazon at the links below:
Pre-order in the UK:
The day is finally here! Remember Me is out on DVD in North America today! To celebrate the release of the movie Summit Entertainment offers an $8 off coupon for in-store purchases. You can print the coupon HERE. Thanks Summit!
As someone who does not live in North America all I can say is "I guess it's just there to tease me"
It's also available on Amazon at the links below:
Pre-order in the UK:
Photo Credit: Bauer Griffin
It's there to tease me too!
Can't wait to find mine in the mail today - should be there soon. And doubly can't wait to hear about these pornographic poems Rob said he wrote!!!! wow.
Check out tent city with the Naughty Bitches NB's in L.A. They are in the second tent from the left on the second row in the bottom left corner in front of the big blue tent.
They go shower, etc. in shifts so someone is at the site all the time.
They are going to see Sam Bradley, Rob's friend, play tonight.
LUCKY LADIES!!! Can't wait to hear about all of the details.
we are a bunch of sad bloggers on this part of the pond :)
Oh wow! Thanks Femroc!!! So exciting that they are there! Hope it doesn't rain much :))
Thanks for posting it, and sorry you can't use the coupon. Bought my copy this morning at Wally World. So thrilled to now get to spend the day with Tyler and save $8.00.
@MsShionaG http://twitpic.com/1yzst8 - We are 2nd from left front of this!!!
about 4 hours ago via Twitpic
@Cullenlover07 http://twitpic.com/1yzr7m - Ahhhh camping on cement!!
about 5 hours ago via Twitpic
Remember Me Tuesday!!!!
about 5 hours ago via API
@sluttypattz did you get sleep in that dream? or have creeky hips & backs? LMAO! we're a wreck! camping ain't pretty!
about 5 hours ago via API
@thedesseerfirst days good morning!
about 5 hours ago via API
morning from tent city!!! fun night, drunks screaming at us all night...news vans everywhere & papparrazzi filming us at 5:30 this morn...
about 5 hours ago via API
Sounds so exciting femroc :)) So cute!
Oooooh, I don't have twitter! May have to get account so I can play too.
Remember Me is coming to my house soon.
Beautiful film, very sad, I have to own a copy ! Not available til, what, 20th July in the UK so I have a while to wait.
Dear KarTwi,
I guess everyone can find something to get offended by... The reason I wrote "with my best southern accent" is because I lived in Atlanta for 8 years and I LOVE the southern accent.
Time for bed for me.
Nite nite!
I love your southern accent Goz xx
Night night!
And I love your fecking Irish accent :)
Before someone gets offended by that as well: Kate is Irish.
Nite nite :)
Yeah, y'all...yes, Happy Remember Me Day!!! The pic of Rob...that's what it's all about!! We're all here to relish in the wonderful man.
From Lou., Ky...thanks, y'all!
Hey LA NB's...sofa king jealous!!!
Love you ALL!!
{{{Waving at EVERYONE}}}}
[[[HUGS and Kisses]]]
I bought it this morning b4 going to college ahaha so im going off to watch it umm NOW!!! lol ROBler here i come... :D
i have boing come on this site for about 2mths and to me this is the first time i have read where gozde and kate are here except most of the time i only read like a thankyou from either one of you
We love your accents Kate and Gozde! Don't Change(: So excited I just bought the Remember Me DVD wonderful story it's nice to own the DVD instead of going to watch it in theaters everyday! Haha. Except of course we all love seeing Rob in big screen(:
Damn that banner is going to kill me!
Having lived in the south my entire life, I will say I love a well placed ya'll! Love the accent Gozde!
Hi Evangeline,
If you've been coming here for only 2 months you probably don't know me much at all :) I used to be the blogging machine around these parts before real life kicked my ass :)
We wish we could be on the blog comments more. We try to skim through the stuff but blogging, working, and real life doesn't really leave much for us :((
Like right now, if I don't go to bed I'll be fecked tomorrow morning :((
Nite nite y'all!
Thank you ma'am :) I adore southern accent :))
Later y'all!
Guess who's currently holding their Remember Me DVD and lickin' the cover........OH That'd be me!!!
Ya'll would also get a kick out of my Tennessee accent!!
Love ya Gozde!!!
Ya'll come back now, ya hear!!
Love ya too :))
Aww sorry Evangeline but ya like Goz said with the blog etc we don't really have time to chat in the comments anymore and I miss it but what can you do :-?
Kate: you, and Goz previously, are doing such a stirling job of keeping the neverending appetite for all things Rob satiated - will forego your commenting - although always enjoy when you get the chance. :)
Commiserations to all those who don't have the dvd yet, but how much sweeter the anticpation? Yeah, I'll go dunk my head in a bucket...lol
Yeah, well, meant "sterling" as in silver, and not castle as in Scotland - back to the bucket...
Aww thanks AP {{HUGS}} and yes I'm anxiously waiting for July 19th to come around. You'll know why i'll be missing on the blog that day ;-}
My dvd is in the mail, I can't wait to hear Rob commentary, I really missed it on NM.
That tent city is freakin' insane! I can't imagine doing that, even for Rob. I hope the NBs get nice & close to him. But don't hurt him. Or rape him. Or anything else to him that could put you in jail. :-)
Picked up my copy of Remember Me this morning - first time I've seen it. You guys didn't warn me about the ending! Crying my eyes out right now. Oh Robler...you move me to tears. What a great performance!
OMG - the tent city!! Are you nuts?? You girls be careful! If you get close enough to catch his smell, can you bottle it for us (or at least try to identify the cologne or soap he uses so I can douse my pillow in it? Dreamy....
I must say the Southern accent is my favourite American accent, too! And the Irish, and the Scottish, and of course, the Aussie! :D
As for the DVD... I'm not sure when and if it's coming out in Australia, to be honest... do you girls know? *feels ignorant*
I sooooo can't wait to see it again...
Got out of work and went to Walmart to get my copy! Is is weird that I went through the DVD until I found one that didn't have the price sticker across Rob's gorgous face??? Hellz no!...lol
So I printed my coupon up at work and the cashier says that Walmart doesn't accept black and white online coupons, they have to be colored....I'm like WTF...so I paid and went straight to customer service. The girl behind the counter after commenting .."He's so fine" promptly took the 8 dollars off. So I'm a happy camper! About to relax and watch...can't wait to see behind the scenes and the comentary
I think this is good news.
I had to work untill 5:00 so I went right after work to get my Rember Me DVD. The blue ray was sold out and I got the last regular one.
bought it, watched it, cried it
LOL! That must have been frustrating! Good thing that nice customer service lady understood!
I would have gotten my copy by now if my Mom weren't so...so...ARGH! She's all like "Ask Grandma to get it for your birthday." And I'm like "Oh, HELL naw, I'm not gonna wait till August 14th! I've waited long enough!" Perhaps I'll get it tomorrow, somehow...
Oh Kate. I wish I could send you a copy. Got mine today and am planning a Remember Me night tonight.
@Goz..I'm going to kill you with a slightly sharpened spoon. Just slightly.
SPOILER alert Remember Me.
Never saw it coming.
oh dear lord, why didn't you guys warn me. crying my eyes out now...
remembering that day, living it all over again and thinking about losing HIM that way. it's awful. too much to bear.
Got my copy today.... absolutely love it. Watched it 3 times too. Can't get enough Emilie and Rob sexy scenes....didn't do the audio parts yet. That comes later. Just too busy watching the sexy scenes.
Oh Kate, July 19th is my anniversary date. Married on July 19, 1969. We will be having our 41st very soon.
Love my RM DVD... Emilie and Rob are fantastic on it.
Hey girls overseas from US, contact Amazon online. They'll ship anywhere.
I got my copy at Walmarts today. Had to call 3 area stores before I found it still for sale.
The other 2 were sold out already! And that was at 4 pm.... WOW its selling like hot cakes here in NE Ohio. Fantastic.
I know most people will only want to listen to the commentary with Rob, but I really recommend also listening to Allen Coulter's. He is very complimentary about Rob, amongst others, and offers a lot of insights and details.
AP I agree. The Alan Coulter commentary is also great to hear. I always love the commentary but have to admit to missing Rob on the New Moon DVD. Chris W. was okay but I wanted to hear Rob. His perspective is always fun and interesting and he laughs so much and gets everyone else laughing too. You can just picture him. I hope this does not give anything away about the plot but my favorite scene in Remember Me is when he is waking up the first night after making love to Alli. He doesn't open his eyes. He just nuzzles and snuggles and then kisses her as she turns into him. I find that scene far more erotic than the more overtly sexual scenes. And I can't help but think that is Rob needing little direction. That is how he would be and I love a man who just kind of feels his way. Especially if the man is as unbelievably beautiful with his eyes closed as Rob.
ok guys, has anyone but me had a weird experience recently before or after watching the RM dvd. i was driving home from work, listening to the musical score of the movie. not the soundtrack, songs, but the music. and "Spoiler Alert" if you haven't seen the movie, STOP reading now!!!!
the cd is playing the music where we see Tyler looking out the window at the end, and the camera pulls back and we see where Tyler is. and all of a sudden i hear what sounds like a jet engine starting up and getting louder and louder. i almost run off the road. and i think, I don't remember THAT in the movie, hearing a jet engine!!! the road i am traveling on is only about a mile from an airport, and i look up and see a military jet circling like it is coming in for a landing at that airport. LET ME TELL YOU, THAT SCARED THE SH*T OUT OF ME!!! I thought NO way that was in the movie and i missed it. i saw the movie in the theatre 6 times, i think i would have remembered it.
so anybody else have any similar happenings like that!! or am i just the crazy one!?!?!?!?!
@ShariG: Luved that scene too, but still would have liked to have seen some of the deleted bits from both scenes, and the third scene he didn't get to do... It's so clear how much Allen invested in this film - and how much it was made as a tribute to NYC and 9/11. I'm glad, despite the critical savaging, they were all obviously on the same page and had a such a good experience making it...except for those intrusive paps, of course.
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