They also did shots with the rest of the Eclipse Gang. You can see them over at the Source
Extra's Candid Photobooth Shots With Robert Pattinson
Extra's Candid Photobooth Shots With Robert Pattinson

They also did shots with the rest of the Eclipse Gang. You can see them over at the Source
They also did shots with the rest of the Eclipse Gang. You can see them over at the Source
candid Rob,
Extra extra,
He is so candid,
Robert Pattinson
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thats funny=))
Cute - Rob will do anything!!
Lucky womanto be that close to the Pretty!
Still wish his hair was longer though - not liking the short do in these pix.
Looks great on the WFE pix I've seen though. Those of he and Reese were awesome.
So freaking cute!
@Femroc--Waving hello. Don't worry, it'll grow back!
He looks scared. Poor Rob. Run away from the cougar Rob! RUN! Haha!
How cute is he!!! He's such a good sport....sigh...wanna be in a booth with Rob!
jeez, that's disturbing, this woman is hungry :/ :D Poor Rob, the things he has to endure ;)
what channel is nightline
I think he misses his hair as much as we do.. I notice in his interviews he still cant break the habit of pushing it away from his face to smooth it back but there is hardly anything to tame lol but he's still adorable
In case any of you have misssed it on twitter, rob will be on Nightline tonight at 11.35 EST ;-)
"Get me the F*ck away from this woman who is invading my personal space!"...with her plastic boobs and plastic lips and fake hair, that's making her look like shriveled fish rather than a sexy woman arggghh!!
Just completing the thought Ausigirl, hope you don't mind :)
@aussiegirl and
ITA! He definitely looks uncomfortable with Barbie lol
looks to me like the only person who was ready for the camera was the interviewer lol
just logged on for the day...WOW so much to go thru.
my two nieces are in line for the outside Q&A at JK, lucky :( but my niece just texted me that she can take her camera. she says there about 50 people ahead of her so she is hoping that she will be close.
She wants to F**k him...its beond obvious! Rob its all your fault. You're just gonna hve to deal with it!
Watching Access Hollywood..Shaun just referred to Rob and Kristen "as real life couple" lmao. I don't think anyone is asking anymore they're just saying its so.
That shirt is going to be the death of me yet. I can't stop looking at the shoulders and arms! Is it just me? *fanning self*
@grace - ITA! Run, baby, run! Run this way I will protect you ;b
@evangeline - Nightline is an ABC show, after local news.
what interview?
question of the day how old do you have to be to be considered a cougar? I might just be considered one.
@RPG I so would love to be trapped in a photo both with him too!!!
@acullengirl - I think if you can remember what you were doing in 1986,you are probably a Robcat. Let me see, I was . . .
so my niece just texted me from JK line and she has a pic with Ryan Matthison from all my children he is interviewing for GMA, i thought that was hilarious that she sends me a pic with him in it and she was interviewed for the show, maybe she will be on :)
I was watching Access Hollywood (Eastern time 7:30 PM) The interview with Shaun Robinson was airing. When Access went to commercial Shaun was discussing the after commercial segment (the interview with Kristen and Rob). Her exact words were "real life couple Kristen and Rob (exact words)"... talk about the physical evolution of their on screen characters (something like that)
acullengirl & heart - i was 13, dont do the math LOL, so i guess i am one too, although my teen years are quite faint LOL.
Heart - so how was saturday, i hadn't talked to you again...was it worth going all day for and would you do it again??? i decided to go next week to try and see him, i will be there for part of Robstock, are you going out there???
OMG my heart just skipped a beat was that a confidential SLIP??
oops i meant cameron mathison LOL, i cant even think right now...
I think they are just saying it is so. No more asking, lol
has anyone seen the E interview all three of them gave?? it's hilarious
when they asked Kristen stewart what question was she most tired of answering she said "Is it weird that you're making a movie with Rob && he's also your boyfriend?" && she's like "really? I didn't know I was dating anyone it's nice to know I have a boyfriend." lol
Not only invading his personal space (an issue he has referred to), how about his claustrophobia? Must have been torture for him.
I think the term "cougar" should be banned from this site, for obvious reason ;))
i think so too nobody is asking anymore they're just like 'dammit you two are together && that's all there is to it!!' lol
Well ... he really seems to be comfortable in the situation! (Or not, haha!) That was just awkward! :P
Rob looks sweaty and tired. Poor guy. And I don't like the yellow shirt. Not a good color on him.
This was posted earlier today but that's a longer version! I so wanna see screencaps of Rob's last part!!
Twitter and another site is saying the Rob will be on NIGHTLINE TONIGHT.
The credits don't say he'll be on but I'm DVRing it just in case.......cause two places said he would be.
Wow he's on everything all of the sudden.
Jay Leno tomorrow night, was on the Today show this morning, Jimmy Kimmel soon.
AND the Remember ME DVD comes out next week!!!!!!
Can we ever have too much Rob????????
Yes, Rob does look uncomfortable in these pix but go see her with Taylor - they actually look good together!!
And the one of Kristen covering her face - poor girl.
I just saw your comment! I think the link I posted above is the interview you were refering to! Kristen answers with her usual sarcastic tone.. I just hope this thread won't end up like the other one...
@Ana - I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was great. I enjoyed all the panels. They were so enlightening to see the actors in a different light. The day went by so quickly. The event was so well organized. It was wonderful being with others that share your excitement at Twilight and Rob. There were all ages (and I mean all ages)there. There actually more Team Edward than Team Jacob, although you cannot tell by the screaming in the videos. It is just that Team Jacob crowd tends to be younger (and more screamers).
It was great to witness the dynamic between the Twi Trinity. They were tired, you could tell but they were goofy tired. I am not a big fan of Taylor and his rote answers but this time he was funny and less scripted.
Rob was hysterical (as usual). He looked exhausted, even Kristen commented that he was working all night and he was tired. Some of his comments were so funny and some were so sensitive and insightful. When he mentioned, having his son portray him, you could just hear the sighs. Kristen's face was priceless. I must say it was hard to concentrate when you are looking at those hands and that face. *sighs*
I do hope you get to see him. You will have to keep me posted.
My email is posted if you ever want to chat.
my niece just said the black suv's just passed by the JK studios, they think this is them at the studio now.
heart - i will email you tonight :)
@Ana - okay. Keep us posted on your niece's progress.
The WHOLE cast is there, she says that she is about 50 ft away and watching them all get out of their cars right now but she hasn't seen rob yet.
I HOPE NOT EITHER GEESH did you see that last one I think it almost got up to 200 hits!!
But yeah she is her usual sarcastic self but I love that about her.
This tweet was from about a half hour ago, so Rob's been there for a while now!
RT @PurpleBrina17 I am shaking right now!!!! I just saw Rob, Nikkie, Dakota, and Peter! #JimmyKimmel
my niece just said she saw rob go in...too far to take a pic she only has her cell camera.
and taylor just walked in but no kristen yet.
oh and she is watching this thru a fence...
I just took a look at it, I can't believe they are still posting there.. Thankfully the majority of the posters of this blog are mature people! I love her sarcastic self too! Every time people comment about how she never confirms anything and how sarcastic she is, a phrase that a friend of mine says all the time comes to my mind: "Did my sarcasm hurt your feelings?! Get over it". She does and says what she wants to and since her words or her actions don't affect other people it's fine!
Ok here is an other link with Rob's MTV interviews I just found, there are 8 videos there!
I'm off to bed, it's almost 4:30am here! Goodnight ladies!
dede = i guess she is a little slow texting me LOL.
i think i am bugging her but i dont care, she is there and i am not :))
Also this
We just saw Rob. He blew kisses to the crowd. 26 minutes ago via Echofon
@ Anna I don't blame her one bit for ditching you for Rob heheh :P
@vafla im way ahead of you and I totally agree I love her sarcasm other people hate it but screw them and i'm glad that there are a majority of mature people on this site as well but i just saw all 8 of the mtv interviews and I LOVE THEM lol if anyone wants to see they should follow ROBERTPATTISON LIFE blog
The stage
@aristopattz Sorry for the last tweet. It wasn't Rob who blew the kiss. We literally just saw him drive in and walk out of the car.
dede - yeah she sent me a pic of the line in front and of ashley greene thru the fence but she dont twitter and neither do i.
dede - yeah my niece said that she thought it was peter who blew the kiss.
she just said they are almost going in now.
Ok you need like hawk eyes but this is Robby :)
Hehe Ana I know it must be really exciting and confusing all at the same time!
dede - yeah i see him and dean :))
Closer look at the stage
And a funny pic from Guillermo lol
Oh come on! She is touching him with her fake boobs! And what is wrong with her lips???
Run, my man, run!... Here! To me... =)
Wow AG is pulling out the big guns!! All dolled and barbie like heh
dede - my niece sent the same pic of AG. i bet my niece is really close to whoever is twittering because i am get some of the same pics texted to me.
@Ana I was 12 in 86, I will proudly say I am 36 and Rob rocks my world
Ana that's cool I hope she gets to a good spot once on the inside I think everyone's in already!
dede - she is two people away from the stage. she said that 4 people tried to cut in in the line and got a little "caty" lol.
acullengirl - i am just one year older than you :)
haha AG just twittered this pic of her self!! She must be pretty shallow this girl!
AshleyMGreene: Backstage at the Jimmy Kimmel Twilight special getting dolled upwith @markgirl
That's Awesome Ana!! Plz tell her to stock up on the close ups lol we're counting on you for some pix later I hope?!
oh and i saw Rob and "i got jizz in ma pants i got jizz in ma pants" i wasnt able to get pick but just wow
3 minutes ago via mobile web
lol everyone's so excited yikes!
dede - she is not texting me anymore until after the show :( unless she gets a really good pic of rob then she will send me.
@aristopattz They're playing Let Me Sign by Rob right now on the speakers.
less than a minute ago via UberTwitter
Aww Ana it's ok! later then, hopefully she will get to take some good ones :)
@gittsy: Show's starting
1 minute ago via UberTwitter
I'm thinking since the show doesn't air tonight then no phones/cams/pix would be allowed now?! I'm about to head out anyway I'm sure this will have it's own post at some point...cheers all!
Will check back later if I get any good pix from twitter!
thanks dede for the twitter updates...and if i get any more from my niece then i will post.
@acullengirl - You go girl! Be a proud Robcat!! Join us, I *mumbles* years older than you. LOL
@Ana - love the updates. Lucky niece.
Just a quickie before I leave lol
On Monday 14th June 2010, @PurpleBrina17 said:
Rob is wearing a dark suit with a white shirt under it! Kstew is in a purple skintight dress black heels! Taylor is in dark suit!
thanks so much for posting =)
Much Love :)
"I know, and you gotta be good at it and stuff. *sigh*"
Dede and Capitu: you are so right, it's not the lady's age that seems to bother Rob, but all scalpelled flesh and plastic!
And AG, how am I not surprised one bit that she's gone total Barbie? Remember when people used to say she'd be the perfect match for Rob? He'd run from that Hollywood bimbo as fast as his wonky legs could take him!!
Was she telling him to look at the camera and he wouldn't or what?
I'm sorry but this lady is kinda gross with her invading Rob's personal space with her boobs hanging out and her lips puckered. Yuck.
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