...and the awards go to...Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and New Moon!

Of course, best kiss goes to Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart...












Video Source: MTV

Pic Sources: letmesigndotcom - Getty Images

Best Male Performance and Global Superstar:


Best Movie - Twilight Sage: New Moon

Video Source: CullenNewsDotCom


Est said...



Linda Blanchard said...

That was PERFECT!

jmm4832 said...

Was there actually a little kiss in there? I couldn't tell.

Anonymous said...

how STINKIN CUTE were they?! I loved how she grabbed for him when she stumbled getting up from her seat! RPattz looks HAWT with the hair cut!
(he'd be hawt bald!!)

drabrasil said...

yesss..Robert give her a peck!!!

Est said...


little kiss



Kelly Louise said...

Well, perfect... I wouldn't have minded it being a little longer.. and a little more tongue.. but hey, this is already a huge improvement from last year.. hopefully when they win the Best Lovin' award for BD next year we'll really be treated to a nice performance.. Sigh.

Pelin said...

I couldn't watch and am waiting for photos, screencaps so despairingly.
Here in Turkey its 4.55 am and MTV TR is playing Muse! Great!

So, thank you so much Kat =)

drabrasil said...

oh God... soooo cute!!!!!!!!!


some didn't like , but I think they did it right...

Steph is Legit said...

it was def a sneak attack and wasnt planned. i think they kissed though

Est said...

@ Steph ajajajaj

sneak attack!!!

Est said...


better quality??

Kelly Louise said...

Man, I still haven't recovered.. need a second cup of coffee.

Lucerne said...

Congrats to Rob and Kristen. Very cute the way they accepted their award. Very cute. They played it for laughs.

Est said...

@ hey Kelly you woke up!!

ajajajaj i haven't slept yet!!

drabrasil said...


It was hot!

Kelly Louise said...

Haha, wish I could have stayed up as well but I really needed my beauty sleep. I actually slept through my alarm clock the first fifteen minutes. But I'm all up now! :)

JBMolina said...

THAT was totally adorable. I love when she pushed his face away and he was all, "OW." And then he just grabbed her and kissed her. He wants to tell the world, you can see it. AWWWW... they make me feel all warm and gooshy inside.

Kelly Louise said...

I know right.. have to say the SandyBull & ScarJo kiss was pretty hot though. ;)

gracefulgrace said...

Wow, I don't think she was expection him to plant one on her at the end there. haha! You go Rob! Claim your girl!

Monique said...

@LovesJasper, you are right... they are STINKING CUTE. LOL.

Haystackhair said...

cute as hell. He got her!

MsTaurus14 said...

I think there was a little kiss there, I think he would really like to just let the world know, it looked to me like Kris kind of gave him disapproving look when he sneaked a peck. They were cute though.

Kelly Louise said...

AAAHHH that sneak peek.... blows. :/ I want Breaking Dawn man.

Vangie said...

how come i cannot remember bella going with njacob and leaving edward standing like a fool

Haystackhair said...

eeek! get rid of the dog!! But love the clip!!

Steph is Legit said...


thats because it never happened lol

Kelly Louise said...

I was just complaining a lot about Twilight as a franchise and it being so different from the books.. but oh, who cares...

Rob's so freaking adorable. "Thanks to my parents for conceiving me......... and Kristen!" <3

Est said...


Steph is Legit said...

yes her face was priceless. she looked so thrilled

Kelly Louise said...

BTW I'm really sorry for spamming this thread.. little high and hyper on coffee right now. I'm shaking all ove r the place.

Lucerne said...

HELL TO THE YES. Rob won best male performance and Global superstar. Team Rob/Edward represented. Got our guy both awards by our relentless voting.

Est said...

almost 5 am here!!! this is insane!!

well i've seen enough and i'm very hapy

good night!

Nicgrl22 said...

Did she look annoyed that he thanked her or embarrassed?

Anonymous said...

Yes! They are OUT.
Kristen looked so beautiful. Hey- she always does.
Rob seemed to enjoy the kiss. I was looking at that pic of him laughing.
All the world loves a lover they say.
What a lovely couple.
But KS is right- it will not stop interviewers from being nosy-so I hope they continue to say nothing as it is nobody's biz.
I think tonight's show will ensure "Eclipse" will bring in HUGE bucks.

drabrasil said...

she looks shy that he thank her too!!! let's not get there....

drabrasil said...

and ohhhh.....
I need to go to bed now but i am tooo excited...

jmm4832 said...

Steph, please don't bring up any hate here. Thanks.

Steph is Legit said...

i mean seriously girls? shy? is that what you call that face? i wish she would have smiled and put on a shy grin or something. i wish some of you would open your eyes a little more, but i digress. done with that for the night.

anyway. i liked robs speech. the boy had some word vomit with the conceiving thing though. i literally spewed my drink when he said that

Dil said...

Ohhhh congratz our sweetest couple...! soooo cute together...!

Anonymous said...

Tonight was a tough night for some.

Congratulations to Rob and Kristen on all their wins.

Loved all the playfulness from them.
No words were necessary!:)

solas said...

Evangeline-- I think maybe they mushed together a few times Jacob showed up at school. In the book, after this particular conversation, the princpal came out and Edward and Bella went into school whilst jacob rode away alone, and Bella made Edward write to her everythng that happened. But later in the book, Jacob showed up at school when Alice was babystting her and Bella hopped on and rode off and that was when he forced his kiss upon her and she punched him and broke her knuckle. SO maybe the forced kiss scene will follow from this.

solas said...

I would rather they had awarded ROb seperately for global superstar and elminated some of the garbage if they needed the time.

solas said...

and perhaps Rob ought to have thanked his parents for bringing him into the world and raising him, rather than thanking them for conceiving him!

drabrasil said...

steph is legit

do not understand what you mean..of course that she is shy...and her face was the gratitude .. she liked it...

anyway, I can accept your comment..no warm at all.. they seem very happy together and this is what matters...

Steph is Legit said...


thank you. its just an opinion and thankfully you realize that. i just sometimes wish i could look at that clip and not think how one sides it is, but thats just my observation from it. the kiss thing was cute though

Dil said...

Congratzzz my darlin Rob....!!!!!
and New Moon n Kristen tooo...congratz you guys for wining everything...!!!
I kept voting you guys till the last moment :D :D :D

Jane said...

I think Rob was bound and determined to kiss Kristen when he grabbed her at the end. So cute.

LM said...

That kiss thing is just too funny. I could watch it all night. And they both looked so HAPPY! Loved it. Thanks for getting this posted so fast.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I am so unbelievably proud of both Rob & Kristen...

How freaking CUTE and ADORAKABLE was Rob????

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

Loved it so far! West Coast is still seeing it for the first go round. They are so cute. His smile after the kiss is so infectious. Congrats guys to both of you.
I guess we can put the chest waxing debate to rest. Yes, I looked. Commercial break is over, back to the show!

jessegirl said...

It's a stupid show.

However, I always said they invented the global superstar category for Rob.
But when they gave him the best male, they just, as an afterthought, shoved the other one at him..'oh by the way, you're global superstar too'..

Yeah Rob and Kristen looked really comfortable with each other.

TotallyRobbed said...

That has made my year! I think if he'd missed and she'd run away, he would have run after her - he was determined!

I'd love to have seen it from Bradley Cooper and Jessica Biel's angle - they have the real story about this kiss!

There's not many clips of great quality on youtube but I found one:


This has been a great night - Rob loves his girl and it's great to see.

dina said...

@heart ITA no question about waxing everything is there.LOL Thank God.
Did I say how proud I am about both of them?
Did I say how much I love them both?
Did I say" Rob you are the best" is just an understatement?
Once more FILTMSM

LM said...

Went back and looked again. Did you see that little smirkie smile on Rob's face when Kristen said that it takes a lot of smoke and mirrors to make them look good kissing? Yeah, right. Adorable ++++

So happy and proud for both of them.

Mizthang said...

I have just watched that surprise kiss in slow motion a lot -- he seriously surprised her. Damn -- to be that kind of surprised in life. She better know how fortunate she is. He is just adorable!!

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

that was so cute i loved it... he just totally took over and kissed her by surprise ahaha LOVED IT =)

Tess said...

Now that was incredibly cute.

She's really turned on the charm over the last few days.. it's looks good on her.

Babs said...

I loved Rob's speech and thanking Kristen at the end sounds like a huge 'I love you' to me.
She looked gorgeous and I like her new attitude, she makes fun of the stupid questions and I think she learnt that from Rob, she has matured a lot. The hottest man on the planet loves you so honestly who freaking cares about the rest LOL
They're too cute for words.

dina said...

Look at Rob so grown up, so happy so mature, so relaxted so adorably gorgeous. Great speech Rob, rehersing for the oscars I guess

Dessert First said...

Thanks for posting this Kat

The UK curse hit me full on last night - no live streaming for me! I have to wait until 9pm tonight to see it.

SOOO pleased that Rob won all that he could.


dina said...

Did he thank his parents for conceiving him? OMG girls watch out he reads us, he reads us a lot.

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...


How do you know he does it just seems crazy to me ahaha i mean im sure he googles a lot lol...

dina said...

@robsessed Just the thought that he might read us from time to time makes me all smiley and happy.

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...


OMG yes the thought itself ***happy face*** :D ...hummm i wonder what he thinks of us ahaha he's probably like "OMG these fucking women are awesome cuz they love me even though im the most random crazy i don't give a fuck type of person" ......and that is why we love him =) ***sighs***

jlsentangledweb said...

@desssert, I know what you mean:( I'm so freaking bummed that I have to wait another 2 freaking hours to watch this! I see that photos, but I wanna see it in real time

Unknown said...

Im just loving these two's chemistry. I really think Rob is into Kris big time. I was soooo happy to see them together. Awards well deserved.THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO VOTED. Your devotion knows no bounds, ,lets work towards making Robert Pattinson the biggest superstar and most loved artiste of this generation.

alynutzapattinson said...

I'm really happy for them. They deserved all those popcorn:)
As for the Best Kiss moment, well... to be perfectly honest with you as Kristen said it, I've kind of liked it better last year. I know, I know I'm probably the only one in here to think this way but with all the "blue balls" they gave us last year I thought that moment had been quite sexy. This year, even though they were really cute, it was just plain AWKWARD :)

solas said...

Evangeline--actually, I was not correct in what i wrote last night. When Bella escaped Alice, that was the time Jacob said he wished she were dead, not the time he forced a kiss on her.

solas said...

shari--I think that was his agent. I think his manager, Nick, was there as well. I could be wrong; I don't know the industry well and mix up who is and does what.

camilla92 said...

the kiss was real, right??
I mean all the people saw that, make it public and just say we are together and we re gonna be happy for the rest of our lifes

camilla92 said...


Anonymous said...

I was jumping up and down screaming at the T.V, just kiss her Rob for goodness sake.
Ah he is such a cutie!
I thought Kristen was going to back out again.
Theres a whole load of us very willing to take your place Kristen just give us the nod! hehe

RobPatz said...

All of your comments are so pathetic. There's nothing cute or exciting in that suppose stupid kiss. I'm a fan of Rob but everytime when that girl is around he act like a child and stupid. So sorry but he have to grown up a little in my humble opinion.

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