'Eclipse' Breaks Midnight Box Office Records
Summit's "Eclipse" scored massive figures Tuesday night, with more than $30 million at some 4,000 engagements, enough to become the all-time highest-grossing pic for midnight runs.
The franchise's third outing, which surpassed "Twilight" predecessor "New Moon" ($26.3 million) for the late-night crown, will expand to 4,416 U.S. locations today. Large-screen exhib Imax posted north of $1 million from 192 engagements, a record-setting take for the company.
Some 12 territories, including Brazil and Mexico, also screened "Eclipse" during midnight showings. Most markets will continue the film's international rollout today, (Kate: :-( Not Here) with additional bows July 1. Pic will launch day-and-date in 42 overseas markets.
Pic's midnight take reps a sizeable start Stateside over the Fourth of July weekend as its core aud of young femmes mostly are on summer vacation. "Eclipse" will go against the frame's other wide release Paramount's "The Last Airbender," which is expected to best serve males aged 25 and under.
Source Variety
Acclaimed Film Critic, Richard Roeper, Applauds "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse"
Acclaimed Film Critic, Richard Roeper, Applauds "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse"
Thanks to Chocomartinigal for the tip
Thanks to Chocomartinigal for the tip
Twilight Reaches The Senate - Kagan mum on Twilight debate 'Edward v. Jacob'
Twilight Reaches The Senate - Kagan mum on Twilight debate 'Edward v. Jacob'
Yes last nights "Eclipse" Debut was being talked about everywhere and I mean everywhere!
Washington, D.C. - It is the classic debate amongst Twilight fans: Edward or Jacob?
The third film in the Twilight saga, Eclipse, opened at midnight in theatres on Wednesday, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) decided to bring this bit of pop-culture into the Senate hearings concerning the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The hearings have been going on since Monday, with Kagan answering questions throughout each day.
"I guess it means you missed the midnight debut of the third Twilight movie last night," Sen. Klobuchar said. "We did not miss it in our household, and it culminated in three 15-year-old girls sleeping over at 3 a.m."
"I didn't see that," Kagan said.
"I keep wanting to ask you about the famous case of Edward v. Jacob, or The Vampire v. The Werewolf," Sen. Klobuchar said, opening her questioning with a bit of lightheartedness.
"I wish you wouldn't," Kagan said with a laugh.
In the book and film series, the two characters -- Edward, a vampire played by Robert Pattinson, and Jacob, a werewolf played by Taylor Lautner -- battle for the love of the female lead, Bella.
As Kagan said in later testimony, a judge plays for neither team, but acts independently. She practices what she preaches, because she refused to commit to either Team Edward or Team Jacob. (Kate: I bet she was really Team Edward though)
Thanks To a_svirn for the tip!
Yes last nights "Eclipse" Debut was being talked about everywhere and I mean everywhere!
Washington, D.C. - It is the classic debate amongst Twilight fans: Edward or Jacob?
The third film in the Twilight saga, Eclipse, opened at midnight in theatres on Wednesday, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) decided to bring this bit of pop-culture into the Senate hearings concerning the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The hearings have been going on since Monday, with Kagan answering questions throughout each day.
"I guess it means you missed the midnight debut of the third Twilight movie last night," Sen. Klobuchar said. "We did not miss it in our household, and it culminated in three 15-year-old girls sleeping over at 3 a.m."
"I didn't see that," Kagan said.
"I keep wanting to ask you about the famous case of Edward v. Jacob, or The Vampire v. The Werewolf," Sen. Klobuchar said, opening her questioning with a bit of lightheartedness.
"I wish you wouldn't," Kagan said with a laugh.
In the book and film series, the two characters -- Edward, a vampire played by Robert Pattinson, and Jacob, a werewolf played by Taylor Lautner -- battle for the love of the female lead, Bella.
As Kagan said in later testimony, a judge plays for neither team, but acts independently. She practices what she preaches, because she refused to commit to either Team Edward or Team Jacob. (Kate: I bet she was really Team Edward though)
Thanks To a_svirn for the tip!
Jackson Rathbone Describes Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast In One Word
Jackson Rathbone Describes Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast In One Word
Well I don't think I could use just one word to describe Rob but Jackson manages it.
Well I don't think I could use just one word to describe Rob but Jackson manages it.
Kevin's Reel World Talk To Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Kevin's Reel World Talk To Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Metric - "Eclipse" (All Yours) - Music Video With Scenes From The Movie
Metric - "Eclipse" (All Yours) - Music Video With Scenes From The Movie
I'm all yours Robward,
Music from Eclipse
Robert Pattinson's "The Summer House" Will Be Available On iTunes On 13th July
Robert Pattinson's "The Summer House" Will Be Available On iTunes On 13th July
Thanks To LateToThePartee from our affiliates ROAR for finding out that "The Summer House" will be available on iTunes from 13 July (US, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Germany)
Here's the Official Trailer
The Eagle has Landed (AT LAST)
Thanks To LateToThePartee from our affiliates ROAR for finding out that "The Summer House" will be available on iTunes from 13 July (US, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Germany)
Here's the Official Trailer
The Eagle has Landed (AT LAST)
Extra TV Talks About Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Being On Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities
Extra TV Talks About Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Being On Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities
Thanks To Spunk Ransom
Thanks To Spunk Ransom
E! Special "A Twilight Destiny" With Robert Pattinson & The Cast Of "Eclipse"
E News,
Eclipse Cast,
Robert Pattinson,
Twilight Destiny
Preview Of Robert Pattinson On GMTV (UK)
Preview Of Robert Pattinson On GMTV (UK)
Mmmmm so they previously advertised this for Friday so I'm guessing it's the Eclipse cast on Friday and we won't get to see Rob till Monday.
Mmmmm so they previously advertised this for Friday so I'm guessing it's the Eclipse cast on Friday and we won't get to see Rob till Monday.
Robert Pattinson,
Why so gorgeous Rob?
Robert Pattinson Tells TV Guide What Annoys Him
Robert Pattinson Tells TV Guide What Annoys Him
Rob also gets asked about strange things he's had to sign and you'll never guess what he says.
Rob also gets asked about strange things he's had to sign and you'll never guess what he says.
Where Does Robert Pattinson See Himself In 10 Years??
Where Does Robert Pattinson See Himself In 10 Years??
Living in Ireland in a cottage down the road from one of his most dedicated fans of course!
What?? That's not what he said? Oh ok then :-(
Find out what he told Ben Lyons.
I still think you should consider being my neighbour Rob:-D
ETA: After re-reading this it sounds a bit like the movie "Misery" :-} Rob I promise I'm not crazy like Annie!
Living in Ireland in a cottage down the road from one of his most dedicated fans of course!
What?? That's not what he said? Oh ok then :-(
Find out what he told Ben Lyons.
I still think you should consider being my neighbour Rob:-D
ETA: After re-reading this it sounds a bit like the movie "Misery" :-} Rob I promise I'm not crazy like Annie!
E News,
I love you Rob :),
Robert Pattinson,
Tweets About Robert Pattinson From The WFE Set
Tweets About Robert Pattinson From The WFE Set
Thought you'd like to see some tweets from the set of WFE from some of Rob's co-stars.
Cream Pies & Showgirls Huh?

Thanks to Mona & Loisada for the tip!
Thought you'd like to see some tweets from the set of WFE from some of Rob's co-stars.
Cream Pies & Showgirls Huh?
Thanks to Mona & Loisada for the tip!
IGN Talk To Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast
IGN Talk To Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner
The Twilight Saga - Eclipse Spoiler Thread
The time has come... Eclipse is finally out for all (or most) to see. The count down to the midnight showings is on.
We hope you all have a great time seeing the movie, but may we ask one thing? Please keep your comments, views, reviews, likes/dislikes and squee's to this post. We have visitors worldwide, some who sadly won't get to see Eclipse for some time (including our very own Kate) so please keep it spoiler free for them.
Robward thanks you with a smouldering stare!
We hope you all have a great time seeing the movie, but may we ask one thing? Please keep your comments, views, reviews, likes/dislikes and squee's to this post. We have visitors worldwide, some who sadly won't get to see Eclipse for some time (including our very own Kate) so please keep it spoiler free for them.
Robward thanks you with a smouldering stare!
Eclipse debuts on record number of screens!
Let the records begin! I think there are a couple of folks out there who might want to see this movie a few times over! Maybe? :-)

It remains to be seen how much cash The Twilight Saga: Eclipse takes in when it opens this week, but fans will have ample opportunity to catch it.
The movie is set to debut on a record 4,416 screens on Wednesday, beating the previous domestic release high of 4,380 (Iron Man 2).
There is no official word on the final number of theaters offering midnight showings.
It remains to be seen how much cash The Twilight Saga: Eclipse takes in when it opens this week, but fans will have ample opportunity to catch it.
The movie is set to debut on a record 4,416 screens on Wednesday, beating the previous domestic release high of 4,380 (Iron Man 2).
There is no official word on the final number of theaters offering midnight showings.
Robert Pattinson's not a good dancer? Try telling Cedric Diggory that!
Bryce Dallas Howard talks about Robert Pattinson's lack of dancing skills - comparing the fight scenes in Eclipse to dancing.
Rob is mentioned starting at 01:45
Rob is mentioned starting at 01:45
Robert Pattinson's Wax-A-Not-Alike Lands in LA
I'm sure it didn't have stubble last time? Doesn't make it any better... still a scary looking wax figure. Poor Rob!
Robert Pattinson's Wax-A-Not-Alike is at 01:42
Robert Pattinson's Wax-A-Not-Alike is at 01:42
*NEW* Eclipse Still With Robert Pattinson
*NEW* Eclipse Still With Robert Pattinson
Oooh just the thing before I head to bed. Angry, possessive Robward!

Source NY Times via kstewrobfans
Oooh just the thing before I head to bed. Angry, possessive Robward!
Source NY Times via kstewrobfans
Time Magazine Talk To Eclipse Producer Wyck Godfrey About Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Time Magazine Talk To Eclipse Producer Wyck Godfrey About Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Everyone is talking about whatever is going on between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Is that good for business?
Do you want the honest answer? I haven't even thought of it that way.
That's not the honest answer.
It really is. I honestly don't think of it in terms of business. It doesn't affect our core business at all. The thing I do think about is, Oh my God, I hope they stay together. Because it could be awkward on set in the next movie if they have a huge falling out. It's like, Wow, they have to portray this love story through two more movies. God, I hope they stay together; please stay together. That's what affects my day-to-day. (Kate: Ya, Ya I bet it's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think of going to bed at night, NOT)
But you walk by newsstands and it's a publicist's dream: they are on every cover.
I don't feel it's out there anymore. Do people still report on it? If you look at people who have a stable personal life, the rags get tired of them. I think we're heading to that place where they are together and that's their life and we better find someone new to create drama out of.
To read the rest of the interview head over to Time.com
Everyone is talking about whatever is going on between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Is that good for business?
Do you want the honest answer? I haven't even thought of it that way.
That's not the honest answer.
It really is. I honestly don't think of it in terms of business. It doesn't affect our core business at all. The thing I do think about is, Oh my God, I hope they stay together. Because it could be awkward on set in the next movie if they have a huge falling out. It's like, Wow, they have to portray this love story through two more movies. God, I hope they stay together; please stay together. That's what affects my day-to-day. (Kate: Ya, Ya I bet it's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think of going to bed at night, NOT)
But you walk by newsstands and it's a publicist's dream: they are on every cover.
I don't feel it's out there anymore. Do people still report on it? If you look at people who have a stable personal life, the rags get tired of them. I think we're heading to that place where they are together and that's their life and we better find someone new to create drama out of.
To read the rest of the interview head over to Time.com
Pathe Interview Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner
Pathe Interview Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner
They used parts of old interviews but there are new parts too.
They used parts of old interviews but there are new parts too.
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner
Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast Answer Fans Questions With CNN
Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast Answer Fans Questions With CNN
There's only a teeny tiny bit of Rob at the beginning, son't blink or you'll miss him!
There's only a teeny tiny bit of Rob at the beginning, son't blink or you'll miss him!
Fan Questions,
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner
Robert Pattinson Talks "Eclipse" To WGN TV
Robert Pattinson Talks "Eclipse" To WGN TV
Thanks To Ash for sending us the link!
You Tube Version
Thanks To Ash for sending us the link!
You Tube Version
Robert Pattinson,
WGNTV interview
Access Hollywood Ask Who Is The Hottest Batchelor Robert Pattinson Or Leo DiCaprio?
Access Hollywood Ask Who Is The Hottest Batchelor Robert Pattinson Or Leo DiCaprio?
I think someone made a mistake!
I think someone made a mistake!
Made In Hollywood Interviews With Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast
Made In Hollywood Interviews With Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast
*NEW* "Eclipse" Scene With Robert Pattinson
*NEW* "Eclipse" Scene With Robert Pattinson
Marnie Schulenburg Says Robert Pattinson Is A Great Upcoming Talent
Marnie Schulenburg Says Robert Pattinson Is A Great Upcoming Talent
Although she looks a little confused when first asked about "Twilight"
Although she looks a little confused when first asked about "Twilight"
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner Talk To Los 40 Principales
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner Talk To Los 40 Principales
Allen Coulter Talks About Robert Pattinson To The Vancouver Sun & Says He's Intense, Charming & Unpretentious
Allen Coulter Talks About Robert Pattinson To The Vancouver Sun & Says He's Intense, Charming & Unpretentious
Pic is HQ, it's resized to fit the screen

There is an elephant in the room, metaphorically. He is a most handsome, most famous, most perplexing elephant. His name is Robert Pattinson, a superstar among Twi-hards who follow his every breathless, bloodless moment in the Twilight series.
But “the room” is an American indie film called Remember Me, beautifully crafted with an air of thoughtful melancholy by director Allen Coulter. This is the story of a New York university student estranged from his wealthy father, in trouble with cops, and intrigued by the daughter of one detective who has already smashed his face in during an alley fight. The film just debuted on DVD following its modest theatrical run, timed to coincide with Friday’s release of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
In Remember Me, Pattinson gets to play a real human being in a romantic drama populated by other functioning humans. They are flawed, complex, interesting people played by Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Lena Olin, wonderful child actress Ruby Jerins and Australian discovery Emile de Ravin as the object of Pattinson’s burning desire. No one drinks blood, although this saga is rife with tragedy.
Pic is HQ, it's resized to fit the screen
There is an elephant in the room, metaphorically. He is a most handsome, most famous, most perplexing elephant. His name is Robert Pattinson, a superstar among Twi-hards who follow his every breathless, bloodless moment in the Twilight series.
But “the room” is an American indie film called Remember Me, beautifully crafted with an air of thoughtful melancholy by director Allen Coulter. This is the story of a New York university student estranged from his wealthy father, in trouble with cops, and intrigued by the daughter of one detective who has already smashed his face in during an alley fight. The film just debuted on DVD following its modest theatrical run, timed to coincide with Friday’s release of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
In Remember Me, Pattinson gets to play a real human being in a romantic drama populated by other functioning humans. They are flawed, complex, interesting people played by Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Lena Olin, wonderful child actress Ruby Jerins and Australian discovery Emile de Ravin as the object of Pattinson’s burning desire. No one drinks blood, although this saga is rife with tragedy.
Harpers Bazzar: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Video
Harpers Bazzar: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Video
I know it's ages since Harpers Bazaar was out but I'm pretty sure we didn't have this video before.
And I totally agree with what the woman in this says, Robert Pattinson is the most beautiful creature!
Harpers Bazaar via Gossip Dance
I know it's ages since Harpers Bazaar was out but I'm pretty sure we didn't have this video before.
And I totally agree with what the woman in this says, Robert Pattinson is the most beautiful creature!
Harpers Bazaar via Gossip Dance
Harpers bazaar,
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Feature About Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On The Forbes 100 List
Feature About Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On The Forbes 100 List
The films also created three insanely popular movie stars: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. Pattinson makes his debut on the Forbes Celebrity 100 this year in 50th place with $17 million in earnings. Most of that is from the Twilight films where he plays vampire Edward Cullen. But Pattinson also starred in the film Remember Me, which was a modest success at the box office, and he’ll appear in the film adaptation of Water for Elephants opposite Reese Witherspoon in 2011.
Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, also debuts on the list this year. Because Stewart has fewer non-Twilight projects than Pattinson (her only other recent work was in the tiny film The Runaways where she starred as Joan Jett) she earned $12 million between June 2009 and June 2010, ranking 66th on our list.
Both stars were paid relatively little for their initial work on the films but they have become indispensable to the Twilight franchise. That means they can both ask for pay raises for upcoming movies. The final book, Breaking Dawn, will be split into two films, which will give Stewart and Pattinson the opportunity to double their upfront pay for their final Twilight work.
Read the Full Article over at Forbes.com & you can check out Rob's Forbes Page Here
The films also created three insanely popular movie stars: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. Pattinson makes his debut on the Forbes Celebrity 100 this year in 50th place with $17 million in earnings. Most of that is from the Twilight films where he plays vampire Edward Cullen. But Pattinson also starred in the film Remember Me, which was a modest success at the box office, and he’ll appear in the film adaptation of Water for Elephants opposite Reese Witherspoon in 2011.
Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, also debuts on the list this year. Because Stewart has fewer non-Twilight projects than Pattinson (her only other recent work was in the tiny film The Runaways where she starred as Joan Jett) she earned $12 million between June 2009 and June 2010, ranking 66th on our list.
Both stars were paid relatively little for their initial work on the films but they have become indispensable to the Twilight franchise. That means they can both ask for pay raises for upcoming movies. The final book, Breaking Dawn, will be split into two films, which will give Stewart and Pattinson the opportunity to double their upfront pay for their final Twilight work.
Read the Full Article over at Forbes.com & you can check out Rob's Forbes Page Here
New Eclipse TV Spot - Something's Wrong
Another new Eclipse TV Spot - 'Something's Wrong' - only a day and a teeny bit to go!
I'll update with better quality.
I'll update with better quality.
Robert Pattinson,
something is wrong i agree,
TV Spot
What even more pics of Robert Pattinson in maroon?
Like we need more? Well.. actually, of course we need more. More Maroon Robert Pattinson courtesy of Twifans.

Thanks to Loisada for the e-mail tip :-)
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