Tweets From "The Oprah Show" & New "Eclipse" Poster

Tweets From "The Oprah Show" & New "Eclipse" Poster

This is the poster that was given out at "The Oprah Show"


Rumour from the line outside

Last night, Rob was out in naperville ~~ a suburb of chicago ~~ and went to three different houses and knocked on these girl's doors to surprise them.... IDK IDK apparently they showed this footage during the show, this is what i heard. (Kate: OMG I hope this is true, it would be so funny if it was. Imagine a knock and your door and when you open it it's Robert Pattinson. I WOULD DIE! LOL)

Update: So it looks like the rumour is true!!
@Courtneex3: Rob was hilarious in the video they showed of him going to random peoples houses lol! He's like "should I just break in?"

In case you weren't able to follow along with the tweets from the taping of "The Oprah Show" earlier here they are.
Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Dakota were there for the taping of the show and it will air next Thursday 13th May.

@dkmulder OMG, for Reelz this time! He's wearing a hat and smiling closed mouth, but big!

@dkmulder I hear Rob and Kris sat next to each other!

@dkmulder Oprah asked about them, Rob joked and said Kris is pregnant! LOL

@dkmulder: Then Kris said Rob's having the baby.

@dkmulder seating, Rob, Kris. Tay. Dakota came out and Tay switched with Kris so besties could sit by each other. It's raining.

@TrendingJB Just got out of Oprah. It was awesome and funny.Waiting outside. We got a certificate to to get Bella's ring.

@JustSoJazzyDiva: OMG the Oprah show was sooo awesome!!! cast amazing! Sat front row & got to shake Rob & Taylor's hands! Ah love them!

@natalie0118: Ahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa.....just got out of Oprah taping!everyone was HOTT!!!! *swoon* *singing* I'm in heaven! Lol

@CristalVaca: Omg i cant even believe i saw rob taylor and kstew in the fucking flesh. Beautiful people.

@only_exception_: rob, kris, and taylor still here! waiting... was really raining but it's letting up

@CristalVaca: Sad news, no pictures ): i DID lock eyes with rob tho. He smiled....... Dead.

@only_exception_ no one coming out yet. lincoln left we screamed. no one was in there though. deversion?

@TrendingJB Cars keep coming out and in. But Rob, Kristin, Taylor, and Dakota are doing a radio thing in the studio right now, I heard.

@MochaChick8705 Rob was wearing a brown button down w/ the sleeves rolled up, dark jeans, and black and white adidas sneakers.

@natalie0118: I was less than 10ft from Rob & cast ladies! No I have no pics as cameras & phones were not allowed. I'm still on cloud 900

@MochaChick8705 @RPattzFanGr she flat out asked them. Rob said Kristen was actually pregnant, but then Kristen said he would be having the baby. Haha.

@natalie0118: Oh and there was no time for questions so no audience questions were asked.

@natalie0118: So O did ask the ultimate question R R & K together. Rob deflected w/a joke. R: "Kristen is pregnant." K:"he likes to shock

@natalie0118: (C) ppl." O:"oh..*laughs" K:"unless u want it to be u" O:"ok! I wouldn't mind!" Every1 laughed

@MochaChick8705 Questions #Oprah asked : what do u do on a saturday night, do u feel typecast, why'd u take on the role

@rosenfie Just got out. Fun times. They are all so cute together! It airs May 13th!

@dkmulder No wonder they can't roll down their windows! People rushed the suv's when they came out and started banging on them!

@_Chinosgirl_ @JustSoJazzyDiva Did they mention Rob's birthday?? <~ Not during taping but before the show started. @only_exception_ Rob kris and tay all left at the same time! different cars!

@MarissaM2: Hey Peeps just came for the Oprah Show it was great. Rob and KS looked amazing Rob so adorable KS was so nervous


Ash7586 said...

Rob's in Illinois right now! OMG so close but yet so far. Why do I have to work tonight?

Those lucky girls in Naperville.

When did he arrive? I'm surprised there are no shots of him from the airport.

I hope he and the rest of the cast get to hang out in the city. Chicago is amazing!

Angie said...

According to a very trusted eye witness there was indeed banging on Rob's SUV.

AP said...

So Rob also does house calls in Chicago as well as Ulaanbaataar - who knew? lol

Not so good that people rushed the cars - no wonder they did not go out to sign. Inadequate crowd control. Sorry for those who waited and were disappointed... :(

Nina said...

I really don´t get this whole banging thing :/ I mean, WTF ?
Can´t wait for the interview, seems like our guy was in a GOOD mood. Does anyone know if there´ll be some live streaming for all of us living in Europe ?`

Brooke Moss said...

Cannot wait for this show to air!!

Angie said...

I am re-posting this here.

CullenLoverSmelledThePretty! said...
This comment is from three ROBsessors who were at Oprah, ouside. Krissy, TwiLiteMom and myself.

Whoever is saying there were not girls banging on Rob's blue SUV, you are a liar. WE SAW THESE GIRLS ATTACK HIS CAR!
It was scary and completely un-called for. He deserves so much better.

Stop lying.

May 5, 2010 1:35 PM

maaahtwi4ever said...

i dont understand either, ppl were like one hour watching them, and still wanting more, banging in the window??

and yeah i amso happy to know that R were happy and funny, i want this interview now!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Cl, TwiMom & Krissy,
I'm so sorry you didn't get some some face time...but I'm so thankful you at least got to be there....and the other LIARS, shame on you for attacking Rob's car.....

Vangie said...

i know that it was wrong that the fans were banging on rob;s suv there are more crazy fans out there,i just taught with the haters i thought rob had lost lots of his fans,to me they still love him allot some people just cannot handle themselves rob is magnetic he is not a dresser his charm goes deep in your soul,to me he has favour and he is covered rob is so natural without trying anything,rob i love you with godly love

babbles said...

LOL @ the image...

Knock Knock
*opens door*

Ana73 said...

i dont understand what they think will happen if they attack the car and bang on the they think that will make them stop and roll down their windows??? poor security on oprah's behalf :(

Haystackhair said...

I am soooooo calling in sick next Thursday. LOL I like the poster, Robward standing protectively by Bella, the dog turning away.

Anonymous said...

I live about an hour away from Chicago!! :( WHY!!?

Unknown said...

I can just c the tabloids tomorrow "Rob admits Kstew preggers" Rob and his British humour or maybe that his way of saying yes we r shagging!

DJ_ said...

Hahaha funny !

Banging on cars noot funny.. shame shamne

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

I posted this in the other thread but here it is again.

This comment comes from three ROBsessors who were at Oprah today. We were outside.
Whoever said that girls did not attack Rob's car, you are lying. We sait. THOSE GIRLS ATTACKED HIS CAR. They banged on the windows of his blue SUV.
It was scary and un-called for. Rob deserves so much better than that.

Stop lying.

Krissy, TwiLiteMom and CullenLover

Jane said...

Wow, the poster of all three is great. Kristen looks very good. She sure can fill out a pair of jeans. Wished I looked like that in mine. Those lucky people who got to see the screening.

Marna said...

I can't wait to see this next week! Rob knocking on doors is going to be priceless. :-)

WTH, banging on the cars? Was Rob supposed to roll down the window & ask the girls to marry him? I swear, people are idiots.

Carole UK said...

Hang on - can we slow this down please. Can someone explain to me why people were banging on Rob's car? Was this to see more of him, or was it unpleasant?

Also is it true that Rob was knocking on people's doors? Whose idea was this? Jeez, if Rob Pattinson turned up at my door I'd have a heart attack.... after I'd dragged him inside, of course!

acullengirl said...

I wish Rob would knock on my door, those are some lucky girls!

So Oprah did ask the big question, and if the tweets are true, they down played it with a joke.

I can't wait to see this show!

Emily said...

Marna - So true. It's like they completely lose their minds.

I'll tell you what would happen if Rob knocked on my door. Chances are I'd be changing my babies' diaper and I'd rush to the door to get it with the diaper still in my hand. There's no way I would have showered yet, and then I'd stand there and stare at him like a bumbling idiot. Then my 3 yr. old daughter would come to the door and say, "That's Rob. He's cute. I just pooped in the toilet."

It's probably a good thing I don't live in Chicago.

Netra2121 said...

Haha Emily I totally agree! That would completely be me as well and on top of it I am sure I would probably have had like baby food in my hair or something from my daughter slinging it at me.

Although if I were home alone and he knocked on my door I would seriously take him hostage haha

At all those idiots who were banging on the SUV! **shakes her head** I am from the US and all I have to say is if these fans in the US would freakin act normal and not scream and attack him maybe he would walk the street more or something. That is why he is so relaxed overseas, he doesn't get jumped with these people like here in the states it seems.

Netra2121 said...

Also... I can see the news headlines now.... Kristen Pregnant! Now Kristen's parents are forcing rob to marry her!

He is going to regret saying that one! haha But to think of little baby robs running around....*sigh*

skeep said...

I was there in the crowd and saw NO BANGING of SUVs....lots of touchy feely rubbing on them to pick up some Rob DNA and absorb his molecules but no banging!!! Maybe it happened in the split 3 seconds I locked eyes with him....

Brooke Moss said...

*Hanging head in shame*

I'm embarrassed of Robs fans today. Not all of them, mind you, but the ones rushing his car, etc.

Really? Is that really the impression we want to make?

jessegirl said...

The house call thing?
Enough to turn me back into a fangirl, gotta say.

People rushing their cars?
Enough for me to start another rant, and rant, and rant...I'll wait until I get more information but if people can't control themselves and treat him like an animal...okay you don't want to know.

jessegirl said... won't be pretty!

Brooke Moss said...

It makes us all look like lunatics. And most of us are well mannered adults who really admire someones' work (and beautiful face). I detest the fact that we make this poor guy cringe whenever he comes to America.

Thesabstar1 said...

oh please clever people who usually put things on YouTube for the rest of us... put as much of the show as poss! even the VT of Rob going to the houses! A huge plea from all us foreigners who won't get the show!! ta

Jane said...

Oprah thought for sure she could get an answer out of them about their love life. Good for them, for it really isn't anyone's business. Of course they are together but I just love it when they kid around about it.

Anonymous said...

That is true - he was at three different houses last night. Oprah's producers picked him up with cameras in the car and told him they were going to visit some fans. He was so cute!! One group of teenagers were in the basement and didn't hear the doorbell. He stood outside for ten minutes. Then the producers told him to just go in and he was like - you want me to break in? So funny!

Anonymous said...

No Banging-There was no banging-on Rob's SUV. I was there, the crowd was really not that large. When his vehicle came out, there was a surge to get closer but there was no banging!!! The securty people were saying "Ladies watch your feet."
Get a grip ADM-why the lies?

lallieb said...

There must have been someone there with a camera for Pete's sake who took pictures so we can put this banging on Rob's car to rest. Perhaps the reaching out to touch the car, got interpreted as "banging" on it?? It sounds like there was some security around it if they were telling them to watch their feet.

MMc said...

How were these women chosen to get a visit from Rob?? Gosh - what a visit!!!!!

I wonder how Rob reacted to that.......if the girls screamed or acted freaky......wonder what he did and how that makes him feel.

I always try to put myself in HIS place rather than the fans' - it must be so wierd for people to scream and shake when they see you.

MMc said...

I cannot imagine Rob doing this door knocking thing..............that is SO not something he would want to do - I hope they paid him huge bucks - can't see him doing it otherwise.

skeep said...

Please do not listen to that nasty rumor that the crowd was banging Rob's SUV! There was plenty of security, not to mention Chicago police who kept telling us to get out of the street. The crowd was small and no one was out of control. Don't let a few grumpies make the world think Chicago people would do that. We came, we saw, we had fun, even for the merest of glimpses of whomever we were there for. PS. Love the collages by Jolori

Netra2121 said...

Here are the first of the pics of Rob going to peoples house last night.

So Jealous!

Natalie said...

Holy CRAP!!! I live 45 minutes away from Naperville!!!!! Yeah nI live in Vernon Hills...SO JEALOUS!!!

Unknown said... I’ve actually thought a lot about my response. When I was there I felt completely differently than after getting home and realizing how insane things had been. I went to the Oprah taping, not actually in the audience but outside. Out of all the stars, Oprah was the only one to step outside & wave to the fans wasn’t long, maybe 30 seconds but it was still a nice gesture (and yes, the people literally tried to swarm her..but security was there to tell them to back off)The side that I had been on, for most of the day, was extremely calm compared to the other side. When the stars arrived there was massive screaming but no one was attacking the cars. It was HILARIOUS to see literally like 50 females on their knees trying to peak under the garage door as it closed, but you really couldn’t see more than a foot or possibly a wave. Kristen’s car literally sped through, if it could have bottomed out..the car would was insane. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car speed through that quickly in such a short distance. They filmed and probably left around 11:30 or noon, I’m not really sure..I woke up at 3 am so time wasn’t really something I paid attention to. I should probably state that before they left the drivers were all parked at the end of the block and I had a question for Rob’s driver, since we obviously weren’t going to even get to see a glimpse of him. I went over to ask if he smelled like cigarettes and beer…and I got a good chuckle, but it was a serious question. Apparently, the guy wasn’t going to answer me because he said ‘I don’t know, it smells like a new car in here..I wasn’t smelling him’ or something like that. Before I went to leave the other driver called me back over and we were talking about the cast, let me tell you..those drivers were freaking hilarious. They definitely made the day worthwhile after not even getting a glimpse of any of the cast. I will say, not that I want to say much because they were really nice and I feel like it’d be disrespectful to share what they said, that they made it sound like it was pre-determined none of the actors would be stopping for autographs or taking pictures, even before they could see how crazy it was.(continues on..really long sorry!!)

Unknown said...

So..after that the drivers all left, no clue which direction they went. My friend and I were going to head back downtown, but we aren’t from the area so I had to punch in an address in my phone to get directions and it took us some funky way. On our way down there we saw the cars parked in an alley……how much better can that get? There were a few people there, a couple of cars circling but it wasn’t insane. No one was one was going crazy. I honestly just assumed the cars were parked and they had gone into the restaurant around the block to eat something, since it was lunch time, so we scoped out the area…and came back to find they were in the cars. I didn’t actually walk down the alley, it was a little intimidating and I wish I would have now, but it was only a few more minutes before the cars were pulling out. It was honestly just me, my friend and two other girls..who seemed normal and calm at first. They ended up being from Brazil and studying English here so it was really cute when they were asking how to ask them to roll the window down and stuff. Anyway, we figured that since it was seriously only four people standing there and one or two cars still circling the block they would have stopped and rolled down the window, or something. But nope..they kept on going as fast as they could out of there. The two girls were like..wailing on the car and screaming, so I guess they must have known they were the overly energetic type but I still don’t understand why with only four people they couldn’t just..roll a dang window down-anything. After they pulled out a few cars followed them, so the cars with the actors separated and apparently as someone tweeted Rob and Kristen went to O’hare and I’m not sure where Taylor and Dakota went..I do think, if I recall, Rob’s car was the only one to go a different direction. So I have to was a really entertaining experience but I don’t think I’d do that again. Plus, after seeing (yes, I know, people were attacking the car..I swear I didn’t know it was like that when we first got there..our side was actually respectful and after people arrived we went across the street to wait because they were just getting annoying)that no one could even stick a hand out the window, or something..anything, it really was disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, I get it..I understand that the people there were over the top but doesn’t Rob stand outside and greet fans for every appearance he does on a talk show?? How come Chicago got jipped even before it started? (by the way, I thought it was hilarious that he was in the only blue vehicle and the rest were in black…really? That was just asking for attention to be drawn) Sorry if you see this posted on multiple sites..I don’t have a blog or anything and I wanted to share my story :) even though it’s missing most of the awesome details of the conversation with the drivers

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