Via Robpattznews thanks to Kinga for the tip!
Robert Pattinson's Family At The National Movie Awards Last Night
Robert Pattinson's Family At The National Movie Awards Last Night

Via Robpattznews thanks to Kinga for the tip!
Via Robpattznews thanks to Kinga for the tip!
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So very lovely! may they always enjoy such joyful pride in his growth and achievements!
His family is as nice as him!!! His personality and politeness and humbleness is a reflection of how he has been raised... :D
FILTM and his family!!!!
woms - ditto! gotta run..
I can't stop smiling! :))))
<3 them!
You can see how proud of him they are, it must've been a little hard for them when he was up on the screen wishing he could be there to accept his award. Sweet. He kind of looks like his mum, kinda sorta.
Aww that so great !
That explains that sweeet little smile in the end.
Nice genes in this family!
Um... what is wrong in that pic?!
Tom Cruise! He is such a weirdo... ewww!
to be a part of this lovely family
Rob IS our Global Superstar ->
rob's family is why he is as well adujusted as he many is'
I'm sure they're lovely people, but why are they there? I could understand if Rob was there, or if they were accepting awards for him (did they?)but other than that, why would they get invited/go?
Prob so they could take home the award.
Is that really Tom Cruise? I thought so too, but the mouth seems, um, different. I dunno.
Lizzy or Victoria???
Think Rob favors his Mum more, but haven't seen a picture of Dad in his younger days, perhaps a mix of both.
Such a beautiful family... I think this is Victoria, both Mum and Sis sitting, no doubt in seats reserved for Robert and guest... if he would have come. We so rarely see pics of his Dad, but I see here that his sister has the long, lovely fingers which are a family trait. How proud them must all be of little Robbie.
such good genes in his fam!
@Bella, (waving at you)
Dad was at 2 previous Ellen shows in the audience with Mum, also pappzed at Rob's birthday party outside 2 years ago in Vancouver (or was that Portland?), but nobody knew who he was at that time. He blends in and you would never guess by looking at him.
lallie - Dad Patz was also pappzed at Christmas, remember, when Rob was home and they got shots of him getting in the car?
perhaps Rob asked them to take his seats? or perhaps they were invited because he was nominated (and won)? The family was not at the recent Ellen show wth Rob, and Dad was not at The View show with the rest of the family; mum said he was not well. Now that I don't see him here, I am concerned; hope he is not still ill.
I don't think that guy is Tom Cruise. i could be wrong.
such a supportive family he has--
@femroc, good eye and memory. I just remember Rob and sis, walking towards the car and not happy being pappzed. Of course I was focusing on HIM.
@Solas, when did Mum say that? I actually thought he was at the View when they showed them there, but believe it was an Uncle who looks a lot like Dad (Richard).
lallie--when they took the cameras into the waiting room where a lot of the family and some family friends were, the interviewer asked if that man (the uncle) was Rob's dad, and his mum said the dad was not here, he was at home, not well, and that man was her husband's brother. That was the show when I caught something very interesting from Rob's mum when Rob was on and hs mum was watching hm from teh audience.
this is it, I hope it works
ach--it doesn't work; just go to youube and put in what you seek (I wrote: the view robert pattinson family).
@Solas, yes I got it. Thanks, I hate when I miss these behind the scenes tidbits, where you see a more real life snap of these people. I'm hoping he only had a virus that kept him away. Don't even want to entertain the thought if more serious...for Rob. Positive thoughts and prayers.
Wouldn't want it to be serious for anyone.
Yes, of course, but my connection (such as it is) is to Rob and all he has on his plate at the moment, so a family crises, would be very devastating for him. He has a good relationship with his father, as far as I know, from what he has said. Enough said.
@Lalli and Solas:
Agreed: a great family... but I don't recall seeing photos of Robert's father; no doubt wanting to stay away from the pappz photo flashes, I know I would be. His mother did mention he was not well during the View show and the premiere of Remember Me in New York, I think.
Tom Cruise did win a "icon" award during the award's ceremony, so that was him in front, you'll see him accepting the award at the National Movie Awards site.
They most likely had the winners sitting near the front and mid-aisles, thus the Pattinson family was right behind him. If Robert had been there, he probably would have been seated right in that row. I think Daniel Radcliffe and other Harry Potter winners were near there too.
I love seeing photos of the family, but as they are probably pretty sick of the mass of fans swarming around their lives, they would keep it pretty low key. I hope they have a quieter life at home now that he's in the U.S. I don't know what their house looks like, but if I were Robert I'd build a big high wall around it to keep them safe and private. I read somewhere that this was the reason he stayed in hotels in London, because his parent's home was bombarded.
I'll always be kinda sorry for his lack of privacy.
Yeah Marna...
His family was there to take his award home for him. And if he hadn't been gracious enough to take time away from work to film a thank you, then they most likely would have accepted it for him.
I'm not saying that you were, but you came off sounding annoyed that they would be there. Like they had no right. They did. He's theirs. He won an award. And they went to get it for him.
Everytime I think of people going to his family home, my blood boils. What gives people the damn right?
And how sad that when that boy does go home, that he can't even sleep in his own bed. What the fuck is the matter with people? What do they want? Shit. That's even worse than going to a film set. This really is stalking and they should be arrested for it. But I'm guessing the Pattinsons are too classy to pick up the phone and do it.
As for his papa...
I too hope that everything is okay. Being their baby, they were a bit older when he came along and I'm guessing his mom in her late
50's and his dad somewhere in his 60's. Still too young for something bad to go wrong with his health.
Get well Papa P.
Seems they're eager to be there whenever they can, to support the family's gorgeous baby boy....\speaking of whom:
Adorable cheeky little squeeker, isn't he!!
Oh Loisada...
Thank you for that link. I was just saying his face still bears some of the same expressions that he did when a little boy.
And that third one? It's the same damn expression. LOL!
Can you imagine one day, how beautiful his own are going to be?
That's for the photo link... the first photo, Rob's lip-biting, with a repeat of last night's Awards thank you is hilarious... we really do not change, do we? Robert's expressions are just the same now and when he was a kid... sooo cute! Everyone should take a look at them!
@Nik: I'm in agreement,,, the pappz at airports are a pain in the ass, but the house/pappz and fans are a step below.
Truly, the constant stake out of fans around the Pattinson house is really sickening. I don't know what the laws in U.K. are with this, but as a traditionally private and relatively conservative group of people, I'd say the laws might be stricter than the U.S.
Hell, if I saw the same person twice skulking around my home, I'd call the cops immediately. And, in the U.S. where so many are "armed and dangerous" if the police wouldn't be available, there might be other dangers to those pesky skulkers, pappz and other stalker-types.
The English are much to polite to shoot these people.
Sorry for the sick sarcasm, ladies,,, I'm still giggling over the Rob baby shots!!!
I was just thinking...
I would imagine that if Rob had his druthers, he'd probably live in a rather simple abode. In a neighborhood even. But I just don't think that's going to be possible.
Because of his fame, he'll probably end up on an estate in a McMansion with the front gate so far from the front door, that the house will not be visible from the street. Especially after he has children. Security will demand it.
I just remember him telling Ellen back in 2008 (when he was describing how simply he lived), that he just wanted to be "one of the people."
I'm so sorry sweetheart. I just don't think that's going to be possible anymore.
Maybe he could buy five acres somewhere, build that simple house (but with an extravagant recording stuido. lol) and build a high wall around it all. Yeah. And then he could let the kids out in the yard to run.
Do that honey.
And yeah. Those baby shots. He always was The Pretty, wasn't he?
And as adorable as I think they are
(and yes, they are precious to me), if it really was his aunt who gave them up...then shame on her.
You don't give him up auntie.
Nk: I didn't know that about the Aunt... the one who decided to tell the tabloids there about his girlfriend, Kristen. Then the next story was that she was shut out from the family?
Poor woman,,, really,,, she may have done wrong by him, but how could anyone think that this kind of media storm would erupt around him in the early days? But, what do I know, she may have done this all again last week, when she should know better by now. I'm sure she's been 'talked to' to see reason, but I have a family too, and if I think on them enough, I know I couldn't get many of them to see reason about much or anything.
I agree that Rob would probably like to live a neighborhood where he can walk freely to a pub or a cafe and greet people in an average way. And, that's not going to happen anymore, at least not in the average way he's lived before. I hope he does find or build a house or two where he can be private, relaxed and create whatever he likes. And, that he'll be accepted by the local community without screaming fans.
We haven't heard much about where he is now, at least I don't know, and I don't want to make that known to others who would harass him, but I do hope he's not trapped in a hotel room again.
You mentioned early today, I think it's crazy to suggest he's seeing Reese, or anyone else when he's down the road from Kristen's home. I agree. I hope he's having a happier life now in L.A. then he's experienced in other filming locations.
Maybe Rob will end up buying an island like Johnny Depp who also values his privacy.
Belladonna, with LA being the paparazzi capital of the world I doubt Rob's going to be happier filming there than in other locations.
Hats Off to Rob's family .>>>>>!!!
I think it's a combination of both, genetics & upbringing and more.... He is his own person !!!
Yep, it's Tom C. in the frame.
@ Nik,
Now, I know what you mean the other day about his young facial expressions & todays.
The possibility of McMansion is there. Great possibility !!! Electric wired fence with camera & sensors and guard dogs.!!! or
on an island ... but there would be helicopters hovering around & speed boats. That would be a nightmare for him and his future family!!!
Hope he can find a balance ... as you said when things settle down..
We can only hope .......
Those little Rob big Rob pics are great, he was a beautiful little boy, I love the facial expression comparison's. When I saw the acceptance speech film, and that little smile at the end that baby pic came to mind straight away. He's such a cutie patootie, now and then.
@sola: That's definitely Tom Cruise sitting in front of Rob's mom and sis. He's just wearing kind of a strange expression which distorts his face, but it's him. I can tell by the teeth...Cruise's upper teeth are off-center.
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