Robert Pattinson will be surrounded by Oscar winners and nominees both in front and behind the cameras in his upcoming project Water for Elephants, directed by Francis Lawrence (whose last feature was Will Smith’s I Am Legend) and based on Sara Gruen’s novel.
Pattinson’s co-stars Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz are both Oscar winners. Witherspoon won a Best Actress Oscar for James Mangold’s Walk the Line (2005), while Waltz was this year’s Best Supporting Actor Oscar winner for Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.
Hal Holbrook, who’ll be playing the aged version of Pattinson’s character — a young traveling-circus veterinary during the Depression years — received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for Sean Penn’s Into the Wild two years ago.
Read the full article over here
I cannot wait for this movie. I said elsewhere that I think this is going to be the movie that really makes people take notice of him for more than a pretty face and a teen movie saga.
I expect to see Oscar noms for this(both in front and behind the camera). With the cast alone you have enough gold between them. All high caliber actors.
squeee...crazy excited.
I agree with you Christine, between BelAmi and WFE (he makes such good choices), the teen dream stuff should start to go away. He will be seen as Robert Fucking Pattinson and not as Edward Cullen. He will be seen as the great actor he is.
Way to surround yourself with outstanding actors and actresses, Rob.
...@Christine ITA, i'm really happy for Rob &wish him the best in his career.I would love to see him do a good romantic comedy some day...
Well said christine and CL!
Oscar for Rob??
Love the book. Can't wait for the movie! Thought this would be his big movie but with all the buzz on BA, I think that will start the ball rolling and this will be the icing on the cake. I hope so. Here's to a big year for our boy and see you at the Oscar red carpet. (fingers crossed)
Oh that is fantastic. These are all such great actors. Just reading WFE. I like it very much. I can hardly wait. Making BelAmi and WFE is the best gift from Rob to me. (and of course for all other Rob fans)
I love those kind of movies so much.
i agree with you christine,i am sure rob will act his pants off and apparently we all do believe this,you go rob thank i know the difference between rob and edward
Again, I am so impressed with this lad. i find it amazing he can cope as he does wth all of the nonsense, and still make intelligent thoughtful decisions to do what he wants, including learning his craft despite being thrown into the mainstream movie world sooner than he had wanted for his own growth. i don't know if it is all his direct decision, or if he has a team that is guiding him through the muck and mire (in which case, it is still his decision in choosing the team and in doing what they suggest or not), but either way, he seems to be progressing on an intelligent solid path. Strength to him.
Rob will be in great company, but so will all the Oscar winners-they're in for quite a treat themselves....
You are SO right rpattzgirl... a treat for all! (Especially US!)
That is freakin AWESOME! Good for him. I'm so proud!!
Am thrilled with the choice of Hal Holbrook. He's perfect for the part.
WFE looks a lot like WTF. It's so funny.
The boy's got balls, I'll give him that. He'll really need to up his game to stand a chance and not get shot down by every bitter critic who can't get over his pretty face. He made a good start with RM, and he's had great company on BA, so he must have some idea of the hardball he's playing now.
WFE is another step up, and all credit to him for not taking the easy way out. I would admire him for that alone, if I didn't find him so irresistible. FILTM!
I wonder if any of these actors other than Rob will be prepared for the onslaught of Paps and fans of Rob. I think Rob has the talent now to just ignore them having done Twilight, Remember Me, and Bel Ami to put people out of his eyeline to do the scene. That is talent, he does not go all Christian Bale and get so upset at the crew or the fans. He just does the scene and if Oscars were given out for sheer concentration of a scene, he should win hands down. It will be interesting how Reese and Christoph handle the media and fan appreciation circus, no pun attended.
Please God, the location shots are better policed than in Central Park! I should think that any project with the Pretty's name on it should automatically beef up the secrity budget by 300%
*Security*, obviously.
Someone made the point on another thread that with all the animals it would have to be a closed set. That would probably be better for everyone involved. They need to protect The Pretty.
Thanks for the info, I was unaware about it being a closed set. I still think though that Rob will still have a throng of girls at least lined up the streets near the location just to see him drive up to the set. Who wouldn't want to try and get a shot of that handsome face?
off the top. Today was the first day of Remember me in Hungary. I had to drive 80 km for see the film, because it will be in the next month in my town .Here is no premier-movie....But, oh my God... I've seen our boy , loved the film with my husband. And he cried too, and he loved it too. And I think we have a little extended sex-screen, because it is R16.
Oh yeah. With this film, he's in the big time. This one is an A-list project all the way. Of course, that also means that alot will be expected of this film and of him. And his casting here speaks volumes as to what Hollywood really thinks of him. They know that he's not just another 'here today, gone tomorrow teen idol' that so many idiots on the internet would like to have you to think he is.
As for Oscars...
Well. The story and the characters are certainly there. If they execute it 'just right', then yeah, this is the type of film that could most definitely be Oscar bait. It's an amazing story with one hell of a cast; Witherspoon, Waltz and now Holbrook. He couldn't be in better company and if Hollywood didn't think he could hold his own against this tip top of film talent, they would not have cast him in the role. Plain and simple. They would have cast Ryan Gosling or Emile Hirsch or James MacAvoy. But they're going with Rob Pattinson.
Please. Please. Please.
Ignore all of the negative chatter about on the internet. It means nothing. NOTHING!
Hollywood knows what they're least as far as Rob is concerned.
Awesome. So awesome. He's launched as an independent adult quasar now! Uhm, Mr. Pattinson please be careful of Witherspoon's Southern Comfort cougar cocktail charms. Those stellar southern ladies like to draw you in using real butter in the cookie dough. I should know. Rawr! Bye ya'll.
And no, I cannot imagine that any other actor is pleased with the circus that Rob brings with him to a film set. But hopefully they realize that it's not any of his doing and they cut him some slack. And I would imagine, some sympathy.
And yeah, I would imagine that any set involving the animals would have to be closed. Even if they're filming in public. Which means they'd have to secure permits to keep people off of public sidewalks and whatnot.
How ridiculous that they'd have to go to such lengths simply because fans cannot disipline themselves enough to leave him alone while he's working. I know that people want to see him. I get it. But go try and see him somewhere else. This is the height of disrespect and rudeness. I've asked this question before and I guess I'll ask it again (I'm about to right now)...
How would you like it if a horde of people showed up to where you work and stared at you all day? Really think about it. How would you feel? Would it affect your job performance? He's not an object. He's a human and he wants to do a good job in his work too. Just please think about that before anyone thinks about venturing down to one of his film sets again. Please.
Remember when he came to California for Comic Con last year? Stayed the weekend and then returned to NY for another week? I remembered thinking, how strange. If he really needed to get back and finish filming, why did he stay the weekend until Monday? Why didn't he just turn around and go right back and finish. Then I found out...He was finished. But he had to go back and loop, not just a few lines of dialouge (that's standard), but entire scenes that were ruined by the crowds standing there watching him. Yes, he attributed it to the clicking the of the papps cameras (didn't want to say anything against the fans). But don't you think that maybe it was the murmur of the crowd too? Do you think all those people stood there and didn't mutter sound a sound? I don't. So...he had to take time away from his downtime before heading back to Vancouver for another film, his time away from Kristen (after a 7 week seperation) to go back and fix what had been ruined. All completely unecessary. And I just don't think people stop and consider the potential ramifications this can have on his life when they intrude upon his work. WELL! THINK ABOUT IT!!!
THIS is the thorn in my paw and it always will be. I've been on film sets and I know what I'm talking about.
@nikola6 I completely agree with you on everything you said. I think fans sometimes get too wrapped up in meeting him that they dont take the time to look at how it effects the movie being made and then his personal life. I always enjoy reading your insight on issues related to Rob because you take the time to look at it from a whole other perspective. I am the kind of person who likes to shy away from the crowd so I can only imagine how difficult it is for him day to day. Hopefully over the years he won't have this problem as much and he can shoot a movie without so much chaos.
So Kristen has a connection with Hal Holbrook? Didn't realize he was in "Into the Wild" THAT'S the movie Rob watched and said it was the reason he wanted to meet Kristen and encouraged him to audition for Twilight.
I rented Into the Wild to try to see what Rob saw. Good movie. Sad. Kristen's part was relatively small but memorable. Emile Hirsch was very good in it. I am very excited about WFE. Loved the book and I can completely see Rob in this role.
It really says a WHOLE LOT for Rob that they would cast him for WFE with all of these Oscar winners since he is such a new , young and less experienced actor.
It always helps to improve your "game" when you play with better players than yourself.
Lot's of pressure on Rob for this one and for Bel Ami........he's like a diamond in the rough being chiseled bit by bit into a FINE specimen with all of this good experience he's getting. Gotta be learning SO much.
I bet his acting in Breaking Dawn will be so much more mature and better cause of all he's learned.
Still wish they'd just make ONE movie for BD and let all them MOVE ON and get over the Twilight Saga.
@Nik: I’m not dismissing your concerns but, as you know, I don’t share your general view on this issue. I've been on film sets too, and onlookers weren't a major problem. In fact they only stopped publishing lists of filming permits and locations in Los Angeles because of 9/11, so before then, the info was readily available. It’s been a fact of life for film crews/sets for some time. Sometimes they actually ask the crowd to be extras as they did for a film with scenes at LAX a few years ago.
However, I do agree that the hoopla surrounding Rob is extraordinary, and hopefully WFE won't approximate anywhere near the kind of interference that occurred with RM - although it was more paps than fans than were ruining shots. I understand the desire, but I hope fans will respect the boundaries that are set by both filmmakers and security and realize that he is there to work – not to meet and greet. If he does, and he’s nice enough to try often, it’s at his expense – in every way. My fervent wish is that the paps will be restricted in every possible way. If not, bring on the roustabouts....
rpg...Yeah, he's surrounded with Oscar winners but they are there, betya, pleased as punch they've landed roles beside Robert F*cking Pattinson.
AVI TEST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
avi test take 2 >>>>
AVI TEST>>>>>>>>>>
@ADM & Angie K
The avis look great! Go Robstock II !
final avi test >>>
Go Team RobStock II!!
True, Kristen and Mr. Holbrook did indeed appear in the same film, but they shared no scenes and I doubt they even met.
And yes, this was the film that Rob said impressed him so much. Kristen is an actor's actor. Not a big emoter. She underplays everything which really is the purest form of acting (and much more difficult to pull off than it looks) and that's because you can't see the acting. It's so natural (and why so many actors are so impressed with that kind of ability. They know how hard it is to make it look like you're not doing anything at all). And that's why -in my opinion- so many today (especially they young 'uns) who are now 10-15 years into the melodrama of reality tv, or the lousy acting of the rom/coms or the infantile sex comedies, think that she cannot act. Oh yes she can and you mark my words. One day, Kristen Stewart is going to win the Academy Award. She might even beat Rob too it. Roger Ebert is already campaigning for her to get a supporting nod this year for The Yellow Hankerchief (and he's the most respected film critic in the country). As great as Meryl Streep is, you are aware every minute that she is acting. And she's the best there is for her style of acting, don't get me wrong, I worship the woman. But her acting is very mannered. In every film of her's I've seen (and I've seen them all), she does this thing with her hands. It's an acting tool and she's done it EVERY performance she's given. I literally sit and wait for it and she's yet to let me down). Sorry. Didn't mean to wander down that road. What I wanted to say was...
Yes, he may have been impressed with her acting, but he was only 21years old at the time and I'm gonna take a stab here and say that his reaction to her was not just on a cerebral level (if you know what I mean). She was lovely in that film. So natural. No make up and legs that went on forever. And she projected such an innocent longing in that performance. No wonder he was moved by her and has said that after seeing her in that, he wanted to meet and work with her.
For all we know, his crush started right then before he even set eyes on her in the flesh. That has happened more than once for people in the movie business. They see someone on screen and become intrigued with them. Just like we have with him. Only difference? We don't work where he works. If we were a power actress who saw him on film and felt a 'pull' towards him, we could wheedle and needle until we got him into an audtition and used all of our power to get him cast oppostite us. THIS HAPPENS IN HOLLYWOOD ALL THE TIME! And has from the beginning of the film industry. They're just like us. Only they have access to each other.
I had something else here to say but I got sidetracked with blah, blah, blah and...hmmm.
Oh crazy brain running on twelve different tracks again.
AVI TEST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
thanks RPG!!
Woo-Hoo 2 You Too!
avis are a "go!"
I am so excited about this film, I'm bursting at the seams. The ante keeps getting upped, with the casting choices. Why did they choose Rob to play the lead?? Box office, sure, but many others who could bring it in. @Nik, assume he did have to audition for it? So they saw something that connected with the character and their vision. This will be huge for him and BTW, I'm thinking that since is this a mainstream Hollywood production with experienced, no nonsense security, they will handle any pappzing and fans appropriately. No one's getting close and will be quickly thrown to the curb as they should be.
So true!!! I think Rob had a crush on her right away, and wanted to meet this girl...
Tom Cruz did that with Nicole in Dead Calm...he was happens....but of course he also did that with Katie much for true love!
this officially ends our avi test for the day
I think WFE is going to be excellent. This will be another opportunity for Rob to shine (without the help of CGI & glittery make-up)
Ah yes...
Oh I know. In Hollywood, you use to be able to purchase a daily call sheet for various locations shoots all over Los Angeles for that particular day. And maybe it was a way to drum up interest and to give the public a peek into the process of making a film or a tv show and maybe it wasn't such a big deal for the production company to have a crowd around. But I'm gonna guess that even without the tragedy of 9/11, that now with the proliferation of camera phones and twaddle that people can now use IRRESPONSIBLITY to leak what it is they're seeing on a film set, maybe now it is a big deal to have a crowd hanging around. But where I'm coming from is...
The ACTORS. And I don't care how nice, quiet and lovely a crowd may be while standing there. Actors, SERIOUS actors don't want to be observed by the public while they're trying to piece together a performance. This is not theatre acting where they're giving a FINISHED performance to a paying audience. I know actors. I've known them all my life. My father was one. His friends. I was one. My friends. And some who are rather well known that I can only claim as acquatinces (sp?) And were a bunch of insecure little freaks and we don't want to be stared at and fawned over or worse, photographed when were putting something together. When it's not done yet. When it's not ready for the public.
An acting performance is a very personal thing. If you're doing it right, it will take from you emotionally. And film actors know that at some point, they've got turn their performance over to the director and the editor and then the actor has no more control over his work. His performance can be edited in such a way that the actor can be heartbroken to find that the work he thinks was his best, is now lying on the cutting room floor. If an actor knows that he's working with a director who's a dick who couldn't find the core of a scene with a telephoto lense, that actor knows, he's fucked.
That FILM actor is fighting for as much control as he can get. He's doing all he can to convince that director that he (the actor) knows what he is doing so that the director will not butcher his performance in the editing room. So what does all of this have to do with fans hanging out on Rob's film sets?
They are DISTRACTING him. And I don't care how sweet and lovely he is at the end of the day and comes over and says thank you or whatever. He's just being polite because he was raised that way and yes, he is appreciative of the public's devotion to him, but the hard truth is...
And that's good enough for me.
I just want someone to explain to me how people can justify this? Wanting to see him is not enough. I want to see him too. I wanna sit and talk about this book that I suspect were both trying to adapt to a screenplay. I'd love to make out with him for a couple of hours (no sex though...I don't do sex with men who in all probability are not coming back the next day. I don't care who the hell they are. god. I could never take such rejection). I want some things from him too. But I can't get them and I never will.
I just wish that people would look at him -at least while he's working- as a person who's just trying to do his job and not as this objectified creature. I just wish that people would put his needs -again, when he's working- ahead of their own. He can't help you with your needs. So, why not try to help him. Let him alone and let him do his work.
I know I'm a hardass about this guys and I don't mean to be. I figure alot of you would like to hunt me down and strangle me in my sleep. Anything to get me to shut up about this. But I won't. No matter how it might look on the surface, I KNOW how this affects him.
Sorry if I've put anyone off.
And please don't get me wrong.
Going to see him at film premieres or waiting for him outside of a television taping or attending a fan event or even bumping into him on the street and if sayin hello to him or asking for a photo doesn't look like it's going to make him swallow his own tongue...hell. GO FOR IT!!! (if he's on the street with his girlfriend or his family and it looks like he doesn't want to be bothered...then don't).
I too am considering sleeping on that sidewalk overnight at that premiere (something I have never done in my entire life for anyone or anything). But I wanna see The Pretty too. I don't want his autograph or a picture (god knows I've got plenty of pictures of him). I'd just like to observe for myself how he's handling all of this as oppose to that first day when I met him. Although if I'm gonna be really honest here...
It's not the chance of seeing Rob again that's really motivating me here. I want to meet some of my friends from this blog; RPG and DF in particular and all the rest I can get my hands on. I want to meet YOU guys. I've met him. If I never meet him again, I've still met him. I hate crowds. Being faced with them or being a part of them. They frighten me.
And another truth...
I'll never get another encounter like I had with him that day. NEVER! I had him for nearly five minutes virtually to myself (the other gal with me was so tongue tied, she couldn't even speak to him). I actually got to talk to him. I actually got to say something that I thought was important. And he listened to me. Well. I don't what he retained, but his attention was completely focused on me and that's not about my ego. I had something I think he needed to hear and I got the chance to tell him. And I didn't go into that building planning on such a moment. I didn't know who the hell he even was. It was like a serendipitous moment. I didn't ask for a photo or an autograph because those things do not interest me. Because of this tidal wave of fame that has since engulfed his life, when would I ever get another moment like that? So for me...anything else would be anticlimatic. Know what I mean.
So yeah. I'm a fangirl just like you'all. But because of my life experiences, yes, I do come at it from a different perspective. And if you'd had my life experiences, so would you.
Anyway. I just would never want any of you to think that I'm above it all. Because I'm not.
If I was above it all, I wouldn't be here yapping about him.
And lalli...
If you want to go back and read my first post here, I gave my take on why I believe he's been given the opportunity with this film. I'd write it all out again, I've said before around here, this blog would come after me with torches and pitchforks.
Well. Ya would.
And no jury would convict you.
I love you hard girl!!! Rob was lucky to have met you..and I can't wait to meet you too!!!
Nik. I agree with you in so much. But.... He was here in Hungary, and the media was very far from making wth him a real interview, or making with him a fan-meeting. We are so far from any red carpet, any chance meet with him in a pub....or anywhere.And as they said, he wont come back to Hngary for a Bel Ami premiere,as did Colin Firth who made here a film too. He came back for a fan-journalist meeting. So what could we do? We went to the Bl Ami set, and stare him from far, and try to b in silence.
I am supremely impressed with his career choices. It takes a lot of bravery to ignore the easy blockbuster path and instead focus on improving his craft and talent. Rob is his worst critic and I hope does well enough to be satisfied with his efforts. We all admire his talents and know that he has what it takes to hold his own in that Oscar-filled cast, but he seems insecure in labeling himself an honest to God "actor."
One thing is for sure: critics will no longer be able to casually dismiss his performance.
God, I love this man!
Nik, can you imagine how hard it was for him to act in front of the crowds in NY? All his fellow cast members were impressed with how well he was able to focus on his lines and give a performance at all. If critics could have been on the set while that was going on, they would have had a better understanding and admiration that he was able to do his job in the midst of all that madness.
And as much as I would love to see him in action, I would never do anything to detract from his commitment to his work. I'd rather meet him at a fan gathering than scream and salivate at the rails outside a set.
I envy the fact that you got to talk with him. Notice I said talk with and not gawk at. Even though you didn't know who he was at the time, you were able to share honest comments that weren't scripted or thought out.
There are many people determined to watch again on the set of WFE. That can not be avoided. I hope and wish for Rob these people behave the way the fans in Budapest did. This film will be very very important for Rob.
@NIK I admire you for your comments. I notice what you have for an experience.
You've met Rob. How wonderful it must have been. You clever, happy girl.
I know darlin', I really do know. And I'm not trying to pass judgement here.
If I hadn't grown up in this town, then I wouldn't know some of the things that I do. And if I lived in a place where there wasn't much or even accurate news coverage of him and if he'd come to town to make a film and the odds are, he might never come back to make another one...hell. I'd have probably run down to that set and jumped in his arms. Just kidding. But I would have wanted to.
I really do get it. It's just that I do come to all of this with a just a little bit different perspective.
And I'm sorry if I made you feel bad in any way. Please don't. If you were quiet and respectful as you say, then that was the best you could do for him.
I guess I'm just thinking of those idiots who jumped him in NY. It's one thing to joke about doing it. Quite another to actually do it. I'll don't think I'll ever get that image out of my head. And I know you'd never do something like that.
It's all good. No worries.
No web...
I cannot even begin to imagine what he went through on that set and you're right. If the critics could have witnessed that and spoken to his co-stars, they might have come away with a different opinion and would not have let his 'celebrity' cloud their critique of his work.
And yeah, looking back on that day, it really was a lovely moment. I always felt that I witnessed the birth of a star that day. When he woke up that morning and went back to bed that night, the world had changed for him. In just that one day. I just happen to catch him in a 'moment'. I don't why. It just happened. And yes, I am most grateful for it. If I were to have such a moment with him now, I'd like to think I'd act the same, but how could I? That day I didn't know who he was. I just saw a frightened kid who I knew was about to get hit with an enormous wave of fame. Today? Well. Like I've said before, from this very moment until the day he dies, he can now only be viewed by the world through that prisim of fame and it is dazzling and DISTORTING. And I'm not imune to it. I'm half way in love with him now. I wasn't that day. I think today, it would be much more difficult to speak with him comfortably than it was on that day nearly two years ago. He's changed. My feelings for him have changed. Everything has changed. So how could speaking with him be the same? I don't think it could. I'd like to think I wouldn't drool or wet my pants. But knowing me, I'd probably just throw up on his shoes.
Bet he wouldn't forget that. LOL!
And love you too RPG. See ya soon babe!
Whenever we start talking about the adoring fans I remember Theresa Saldana or Rebecca Schaeffer, and I shudder.
Do you have any idea how many whack jobs there probably are out there that hate one of those two kids because they're obsessed with the other one? (sighs) That's why, when I watched the security people covering them in that video from LAX, I both cringed and cheered. I cringed because it's necessary. Don't they give us enough without having to be afraid of us too? And I cheered for the way the the muscle worked the job. They had them covered six ways from Sunday. Well done.
I just returned home from a lovely evening and read your comments and had to leave one more comment before I turn out the lights. Nik I love your comments. It is refreshing getting a first hand perspective from the movie biz. I have also worked with actors and like any type of industry you have your good and bad eggs. Rob seems to me to handle the pressure of each new film he shoots with big crowds of people near his sets.
I know many actors would be unable to have the concentration Rob has because they are not use to having such a massive following. Bravo to Rob for putting up with the Paparrazi near his sets. Place yourself in his shoes and imagine being asked for an autograph or photo, stared at, and interruped when you are with family and friends or just want some alone time, it must be so disconcerting. I would give an honorary Oscar to Rob for putting up with it all. He is the Best Under Pressure.
Why are your days here numbered? Don't go away. You're one of the saner voices around here. I love chatting with you. Please don't go.
And Rick...
If people only knew of the threats,
the insanity of them, that have been leveled at these two, they'd scream. I talked about this once awhile ago around here. Most of these threats have come through the fan mail.
Back during 2008 before the first film opened, those idiots at Summit were handing Rob bags and bags of it. Unvetted fan mail and that kid was reading it (when I found that out, I nearly swallowed my tongue. You never ever hand a star fan mail that hasn't been gone through. NEVER! and with him suffering from paranoia to begin with, I thought...'great. this is all he needs)
Just around the time that the film opened, he mentioned he was scared of getting 'stabbed in a crowd' or having someone 'stick me with a syringe full of AIDS.' It was the AIDS comment that really caught my eye because I thought that was a very odd and 'specific' thing to say. And he said it more than once. And it hit me...'oh god. he's been threatened with that in the fan mail.' I later had it confirmed that it was true.
So yeah. There are alot of sick tickets out there and there is a fringe element to this fandom that is psychotic. Alot of fans have never forgiven Kristen for labeling them as such. But dammit, the girl was right.
Another reason for them to keep quiet about their relationship and to stay out of the public eye AND the public as much as possible until all of this insanity begins to die down.
And AP...
Don't you be running off anywhere. You hear me? Please.
One more thought...
I remember last year at Cannes when the bodyguards had their hands all over Rob. And I mean, ALL OVER. And some people were complaining that the bodyguards were trying to 'feel him up'.
I remember laughing at them and thinking (and more than thinking come to think of it. I'm pretty sure I said something. No shit)...
I said, they're not feeling him up. They're doing their job in trying to get him through an unstable crowd. I personally would have been happier if they'd gathered him up in their arms and carried him around like a two year old.
I just don't think that people get it. The seriousness of the safety situation surrounding these two.
It's serious. That's why you hardly ever see Rob anymore without at least one bodyguard on him.
Oh. And AP...
I guess where I'm coming from is being in the presence of actors when they're 'behind closed doors.'
Away from the set. Away from the crowds. Which is where the truth usually comes out. But I agree, most are pros and handle it very well in public.
Although I'm sure glad that Sean Penn isn't doing this film with Rob after all. He would not have tolerated the papps or a huge crowd of fans AT ALL! He'd have pitched a shit fit from here to Poughkeepski(sp) and I feared that Rob might take the brunt of his outrage because he would have been seen as the cause of it. Oh and wouldn't that have been fun? Penn exploding at Rob and the fans flipping out and going after Penn. Talk about a stampede of critters. LOL! But worries now.
That is unless, this Christoph Waltz turns out to be a bugger too. Haven't heard anything though. Seems like a nice enough fellow. But then, he's just getting started. Not sure just what kind of an asshole he might turn out to be...or not.
Not Poughkeepski...
Poughkeepsi or Poughkeepsee or
Oh who gives a shit? I can't spell. Sue me. Thank god for spellchecker or I'da been fired long ago.
Eienstein could never find his glasses (they were on top of his head) and more times than not, showed up with two different colored socks on.
Not that I'm comparing myself to Eienstein. Just saying that we all have our deficits.
And I've got more than just 'creative' spelling.
The odd thing is that Emilie de Ravin could probably give them both pointers. Back when she was playing the character Tess Harding (think homicidal alien Jacob with great gams) on the TV show Roswell I heard that there were a handful of fans for the lead couple, that Emilie's character was trying to do a hatchet job on, who actually planned to write to the INS in an effort to get Emilie deported.
(sighs) There's being a fan...then there's being a fanatic. A zealot. I may dislike Jacob Black down to his last hair follicle, but none of that has a damn thing to do with Taylor Lautner. I'm not a "shoot the messenger" kind of guy.
Anyway, in order to be the kind of dangerous that some of these morons are, you have to be so far around the bend that you can't see the bend anymore. You've moved from fan to zealot. In stead of being "one of us", you've become "one of them".
All we can do for the kids is to support them anyway that we can without crowding them. I don't know about you, but I plan to own every DVD they've ever made, even the bad ones. ;-) (ducks rotten vegetables for implying that either Rob or Kris EVER made a bad movie)
Off topic, I've asked my wife this one, and she agrees. I want your opinion. Kristen can glam with the best of them, but when I see her on video I keep getting this feeling of underlying bemusement off of her. Like she's this dorky tomboy who woke up one day and found that she'd been made THE hot chick, and that she still isn't used to that idea.
God. I can't believe I'm still hauting the halls around here. Go to bed you maniac. NO!
And yeah AP...
I know that Waltz has been around for awhile (I think he just turned 50) but it's just with Inglorius Basterds that he's come to attention in America. I've heard he's pretty funny, but I saw him on a talk show here (Letterman, I think) and I felt this uncomfortable air from him. Couldn't quite put my finger on it.
And I certainly understand about work pulling you away. Just don't go too far, okay? You'll be greatly missed around here.
And Rick...
Completely agree about Kristen. She's this total little tomboy (good at sports) who runs around with no make up, in jeans, t-shirts, hoodies and Chucks (great taste in footwear young lady). The total anti-glam girl. But when she's gotta, she can put 'em all to shame. She is stunningly beautiful in person. And yeah, I'm guessing she does get a kick out of it all. The thing I so admire about that girl is that, she's got this built in bullshit detector. From all accounts, she's a very sweet and vulnerable girl. But she talks like a truck driver and will call you on your shit eight ways from Sunday (back in the day, she'd call Rob on his and I would imagine, she still does). There's nothing phoney about her (it'll be a cold day in hell before that girl sucumbs to Hollywood pressure and gets herself a set of plastic boobs and eventually, she'll be the only left who hasn't). I just think she's got more integrity in her little pinky than most of those other little starlets have got in their whole plastic bodies. Do I sound like I like her? I do. Even if she weren't Rob's girl, I would like her. Like I've said before and I'm gonna say it again...
She's my kinda girl.
One last thought (or two or three)...
I don't think that either Rob or Kristen have fully grasped what's happened to them in terms of them being viewed as international sex symbols. I can imagine they look at each other and say...WTF? I think they're both a couple of little dorks, who were just mosying along making little movies that one saw. Not seeking great stardom. Kinda seeing themselves as outsiders who didn't really fit in with the 'in crowd' (and that's because they're both too eccentric and unique to fit in with the 'in crowd' and wouldn't want to if they'd been handed engraved invitations). I think they both view themselves as kind of intellectual bookworm, oddballs who one day woke up to find that they'd stumbled into superstardom and suddenly, everybody in the world wanted to go to bed with them. Nah. I don't think they've figured it out yet. And hopefully, they never will. As soon as they do, they'll be corrupted like the rest.
I think they're both two little peas in a pod. And their attraction for one another goes way beyond the mere physical (if that's all it had been, they would have hopped in the hay a couple of years ago, scratched that itch and been done with it). No. I think they 'get' each other (and don't get me wrong. with the sexual chemistry those two exude, I think they're crazy mad for each other). And too, they're going through something right now that most humans could not even comprehend. And I think they're getting each other through it. And maybe that's what this relationship will turn out to be...something that they needed for a time, to see them through all of this and when this mania has passed, they might just go their seperate ways (although I think they'll always remain friends). Then again, they've built this relationship on friendship first and let that desire for each other simmer for 18months (how rare for people so young. well. as young as old souls can be). And I think that bodes well for longevity. IF they can just get the hell out of Hollywood and go live somewhere else at the first available opportunity.
I just think they're great. Together and individually. Could you tell? LOL!
Nik, I agree with a lot of what you said. Even if the R&K relationship doesn't last, I'll always be grateful that Rob had the support and love of someone who understood and helped him cope with it all. I just hope that one of them doesn't get their heart broken, especially by a third party stepping in.
Bravo, Nik!! Have you been secretly hanging out with Rob & Kristen, cause I think you really get them. I used the exact same words on a recent post: "two peas in a pod" and that friendship was the foundation of their relationship, which is always the best beginning for a couple and bodes well for their future.
Nah lalli...
I don't hang out with them. And thank god for that. I'd be a terrible influence on them. I'd get 'em both one of those 'fuck twilight' t-shirts (that Shia LaBeauf was wearing) and browbeat them into wearing them in public just so I could sit back and watch the shit fly. I am evil. Would that be just about the funniest thing that ever happened?
And jmm4832...
(wanna hear something weird? I cannot remember numbers. Obviously phone numbers as their all stored in my phone. But I can't even remember my zip code. Got it written down on a piece of paper in my wallet. However...I've responded to you here so many times, that I've got those numbers in your screename completely memorized. Just thought I'd share that. Oh who cares you psycho).
And yeah. Hopefully if this relationship does come to it's conclusion, it will not end in anger and heartbreak. 'Cause I think if she were the one to end it...badly, oh dear. I don't even want to think what that might to do him. No matter how they end up (and if that's apart), then hopefully their friendship will remain intact.
They're pretty level headed. Even if they end up hurting each other, after they've licked their wounds, I would guess they'd still be friends...if they can. When ex lovers say...'lets remain friends', that's alot easier said than done. Especially if one half is still in love. I've remained 'friendly' with my ex, but were not friends anymore. We're not apart of each other's lives. We can't be. It wouldn't be fair to the woman he's married to now. I had to step away.
@Nik, I'm totally on board with your evil sense of humor, love it! That would be f**king hilarious.
BTW, re. LB cap, although apparently does stand for Long Beach, I think he bought it because it reminds him of exactly what he is and he has said so: "Lucky Bastard"
I enjoy reading your comments and insider view of the film industry.
I have learned so much! Thanks!
I think Hal Holbrook was a brilliant casting move! What do you think?
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