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The Twilight vampire told Merrick, Dools and Ricki-Lee that meeting the 20-year-old actress for the first time was "weird".
"It was weird. I mean, everything about the pairing with Kristen kind of worked out for the story," he said.
"I went in to the audition having absolutely no idea of what to do and because of the way she was playing it kind of shocked me into doing a performance that I didn't realise I could do.
"I guess she brings a kind of toughness and also a kind of mystery to Bella, which is not really there in the book.
"She's kind of in a lot of ways, a damsel in distress in the book, and Kristen's very...there's a kind of fierce fierceness behind her, which I didn't really expect the actress who played Bella would have."
The British actor said he is still surprised at the success of Twilight and that its success puts a certain pressure on him.
"In the beginning I had no idea. It seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger every week that is going past," he said.
"I feel pressure to live up to making a good movie, but I mean the expectations are so diverse.""
"Kristen's very...there's a kind of fierce fierceness behind her"
LOL. I see you using Kristen fan girl terminology to describe Kristen. Cute!
haha yep kstew army and our making of terms to describe that woman. because bamf doesn't cut it anymore.
i love it!
@Noe Lol. I think its adorable and ironic (given that its the choice adjective for K from her fanbase) that he mentioned her fierceness.
I just listened to the audio and again its so apparent how much he respects and admires her as an actress. I think its pretty obvious by now that they adore each other on a personal level, whether they are dating or best friends, but what i love more is how supportive they seem to be of each other professionally and career wise. In such a finicky and cut throat Hollywood acting world, that support has got to be huge.
I totally agree w him, when you read the book, Bella is some sort of Eye doe damsel on distress(cheesy actress come to mind), but Kristen brought a totally different Bella, which I love!!!Also, He forgot to said SHE IS A BADDASS and i'm sooo innn lovvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
looking how he speaking,rob darling what aere they asking you about kristen it's bella they need t know about i guess kristen fan base love fierce
and this is not a kristen thread and we at robsessed do not want here to become a circus,this is robsessed totally belongs to the pretty!
and this is not a kristen thread and we at robsessed do not want here to become a circus,this is robsessed totally belongs to the pretty!
@evangeline well, considering this post is about Rob's comments about Kristen and him praising her portrayal of Bella, I think its appropriate to talk about her:) I mean the post is titled "Robert Pattinson talks Kristen Stewart"
their relatioship is a perfect role model to completely fucked up nowadays relationships. I know they have a lot on their shoulders to add this as well but is so true.
Rob is so nice, defending co star after the blunder she made 2 days ago. Bless his soul.
@Golnaz @Noe--She is fierce and Rob knows that! And I agree you can hear the admiration (and much more, IMO) in his voice when he talks about Bella or Kristen. ;)
Is this a new interview? I thought I read this stuff before. No matter.
evangeline, I love this site because no one bashes Rob and the Kristen talk is usually kept to a minimum unlike other sites where the hate for her is rampant. I don't want to read hate. I just want to love and adore Rob.
we asked him"what is going on with him a Kristen Stewart" and he didn't answer the question about Kristen he answered it for Bella lol.... i love this he so cute...
TA he forgot to mention I'M in LOVE with HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Did he give the answer about "Bella" on purpose to deflect giving a response about Kristen or did he really misunderstand the question? There was no awkward pause, so I'm thinking he might have misunderstood.
@evangeline -- I agree with you 100% I also feel the same way when I am on Kstew fan sites.
I'm actually surprised, this interview is not really complementary to Kristen. This actually seems the least complementary that Robert has been to any of his co-stars so far.
It seems to me that he was trying to be complementary and nice to Kristen, but if you really listen to what he said and read it (written above), he's basically saying that Kristen did NOT play Bella as she was supposed to. And that she inserted some of herself into Bella, when it is a well known fact that a good actor/actress is supposed to imerse himself/herself in the character they are playing.
And remember that most everybody thought that Kristen did a very poor job of playing Bella especially in Twilight (which Robert seems to be talking about specifically here). In NM she improved (not much, but she was better than she was in Twilight) because she tried to play Bella closer to what Bella really is, which is a more feminine, and less "feirce" lol.
I think Robert was trying to be professionally complementary to Kristen, even when the comments at their heart are not complementary to Kristen or her acting skills. I don't know if he realized that what he was saying was in essence not complimentary. I like how he seems to just speak his mind, and I give him props for being honest.
It´s obvious that they admire each other.
@niahid what blunder happened with her 2 days ago?
angelswings and stardust: I didnt' read it that way. If anything, he's not being complimentary to Stephenie Meyers.
When he read Twilight, he didn't even get how you were suppossed to pull off this perfect ken doll of a character. He found the character perfect and thus boring.
It wasn't until he met Kristen that he found an approach that intrigued him. He imagined whoever was playing bella to be content to play her like a damsel in distress-that's his impression of book Bella.
He said she brought some fire to her characterization though, and it was through that characterization that he in turn was inspired and shocked into giving a performance to play off.
He's complimenting Kristen here, saying she brought more than what was on the page it seemed, which in turn gave him a reason to find an interesting dynamic in their character's relationship and then his character by extension.
A good actor should immerse themselves in the material and character. But there is a lot of text for Kristen to draw from in the series to make her claim on the character. Her take was something that Robert found intriguing and fresh, far from the lazy interpretation of Bella just being a damsel.
That's a huge compliment.
Well jen we'll just have to agree to disagree. And Bella's character is the book is NOT lazy, she is feminine and sweet and open, Kristen turned Bella into a somewhat emo, a little harsh and emotionless. Almost everybody said that Kristen in Twilight was NOT good, she improved a little in NM. But the fact remains she is a poor Bella, because she seems to have a problem playing characters that are different from the way she is in real life.
And a little off-topic, Bella's character starting with Eclipse spirals downward, so I agree that Bella's character is lazy starting with Eclipse and going through BD (she became really annoying in Eclipse, and Jacob one big jerk), but NOT before that.
@AngelWingsAndStardust I have to completely disagree.
@Jen. I completely agree.
His comments here again, echo the comments he has always made about how it was Kristen and her interpretation of Bella that made him want to do Twilight.
He has said in a number of interviews that going in to the audition he wasn't really interested because he thought it would be a sappy cheesy story and he had no idea how he would play this perfect Edward. But because Kristen was playing Bella differently than how he expected, he got an idea of how to play Edward. Because Kristen played it differently than it was on the page (which he thought was cheesy/sappy, he got inspired and wanted to do it)
I get that some Rob fans dont like Kristen and her portrayal of Bella. And they dont have to. But to insinuate that Rob isn't impressed by her acting is just not true. This is the girl he has repeatedly said is the best actress of her generation and has repeatedly praised for her acting and repeatedly said it was because of the way she portrayed Bella that he could play Edward. You dont have to agree with Rob's high opinion and respect for Kristen, but it doesn't mean that isn't how he feels (and truthfully, a lot of critics like Roger Ebert agree with his praise of her)
Rob has always praised Kristen's portrayal of Bella. Nice that he does it again. I remember in the Twilight promo that he mentioned multiple times that it was because Kristen brought a sense of "fierceness" (hes used the word before in relation to her) and toughness that he didnt think Bella would have just based off reading to the script that made him want to play off her and do the part and gave him hope that the two of them could do a non-teen movie that wasnt all full of sappiness. It was he portrayal and vision of Bella (that differed than what he expected going into the audition) that drew him to the part and made him want to play Edward. That's pretty damn complimentary if you as me.
@Golnaz and Jen, I agree and appreciate how you back up your opinions with references to what Rob has previously said (I envy people's memories and ability to retain Rob's words in the oceans of interviews he has given over the past 2 years!) He also highly praised her acting ability, above his own, in the HB interview.
@Leah, I wondered too about the "blunder" and since Niahid has not responded, I'm going to take a stab at what she MAY have been referring to. Kristen (and Taylor) got pappzed in Sydney, Australia. Reportedly, K gave the pappz the finger at some point. Big woo! Wouldn't call it a "blunder" so I could be wrong.
@jmbfan, yes, to your comment as well. Well put.
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