Global List of Unexpected Musicians Lets Fans Discover Celebrities' Lesser-Known Musical Talents during National Wanna Play Music Week, May 3-7
Past and present headliners Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Halle Berry, Thomas Edison, Alan Greenspan, and Steven Spielberg are among the list of "Unexpected Musicians" in the world of film, television, politics, business and science, unveiled today by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM).
"NAMM created the celebrity database as another way to help fans find unexpected musical inspiration from personalities they know and admire,"
Source - Photo Credit: Bauer Griffin
I love his voice, hope he gets more time for his music in the future
really looking forward to the day he records an album...
I wish I wish I wish hw had the time....
Love it Angie!!!!!
There is no end to his talent. I know he loves his music. I would love to hear some piano time. I think we just heard the tip of the iceberg on the Twilight outtakes, piano concert.
Just picturing those hands over the piano keys. Wow! I think I have to go to the corner now. Breathe. . . *sighs*
I love these pics of him with his guitar.
well hello robbie guitar!!!!!!
I've always hoped that if he takes a break of a year of two after all of this Twilight mania passes, that he'd go off and concentrate on his music. He's just too damn talented to let this go. However...
I wish he'd play a musician on screen first and it doesn't have to be a screen bio of a famous person. It could be something like what Jeff Bridges did in Crazy Heart. Just something that would showcase his talent as a musician. It would give him a legitimacy. If he just releases an album (no matter how good it might be), for some it will still be seen as a cheesy move; just another actor trying to be a musician.
He's also mentioned doing it and then releasing it under a different name so that no one would know it was him. If he did that and it was good music, that would give him legitimacy. 'Cause after it's success, he could come out and admit it was him and then what could critics do? Take back their accolades just because they've discovered this great music was from Edward Cullen?
Oh. THAT'S what he should do.
Seriously. This is the way for him to do it. Take his celebrity off the table. Remove that barrier. That prejudice. Only problem is...
Any record company would want it known that it was him because his name will sell the music. But my gut says he doesn't care about that. He wouldn't want the success of his music to be based on his popularity as an actor. I think he's got too much integrity and his music means to much to him, to cash in on like that. Geez. What a 'weirdo.'
Maybe he'd produce it himself. He's said he wants to take some of his money and help his mates with their music careers. Maybe he'll do it for himself too. Just release it under a different name. And no, I'm afraid that Spunk Ransom is out. Too bad. That would be one helluva name for a musician.
And speaking of the money...
When dat boy is through with Twilight, he COULD (if the numbers hold up) walk away with close to 100 million dollars and most of that would come from his back end deals. I've done the math on this. About a 100 million his pocket.
And that's gonna give him a shitload of power and clout.
I love his music and I'm glad he's getting some recognition for that part of his life. I wonder how he is with the violin?
I have read, that Rob missed so much the time for make music . He needs the music to relax so much. Hopefully he can now take more time.
When i imagine : If he is in love, he can certainly make very beautiful music. Oh please, please let us hear the music one day.
I really wish he releases an album one day, I'd listen to his heavenly and sexy voice all day long.
He'so talented, I think he sees his music as something very personal and intimate so I hope he'll share it with us someday.
@ rpattzgirl
Avi for your Robstock II is checked.. Let the show rock, girls. And i know that the show will be realy realy good one. Becauce you girls will do it.
I just don't know when he'll be able to get to the music anytime soon. Oh, he can play around with it on his down time, but I'm talking about taking a real break from films and concentrating solely on the music. Nothing else.
This is year is pretty well wrapped up with WFE and BD. And BD will probably take him into early next year...if they go for two films (which would require a longer shooting schedule and someone asked if they'd shoot them at the same time. YES! Without any doubt) and why wouldn't they? Meyer wants it, just as J.K. Rowling wanted it for the last Potter film and she's getting it. So will Meyer (besides, there's just too much money to be made here. if ever there was a slamdunk, Breaking Dawn being two films would be it). And then...
If he does Unbound Captives, that will most likely take him into late spring of next year. And he might as well keep working throughout 2011/early 2012 and get another couple of films or so in the can for release in later 2012 and early 2013.
It would make no sense for him to take his break away from the business before that last Twilight film is released (I'm gonna guess summer of 2012). Why? Because he'll still be knee deep in the publicity of this thing; Comic Con 2011 (Twilight's farewell to the Con) and the monstrous publicity for BD pt.I in November 2011 and pt. II in summer of 2012 (not to mention the publicity he'll have to do for WFE in the fall of 2011 and possibly UC -if he does it- by year's end) After he's through with all of that, would be the time to steal away, the summer of 2012. If he tries to do it before, he's just gonna have to come back and jump back into the madness knee deep.
Just a thought...or two.
But no worries. By the time he speaks his last word of publicity for the final Twilight film, he'll only be 26. Plenty of time to take a year or two break, go make some music and then return to films when he's around 28 or so. Taking a break like that -at that age- wouldn't hurt his film career oneiota.
In all will help it.
His film career would then most likely be viewed as...
DM (during madness)
PM (post madness).
I wish Rob would go into a studio to record his songs. He's very talented and it will be a waste if he never does.
Plenty of time though as Rob is still young.
Love your avi!
We changing avi's already?
thanks dessert!
had fun playing around last night
I totally go for the idea of ROb creating a CD under a different name, or at least having some offerings on an album, perhaps one of his pals in the pack, without having his name there, and see if his music and voice and playing are received well.
Tis a pity with all the cellphones, twatting, etc, that they would prevent him from playing even an opener or 2, or even a set, with one of his mates. When I went to see and hear Bobby Long in NYC, there was a lad (I think his name was Liam?) who opened for him with his own songs, and he was quite good. How awesome it would be to have Rob open for Bobby, or any of the others!
Will the getting married thingy and having a baby fit in with his music schedule?
Hoping he'll release his music soon, otherwise, I might be hearing impaired by the time he makes his CV/DVD or in a nursing home.
I'd love to hear him sing and/or play the piano or both !!!!!
nik--I responded to your posting on what you thought was a dead thread (with Rob landing at LAx).
Re threads--if it still on the first page, why consdier it dead? ;-)
Ted- perhaps marriage and babies will inspire the lad? ;-)
I know marriage (albeit a really bad marriage to abusive SOB) inspired quite a few of my songs, (and teh hopes for finding the RIGHT man inspired even more!) and I wrote some of my songs for my children.
Fantastic news for Rob. He can go anywhere and do anything!
Heart...Edward plays Bella's Lullaby in BD, as a welcome home.
They'd better leave that in. No one's mentioned it as a 'leave in' but I'll go on record.
Nik...with all that back end--okay, impressive--he needs a good manager and accountant. That is, people he can TRUST!
Nik...I like the idea of him doing a movie playing a fictional musician, thereby also showing the world his stuff. That might be a great way into that sphere.
Don't like the real musician biopic idea though, even though he likes Van Morrison so much. I don't want him playing someone real.
He DID play a musician in 'How To Be.' :-)
Yeah Solas...
He did play a musician in How To Be. However, it did not show him at his musical best (Art wasn't talented, he just wanted to be) AND
unfortunately, not enough people saw that film.
And tedgirl...
I'm not sure I understood what you were saying? Something about them marrying and having a baby while he takes his break from films and concentrates on his music? Uh...
I have no idea. I have no idea if they will ever marry and have a baby or just have a baby. If I had to guess...
I'd say there's a better chance that they'd have a baby without benefit of marriage. They just stike me as more Heath Ledger/Michelle Williams as oppose to Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillipe.
Just a guess. And I thought it interesting that just last fall, Rob talked about wanting children and wanting to have them while he's young. Interesting because for most young men his age, babies are the furthest thing from their minds. And yet...he's starting to think about it.
And if he is starting to get baby hungry, then I'm thinking his/their experience in playing parents in BD could play a part in them/him speeding this up or delaying it. If they have a good and positive experience with the babies they'll be working with, then maybe this will be a more appealing idea to them/him. If they get mean, cranky, screaming babies to work with? Well. They/him just might give this some more thought. LOL!
And the reason I say them/him or they/him is because, he is the one who publicly brought up the idea of children. Not Kristen.
And now that I think of it...he did bring it up again on Oprah, didn't he? Yeah. I'd say he's at the very least, thinking about it.
On the other hand, Nik, they each come from 2 parent close knit famlies, and ROb has said he wants a long everlasting?) marriage like his parents.
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