Seriously I don't know what to say about the speed that Doris from "Dreams Of Robert" makes these wallpapers especially since I can barely function after seeing the new still today. LOL
Thanks a million Doris for making and sending this to us!
Wallpaper is resized to fit the screen, just right click and save (and try not to lick it, I know it's not easy) and it will save to full size!
*Really having a hard time working today.*
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Doris!!!
Putting this up on my computer could be a health hazard.
Hi CL!
Wow! It's really good!!!!
Soooooo YUMMMY
Sorry CL :-} {Evil Grin}
Sweet babee jeebus! ER STAT ... clear!!!
thanks so much for the wallpaper...i think i need to start a new folder for all my bel ami pics
WOW...just f@*#ing gorgeous!! Thank you, Doris and Kate. :)
Robert Browning (English Poet)
Out of your whole life give but a moment!
All of your life that has gone before,
All to come after it,--so you ignore
So you make perfect the present,--condense,
In a rapture of rage, for perfection's endowment,
Thought and feeling and soul and sense--
Merged in a moment which gives me at last
You around me for once, you beneath me, above me--
Me--sure that despite of time future, time past,--
This tick of our life-time's one moment you love me!
How long such suspension may linger? Ah, Sweet--
The moment eternal--just that and no more--
When ecstasy's utmost we clutch at the core
While cheeks burn, arms open, eyes shut and lips meet!
Rob/Duroy is so hot! The way he looks makes me melt, to sigh. Embrace me and kiss me a lot, let us make this moment eternal. I love you Rob.
Congratulations Doris! Beautiful wallpaper!!
Beautiful. Thank you, Doris and Kate.
We can not say it often enough.
Love you all.
Love you
Update to the Eclipse post further down!
hello ladies i was getting allot of headache with my laptop only saying my password waswrong since yesterday anyway i saw this new wallpaper with du-roy sitting by himself so i took that any way rob looks great as always
is tomorrow going to be in oprah
rob rob i meant!forgive me people
no evangeline, we don't forgive you girl ;) kisses
Hi there!!
I ve been working all day today, couldn't wait to come to my happy place.
What's up girls?
Have you seen Slade's tweeters? DuRob will be my undoing like Dra says.
Kate Hi there love any news about UK premier?
Dear God, Thank You for making something so beautiful for all of us to look at.
This is the best site for RP, and I'm so glad I found it. Every day there is something of Rob that is wonderful to look.
Thank you Doris and Kate
The wallpaper it is great.
I almost got fired today I was daydreaming about Rob in the Bel Ami picture and my boss had to ask me twice for something. Good thing I had a mask on so he couldn't see me smiling LOL
I saw an earlier post that sums it up:
"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good"
Very, very good.... yummy.
The new still is just magnificent, and this wallpaper is breathtaking!Rob is smoking hot in period costume!
saftey jan,do you believe in god
Doris is a genius. This is absolutely beautiful.
Evangeline - I DO believe in God.
I hope I did not offend!
Edwards arrived home in Chicago!!!!
thanks @RPG
Oprah time!!!
so rob has reach?that's so go and i am really happy there were o pappz or tweets about what he was doing the last few days,andsafteyjan you did not offend me and i do too and if it;s okay i would love to send yo my email address,i wonder what rob will be wearing tomorrow light colour suit is for summer i would of like to see his face clean shaven,but that just my opinion
i havent seen any pics yet from chicago, anyone else???
No pics have surfaced as yet.....but they're supposed to be coming...
Dina.....what is Slade tweeting??
More great things about Eclipse, I hope?
DS's tweet a litbit weird...some kind insulting Rob? actor has GPS tracker and can act everywhere ?
I hate drama on Eclipse Re-shoot. and it's make my lose my mojo on Twilight Saga :(
i am also confused that they are seeing a screening of eclipse, how can that be when they just finished the reshoots this past weekend. does anyone really know for sure that a screening is tonight or is this an internet rumor???
I read that the Oprah audience/fans are seeing it tonight..don't know if true or not..either tonight or tomorrow...
rpg - yeah i read it too, i just dont see how it is possible but i guess ANYTHING is possible when it comes to twilight LOL.
It's 99% done...just some tweeks, ADR and a little editing...I'm sure they'll tell them this may not be the whole thing or same we'll see on 6/24
I am confused... when is Oprah taping? I thought the show was NEXT week... duh, I guess it's not live...
Evangeline - yes, please send your e-mail address...
Isn't it amazing that Uma doesn't really look older than Rob in that picture?
At least I don't think she does.
Gosh I can just imagine Rob's hands around my waist like that.......OMR!
DuRob is going to be the most exciting Rob yet!
Kristen is #6 in some top 100 SEXIEST women list!!!!! Wow - I bet Rob is proud of that.
rpg - when they are available please post the site that has pics of rob, you are more resourceful than me :))
@erpatz, is that for real??? DS tweeted this about Rob or is this just more random gossip BS. I really want to know! Internet comments full of drama about these damn reshoots, only confirming my original fears about the project with DS at the helm. I'm willing to believe its just BS, but it's giving me the scratch. What the hell went down, does anyone really know? Doubt it, but still....
lallieb - i went to this twitter acct, (it's not private) and stated all of this stuff about...IN THE FUTURE he NEVER mentions rob's name or any other actor's name. this is how things get started and it's actually kind of crazy how rumors start. i pasted the one about gps trackers below:
IN THE FUTURE actors will have tiny GPS trackers positioned all over their skin so they can act in performance capture anywhere they want
all of David's IN THE FUTURE'S are pretty cool and it makes you think what exactly will be in the future. but again he NEVER mentions twilight, robert pattinson or any other actor. the only reference he makes to anyone is albert einstein.
Can anyone tell me what DS tweeted?... I'm confused here... don't know if I've missed anything important...
Thanks Ana, it's a crazy world we live in here. We need to be always vigilent and not BELIEVE every damn thing that gets posted out there. Jeesh. Gets personal when it's about Rob, of course.
David was tweeting about the bullshit gossip blogs (laney) abd how they are nit news and just blogs,,,I agree Ana he never said anything bad about any of the actors...he's as fed up with rumors as we are..
RPVN - YOu missed nothing. David was just rambling on twitter about the my comment posted at 10:20
rpg- i missed the lainey gossip reference but it makes sense with what he wrote, Thanks for that. I just saw it as crazy references to the future LOL. He doesnt look like the type that will tolerate the gossip nonsense, he looks like he would tell someone to actually f**k off LOL.
first reports in from Oprah fans,
Eclipse was amazing, can't wait to see the final version,
:) I think it's been over an hour now, and no one has commented on how seriously hot Rob is in this Bel Ami still - and - how awesomely HOT this movie is going to be.
Handsome, intense and of course.. impossibly irresistible.
fans reported saw a rough cut of Eclipse, not the final product, & it's amazing..
"It's the best movie yet by far. Awesome fight scenes. They pretty much put everything in. Win"
I am so jealous that they got to see it first :( so looking forward to it even more now !!!!
I know me too....seething with jealousy that Oprah didn't call me!
"Just watched Eclipse, it was f*king amazing"
"Eclipse is way better than Twilight or New Moon"
Er...ok, SafetyJan: overflowing with hotness in every nook and cranny. ;)
Thanks for the running commentary, Eclipse is going to be FUN....
"there was a lot of Edward & Bella, you guys will be blown away for sure"
OK, so sometimes, well often really, the internet fast track communication rewards: Great news about the Oprah fans viewing of Eclipse. Sorry, RPG, you deserve to have been there. I'm very excited about next week.
I honestly don't know anything about Slade, but from what I've heard, he's very serious about his work and doesn't put up with he's gonna stand up and defend for sure...
Ok, one more fan review
"you will not be disappointed. The love scenes are f*ing hot. Turned me on a little"
thanks Lallieb...
We all deserve to be there dammit!!!
Leg hitch was in the movie!!!!!!!
RPG, never said this before but YES, Squeeing! Going to bed happy and can't wait to tell my Twi friends at work about the fan's comments. I knew it...because I doubted the outcome, it would, of course be amazing. We'll see, but sounds more than promising. YAY!! Thanks for sharing.
@RPG: Yes, David does seem serious about his work - even 'professional' I might say, hem - although he's a little off the wall about other
I hope he sees some of these obviously positive fan reviews - might help as he finishes up.
Hope those in Chicago have a good day tomorrow...
RPG - you are amazing...... you deserve a complimentary LEG HITCH.
AP - too effing funny.....
I need a cigarette, and I am going to re-read Eclipse tomorrow at work....
yes it does sound amazing :) well we didn't get any pics tonight of rob, hope to wake up tomorrow with some new pics :)) enjoyed chatting with everyone tonight. hey maybe cullen lover found him in chicago !!!!
good night everyone and sweet leg hitch dreams to you all !!!
LMAO SafteyJan!! Complimentary leg hitch! Thanks...
sorry guys about my post about DS's tweet. to much read about drama in re-shot in another site.
and it's make me worrried about Eclipse.( add my PMS to make me more emo...)
and actually from the first I'am afraid Eclipse will too much zombies.
and even Rob mention in CC he is kind of have an argument about the script....
BUT after read some posts from rpattgirl i feel better..
you can read a full fan report on Robert Pattinson news....
awesome report by a fan....
Wow...all the tweets and comments saying there will be no leg hitch and how Eclipse will suck. And now we're hearing from the people who saw it say its incredible....just goes to show that we can't believe 95% of what we read on twitter and on the internet. Scary. I'm so excited about the movie!!
A couple of the fans who saw Eclipse tonight will tweet all the details after the taping tomorrow, which is at 9:00...
where is nik?i am new to this thread so i have no idea if this is a normal thing nik i miss you glad to hear you rpattzgirl and solaswell the tweets say they are please with eclipse E AND B romance great to me that;s because it;s real twitter is really the new cnn sorry rpattz oprah did not call you insteadof that jacob black fan,you spoke about rob;s jaw and asking if anyone found the chemistry between jacob and bella was good HA~lol
I think I will wait till I saw it by myself and have my own opinion.
When NM trailer release, everbody said it's awesome and the trailer was pretty good.
But it's difficult for me (for us maybe?). I read the books first and have my own visual on my mind. When I see the movie, it's kinda different bc it's their (script writer, director, Produser, actors and SM by herself) visual.
And I think everybody who get into Twilight Saga stories have many different thought about the movies and it's normal right???
I hope Eclipse true with the book
With all of the clout that Oprah has, I'm not surprised that Summit okayed a screening for her show even if the film isn't finished/polished. I think it would have been even better if Ellen was given this opportunity. Yeah, Oprah is huge, but so is Ellen and it seems that Rob is one of her favorites.
That said, I'm effing jealous that I wasn't in the audience:(! I hope Summit doesn't overkill on the previews like New Moon. I felt like I watched most of the movie before it came out. With the reviews from the Oprah show, I can't hardly wait for Eclipse!!!
Someone said she was "kinda turned on"?!@# Only kinda?
Good morning
Thank you rpattzgirl for the report. I like your views and your comments very much. Clever girl.
That is not to be endured!
First, the BelAmi-F * ing hot - attack on my heart and now the announcement of "Leg Hitch" OMGOMGOMG.
Instead of the Edward comics they should rather have invent a legal "F * ing Rob Pattinson - tranquilizer - pill. The pill may then be distributed along with the cinema tickets.
thanks! luv DuRob wallpaper :)
I'm just so excited about Eclipse! It has always been my favourite of the four, though I love them all.
My favourite scene is when Edward returns late from a hunting trip, and Bella has been "kidnapped" by Alice and is sleeping in Edward's room. It's just so touching and romantic- and sexy! I love it.
Rob looks absolutely gorgeous in the new photo - I love his hair all short and layered up.... mind you I live it long in Bel Ami!
What are other people's favourite scenes?
I love the tent scene when jacob and edward are talking while Bella Is "sleeping" in Jacobs arms. I Just dig all the manly emotions that rose to the surface, possesiveness and jealousy and the acknowledgement that they both love her and dont want to let her go. Esp luv when jacob asks edward what it felt like to think he'd lost her.
Back to bel ami thgh. Ive always thought that Rob's face wasnt from this present era if that makes sense to anyone . He is like the epitome of those dashing English Regency period heros. Any period piece with him in it is a winner hands down!
fem...imagining oneself in that scene with him is what everyone will do. Doesn't he look incredible breathing on her neck?
Okay, I'm talking about the BelAmi photo.
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