*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson Out & About Yesterday
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Robert Pattinson had his gym clothes in hand yesterday afternoon following a workout in LA.
(Kate: Boy would I loke to be a fly on the wall for that) He had the afternoon off after spending much of last week in the Ventura area getting down to work on Water for Elephants. He was the first on set looking hot and dirty, but Rob was later joined by his costar Reese Witherspoon for more filming. Reese also had some downtime, and she spent her Saturday bonding with her son Deacon and boyfriend, Jim Toth. Robert's own special friend Kristen Stewart was nowhere to be seen but he and she will be together next month when they present a sneak peek of Eclipse at the MTV Movie Awards with Taylor Lautner.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 371 Newer› Newest»Sadly, this may mean they know where he is, where he is living/staying, and they are planted there to snap him when they can.
Rob needs a duffle bag or something to carry his clothes.
And it looks like he is driving a car, hmm wonder what kind is it this time.
HAWT! Wonky legs and all...
Can't wait for the newly buffed bod to be on display.
someone may have tipped paps off int he gym too though. They tend to pap him post-workout a lot I've noticed. Or else they already know where he trains.
So the workout rumors are true. Don't know if we can survive a more buffed Rob. I am reporting for water bottle duty. Anytime, any place. ;D
I love his wonky legs :)
Is is bad I tend to stare at pics of his crotch looking for *ahem* something?
it seems that the paps are already starting to stalk him everywhere in LA....i feel bad that he cant go anywhere without them
...he's working by himself!?! Rob buy yourself a nice sport bag to carry your stuff!! Okay
Yeah, he doesn't seem too happy about the paps.. or the work-out didn't do him any good.. feel bad for him as well. But it is quite a rare sighting to see Rob driving. Don't know why that gets me excited, it's a bit weird..
Gosh I cannot even spell I meant "walking by himself" not working...
LMAO Rob this is why we love you so much...you hand carry your workout clothes & shoes ! No fancy gym bag for this guy!
And then you go to John Stamos' house? Random acts of this gorgeous man!!'
I think at this stage he knows what to expect in LA and you could see by his arms in the WFE pics last week that he was working out! God help us!
Awww *sigh* wonky legs Rob.
Now we know where the pecks came from - Workout Rob!!! I'm letting my IG imagine what that looks like...
Mmmm, Rob with big shoulders & arms, & muscles in his back. Totally works for me.
As much as I hate that they're following him around, I'm glad to see him looking so good for my birthday :)
we've bedn having wild dreams of seeing him in a wife beater in this movie....if he wears anything like that we're all dead!
@kate LOL yeah we need that help
Thanks RPG!!!
Now IG is doing the full Olympic floor routine at the thought of the wife beater, again...
Looks like I'm getting nothing done for the rest of the night!
He looks pissed with the papazz, but damn it's a hot "pissed look". And i loved his shirt!! i love him in black.
At least i wanted a pic of him in the car, so long i dont see him driving.
@RPG girl you are killing me
I really hate the term 'wifebeater'. For those of us who have been abused, the term has real meaning. WHy is that shirt called that, ans isnt there a better word for it?
He looks so pissed, but I agree with Kate he probably knows what to expect in LA.
WFE = wifebeater = Dead Teri
Sorry Solas no offense inteded.
WFE = White "A" Tank = Dead Teri
I'd love to see Rob and his Brit pack working out. I think it would be hot and funny. LOL. Glad he is staying healthy!
@AnnaD Happy Birthday, hope you're having a good day!
Thanks slutty--I cannot picture the shirt style, and that title just blocks everythng out for me.
How come he leans so far back when he walks? Could his centre of gravity be the reason for the wonky walk, or is the wonky walk the reason for his weird centre of gravity? Not that I care, really, when he's developing pecs to bounce cricket balls off!
However, I prefer the white V-necked tee to the black one here, and Solas, I agree: no item of clothing should be called something so vile. If it's a round necked jersy cotton long sleeved top with three buttons, then I call it a grandpa vest. Much nicer.
@solas- I know, right. Talk about a flashing neon sign for the Papz. Their gonna swarm him... our poor baby.
Long time no see :))
I think that term stems from the gritty Brando films such as A Streetcar Named Desire and the like.
It's an American term. Like Lemons said to us in the UK it's a vest.
Ah, Kate, thanks for the pics...he's looking mighty fine.
(love your avi, babe!)
Oh, Rob,
may I remind you of this yellow bag from the airport! ;)
and it is very OK; you can not always laugh. That would not be normal. Perhaps after a long day of work.
Woooo, new pic of Robert! So he's been working out; is it getting hot in here or what? lol. Robert is looking as good as ever.
I don't think he looks pissed off, more like a little annoyed.
Ya it took me a while before to realise what people were talking about it's a vest to me too ;-)
@lemonless hi
@heart-rob yellow bag and the t-shirt I am smiling now=))
@loemonless- He has a leg that's shorter than the other. Google it. It was in one o his previous interviews. That's will throw his center of gravity off completely which explains why he has those gorgeous long wonky legs. ;)
OK--now I understand-- an vest undershirt. that I understand. :-) thanks.
happy birthday ana-d,you people have me cracking up about rob,here we have this handsome rich guy who does the strangest things,walks around with his gym clothes and trainers in his hands,not bag rob i so love you
As I see Rob's steps. He is stepping like my son and my daughter. Both of them danced balley. So if that is true about Rob's balley, that is the secret of his legs using.
So Rob needs a gym bag and he's actually driving himself around LA, unprotected.
Oh Baby, get yourself a gym bag. (what did happen to that yellow bag from the airport??) and be careful out there, especially with those pappz swarming you.
@Solas, I remember last year you gave an explanation for the wonky legs of Rob and you discussed it with someone else on this blog (don't recall her name and if she's still here). It had something to do with his hips and you were concerned about it. But I couldn't understand it very well as my English wasn't that good (didn't practise it for a longtime).
If you don't mind, will you please explain it again, as I hope my understanding of English has improved. It was very interesting. If you don't want to, it's okay for me.
R u FU**CKING serious ROB you are finish what is left of me OhFu**cingWell S*I*G*H.....
Looks like Kristen's workout shoes - they look like girl shoes - small, pink and black. Is the sweatshirt big enough for him, or maybe it is Kristen's also?
@beanie and solas ok what is with those wonky legs =)
Rob! I'll carry your stuff!!!
Call me?
Oh and reading the comments, Solas and all the others I agree, no type of shirt should be called something stupid and vile like that. And Anna, happy birthday!
Now going back on topic, like I said in my above post, Robert is looking yummy.
Blimey! I go to water my flower pots, thinking that it's that dead time of night, and when I come back the thread has grown like Topsy (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor).
Hi, all! I've been a bit absent lately because of late nights at work, but even though they're not likely to stop in the near future I'll try to stick my oar in on at least one or two days! (Sorry if you can't stand me, but I feel so at home, here.)
@Solas, et al: NOW I remember: that item with the vile nickname is a string vest, isn't it?! Not the normal cotton jersey one, but your actual 'old man with moobs and a roll-up' string vest. Poor BB would get his all tangled up with his chest!
He is the cutest thang ever~!!!
@fifty I can see why LOL
wow thats one ugly tshirt rob! im sorry it is lol...still he manages to shine :)
*pushes fifty out the way*
Of course, you don't have her number. She's bein' silly.
*makes the phone sign and mouths "call me"*
@Kerri: yes, I know about his mismatched legs, I was wondering whether his backward lean meant that he plants his whole foot flat on the floor, or the other way around, but I obviously didn't express it very well.
One leg shorter than the other would suggest to me a rolling, sideways-leaning kind of gait, but BB tends to walk with his leading leg always bent, so he plants his whole foot on the floor, not just his heel. Kind of like Mickey Mouse in Boxcar Willie. Mad!
Lovely to see you! Work should never get in the way of Robtime - it's just plain scandalous...
We've seen Rob making even a string vest look good - where will this madness end? (not that I want it to)
@ Kember
He's got me on speed dial...
@lemonless and fifty his whole feet LOL like mickey mouse =))fifty I dont want it to finish too
Oh, som mama bitch~!
I knew it.
He's cheatin'.
He cushioned himself on Ellen like I asked him. But still.
Off Limits Bitches My Ass.
He a playa.
Rob was busy this past weekend...working out, buying guitars. I am hoping for a wifebeater shot in this movie too :))
RPG - you have me lost on the john stamos comment???
@Dessert (if you're still here): I'm not talking to you until you've brought Rob's DNA back to me! A handful of scruff should do it. He won't miss it, he's got enough.
@Fifty: IKR? Scandalous! Luckily, they seem to be OK with me perving, sorry, surfing at work, so I might be able to get a little more time with the Europeans, for once. - And, OOOh!, how could I forget the string vest pics! Must be sunstroke.
More lovely pics of Rob, wonky legs and all. I'll carry your stuff for you Rob!! I hate the way he is followed everywhere, but I would hate it more if there were no more piccies of Rob, is that bad of me?? He seems to have remembered where he's parked his car this time though... lol
Beanie--I don't mind at all. But remember, i don't know Rob personally and have not observed his body and movement close up. that said, it is part of my work as child and educational psychologist, to observe children unobtrusively in the classroom and playground, for issues like this, as well as learning differences and social skills.
He definitely has some issues/challenges in muscle tone and gross motor skills (possibly fine motor, as well). Everyone seems to find his 'wonkiness' endearing, but it concerns me.
I know about the leg size discrepancy, and I also see a turning in of the legs that imply somethng else as well, although it could be just a secondary development for compensating for the leg size difference as well as lower muscle tone. We saw photos of himself on the hamster wheel; I know many here saw it as appealing (and I find the lad so cute that I guess most of what he does is appealing on one level, but to myself as a professional and as a mother and a generally nurturing concerned person, I noticed a lack of coordination of the limb movement; turns of his leg in ways that point to more than just long limbs. It isn't lack of prowess; it is lack of muscle tone and lack of gross (and possibly fine) motor skills.
I always hope, that if his mum or anyone close to himself reads this site, that no one is offended or endangered by what I write in general, or this in specific. And as i said, i am observing literally via lens, not in person. But to my eyes, he needs a total evaluaton, and most likely OT (ocupational therapy) and PT (physical therapy), and should not do certain activities.
@Ana73: (Re: earlier in the thread) Actually, the term kind of fits, the way you've phrased it. Isn't the husband kind of abusive? So not an item of clothing, but an actual person. Still doesn't make the term any more palatable, however. Although I have known of at least one RL husband beater, as well. It does happen. Still shouldn't be allowed to happen. Ever.
Rob as the eventual husband in ths story is not a wifebeater, so it would not be apropos in any way to call a shirt for himself by that disugsting title.
And my abusive ex never wore one of those. Perhaps you can call it a muscle shirt, and hope to see him in one?
Oh, and the term "BB" bothers me. Say what you mean or be called a teenager for the rest of your life, BB's.
MMMM all I can think of is sweaty Rob.
I have never like the term wifebeater especially when it is used to describe a tight cotton tank-top worn by men. but I think the term came from old shows showing old men with beer guts and smoking, yelling at their wives wearing nothing but dockers and tight white tank tops. I am sure most of us have seen these shows before.
@Solas: I meant whatsisname, the Christoph Walz character. But Muscle shirt works for me! Muscle vest? Peephole vest? Fishnet vest? Hmmm...
@Solas: I hadn't heard the term "wife beater" before, until I was reading some Fan Fiction, I then had to look it up, due to reading the FF I knew it had reference to a type of undershirt, but couldn't for the life of me understand why it was called a "wife beater", and I agree with you, it doesn't sound very nice at all. Sorry this was not a Rob related comment but I thought I was the only one that didn't know why that term is being used to describe an under shirt.
sorry if the term "wifebeater" offends anyone...but that is the term i always referred to it but it's a white ribbed tank top for those that dont know. it's actually kind of funny to explain this...never thought twice about it before.
@Kember: ITA about the 'BB'. I used it pejoratively to show mock seriousness, but I guess it doesn't come across in print like it sounds in my head.
And hey, I'm down with the kids! (I can hear my RL friends sniggering behind their hands from here). So I wear a crease in my jeans and hold my head high. At least I haven't bought a Harley Davidson, yet! (I wish I had the cash...)
@Ana73: Aah, Ribbed.
Mouth tightly closed, now. Not going to say another word. Dinosaur going to sleep, here. Maybe.
Urban dictionary
definition of wife beater:
form fitting white ribbed tank top worn by men; looks good on well-built fellas, pathetic on skinny fellas, and disgusting on fat beer bellied fellas
Re wifebeater, yeah this term can be offensive but when I first heard it described I knew exactly what it was probably from the images that it conjures up. I blame it on the movies; somehow when a guy is beating his wife in a movie, he's always wearing one.
Do we have to tear apart and analyze everything? Can't we just enjoy Rob and move past everything else?
rpg - Thank You!!!!!! My sentiments exactly!!!!!!!!!!
We'd have a pretty short conversation, then! It's potatoes and tomatoes on this side of the pond, which is how the topic came up.
it's also a slow news day in the Silly Season, so, ...
God I feel like every time you say something hear the Dr is in, or someone takes offense.....
I come here to have fun, drool over Rob and not be mind-fucked...
I know that's offensive, and I'm sorry...but really???
Wow, talk about a thread-jack...
Lemonless-take it away......
Hear hear rpg - ITA!!
Look, drool, comment (if able after the first two).
No need for psycho-babble.
I believe I stopped drooling when i was a toddler and my milk teeth came in. For those of us who don't drool over the lad or anyone else, but who are avid (but not rabid)fans and enjoy talking in our own non-drooling way wth other fans about Rob and tangent topics (and granted , we do veer off onto tangents), we haven't yet gotten the word from the people who own this blog that we ought to leave or change the way we communicate. We also have some language barriers here, and sometimes we want to understand the use of a word or phrase, and sometimes find as reprehensible, sexist, obnoxious, or noxious, some words that others hve no problem with. As far as i understand, this site is not for only one type of fan. I could be wrong.
@Fifty: Um, psychobabble? I just wanted to know what vest we were all talking about!
@Kember: I sound like Rob, so to hear me talk like a Valley girl or a Homey from the Projects, or whoever, has my younger friends creased up on the floor, howling. Sometimes I do it just for fun.
Oh darlin', you cute. Younger friends? As in..5, 6?
everytime i see him with a car or with a car-keys (have i invented that word?) i think the same: HOW CAN HE DRIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE!!!
If i drove in London i would be charged of crimes agaisnt the humanity ajajajaj (i think i invented that word too)
But, if Victoria Beckham can do it, i think we all can!
@Kember: YES! How did you guess? 5 or 6 of them do.
Thank you RPG!
With that said...
Rob Drop and gimme 50! LOL
okay let me put my two cents for how walks we will called that parrot feet how they are turn sort of inside i never taught of it as wonky or anything strange i know alllot of people who has that kind of feet it's just different and also rob seems to be double jointed and to rob seems to be missing home he really has no one in the US and lets see how long he stay in the US after this m0ovie is over i said this already and i am saying it again rob looks home sick
@ Lemonless - not YOU, silly, lovin your fashion talk!
Est-- 'car-keys' and 'crimes against humanity' are both actual terms.
Rob did not learn to drive in London as the tube, buses and probably his parents provided transportaton he needed.
I learned to drive in US and when i go back to Ireland I freak out with even the idea of driving there. i don't know how some people manage both ways.
I don't know who was asking about the John stamos thing, Ana? well here is the pic they were talking about. I guess he was at his house for a party for bob saget's birthday or something
*passes over carmels*
Gotcha covered. ;)
Fifty, love YOU. LOL
Maybe we need to put up a link to the urban dictionary...
drool: a good looking person of opposite sex.
drool worthy: Very sexy. something that makes you metaphorically drool.
so i dont think this refers to toddlers....
netra - thank you :))
@Fifty @RPG--Only this man can make me drool. And I drool happily everyday! ;-)
Why not enjoy our language differences and learn a bit too? Just to give everyone the right visual, Rob has already posed in a "wifebeater."
It's a commonly used name in American English for this type of t-shirt, and yes it is associated with Brando and A Streetcar Named Desire.... which gives it all its negative connotations of sexual abuse.
"Muscle shirt" links it to body builders.
It's also an A-shirt, and a "vest" in Brit English, I believe....
@ solas thanks so much! i translate the words literally and i was worried :S
Yes, i don't know how there are people who can drive both ways. I take my hat off to them ajjaaj
Crap, @Ana73-That comment was for you as well.
@ Ana73
Exactly the kind of drooling I was thinking about! Toddlers indeed...
Switch to twitter, I need to speak to you ASAP!
No, it's not about one kind of fan on this blog, and that id not what I meant....and....it's just that you,
I obviously come here for different reasons than you do...and as much as I love & respect Rob, and love all the little quirky funny things about him....I just don't want to have to worry about every little comment torn apart...that's just me, and I'm not speaking for anyone else...but it takes all the fun away, and thats why you don't see a lot of us on here anymore...
Anyway..sorry to offend, have it....this fan's out...
Work it out.
@fifty: Me and Damart, like THIS!*Crosses fingers*
@est-ress yeah both side needs that
Sweet Jesus in the Moonlight!!!!
Let us just continue to be in awe of our man. Drool, lick and save to our heart's content. That's why I came to this blog in the first place!!!
rpg-- understand that we each (or grouops of us) have different styles and thought processes, and they show even on this blog. You don;t want to come here and see things analyzed; I don;t want to come here and see certain comments as well. So i just pass quickly over the ones that have no worth, or are offensive to me, unless there is something I don't understand, or unless there is a behaviour that I think is reflective of something morally wrong (like stalking, endangering, rationalizing obnoxous and/or noxious behaviour). So just as you make a remark or take a stand against something you find offensive, or a 'drag', so will I.
RPG, CL, Fifty, jc-
I. T. A. :)
@solas-one and only comment directed too you. You can't spell for shyte.
nuff said.
I spell really well; i cannot type for shyte. :-)
and something is wrong with the i on the keyboard, and my tired eyes even when i proofread just miss too much. Hopefully people get the idea, if they even want to read and understand my non-drooling non-fun comments at all.
must get back to work. don't miss me too much. ;-)
How the fuck you gonna type obnoxious as obnoxous, or noxous? Those aren't typing errors.
You girls here always have a little something for me for my birthday. Last year was the Italian strip for me photo,tonight is the buffed Rob looking gorgeous.Thank you for your treat and as the clock ticked 12 for me here I became a proud 45 year old woman, young at heart, obsessed with someone who could literally be my son.Love you all
Happy Birthday Dina~!!! :)
@ dina
@ Dina : happy birthday!!!!
And that's all ... Today my english isn't good at all ... I don't understand what is going on here ...(apart your birthday and some funny comments on his sexy and long, even if out of balance, legs!!!)
Really ... I'm a little bit confused ... I'm going to read again the comments to understand better.
@Est and Kem thanks it feels like I have know you all since for ever I couldn't wait to tell you about my birthday like I were a baby or something.
@cric thanks and me too, I was lost reading the comments, I think I have to go read them again.
@ dina jajaaj don't worry i said it when it was my birthday too!
Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings now,
As your birthday nears.
Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.
Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.
Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"
Dina dear: χρόνια πολλά..
always joyfully Robsessed!
@kember thank you loads this was very sweet I am in tears.
Somebody really does need to get that boy a bag. But, then again, I love it when he keeps doing stuff like that. Now if I can get him to make a movie in my backyard, it would be all good.
@Lois WOW you ve got me there. Thank you Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ.xxxx
Dear Dina,
nuff said.
OBNOXIOUS and NOXIOUS are 2 different words, and they each contain an i, which often is left out in my typing due to keyboard malfunction, eye malfunction and my rushing between clients and chores, etc. If I took a lot of time as I am now to make myself clear, the 'I' would be more present. :-D
happy Birthday Dina and a happy healthy year, filled with all good things in a good way and at the right time.
May all your wishes and dreams come true!!! And like a friend of mine says 'πολύχρονη και πολύχρωμη! Ότι επιθυμείς με φιόγκο να το βρεις!'
(hmmm.. why do I imagine Rob with a huge bow on him right now?!)
Kisses!! xXx
lemonless - I,m a lemonie -this could get confusing...non?! :).... getting a bit heavy on here tonight (shame) - but to get back on topic just wondered what you guys think is the hottest oufit robs worn so far....? (okay I know the obvious answer......!)
@Vafla HA hahahhahaha
I would take him bow or no bow.
Τι ωραιο τραγουδάκι!!!Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ πολύ απο την καρδιά μου.
I certainly hope Rob and Kristen are together before June 6th when they do the MTV awards. They are in the same area now. Hopefully they can spend more time together.
For me Oscar Rob and Rome Rob plus the WFE one so hot. I know tho which will be the best... Esme Island.
dina==perhaps that is why he is going to gym now. ;-)
Are those shoes he carrying pink and black?? Oh I hope not......
@Sol thank you for your wishes. You cannot imagine how many times you have helped me through your posts. Thanks again.
Buffed Rob and Esme Island total win.
yes, so either he wears pink and black shoes, or like the gentleman he is, he is carrying them for someone else. (or he is NOT being a gentleman and just took her shoes and clothing whilst she was in the shower ;-))
You are welcome dina; sorry I cannot be much fun, but at least i can be useful. :-D
Went back on comments ... I'm too slow tonight ... It's too late again ... Good night (or good afternoon in the US)
@kember I really appreciated your "poetry" on birthdays ... made me feel relieved ... this year I will leave my thirties and I was a little bit upset for that ... (that is a critic moment in a woman's life you know...) but you are sooooo right and I'm always grate for everyday of my life...
@Sol actually I think you are great fun in your own way which is very endearing.
Ah! Ah! I'm still here ... just one more thing about the best Rob ever ... mmmhhh it's difficult to tell (you know well why ...he is always so beautiful!!!) But I made up my mind and I decided for ROME ROB!!! Still aching for not being there while, for once , he was so close!
@cric for me was the same.Thirty were to tough to face.Forty were so much easier,it was like ok now girls just wanna have fun.I still believe that thirties and forties are woman's best years.
I think the shoes are black and red but the lighting makes them look pink.. Take a look at the laces, they are definitely red not pink. Black and red is a usual combination of colors for Nike shoes!
@solas you are really a nice and sensitive person ... sometimes writing is not a good way to express ourselves, because we loose all the messages given by the not verbal communication, but on the other side I love the opportunities that blogs like this give to all of us, because it allows to stay in contact with people of every age, every country, even every continent, sharing good times and good images too!!! Now it's really late!!!
Whether your cup of tea is to analyze or drool, it's all good as long as it's about Rob.
And Rob,
Yes, we do this all day everyday for you.
@ Dina ... I know ... I really agree with your warm and encouraging words!!! I'm going to enjoy my forties!!!!! Oh yesss! :)
Have to say Isle Esme up there as an Edward favourite - (wonder if summit (or SM) will actually let us see that - wooooo hoooo naaaaaaked Rob!) but I love the shot of Rob runing towards Camera in the Details shoot - something about rob in sunglasses - makes me all hot and bothered (loved those rayban wafers in Twi)!!!!
And Hey girls do- don't forget - 40 is the new 30!x
I hope you're right about forties because I had a rough thirties. And wow, forties is just wanna have fun? That's nice to know but with whom? Everyone's in their twenties :(
actually I enjoyed also my twenties a loooooot ... but then I got married ... (ah! ah! ah!)
@Lem Him in reyban wafers coming out of the car with the crooked smile on his face is my second best after the great entrance.
Girls my bed is calling me. You are all invited to my party, mexican food and margaritas.Love you all and I am so happy to have you in my life thanks to Rob.The older I grow the more sentimental I become,ts ts ts. Thank you for your warm wishes.
I might see him in my dreams tonight singing for me that would be an awesome birthday present.
@Lemonless- Holy shit, girl! LOL. Box Car Willie. LMAO.
Is that his name for Water for Elephants? It works.
" Όλοι ζουν με το στόχο της να ευτυχισμένη? Ζωή μας είναι όλα διαφορετικά και ακόμη τα ίδια."
Άννα Φρανκ
So happy Birthday Dina and let all your secret wishes come true!!!
Solas @ 4.44
Beautifully said. This blog is for everyone and we all enjoy different aspects of Rob. There’s plenty of room on a thread for lots pockets of conversations, whether someone is saying how hot Rob looks, or whether someone is dissecting something. Some of the most interesting threads for me are from Nikola where Rob, the industry and historical things are discussed and I’d spend time reading these, but I probably wouldn’t read a hundred comments about how hot Rob is (although I agree!) but that’s me and my interest level.
@totallyrobbed - ITA - its great to have a blog that is so diverse in its fanbase and what people comment about - I miss Niks comments - always so intelligent and well thought out - its fun to have a bit of fun and intellect! Does anyone know where she is?
I hate all the bitchiness on here sometimes - I,m a newbie but have lurked for a while and that's what put me off join in - but what the hell - sticks and stones etc... not everyone is going to agree all the time - but lets just play nice!
Regarding the photo ...
I suppose Rob must enjoy the freedom of driving himself around - it must feel very charmed to always be driven around by someone else. Still, it's worrying if he gets chased by paps - it could affect his driving.
I just saw that John Stamos photo - but I don't know anything about him. Hope Rob is happy - he doesn't seem to have anyone close around him. May he find the best people to hang out with. It would be nice to see him with Tom Stu - they haven't been together for a while, Tom must be busy on his own projects.
I love seeing Rob carrying his dirty clothes, instead of just wearing them. It certainly isn't the first time.
Looks like he may have worked out in the bizarre tee shirt he's wearing as he doesn't seem to be carrying one.
How can we not love this guy?
He is so real.
I hope she comes back soon - she said she's taking a break.
This is a great site - I check it on auto pilot these days - part of my daily routine!
Gawd, he is like the sexiest thing ever. *sigh*
@TotallyRobbed, nicely said and ITA, there's room for all views and discussion. It does make it interesting as long as it's about Rob and the world he inhabits. If one doesn't care for all the hot, drooling comments, skip 'em, and same for the long discoursing (can't believe I pulled that word out!) comments, don't like or relate, skip 'em. I prefer discourse and appreciate hearing from all the ladies around the globe here.
@Lemonie, are you Lemonless, too? Keep them coming. Like hearing from the Brits :)
I assume we're all here for the same reason, and that reason really needs to get himself a gym bag, and dare I say a personal assistant might be a good idea. OK, it just hit me, there's NOT one single person on this blog that wouldn't volunteer for that job, whether a "drooler" or "discourser". That, in a nutshell, is our COMMON BOND. BTW, the line starts here behind me!
@Dina, belated Happy Birthday, hope you're having Robfull dreams.
@Totally Rob & Lemonie
ITA with your comments. I like a little bit of intellect too. I'd been a lurker/reader since June'09.I don't want to comment for a long time cuz I want to get the "feel" of the people around.
Here are some of my observations:
RPG - for her one liners and punchlines which I also enjoy;
CL & Angie & others for the effort for Robstock I.
Jessiegirl - for her passions during the RM days and felt her pain too;
Solas - I learn something from her
in her field of expertise & also a very compassionate lady.
Nic - who would not love her comments, her insights, her forecasts of the industry and of Rob's career.
Barbara & Laurie - for their mature, well said comments;
Hungarian ladies - who contributed well for Rob's Bel Ami's comments;
AP, Ana, Lallieb, Lolli, Losada and the rest for all their wonderful comments; (Sorry if I couldn't remember all your blog names while typing this);
To all the international ladies who add fun to this blog.
Sarah Bear - for her comidic interactions with Nic. Hope she comes back.
This is truly an international site for us ladies who loves Rob and his career wherein the young, old, mature, intelligent and fun loving ladies can discuss anything.
I hope we continue to respect one another and let us not cut anybody to pieces if we are a bit peeved with their comments at times.
All comments might not be interesting to others but to the rest of us it is appreciated.
Remember, we are all contributors to Rob's cause, others might be in a bigger way than the others. The bigger contributors are well appreciated.
A toast to all of you Ladies and to the owners of this blog who feeds us with updates, photos, vids, and everything else for Rob.
This is truly a wonderful site to converged and unique in it's structure.
May we continue to appreciate one another in our own special ways ....
Thank you ladies
A muscle-bound Rob with a rose adorn shirt may just be the simultaneously hottest and dorkiest thing ever.
BTW What's with the Brits and the love for flowers on clothes. I've always found that puzzling. Can anyone here shed light on that bit of mystery?
Lastly, I just love how real and unassuming he is. You can believe that I get elevated at least three grades I would have a Rob look-a-like assistant carrying my stuff for me in a designer bag. j/k
(((((tedgirl)))) hugs to you. :-)
ohhhh white and pasty just how I like him, stay out of the CA sun Rob, stay London white it looks so good on you!
Wow, that's Robsessed in a nutshell. You've summed it up pretty well.
@solas: I've always wanted to hug Rob, but now after reading your assessment of his movements I want to put a helmet on him and carry him safely across the street. *sigh* be safe Rob.
I too noticed that his right leg tends to turn inward, but I just assumed it had to do with his much discussed shorter leg. I too have observed him for some time, as a portrait artist, not as a therapist and his face seems to have very subtle asymmetrical qualities (which also makes sense that is legs are also asymetrical.... I wonder what else...). On most people, an asymmetrical facial features would be a very bad thing, but on him it seems to come together just right, crooked smile and all. The differences are mainly mainly visible in his eyes and nose, which are not symmetrical if you draw a line down the middle of his face. This is the reason Rob looks so very different in every photo shoot and he is rarely photographed full on (GQ being the exception) there is always a tilt to his head. For most people's faces that wouldn't mean much. But for him it's just a whole new degree of pretty. I think Cathy Hardwick is the only Twi-director to have understood (or cared) about this and why I think in Twilight she mostly lit him from below. Think restaurant scene and bedroom scene. When Rob is lit full on, his feature tend to flatten out as was the case in much of New Moon. OK... I've let my Rob-lusting-artist freak flag on here for too long. Sorry ya'll
@Tedgirl, I'm standing and starting the slow clapping for you! Thanks for ending my evening on that positive note. Bless you and come back...often!
First time comment. Maybe last time.
Only few things:
1. All human beings have one side of their body different to the other. Some differences are big and some are small.
2. Please check this page
Pay attention to the bottom part.
Rob is Rob. We know he never take himself seriously.
3.Just reminder myself. Never judge anyone.
4.I have Medical Degree. (M.D.) But I'm not bone structure specialist. And I never see RP in person. I'm just a fan. Enjoy his beauty(inside, outside), support his work.
Sorry for the long comment and sorry for my English(My 2nd maybe 3rd language). Step off my soapbox. Peace. Love all NB Ladies. Have a lots fun in this blog site. Millions thanks to this blog's owners.
tedgirl--blessings to you!
solas--brava for taking the high road.
night all
The term actually refers to the beating of a wife. If you watch any film when a man comes home he is wearing the white tank under his shirt and when a woman is shown getting beaten by her husband he is always in this undershirt.
The baseball cap and Raybans may give Rob the illusion that he is incognito..........but hey......wake up Rob........you ain't hidin' from nobody!!!!!
It's like the papz have radar.......super smellers......they can find you.
At first it must feel like a game of hide and seek.........but after a while it just gets old and creepy and paranoia sets in and anger and you end up being Russell Crowe. Ah, but Rob is too sweet for that.
Still drooling over the WFE pix on the red box car.......the colors the natural environment, his gorgeous face and bod, just to die for.
FILTM!!!!!!! I'm the one that started the lettering for this.....someone else actually started the phrase but then I condensed it to the letters! And I've seen quite a few creative variations of it out there......you go girls.
Kate...."do you need a bag, Rob?" ROTFLMAO...that is so funny!!!
Lurved the wonky legs....so cute! He looks really pale...this isn't Edward, Rob...you're in CA. Get a tan! LOL!
Spunky--I understand now from where the term derived, but that doesn;t make it any better to read or hear the term, or especially to see it used so lightly without thought as to what it means, or to continue to use the term even after realizing what it means.
Just as decent people make a stand about racist language, hurtful language, etc, simply because decent people have to stand up and not remain silent or complacent, i personally believe we have to make a stand against language and terms that dismiss abuse or take it lightly or G-d forbid makes it fashionable. And i am pretty sure no one here had that intent, and i am pretty sure i am pretty sensitive, possbly oversensitive, about abuse, but there it is, anyway. I will own my sensitivity and my seriousness about what I feel is a terribly serious term and refernce.
Happy Birthday Dina..........did you live in the states before going to Greece?
You seem pretty Americanized.
fem-- I have to admit that now whenever i see words that begin with 'fil', such as film, filter, filly, etc, my mind first translates it as f* i love--then I have to figure out what the rest of the letters stand for!!! i was actually looking at the word 'film' last week, thinking- Whose name begins with M that someone loves so much?
Ok i was off all day and just checking back in from earlier...
i can't believe that the term "wifebeater" is still being discussed. It was not used as a way to talk about a man beating his wife it is a slang term, everyone needs to get over it!
tedgirl - your comment sounded like an acceptance speech, but thanks for mentioning me :))
lallieb - loved the "slow clap" comment, too funny.
femroc - ITA - FUCK I LOVE THIS MAN. FILTM!!!!!!
My son just asked me..
Where's that funny movie mom. I asked you talkin' bout. He said. You know that movie where Robert Pattinson plays the retarded guy....
about too piss myself*
Gotta love "How To BE" :D
Hahahahahahaha He just opened the dvds and said.."that's the one where he played the gay dude."
Little Ashes.
F^ck..lurve you honey, but u haven't made the best film choices.
@Kember, that is sooo funny, lmao! I was about to say "out of the mouth of babes" but I don't know how old your son is. But what a random take on Rob's performance as Art.
I love that Rob wears gym shoes... in the gym... only. :)
Hey @Jwindy, I wasn't judging. I was making a visual observation of features that make up Rob's extraordinary beauty. Everyone is asymmetrical, but not everyone is perceptively asymmetrical. *returns to admire the pretty*
Trenton is ten, and OMG.
He cracks me up. He thinks "How To Be" is the funniest thing ever.
His take:
Little Ashes-Gay Dude
How To Be-Retarded Dude
Haunted Airmen-Psycho Dude
Harry Potter-Quiet Dude
And I can barely type because my son is laughing his ass off. Saying, "Mom, this is where the retard drives."
Oh, Gawd..l;asjdflasjdfljasdf.
Okay, weighing in on this one.
Yes I'm talking about the wifebeater shirt issue. And why not?
Yes, these threads go to places not every one of us want but it is a live and let live place for the most part.
Why not get serious every now and then? Why not digress from the regular, ho-hum chatter? It might be fun and I'm all for that and have joined in myself but there's nothing wrong with giving your brain a workout too.
The absent Nik, whose popularity here cannot be contested, has gone off on very serious tangents many times. So, what, the rest of us can't?? She's special?
The term 'wifebeater' for an undershirt--I'm well aware what it is and implies--has always struck me as being, if not a sexist term, then one which cavalierly and gratuitously uses a hurtful phrase for an item of clothing. Every time I hear it--and I'm not a victim--I cringe. Can't they find another word, I think, because the way it's used makes it seem as if the crime is nothing serious if it is referring to a bloody shirt. It trivializes a crime. That's how it makes me feel when I hear it. Don't any of you, besides Solas, feel that too?? Just let it roll off, eh? Hmmm. Yeah, and if you do you'd better start educating yourselves about sexism real fast, 'cause you need to.
I suppose it goes under a similar heading with 'ball-breaking dress' or 'f*ck me' shoes. But those are less hurtful. And I'll bet a man made up the one about the dress.
in regards to lack of muscle tone and wonkiness,leg length one shorter than the other,what i've noticed as a parent is that he appears to be pigen toed(toes point in)and his knees (dont hate me..knocked kneed).i had to do leg exercises on my twins as infants/toddler to improve theirs.muscle tone..he has stated that he wasnt very physically active,therefore lack or poor musle tone(if you dont use it u loose it)given time and proper nutrition(which i dont think he is getting)you can improve muscle tone.otherwise as you exercie you dont really build muscle, you can tone it,but to shape and build you need nutrition,not sure why his management team hasnt hired a nutriton expert for him.
He's mimicing his accent, and he's like. "Can you please get out my bed." "I'm retarded."
I'm gonna pee~!!!!!!!!!!!!
also a second thought ...as long as he continues to smoke...imo...exercise is useless.i will keep in my prayers that he and anyone else that smokes finds the strentgh to quit.or a presctiption for chantix.it works.
Trenton just said..Art's friend is the gay boy that cries....
"Jared, is a back-stabbing prick!"
Its funny..they took pic of him after work out with keys in his hand but no pic of him driving...?? Wonder wat car or shall i say whose car izzit....hmmm...
Save a porsche, ride a Pattinson....
Tedgirl.... hugs to you! Thanks for reminding us that Rob can be appreciated on all kinds of different levels, by all sorts of different fans. And Robsessed is a place where everyone can find someone who understands and shares their special appreciation of The Pretty, as our dear Suz labeled him!
M: Think you hit it on the nail. Hardwick talked from the very start about the importance of lighting Rob right, so that people could "see" what she saw in him. I think Chris W. loves Rob, but I don't think he appreciated or knew how to highlight his beauty and sensuality. D. Slade has a more refined sense of aesthetic beauty, so I've got my fingers crossed that he'll give us another gorgeous Robward.
And even if he doesn't, I get the feeling that both duRob and Robowski will be slaying us soon enough!
NORA---perhaps he is doing someone a favour and putting her stuff into her car for her?
@Lois-you mean hit the nail on the head....
I really am gonna piss myself~!!!
"You've got a serious drink problem. Face facts."
He said I was Art's mom.
"Oh of course we care about you. What else are we gonna do???"
las--I would love to talk with his parents and find out what actually went on when he was a toddler and child. So much of what they provided for him are what I would recommend for a chld presenting as he does: piano lessons, guitar lessons, ballet lessons, etc. On the other hand, his parents provided himi with so much more-- the political debate challenges, manners and respect-- that i wonder how much of the lessons were just looking to give their child the best chances to be educated and/or express himself, and how much was because they recognized or were told my a professional) that he had some issues. Either way, it is so wonderful and praiseworthy that they gave him the opportunities and enrichment that they did.
Kember: when I hear the word head tumble from your lips, (or for that matter any talk of nailing anything), given past experience, I obviously think of something very different! Enough said?!
Solas: those tennies do look awfully small, don't they? Though you're not usually one of the crew focusing on Rob's extremities!
Loisada--heh heh;-) nahh--i am just observant. They really do look like girl's trainers/tennes to myself.
@ Kemper.... LMAO I read @Lois' statement at "Hit the nail on the head even thought that was not what it said" Good eye!
@Loisada, I have to tell you that your name freaks me out every time because its just one letter short of my work password. Also, thanks for sharing that tid bit, I had no ideas Coughwick had spoken about lighting Rob. Now I'm curious to find the clip or article to see what she said. Would have saved me a lot of time trying to figure out why he looked so starkly different in the two films. Took me a while to figure out it was the lighting and not just the eyebrows. :)
He's a very unique and complex individual. I've wondered how much of who he is from his parents raising him and how much is from him actually finding himself. Like you've said, he's got this wonderful mix of everything from politics, to manners to art and to the absurd. I suppose the experiences that he's been offered by his parents and those that he sought out for himself have created the person he is today. He seems to be drawn to the darker things, the more unconventional things yet one gets the feeling that, no matter what, he always has his conscience to guide him to make the right choice and to do the right thing. That is what I find so admirable about him.
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